Artemis Vega Lupin-Black: JUM...

By Soulrain1126

83.3K 1.8K 121

What happens when a 2 year old disappears from existence? No trace or a trail to lead to her? What happens... More

Cast 1 jumanji
Harry potter cast
Chapter 1: the beginning
Game Characters.
Chapter 2: History repeating
Sneak peak
Sneak peak::Chapter 3: Artemis
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Detention
Chapter 6 : Into the Jungle
Sneak peak.
Chapter 7: The Game Begins
Peak of what happened and why nothing is posted yet.
Ok. Not a chapter. Idk if you guys read my announcements.
Chapter 8:

Chapter 5: Demonized Video game

4K 126 4
By Soulrain1126

     The scene changes to show all five students sitting in the office. Fridge, sat on the left with a glare on his face. Artemis, who sat next to fridge, looked as if she were about to murder someone. Spencer, who kept glancing over Artemis to try to catch Fridge's eye to apologize, sat next to Artemis, secretly worried the girl might murderer him.  Martha sat next to spencer and Bethany next to her. Of course, Bethany looked bored as Martha held a worried look. 

Spencer finally managing the courage started to try to talk to fridge, 

"Look... I'm sorry, ok?"

"God we were wondering if anyone was going to start talking." said the Weasley twins as everyone looked towards them. 

"What?" Fred questioned.

"Its not like you slimy gits weren't thinking it too." Continued George 

"No, no its not okay." Fridge stated as he looked to Spencer with anger and betrayal. 

awkward moment of silence

"What the hell man? You got me kicked off the team."

"Yeah, well, you could've gotten me expelled. It's not like you're the only one who's living dangerously here." 

Artemis sighs as he right eye started to twitch with irritation. 

Sirius winced as he saw the eye twitch, as did James and Harry. Moony and Lily turned towards them, confusion on their face but no one would meet their eyes. 

"Nothing my love" Sirius finally said as he grabbed his husband hand.

"Living dangerously?" He questioned with a look of disbelief.

"Yes! This is the most dangerous thing I've ever done in my life-"

Artemis, finally having enough cuts him off as she says,

"No to mess with this breakup fest, but can you like, I don't know, not talk over me?!" she snapped as she glanced between the two of them. 

There was silence for about a second before we heard spencer say 

"And now look at me paying the price."

Artemis turned towards him making a strangling motion with her hands but was cut of by the principal pal and the bell. 

"Well, isn't this a fun group?" he said walking in and sitting on a desk. 

"Welcome to detention."

As soon as those words are said Spencer raised his hand.  Artemis looked at him from the corner of her eyes as she turned to Fridge and nudged her head in Spencer's direction as if to say.

'Is he for real right now?'  

In response to her unspoken question, Fridge nodded which in return got a bewildered look from her. 

"Yes, Spencer?

I just want to say that I'm sorry, Spencer rushed to apologize.

Thank you.

Bethany, finally having enough of this joke, interrupted them, "Principal Bentley, all i did was make one-"

"Bethany please" he said interrupting her, having heard enough from her teacher. 

"Your all here for a reason, and you know what it is. but here what you should be thinking about."

"What do you think he'll say to them prongs?" Sirius asked his brother in anything but blood.  James looked at Sirius with a shrug of his shoulders. "Maybe something Minnie wouldve said to us when we got into trouble, Padfoot." He replied.

"Who you are... In this moment in time and who you want to be. You get one life. You decide how your gonna spend it." He said as the camera panned out two the five teenagers, "Fortunately... there is no better place for self-reflection then detention."

"Where there goes that lovely speech." Lily said in a disappointing tone as Remus nodded in agreement. 

"I also agree lily." 

"Get up everybody. Let's go." He stated as he got up from the desk he was sitting on.

Spencer was the first to get up and sling his bag over his shoulders as everybody watching him, Artemis openly gawking at him for his puppy like behavior. 

'This boy has no backbone.' he has finally concluded for herself.

"Padfoot, I'm stealing your daughter." James said as Padfoot and him clutched their stomachs at Artemis's thoughts.  Remus knew that he was joking but could help but start feeling overprotective over his daughter. 

Slowly everyone got up and followed him reluctantly.

The scene changed to show them entering the basement of the school.

Everyone walked in as the principal continued talking. "We are turning this into a new computer center, but before we do it has to be cleaned out."

All five of the students looked around in disgust, but everybody soon just at the loud yell and quickly turned to see Artemis bearhugging fridge as a small daddy long-leg crawled away from here. Looking up she saw everyone looking at her as she explains, "Sorry, spider."  Getting off of Fridge, then apologies for suddenly using him as a tower to get away from the spider.

"that's disgusting"

"Absolutely nasty"

"Moony we have to protect our pup from spiders!" Remus had an adoring look as he looked at Sirius making a list on things, they needed to do for her.

"Anyway. all these old magazines are bound for the recycling plant. But they have to be properly prepped before they go. It seems all the staples must be removed Whatever you don't finish today you finish tomorrow.

Tomorrows Saturday!

"Because I wouldn't play football?!"

"Yeah, I don't think that's gonna work."

"You can't be serious?!"

"Thats fair." stated spencer as fridge gave him a slap saying a small 'shut up' and Artemis's eye started to twitch again. 

The great hall once again went into absolute chaos. Children everywhere, telling him to grow a backbone, to boycott, to denied doing any labor on a Saturday.

When the professors finally calmed them down the movie started to play again. 

"Well, I suggest you get started." He said as he picked up a pair of staple removers. "Choose your weapons."

Martha, Spencer and Artemis were the only one doing the work, Martha and Spencer standing up, while Artemis was laying on a desk across the room with a small stack of magazines. 

The screen changes to Fridge looking at the shelves and exploring instead of doing work. He finally reaches and grabs a bowling ball and held it up.

"Hey, what the hell do they need with a bowling ball?"

It then switches over to Bethany, who is holding up her cellphone as she groans, "Seriously, no reception? Okay, can today get any worse?"

Martha finally turned to the blond in the corner as she asks, "Are you gonna help? Or are you too pretty?" 

Bethany pauses as if to think about it before she glances back at Martha.

"I'm too pretty."

Artemis scoffs as she heard this while rolling her eyes. 

"She'd probably break a nail if she attempted to even try hard labor." She mutter to Martha who nodded her head to agree with her. 

Their attention was soon caught by Spencer as he came up to them with "Hey"

Martha glanced at him hesitatingly as he continued to talk to her, 

"I saw you with Coach Web today. i mean I wasn't watching you; I wasn't- not like in a weird way, I just- i was in the room. I mean we are in the same class. umm, but i thought you were saying some smart things about why P.E. sucks and um about other subjects ..." He trailed off as he got too nervous to speak as Bethany was ignoring them, Fridge and Artemis were sharing uncomfortable glances.

Martha gave a tiny smile and she said, 


They both shared a smile as the camera changes to show Fridge pulling something out of the schools' donation box. 

"isn't that the game thing from the beginning?" questioned a fourth year stupid. At the sound of that all of the adult became panicked as the watch the children interact with it. 

"Yō, what's this?" he questions holding out the old video game console. Spencer looks at it as he walked closer to examine it. 

"I don't know."

What's it like some type of old-school Nintendo or something?" questioned Fridge as he moved it around in his hand. 

Spencer grabbed it from him saying, "I don't think so? i don't recognize it" He said unwrapping the cords. 

They looked over at the old T.V before slowing looking at each other, both having the same idea. 

The scene again switches to the tv powering up and the game loading. 

"A game for those who seek to find," Spencer reads from the screen. 

"A way to leave their world behind," he continues. "Jumanji."

Martha then turns to them as Artemis does the motion with her, not wanting to explain to her coach that she has detention. "Staples people, staples."

Fridge studies the words on the screen, "Jumanji, what- what does that mean?"

"I have no idea. I've never heard of it." Spencer replied as he waited to see what the game would do. 

The words select a character appear on the screen as fridge moved and picked up the controller. 

"Which one do i pick?" he asked Spencer.

"I don't know i don't think it matters that much."

"Jefferson Seaplane McDonough, Pilot and Rascal."

Fridge tried to choose the character, but it kept lighting up red. "It's not working." He said to Spencer.

"Okay, try another one." he replied back as he glanced at the controller.

"Franklin 'Moose' Finbar" 

Bethany was shown behind them watching as fridge started to talk about the name sounding badass. finally choosing the Zoologist. 

"Okay now you choose" he stated, handing the controller to Spencer. 

"Dr. Smolder Bravestone." He said as he chose the character while nodding. 

"Bethany you in?" Fridge asked finally seeing the girl behind him.

"Fine." She sighed out as she grabbed the controller. "I'll be Shelby Oberon....the curvy genius." she stated with a smirk. 

"Aye yo Staples come on," Fridge said motioning to girl to play before looking at Artemis to also do the same.  "Yells turn."

As the latter groaned from the thought of getting up, Martha replied with, "Uh, no. No, thanks." 

Wait just for a few minutes/" Spencer asked.  "its'll be fun."

"Shes not big on fun." Bethany comments with her hand on her hip.

Martha instantly having a debate with herself. Until she finally walks to the others, but not before latching her hand around Artemis's hand, dragging her with her.  "okay..."


Bethany sighed out as she said, "This might be the lamest thing I've ever done."

"I highly doubt that." She said as he clicked on Ruby roundhouse, before passing the remote to Artemis.

"Okay last but not least, Rhea Manhunter." She said as she clicks on the last character silhouette of a barbarian women. 

The game started to make chiming sounds as they all watched the screen. Artemis suddenly felt something very wrong, she didn't know how she know but she did.

"Her magic is warning her." Hermonie sated as she continued to watch the screen, holding Harry's hand in a tight hold to keep him sane has he took pale thinking about Artemis's magic warning her.  Sirius and Remus shared an emotional look, almost breaking down at the thought of the Cub in danger.  

"Hey guys maybe we shouldn't be on this thing." she said as she places the controller down and started to back up. 

"Come on Artemis, its nothing but a stupid video game." Fridge called over his shoulder to the girl.

Spencer pressed start, ignoring Artemis's discomfort. 

The game lit up green as drums started to play.

Artemis backed away from them game while trying to find the source of the banging. Everyone else had also started to glance around the room. 

Sirius jumped up as he pointed at the screen only for James's scream out first, "Demonized Video game!!" 

"Kill it! Stomp on it just turn it off!" Sirius continued panic really starting to set in. 

"What the fuck is happening." Artemis muttered as she continued to looked around the room in a panicked state. 

"What's going on?!" Bethany yelled out to question. 

crackling was suddenly heard as the wires on the game had started to fry. "I think its shorting out!" yelled Spencer as he leaned down to try and fix it. Doing everything he could to get it to stop until everyone was yelling at him to unplug it. 

once unplugging it, the green light had blasted them back, leaving everyone startled. 

"What's going on?!" Fridge exclaimed panicked. Spencer lifted his hands to see them starting to dust away. 

"what's happening to your hands?"

"What's wrong with you?!"

"i don't know-" Spencer said in a panicked tone. Spencer was soon dragged into the game, as well as everyone else in the room. Artemis being the last one to hear Fridge as she clutched her locket. 

Sirius hid his face in Remus's chest to hide people from seeing the tears running down his face at the sight of his daughter clutching her locket they gave her close as if saying goodbye. 

Remus held in a sob, hoping his little girl was safe from wherever the game had taken her.  

When the room came back into view the teens were gone. All that was left was school bags and the game consult. 

*Wrote while half asleep people don't judge!

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