SCREAM | a.a.

By levislilcumdumpster

12K 384 104

โ†ณ ๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡ the town of Trost undergoes a series of unfortunate events during the month of October. โ”€โ”€... More



610 18 13
By levislilcumdumpster

in honor of almost 1k reads, i have finally
decide to finish this book 🙏🏽

— 👻🔪 —

it's quiet in the jeager house. everyone's busy getting ready to relax for the evening. the girls are upstairs taking turns in the shower and connie is still on the couch, patiently waiting for everyone to join him for a movie.

"hey connie! can you go grab some more beers from the garage?" eren calls out from the kitchen.

connie looks up from his phone with a huff. "how many?" he shouts.

"just a few! however many you can carry!"

connie gets up from his spot on the couch with a groan and stuffs his phone into his hoodie's pocket. the trek to the garage feels like it takes longer than it usually does. eren's house is already massive, but after drinking and smoking for hours on end, the walls feels longer.

the cold, stale air of eren's garage nips at connie's bare skin. he exhales a shaky breath. do it quick. connie tells himself. be the flash. he quickly dashes across the garage to reach the fridge they have in there. he pulls open the door and grabs two beers.

the hairs on the back of connie's neck raise and he slows to a stop. something's wrong, but he can't place his finger on what exactly is the problem. the boy shrugs it off and starts to make his way back to the door. connie makes a move to open the door but someone beats him to it.

connie backs up with a start, "woah—" he gasps, his words dying on his tongue.

a ghost face stares right back at him. "uhm... is this a joke?" he asks, awkwardly scratching his head with a free hand. "haha, very funny. you got me! now take the mask off, eren."

the ghost face says nothing. they take a few steps closer until they're inside the garage then pull the door shut. it's then that connie takes notice to the long knife in the person's gloved hand.

"woah you're really into this huh? wait let me get into character." connie chuckles. he clears his throat and bats his eyelashes before looking up at the ghost face. "please don't kill me mr. ghost face!" he says with a squeaky voice (his interpretation of tatum from the movie), "i wanna be in the—"

connie gets interrupted by the ghost face driving their knife into his face. the sound of bone cracking is music to armin's ears. blood splatters all over the ghost face's mask, only urging him to push it further.

the beer bottles fall to the floor alongside connie's now limp body. the ghost face pulls the knife from connie's head then follows connie's body to the floor. they sits on top of his thighs and starts to plunge their knife into connie's chest.

armin looses count how many times he stabs connie with the knife after the second time. eventually, he just stops. his arm muscles burn, but it's a good burn. he welcomes the feeling with open arms.

the blond throws the knife off to the side and pulls off his mask. he glares down at connie's mutilated body with distaste. armin runs a gloved hand through his blond hair with a scoff, staining his pretty yellow locks pink.

"look at you... nothing but a bloodied corpse. you look better this way, connie." armin whispers.

he spares no mercy as he uses connie's body to stand up. for good measure, he kicks connie's head and spits in his face. only then does armin leave the garage with his mask in hand. to avoid being seen by anyone, armin tiptoes up eren's stairs and bolts to the jeager boy's room. thankfully no one's there, so he can hide the mask and take off the suit he had been wearing.

armin hides both the mask and the suit in eren's dirty laundry then goes to start up the shower.

he doesn't even wait for the water to warm up and steps inside. the cold water taps against his back like bullets and washes away his sins. his sins get pulled down the drain in the form of red drops.

with a sigh, armin finally begins to wash his hair. the water is now scolding hot (his preferred temperature) and it turns his skin pink, but he doesn't care. armin reaches for eren's shampoo bottle but a smaller hand beats him to it. his head turns so fast his neck snaps.

y/n stands behind him in all of her naked glory. armin shamelessly drags his eyes up and down her body. he takes a deep breath. "turn around." she says, pulling his eyes away from her body. he furrows his brows so she elaborates. "i want to wash your hair."

armin does as he's told and turns around. y/n takes a few steps closer so that she's right behind him and reaches up to start scrubbing his scalp with the shampoo. armin has to bite his lip to stop himself from moaning out when he feels the tips of y/n's nails massage his scalp. he tilts his head so that his girlfriend has easier access to his head.

when she's done, y/n taps his back as signal for him to rinse. while he rinses out his own hair, y/n wraps her arms around armin's waist and pulls herself closer to his back. armin practically melts into her embrace.

"i'm sorry." she mutters, squeezing his waist.

"why didn't you lie?" armin questions, slowly turning around. he stares down at his pretty little girlfriend with a blank expression.

she blinks and slowly pulls herself away from armin to divert her attention to the floor. "i—" she pauses to cover her tits with her arms, "i don't know. i thought it would be worse if i lied..." she says with a small shrug.

armin nods, "okay..."

it's quiet for a moment, nothing but the sound of water hitting the slick floor bouncing off of the tile floors.

"could you condition my hair for me now?" he asks.

y/n is quick to pump a dollop of eren's conditioner in the palm of her hand then get to work.

after everyone is washed up and relaxed, they gather in the living room and start debating on a movie.

"it was connie's idea so he should pick." sasha states around a mouthful of Doritos.

"where even is connie?" mikasa ponders with a perked brow.

everyone looks around as they take in the fact that connie is indeed missing. "huh... i wonder where he snuck off to." y/n mumbles.

"eh, it's whatever. just pick a damn movie." eren huffs.

everyone settles on a classic: monster house. eren gets up to dim the lights as everyone else shuffles around to get comfortable. y/n and armin sit in the corner the couch, eren is at the foot of said couch, and sasha and mikasa are on the floor in front of the couch. everyone has a decent amount of blankets and pillows and there are snacks and drinks on the coffee table.

as the movie begins, the house falls into silence. for the first time in hours, it's quiet.

eren leans back into his cushion with a groan and briefly shuts his eyes. he starts to relax into the cushion when all of a sudden, a portion of the couch gets pushed back and someone's joints pop. eren peels an eye open.

"where are you off to?" y/n asks from armin's side.

sasha looks down at each of her friends with a frown, "i'm gonna go find connie. he's been gone too long."

eren and armin share a look. "i'm sure he'll be back soon. just sit down and enjoy the movie." eren states. he starts to settle back in, confident that sasha would sit back down.

"no, i'll be back. watch it without me!"

y/n resists the urge to join sasha and relaxes with a sigh. she'll come back with connie. she tells herself.

fifteen minutes go by and y/n can't help but feel jittery. neither connie nor sasha has come back yet. y/n's mind immediately jumps to conclusions—imagining scenarios that involve that crazy ghost face and her friends. what if connie was killed by ghost face? what if sasha found the body and before she could scream, the killer got her too? what if—

her thoughts halt when a loud, gut-wrenching scream shakes the whole house. every one jumps with a gasp.

"fuck!" eren gasps, jumping awake. he fell asleep five minutes after the movie started.

"sasha!" mikasa shouts. she pulls herself up onto her feet without a second thought and runs in the direction that scream came from.

y/n pushes armin away from her and chases after mikasa. "sasha! sasha are you okay?" she screams.

both of the girls are too worried about their friends to notice that eren and armin didn't tag along. they would have to worry about that later.

sasha stands in the doorway to the garage with her back to the cold attached building, her hand pressed against her mouth to stop herself from throwing up or screaming (probably both) as fat tears stream down her face. mikasa runs to the red-head. she grabs sasha's shoulders and starts to check her over to make sure she isn't hurt. while she does that, y/n takes a few steps closer. she's worried about her friend, but the smell of blood is so strong.

"what's wrong? what happened?" she'd ask her, only to get a small cry in response. sasha presses her forehead into mikasa's shoulder, giving her the chance to look over sasha's shoulder.

the ackerman girl gasps. it takes everything in her not to throw up. meanwhile, y/n doesn't know if she should scream, throw up, or cry.

connie's dead body lays at the foot of the small staircase in a giant pool of blood. his face is nearly unrecognizable thanks to the giant gash in the middle of it. the white hoodie he had been wearing was now red and torn to shreds. he's missing all of his fingers and there's a giant red splotch in the middle of his grey sweatpants.

y/n reaches forward with a shaky hand to pull the garage door shut. "i'm gonna call the police." she mutters, patting down her person in search of her phone. "i'll be back..."

she runs back to the living room to get her phone. again, she pays no mind to how eren and armin have seemingly gone missing and instead focuses on trying to find her phone. or any phone for that matter!

they all agreed to set their phones in the middle of the coffee table so that they could enjoy the movie without any distractions, but they're gone. not a single phone remains on the coffee table, so y/n starts searching the couch. maybe someone did have their phone and maybe they lost in the couch.

she's singing through the couch when another scream shocks her core. y/n's head whips around in the direction of the garage. that was sasha. again.

instead of running in the direction of danger, y/n starts working hardest to find a stupid phone.

"if i were a phone, where would i be?" she asks herself.

y/n turns to look into the kitchen. for whatever reason, the jeager's still have a landline. she always questioned why they still had it hooked up, but now she couldn't be happier. y/n runs into the kitchen and over towards the fridge, where the landline used to be. now it's gone and there's nothing but a cut cord to prove that it was even there. y/n frowns.

"i could've sworn—"

"are you looking for this, sweetheart?" an awfully familiar voice chuckles from behind y/n.

she turns on her heel with a gasp. there standing in the wide, kitchen doorway is the ghost face that tried to kill her. he's holding up the landline with a gloved hand. if he wasn't wearing a mask, he would definitely be smirking. y/n just knows it.

y/n backs up into the counter behind her, a fetal attempt at trying to put some distance between her and the killer.

"naw don't be scared, darling... i won't hurt you. god i would never dream of it." the killer chuckles.

she obviously doesn't believe him and starts searching the kitchen for a weapon of sorts. if the killer tried anything, she wanted to have a weapon. whether that be a knife or a wooden spoon y/n didn't care. she would kill the fucker with a spoon if she had to.

"so sweetheart, did you like the gift in the garage?" the ghost face prompts as he takes a step closer. when she doesn't answer, he pauses. "i hope you liked it. my buddy did it just for you."

y/n's eyes widen. there's two of them? two killers? she still says nothing. the hairs on the back of her neck raise and her knees start to buckle.

the ghost face was tall and from the looks of it, very muscular under his black clothes. he was confident in himself, that's for sure. he didn't make a single unsure move. it was all calculated and thought out. even if y/n did find a weapon or on the off chance, managed to find a way out, he'd be on her in seconds.

the ghost face tilts his head, "hm? no response?" he scoffs, "you're such an ungrateful bitch you know that?! he didn't have to kill that sick fuck, but he did! he did it for you and you don't have anything to say? not even a thank you...? maybe i should kill you!" he shouts.

y/n's jaw drops, "you want me to thank you for killing one of my closest friends?! fuck! you're so sick!"

the tears finally start to fall and with that, she stops thinking. y/n reaches for the pizza cutter in the sink and runs at the ghost face with a scream. she was hoping for a lot of thins at that moment, but being thrown into the counters behind her wasn't something on that list.

before she could even touch him, the ghost face grabbed y/n and threw her into the counters with all of his might, the pizza cutter falling to the tile floor. as she slumps down to the ground, the tall ghost face crosses the distance between the two and crouches down to her level, his knees popping. he tilts his head again and with a chuckle, smoothes out the lines in her face with his fingers.

she tries to pull herself away with a groan. "leave... leave me alone you freak!" she coughs, kicking away from him.

the ghost face let's her do that—let's her pretend she has the better hand here—and rises to his full height. he leans back against the countertop and watches her struggle across the kitchen until she finds something to pull herself up.

"how 'bout we play a game, sweetheart? i don't want to kill you and you don't want to die." he says with a shrug, "right?"

"fuck off!"

he snorts, "i'll give you a ten second head start and in that time, you can go anywhere!" he laughs, "if you end up escaping the house, i'll let you go. but if i get you, your ass is mine, sweet cheeks."

y/n's lips start to wobble. the tears never stopped after she was thrown across the chicken. they only got worse. with every shaky breath she takes, her ribs ache and a shot of pain climbs up her spine. something was definitely broken.

"i'm not playing your stupid game! just kill me already!" she shouts, tears leaking from her eyes and a glob of snot escaping a nostril.

the ghost face rolls his eyes from under his mask and sighs. "i don't care about what you want! just start running! i'm bored!" he huffs.

the girl doesn't budge. she continues to cry against the cabinet beneath the sink. the ghost face was just going to let her cry until she got it out, but her wales eventually gave him a migraine so he put an end to it.

the ghost face grabs y/n by the neck and pulls her up into the air. his fingers squeeze the sides of her windpipe. "run." he whispers.

he throws her to the ground.

without another thought, y/n scampers across the kitchen and starts to make a run for the front door. she tries to pay no mind to the loud clomp of boots against the floor. the closer she gets to the front door, the more hope she starts to feel.

i'm so close... almost there! just a little more... i'm—

there's a ghost face standing in front of the door with their arms folded over their chest. y/n doesn't slow down and starts to run up the steps. she's halfway up the staircase when a big hand grabs her ankle and pulls her. hard. y/n falls flat on her face, but she doesn't have time to register that pain when the feeling of rug burn is way worse than the pain in her nose. she doesn't let the ghost face pull her off of the stairs by grabbing hold of the bannisters. she wraps her small hands around the bannister poles and pulls her body away from the killers.

with a grunt, she kicks at the man pulling on her and thankfully kicks him in the face. she's able to get up onto her knees and start running up the stairs on all fours—something she hasn't done since she was a child.

"nuh uh, you aren't going anywhere." the other ghostface scoffs. he grabs her other ankle and pulls.

together, they pull her down to the landing. with a yelp, y/n lands on her back. her head knocks against the hardwood floor and she's out like a light.

"when do you think she'll wake up?" a husky voice questions around a mouthful of food.

"i don't know. she did hit her head pretty hard." another voice, this one soft and low, states.

the first person hums, "i guess so..."

the first thing y/n notices—second to the two voices—is the ache in the back of her head. the rug burns follows quickly. she throws her head back with a groan and peels her eyes open. the white kitchen lights nearly blind her when she opens her eyes, but that doesn't stop her from looking to her left. armin and eren.

she practically heaves a sigh of relief, but tears start to lean from her eyes before she can think.

"oh thank god! where were you guys? did you call the police?" y/n asks through tears.

the two boys share a look. armin shakes his head, "no honey, we didn't."

her eyebrows furrow, "what—why?"

it's then that she notices the handcuffs around both of her wrists. she's handcuffed to the oven's long handle. she tugs at the handcuffs, hoping that they'll fall apart like those fake ones you can get from the store. she sniffles. "hey, why am i handcuffed? come unlock these!"

y/n looks up at her lover and eren. her eyesight was pretty blurry thanks to her tears, but that didn't stop her from noticing their attire. black suit, black street wear. her eyes pan over to the breakfast bar. two ghost face masks.

"no... no... no! please no! fuck!" once again, she's a crying mess. she can't help but cry when two of the most important people of her life have been killing people.

they killed ymir and historia. they killed connie. sasha and mikasa? are they dead? did they—

armin squats down in front of y/n and takes her chin in her hands. "shhh..." he whispers, wiping away her tears using his thumbs, "it's okay... we won't hurt you, love."

"you guys... you guys are so sick!" she sobs. "what did they do to deserve this? why—"

"god you're such a fucking cry baby." eren scoffs, "we get it, okay? we killed your friends and you're sad, big whoop."

armin turns around to glare at the tall jeager boy when she only starts to cry harder.

"honey? honey hey, i'm gonna need you to calm down, okay? i'll answer all of your questions after you calm down." armin whispers.

y/n shakes her head and pushes the blond away with her feet, "no! no leave me alone you sicko!" she screams.

armin grabs her chin, "listen, stop your crying. i'm trying to be nice but you're making things difficult."

y/n bites her bottom lip to stop herself from crying anymore, scared of what her ex-lover might do. she pulls her chin out of armin's grip and turns to glare down at the ground. once she's relatively calm, armin stands back up and wanders over to the breakfast bar.

"why?" y/n sniffles.

"why what?" eren chuckles, popping a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

armin glares at him.

eren rolls his eyes. he never thought he'd be revealing his deepest secrets to y/n like this. not while she was handcuffed to his oven, anyway.

"your mom was a whore" he says with a shrug, "she broke up my family so i decided to break up her's. armin here only decided to help to make sure i wouldn't hurt you. as if i'd ever do that in the first place!"

armin perks an eyebrow, "right yeah, as if you didn't threaten to kill her a few nights ago."

"hey—that was different! she was being a bitch!"

y/n sniffles, "so you killed all of my friends because my mom slept with your dad? really?" she scoffs. "i'm not my mom! i didn't do anything to you!"

eren only shrugs, "so? you're that bitch's daughter. she and your dad were out of town so i couldn't do shit to them, but you..." he trails off.

armin stuffs his hands into his slacks' pockets with a sigh, "anyways, we have to finish this. the police will be here in a bit and in order for this to work, we need to get this done." armin states. he grabs a gun off of the breakfast bar and checks the chamber to make sure it's loaded.

y/n looks from armin to eren with pure confusion swirling in her eyes, "what're... what're you talking about?"

eren smirks, "you're going down for all of this."

her eyebrows jump, "what?! no! i didn't do anything!"

"yeah well i'm not willing to spend a lifetime in prison. so armin, uh, shoot me here!" he says, pointing at his shoulder.

armin girls his head with pursed lips, but with a nod he turns off the safety and cocks the gun. he aims at the spot eren chose and without hesitation, pulled the trigger. y/n jumped back with a yelp.

"shit!" eren groans, "do it again!"

armin pulls the trigger. he does it again and again and again until eren is a moaning mess on the ground, blood oozing out of his open wounds. armin didn't shoot him anywhere major, but at this rate he would end up dying of blood loss unless the police got here within the next ten minutes.

"okay..." eren slurs, "now it's... now it's my turn. gimme the gun, min. give it here."

armin shakes his head. "no, i've got this. you just focus on resting okay?"

y/n screams when the gun goes off again. armin snot himself twice: once in the abdomen and once in the leg, just below his knee.

the sound of sirens approaching wakes up eren from his little slumber. "woah..." he groans, "are we dead?"

"no." armin huffs, "not yet."

with one hand, armin grabs y/n's wrist and starts to place her fingerprints all over the gun after it cools down. the police are practically banging on the door, so armin pulls a tiny keg out of his pocket and unlocks y/n's handcuffs.

y/n's still crying of course, but she isn't blubbering like she was before. now she's silently wallowing in the fact that she'd be going to jail for crimes she didn't commit. she would be going to jail for the crimes her boyfriend committed. how messed up is that?

armin falls to the ground just as the front door is kicked in. both him and eren are nearly unconscious. they're knocking at death's doorstep, but thankfully the police enter the kitchen just in time.

"ma'am! put your hands where i can see them!"

the rest is just a giant blur...

— 👻 —

woah... this is the longest chapter i think
i've ever written. it's 4.1k words long, almost
4.2k and yet... i still feel like it's unfinished. i
was going to write an epilogue to tie up the
loose ends but i just could t figure out how
to do it. i'm not one for epilogues anyways.

this book started as a halloween special last
year. in 2022, i wanted to start taking
writing seriously so i decided to start a
short project! it was supposed to be done by
the end of october, but uhm... that didn't
happen did it? i'm a procrastinator (big
whoop) so it took me a little longer
to finish this than i thought. i'm glad i
got to finish this though!

i'm aware that a lot of this doesn't make sense,
but as i mentioned, i started this in early october
of last year and dropped it. i didn't have any
official plans for this at all. i just started writing
this on a whim and i was winging it up
until this point.

now that scream is done, i can focus
on more projects! what would you guys
like to see? is there anything specific?
let me know! i'll gladly take your ideas
into consideration!

thank you for reading and thanks
for stocking around! it means a lot
to me! see 'ya around! <3

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