Brother Complex (5)

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[Ash x Karlyle POV]

Recreational activities can make someone feel excited, that’s common sense. However, since he was small, Karlyle hasn’t had any memories of that. To him, those activities don’t really sound that exciting. Brain games are much more interesting, though he isn’t that much interested in them, either.

But today, being with Ash at the amusement park, he can’t help but be excited. As a grown man, a descendant of the Frost family, he has to be extra careful with expressing his emotions. Showing that he’s feeling joy for coming to the amusement park is unacceptable.

He’s reminding himself to keep his composure, but inside, Karlyle has high anticipation for today. He can already imagine how cute Ash would be riding the roller coaster. Usually, he would prefer quiet places so that he can leisurely enjoy himself. However, going side by side with Ash in a crowded place like this feels like a couple thing, which brings him even more happiness.

“Are there any games you can’t play, Lyle?”

Walking beside him, Ash asks. Karlyle ponders for a moment. He doesn’t have any specific games to compare to. All the games he and Kyle played when they were small were for kids. If he uses those games for comparison, it seems that he isn’t scared of anything.

“I don’t think so.”


Ash calls him cute, then pecks him on his cheek. The kiss is too sudden, making him shy. Gently clapping his lips, Karlyle quietly receives his feather peck.

“So you are fine with any rides, right my Lyle?”

Oh my god, his heart can’t take this. Karlyle awkwardly averts his gaze.

“How about you, Ash? Any rides you can’t go?”

“I’m fine with any. Then, how about we play rides all day? Let’s find out which one you like the most, Lyle.”

How adorable would Ash be with his hair all dishelved by wind on the roller coaster? Will he scream? Simply imagining about Ash screaming of fear on the roller coaster is enough to make his heart thumping. That scene will be so cute. He wants to see it. This urge is so unlike him.

In that happy moment, out of the blue, Nicholas calls Ash from behind.


Karlyle and Ash both turn around. Ash, as usual, answers Nick with a kind smile out of habit.

“Yes, Nick?”

Seeing them talking with each other, Karlyle can’t help but feel anxious though he knows he shouldn’t. To be more percise, it’s a small jealousy. They are family now. Of course, Kyle and Nicholas are unseperable. He’s just ashamed that he has this mean feeling when he sees Ash smile with Nicholas.

“Can you talk to me for a sec?”

Confusion appears on Ash’s face, he turns around to Karlyle. Their eyes meet. Ash looks at him intently, trying to assess his feelings.

“Please. Just a few seconds.”

Nicolas pleads, his voice is very urgent. Kyle suddenly approaches from behind Nicholas in silence. Even Karlyle can sense how sharp and uneasy his pheromones are. Watching Nicholas stand beside Kyle, Ash lets out a small laugh. Then he bows down and ask for his permission.

“Lyle, it seems that I have to talk for a moment. Is it okay?”

Well, there’s no other answer than yes. However, he’s a little reluctant. Nicholas’s action is somehow weird. What is it that he can’t talk in front of the four of them? Thousands of thoughts run through his head. Anyway, it’s quite uncomfortable that his Ash will be near Nicholas, out of all people, in a few seconds.

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