Vol 1: The Eve

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*This work is fictional. The people, groups, places, country names, events,... appearing in this work have no relation to reality.

Define the relationship
When two people discuss their mutual understanding of a romantic relationship
(urban dictionary)


The Eve

The countdown had begun.

The endless stream of people continued to push Karlyle. On New Year's Eve, Times Square seemed to have no empty space. Even the dark sky was stained with bright light from electronic billboards. The man who dragged Karlyle here was nowhere to be seen. He probably had been swept away in the crowd.

The man who led Karlyle to Times Square in New York today was the immature son of a business owner, a client of his. He was childish, and he was an Omega. And he immediately said that he liked Karlyle from the moment he saw him. Karlyle had spent three days with him, patiently accompanying him with a gentle attitude until the deal was finalized.

The reason that man mentioned New Year's Eve must be because he wanted to enjoy the evening with him. He seemed to find it very romantic. But for Karlyle, "romantic" was meaningless. There was nothing to enjoy.

But his personal opinion didn't matter here. What mattered was the outcome of the transaction. So unless he was interested in the opponent, he had no intention of pursuing him. Karlyle was just nicely satisfying the man. Perhaps after the Ball Drop - the main event in Time Square was over, he would be lucky enough to be led to the hotel of the affiliated company.

Anyway, this would just be a story he may remember again at some points.

It was still a long way to the Times Square. Karlyle backed away to avoid people moving forward. Looking for someone here was stupid. It'd be better to stop. He'd better get out of here and head straight to the hotel.


Cheers echoed from the Square far away. The scream rang out with the wind mixed with the smell of weed and the strong smell of beer.

9, 8…

Something bumped against his shoulder. Someone passing by him stopped.

“I’m sorry. Are you okay?”

7, 6…

His shoulders were gently gripped. Karlyle raised his head at the worried voice. Someone was looking at him. A high nose and perfect lips caught his eyes first.

5, 4…

“I’m fine.”

Their eyes met. At the same time, the surrounding lights went out. The open shopping street's lights, the scarlet street lights, everything went off.

“That's a relief.”

3, 2…

It was dark all around. He couldn't see the other person’s face. However, Karlyle was sure that they were looking at each other.


The countdown signaled the start of the new year. The momentary silence passed. The hand holding his shoulders gripped harder. "Happy New Year". He could hear a soft whisper.

Did you know that in America, people kiss on New Year’s Eve?

It depended on the region, but he had also heard that kissing the person next to you was perfectly normal. The image of the Omega talking about the kiss of destiny at 12 o'clock came to his mind. But he wasn't here. In return, there was a stranger in front of him. But Karlyle didn’t leave. The other man slowly moved closer. A pleasant scent. It was an Alpha. He thought so. He had no memories of touching any Alphas, but that day, there was no feeling of rejection.

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