Going Too Fast . - Bill Kauli...

By CemeteryL4dy

3.1K 35 90

You had finally moved out of your parents house to go explore the world , To really get out there you decided... More

New Place , New me .
An Outing .
Take Me Then .
Imagination .
Oh No .
hi !
hi ! - again :)
This Is Real .

Meeting Them .

340 5 9
By CemeteryL4dy

My heart flutters from Evies voice , I felt butterflies as well .

"Yeah , I just moved into the 'Pearl Palace' Apartments ."
I say in reply to Evie , she makes an 'oo' shape with her lips , like shes surprised . She finishes up preparing drinks and hands them to a guy next to me . She turns her head and looks at me;

"Sheesh , places like that are expensive , are you renting or have you bought it ? Apparently rent is a massive amount .."
She added a small laugh on the end of her sentence as she looks at me , her dark oak eyes piercing mines .

"I bought it , i figured it would be cheaper in the end , especially since i only start getting back into work next week ."
I say in reply , i rest my elbow on the ledge infront of me and place my chin in my hand , just admiring Evie .

"Oh really ? What do you for work ?"
Evie asks me sweetly , While also taking an order from a waitress type thing , im guessing .

"I work from home , as of now , I design tattoos for different shops and such , or i design tattoos for people .. y'know ?"
I exclaim proud of my line of work , especially since i have the privilege of working from home , especially in the 2000s . It wasn't really a big thing .
As i say that Evie gasps , looking slightly jealous but not in a mean way .

"Ooou ! That sounds like a comfortable job , guessing you get good money , Yeah ?"
She winks at me , I feel my face flush red and go hot . She notices and laughs at me , Evie grabs a silver shaker , mixes some Smirnoff Raspberry Vodka and Cherryade soda . She shakes around the silver shaker , she looks so focused while doing so , i could stare at her all day . I snap myself out of the trance and finally reply;

"I mean i guess so , i get paid off quite well ."
I say , trying not to sound really up my own ass and cocky about it . Evie nods in reply , shes clearly very focused . She finished off mixing and pours the drink into a clear tall glass and adds a cut strawberry on the side of the rim on the glass , she puts it out and there i see .. My receptionist from my apartment , she struts over in her small figure with a black dress that hugs her body tightly . Shes quite petite , However she does have some curvature to her , her tall Louis Vuitton heels making a click clacking sound on the cold tiled flooring . My eyes widen at the sight of her and she smiles at me with a slight nod as to greet me , she opens her mouth and turns to evie ;

"These drinks are for Wicia , Yes ?"
She says in such a polite tone . She points over to a curvy woman with purple hair on an old looking black leather sofa with a guy , he's got long brunette hair , he looks very muscular , his broad shoulders are wide and big . His arm is wrapped around the shoulder of the gorgeous purpled hair woman .

"Indeed they are Michelle , hurry up and give her the drink . Shes with Georg ."
Evie says in quite a stern tone as she sets the drink onto the platter , Michelle nods in reply and carefully scurries off with the platter in her left hand . I look up at Evie as her eyes sparkle in the light as shes looking at her order notes . I ask her abruptly;

"Who's Georg and Wicia ?"
Im very confused , Evie whips her head around looking at me , completely forgetting about the orders . Her eyes wide and she sighs;

"Georg is part of an infamous gang as one of their engineers , Tokio Hotel is what they're called . They run the streets of New York , They host the motorbike races . You might've seen the leader and his twin tonight along the streets , thats why the roads are so quiet tonight . They look dangerous but in all seriousness , they aren't . I've been working as their bartender for years now . They kill who they need to . When i say that , i mean they kill the worst of the worst , they've killed the whole of some dangerous and cruel gangs , gangs that used to do terrible things to women or other people . But they have never ever killed innocent people who don't deserve it . Thats how they made their way to the top . eliminating the feared . People who do no wrong dont fear them but many people who do wrong are .
Its good they got rid of those certain gangs , i mean everyone knew that police weren't gonna get involved with those types , ever , so they done the job for them . As well as that , they also sell .. things and they host these races , its why they're loaded or how they're loaded , due to people betting and everything ."

My eyes are wide and my mouth opens in shock , i close my mouth then open it again to say something until im rudely interrupted by the sounds of engines echoing and roaring at the beginning of the tunnel , i whip my head around like the flash and see the same black motorbike speeding down the tunnel , it skids to a stop just at the last second before going over the concrete circle in the middle of the place . The red motorbike comes second , the green third and lastly the purple . They all come to a holt , people start cheering and clapping , the music quiets down as well .

I hear a loud and extremely pissed off groan coming from the person on the green bike , the person slaps the handles of the motorbike making it wobble slightly and takes off their helmet .. revealing a guy , he was blasain , with a sharp jawline , and with such pretty black eyes , his hair was black too and was styled into cornrows , he also had a slight muscular build . He places his helmet on the left handle and gets off his bike swinging his head back in annoyance , He was so hot .

After the guy on the neon green bike ,  the person on the matte purple motorbike took their helmet off very nonchalantly , like they didnt care they came last . they revealed themself and it was a guy , again . He had grey platinum hair styled like a mullet , his hair went perfectly with his crystal blue eyes . His skin tone was white and pastey , he had a big nose like a greek statue with a black septum piercing in the middle . He was lean and lanky with a long-ish torso . He was quite cute .
He then followed after the guy with braids and patted his back reassuringly .

The next person to take off their helmet was the winner , they were tall .. very fucking tall , over 6'0 , alot taller than the other two guys . They took their helmet off revealing an other guy , He had long jet black dreads with white dreads hidden at the lower back of his head , he had an eyebrow piercing like me , sharp eyebrows and just the prettiest face . He had quite a feminine face and build , he was just in general , beautiful . He turned to look at the blasian guy , he spoke and said;

"Well well , all that big talk at the start , Tyler and you couldn't even pass tom . Tough fucking luck ."
He snickered while saying so in his thick german accent . His voice rang through my ears like a sweet melody , it had been a minute of meeting him and my heart already fluttered for him . I look at the other guy he was talking too and he huffed , rolled his eyes as well;

"Just wait till next time , Bill . You'll see , fucking trust me ."
He had a deep thick British accent , as he spoke i heard a laugh from the guy on the red bike , Tom . Tyler whips his head around at the same time as me and many other people , however Tyler looks at him with a cold , jealous glare .

"We wont see , unless you pull some magic shit out of your ass , next week will be your last race ."
Tom also has a german accent , his voice is slightly deeper than Bill's . Tom said that while laughing , the place goes practically silent , all you can hear are murmurs and toms laugh echoing throughout the tunnel . I let out a small chuckle , loud enough for everyone to hear ,
People turn around and stare at me on my stool , so does Tyler , Tom and bill . Evie whacks my arm softly but hard enough so i turned and faced her , she looked me dead in the eyes and shook her head , slightly panicked . I shrug and turn back to look at the guys , Tom looks at me while smirking , Bills hand is on his hip and he gives me a slight nod while snickering too . Tyler scoffs in disbelief and looks over to the platinum haired guy then says ;

"Did you hear that , Axl ? That pretty thing over there just laughed at me ."
He pointed at my direction , obviously . I sit up straight , Tyler shakes his head .

"Oh aye , i heard that ."
Axl spoke , he had a very deep scottish accent , it echoed throughout the place .
Bill clicks his fingers and opens his mouth ;

"I seen her on the streets walking by , she seen you lose . What'd you expect , do you expect her to applause your loss ?"
Bill says while staring at me , he recognised me . My heart skipped multiple beats at that point . Tom walks forward , closer too tyler and finally takes off his helmet revealing his -
black cornrows clean and properly done , as well as a black bandana on his head . He also had a lip piercing that matched mines , his perfect full lips looked so .. mesmerising . He had the same chestnut eyes as bill , they were identical twins although they had very contrasting looks .
I couldn't necessarily tell what any of the mens clothing styles were , due to them all wearing protective leather motorbiking gear , i could tell all of them were completely different , in the clothing/style aspect .

As Tom finally stopped next to Tyler , practically towering over him , he patted his shoulder;

"Should've really put up your game , especially with a new girl around ."
He chuckled at Tyler , who looked pissed off with them all . It was quite tense .

"You cant say much either ."
Tyler spat at Tom , Tom rolled his eyes at sighed

"You're forgetting , i've actually got a gorgeous girlfriend , named georgie . Unlike you , mother fucker ."
As Tom says that he points to a girl , sitting at a poker table , in the corner .  I move my head to try see the lady he's talking about and i catch a glimpse .

She has jet black hair , it looked like she had straightened it , she had dark smokey eyeliner on as well , that style really contrasted with her big pretty eyes . the eyeliner was so well done and pristine . Her outfit was stunning too , she had a black silky vest on with a dark blue denim mini skirt and fishnets underneath .. Her fashion sense was top tier . She had her drink in hand , her nails were painted black too . She was beautiful , all the women here are .
As i was looking at her , she gave Tyler a wave and blew tom a kiss , Tom smiled at her . Tyler rolled his eyes in disbelief .

"Lets not get too tense now , remember its aallll for fun .."
Bill let out , hoping to ease some tension . Tyler shoots him a look

"Im not gonna ease up unless that pretty thing over there stops laughing and taking the piss out of me ."
Again , Tyler was talking about me . Bill looks at him and scoffs .

"Shes clearly new around here , dont get all in a pissy twist about it ."
Bill said to him sternly , i eased up while smiling at bill . He was looking out for me .


uhhhh yah, idk how i feel abt the ending but ok 👍

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