The Story Of Bunny And Fox

By YuiKobayashi2

152K 2.1K 1.4K

They hold hands, they hug, and they kiss.... But they are not lovers? Doing things you are supposed to do wit... More

Greeting notes ❤️
Give me some ideas 🤣🤣
Vol 1: The Eve
Vol 1: Week 1 (1)
Vol 1: Week 1 (2)
Vol 1: Week 2 (1)
Vol 1: Week 2 (2)
Vol 1: Week 2 (3)
Vol 1: Week 2 (4)
Vol 1: Week 3 (1)
Vol 1: Week 3 (2)
Vol 1: Week 3 (3)
Vol 1: Week 3 (4)
Vol 1: National Portrait Gallery (1)
Vol 2 - Week 7 (1)
Vol 2 - Week 7 (2)
Vol 2 - Week 7 (3)
Vol 2 - Week 7 (4)
Vol 2 - Pause (1)
Vol 2 - Pause (2)
Vol 2 - Pause (3)
Vol 2 - Pause (4)
Vol 3 - Week 8 (1)
Vol 3 - Week 8 (2)
Vol 3 - Week 8 (3)
Vol 3 - Week 8 (4)
Vol 3 - New Year's Eve
Vol 3 - Epilogue
Vol 3 - Side Story 1: One day (1)
Vol 3 - Side Story 1: One day (2)
Vol 3 - Side Story 1: One day (3)
Vol 3 - Side Story 1: One day (4)
Vol 3 - Side Story 2: Manual for Ash Jones (1)
Vol 3 - Side Story 2: Manual for Ash Jones (2)
Vol 3 - Side Story 2: Manual for Ash Jones (3)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The first day (1)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The first day (2)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The first day (3)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The second day
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The third day (1)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The third day (2)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): Propose day (1)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): Propose day (2)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): Propose day (3)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The Day
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 1.1
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 1.2
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 2
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 3.1
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 3.2
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 4.1
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 4.2
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 4.3
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 4.4
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 5
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 1
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 2.1
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 2.2
Hmm what do you think 🤔
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 2.3
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 3.2
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 3.3
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 4.1
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 4.2
It has been a long journey!
(Repost) Karlyle's birthday (31/12/2022)
(Repost) Happy Wedding Day (9/5/2023)
(Repost) Ash's birthday (10/5/2023)
(Repost) AshLyle random section (1)
(Repost) AshLyle random section (2)
AshLyle's random section (3)
Brother Complex (1)
Brother Complex (2)
Brother Complex (3)
Brother Complex (4)
Brother Complex (5)
Brother Complex (6) - End
Happy Christmas to all 🎅
Lyle's birthday (31/12/2023)
Quick DTR news 🦊🐰

Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 3.1

3K 53 87
By YuiKobayashi2

Oh my god !!! The New Year's Eve manhwa chapter was so good that I finished this chapter in one go 🥺🥺🥺
Ash and Lyle are really made for each other 😭😭

Okay back to this chapter, warning: This chapter can be shocking and "might be" the thing you have all wanted. Please scream in the comment to find other screaming fellows 🤣🤣

All that you are,
is all that I'll ever need

Coming back from the trip, Ash looked even more handsome than before. Unlike Karlyle whose skin didn't get tanned easily, his sunburned skin was beautifully tanned, and his face looked incredibly lively. Meanwhile, Karlyle had no energy. At the end of the honeymoon, he almost never left the bedroom and all he did was lie down.

The reason was obviously because they both lost their minds and indulged in each other, but he didn't understand why he was the only one exhausted. They both went swimming and did the same activities. Watching Ash who was sleeping soundly on their private plane, Karlyle pondered. It was strange. He had eaten much better after being with Ash, he even exercised more thoroughly, then why.....

Anyway, their honeymoon was fun. He could only enjoy half of the island and the sea, but he didn't regret it since he and Ash could have trips again on his family's island. What's more, the number of people that were allowed to see Ash would be reduced to a minimum there, so his family's island would be better.

There were many other fun things. On the day they finally left their room and went to the center of the resort, there were couples passing by and had their eyes on Ash. Karlyle hated that, but he and Ash shared kisses on the beach, so it was good in the end. They could spend time alone in a whole new place and take pictures together, which they hadn't had many chances to do before.

He didn't bring a photographer along since he wanted to leave it as a memory only for the two of them. He had had photographers take so many pictures before the wedding that he had gotten tired of it, so there was no need to do that during the honeymoon.

The commemorative photo that Aiden ordered the staff to take for them on their first day was enough.

"How was your trip, Karlyle?"

Having been lost in flashbacks for a moment, Karlyle raises his head at Alice's voice. Alice is sitting across from him and drinking her tea with a perfect posture. He still has to learn a lot from her. They are currently having tea time. It has been two weeks since he returned from his honeymoon.

The tea time, which is supposed to be held every week in turns, takes place at Karlyle's house today. Alice has been trying to somehow narrow her distance with Karlyle since the engagement where he fainted. In recent years, she has made this tea time a fixed plan.

Making this activity a fixed thing can be burdensome, but Karlyle doesn't mind. He hardly spends time with his mother, and the atmosphere will be softer and more enjoyable if Mariam is with them. Today is also the day Mariam decides to visit as she wants to bake for them. Now she is in the kitchen not too far from the living room and baking several of Alice's favorite pies.

One of the things that has changed since he met Ash is his relationship with his mother. And since the day he collapsed, she seems to be trying to be different from before.

To be precise, she's learning how to express herself. The same goes for him.

For Karlyle, who has always thought that he only resembles his father, the fact that he does take after his mother in some ways makes him happy. He doesn't have her beautiful bright blue eyes and her dark hair. He also isn't brilliant like her. But he definitely resembles her in terms of expressions.

"It was good."

He answers. Anyway, since they are so similar, there's a long way to go before they can have a smooth conversation. He doesn't understand how Nicholas can treat his difficult mother so casually, he's even bold sometimes.

Even though his answer is very monotonous, Alice nods. What should he talk about next? Some small cracks of worries appear on his stoic face. Normally, Ash, Kyle or Nicholas would have somehow kept the conversation going. But today, everyone has work. Ash has gone to his studio to make the final handover, while Kyle and Nicholas are at work. As Karlyle is gradually withdrawing from the front line, they have more work to do so it's inevitable.

He refrains from his old habit of talking about the family business. It's something he has always talked about, so it's better not to bring it up here. As he's deeply troubled pondering the next topic, Alice continues their conversation.

"Come to think of it, you're the only one in our family who went on a traditional honeymoon."

Considering the usual Alice, it's quite a long sentence. His face unconsciously lights up. He carefully looks into her eyes. Her blue eyes also turn to him. As their eyes meet, Alice's hand holding her teacup twitches slightly. It's similar to his reaction when he's shy.

"....That's right. Kyle and Nicholas haven't had a proper honeymoon yet."

He's so distracted that he almost forgets to answer her. His younger brother Kyle had put off his honeymoon since Nicholas was pregnant before it. He remembers Mariam once told him that his mother and father's honeymoon was also almost canceled due to premarital pregnancy. At his answer, this time Alice replies more naturally than before.

"They said they'd go when the kids got a little bigger. But now the twins just don't fall off from Nicholas's side...."

"They are both cute."

Karlyle says, thinking of Gideon and Kara. They are Kyle's twins and are growing up day by day. Perhaps thanks to the genes of their brilliant parents, they can speak so well although they are not three yet. Of course they are since they have Kyle's blood. He sometimes wonders how such lovely children can come from such a critical person as Nicholas.

"They are. That's a relief. Thanks to them, my father turned his attention away...."

Alice says, sipping her tea. As his grandfather is mentioned, guilt rises in him. He's still guilty of not being the Alpha that his grandfather wants.

"....I'm sorry."

He must have caused a burden on his family, especially his mother. Recalling the times when he couldn't take care of anything, he immediately apologizes. Alice's eyes bulge wide. She puts down her teacup sooner than usual, giving a rare look of bewilderment.

"Karlyle. Didn't I tell you not to apologize?"

At that, Karlyle apologizes again.

"I'm sorry. I forgot about it for a moment."

After that, he tries to apologize for the apology his mother told him not to do, but he shuts his mouth with a puzzled expression. The sudden awkward atmosphere makes his stomach tingle. Alice seems to feel the same. Regret flashes across her face. Her fingers fumble with the teacup, then she turns her head and calls for Mariam.

"May, is refreshment still not done?"

There are cookies left on the table, but Alice still calls Mariam. Fortunately, Mariam hears her call right away.

"It's done!"

Karlyle can hear her cheerful voice and her footsteps. Wearing navy oven gloves in both hands, she comes to the table with a deliciously baked fig pie on a pan.

"Today, I made a fig pie for the first time in a while. It's your favorite, My Lady."

Alice's expression softens gently. Karlyle is the same. When Mariam appears, the atmosphere immediately lightens up. Alice says gently.

"May's pies are always delicious."

"Of course. And here you go! I also made a mince pie with a little bit of Whiskey that you like, Young Master. There are some cherries in it, you will love it."

Mariam moves around like a sparrow. After putting the fig pie down, she quickly brings the mince pie, then hurriedly takes plates and forks and skillfully sets them on the table. Seeing how she always takes care of him, he feels much more at ease.

"You should eat with us too, May."

He turns his eyes to Alice to ask for her permission. As if having May with them on the same table is a natural thing, Alice gestures for her to sit down.

"Thank you for your effort. Come on, please sit down."

"Is it really okay?" Mariam asks.

Alice nods. Mariam is a little hesitant at first, but then she smiles and sits down.

"Oh my, it has been so long since the three of us ate together like this. We haven't done this since Young Master was small, if I'm not wrong."

Her face glows up with warmth and joy. Alice and Karlyle's faces also soften. His fingertips feel tickled. It's the first time the three of them have been in such a pleasant atmosphere.

"Do you want some lemonade, May?"

Alice says, standing up as Mariam has sat down. What a surprise. Karlyle, panicking, immediately stands up along with her. But Alice waves her hand.

"Sit down, I'll go get it. Do you have lemonade prepared?"

"....Yes. I made some with Ash."

His answer sounds so awkward. Hearing him, Alice goes to the kitchen. On the contrary, Mariam looks calm. She winks at Karlyle and whispers.

"When My Lady was small, the first thing she made for me was lemonade. On occasions like this, she will definitely bring me lemonade."

".....I didn't know that."

"Since you and My Lady are so much alike, you might not know that. I'm so glad you both met kind husbands. I knew it at a glance from the first time I saw Mr. Jones!"

As Mariam is whispering, Alice returns. When glass cups filled with lemonade are placed on the table, the tea time finally starts. Instead of continuing the awkward conversation and giving his mother a hard time, Karlyle decides to eat the pie first.

Mariam puts on each plate a piece of fig pie and mince pie. "Enjoy your meal", he says quietly and picks up the fork. He picks it up so elegantly that there's no sound at all. He cuts the mince pie into small pieces and takes a bite. Mariam made this so of course it's delicious. But somehow, he doesn't feel it as well as usual.

Meanwhile, Mariam is talking skillfully to Alice. Silently listening to their conversation, Karlyle switches to the fig pie. He isn't a big fan of fig pies, he only tastes it out of courtesy. He eats everything Ash makes for him, but when he's by himself, fig pies are not his top choice.

Just one bite. He thinks and puts a piece in his mouth. First he can feel the refreshing and fragrant taste of figs, then his lips touch the soft texture of the pie. He's more into things with a heavy taste rather than sweet and refreshing ones. Normally, he wouldn't like fig pies that much. But for some reason, it tastes good today.

Blinking, he takes another bite. Even though he isn't really hungry, the pie is so delicious that he gobbles it up in one go. His graceful movements remain the same, but his speed is quite fast. Within minutes, the portion on his plate disappears. Only then does he stop in his tracks. He feels a little choked up.

"....Young Master, shall I get more for you?"

As he looks up to drink his tea, Mariam asks. All of a sudden, his mother and Mariam are both staring at him. Their expressions look indescribably odd. He must have eaten too fast. How impolite of him.

".....I apologized for being rude."

"No, you did nothing wrong."

Alice shakes her head. Then she offers him to eat one more piece.

"Would you like more?"

He isn't really in the mood for more, but it's the first time his mother has encouraged him to eat more. That fact makes him delighted. A small blush dawns on his cheeks.

"....Since you said so, I won't decline."

Mariam quickly cuts the pie. A piece bigger than before is placed in front of Karlyle. Their eyes are fixed on him. As if they are trying to check something.

"It's not in season yet, but the figs are delicious."

It's awkward to eat without saying a word, so Karlyle says so and then picks up his fork. His pupils shake slightly. But he can't let his mother down. He takes a deep breath and starts slicing the pie. Watching him, Mariam whispers to Alice.

"My Lady, could it be...?"

"Not yet, we can't be sure yet."

In the hope of Mariam's sincerity and his mother's expectations, Karlyle empties the pie neatly, leaving no crumbs. His stomach is quite full already. Perhaps because he suffered too much during the rut, his physical condition has not yet returned so his appetite is less than before.

"Karlyle, figs are not your favorite, are they?"

Alice asks before sipping her tea. Karlyle takes his hand off his teacup and quickly answers.

"Yes, they are not my favorite. When Ash eats them, I'll eat with him. But I don't like it enough to eat it myself."

Mariam gasps in excitement. "Oh my, oh my", she utters, covering her mouth with her hand. Alice looks very confused. She asks again.

"But it seems that you like this pie?"

".....Yes. May's food is always delicious...."

In an instant, Alice's face turns serious. On the contrary, Mariam can't hide her excitement. She cuts an even bigger piece and hands it to Karlyle.

"At times like this, you should eat a lot, Young Master! Come on, eat some more. Hurry!" She urges him.

Now, Karlyle can't understand what's going on. His mother looks serious while Mariam looks happy. Unable to say that he's full, Karlyle silently eats the third piece. This piece seems to have a lot of figs in it, he can only feel the taste of figs. His stomach churns slightly, but he holds it in. Drink tea and he will be fine.

Karlyle eats the pie as best as he can. He should say he's full now. After carefully putting his fork down, he sees Alice reaching out. She holds the back of his hand. Looking at her delicate hand that is holding him softly but strongly, his eyes bulge wide in surprise.

"Karlyle. I think you should call Luther."

"Let, let me call him!"

Unable to stand it any longer, Mariam jumps off her seat to call Luther. Glancing at Mariam who is looking for the phone, Karlyle finally mutters up the courage to ask.

"Is something wrong?"

Rubbing the back of his hand, Alice takes a deep breath. Her nervous face makes his stomach tingle. He even feels nauseous. What has he done wrong? Did something happen? The moment he thinks of that, Alice says.

"I think you should do a pregnancy test."

Alice says something unexpected. Karlyle blinks. He can't understand what she just said. But he has no chances to think about it. He covers his mouth as his stomach churns. Then, even without excusing himself, he runs straight to the bathroom. Behind him, Mariam is screaming and cheering out loud.

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