Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The first day (1)

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It is the fourth Saturday in August.

It's the start of a long weekend holiday including the bank holiday, the day the British government announced a new pension plan, and the day a meteor shower has been predicted to hit for the first time in 100 years. Therefore it's only natural to see London in a bustle.

For Karlyle, it would be a day like all others, filled with heaps of work to do from early in the morning to dusk. Whenever the government changes its policies, Jonathan and his management team quickly conduct an analysis of future trends. But Karlyle has an important reason not to participate in this meeting.

"Are you really okay?"

A warm voice like the sun in spring breaks through his reverie. Ash's hand rests against Karlyle's forehead as he sits on the bed. The backs of his knuckles brush over Karlyle's customary stiff brow. Karlyle's fingers, placed neatly on his thighs, tremble at the warmth. His heart flutters even with a small touch.

Although more than half a year has passed since January 1st, Karlyle is not immune to Ash's charms. He knows that this immature reaction is not something to be proud of, he has tried to be stricter with himself, but there's no sign of improvement. All it takes is a little touch to send his heart jackrabbiting out of his chest.

"I'm okay."

Karlyle tries to keep the cracks from his voice. If his voice sounds off, Ash'll get worried-at the same time, the concern and consideration Ash gives him feels good. He knows it's not good to make his lover worry, but he can feel deeply how much the other person cares for him through that action. Only after meeting Ash was it that Karlyle realized how diverse human emotions can be.

"Have your coughing stopped now?"

"Yes. I'm fine now."

Since last night, Karlyle has been coughing a bit. As a result, Ash was worried that Karlyle might have caught a cold.

Karlyle himself feels embarrassed, too. In recent years, symptoms such as gastritis have occured due to poor management, but basically Karlyle is healthy. It may also be thanks to Luther, the doctor who has taken good care of his body.

From a young age, Karlyle has followed a strict diet and taken nutritional supplements. Exercise is also for the purpose of management rather than training. That is his grandfather's order. His grandfather Arthur is terribly terrified of having a defected grandson. For this reason, he hardly has any memories of catching a cold.

At first Ash thought he was choking so of course, he immediately stroked Karlyle's back and hugged him in his arms. Then he brought water and patiently waited for the cough to stop. As Karlyle continued to cough with no sign of stopping, Ash began to take the situation seriously.

Ash then drove the car and went out for a while. Karlyle was going to go with him, but Ash had made honey tea and asked him to sit down. Karlyle felt uneasy about Ash going out alone at a late hour, but he reluctantly listened to Ash. Because of his devoted nature to his loved one, Karlyle always tries to follow Ash's words.

So he quietly sat on the sofa where Ash had pointed his finger at, drank every single drop of the honey tea Ash had brewed, and looked out the door like a dog waiting for his master, in silence.

After a while, Ash returned. In his hands, there were cough and cold medicines from the drug store Boots. Karlyle was very embarrassed. Ash made him take the medicine and then put him to sleep. He also didn't forget to raise the indoor temperature higher than usual.

The daily sex was, of course, cancelled. Unaware of Karlyle's sullen mind feeling disappointed, Ash took off his clothes. The tightly knit muscles were revealed. It was a little hot, so he took off his clothes and went to bed. Giving an open gaze to the thick forearms that always press him down tightly, Karlyle watched Ash lie down in vain.

Of course Karlyle couldn't sleep. Whenever Ash's naked body tossed and touched him, his lower body throbbed, making it impossible to fall asleep.

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