Fallen For You

By beesee22

1.6K 94 85

Broken........ "Help me" That's how it all started, helping out a friend. Without a care in the world about t... More

Chapter 1- Shooting Gabe
The Plan
It's Okay
Best Friend?..... Threats
Best Friend Has A Stalker
Best Friend Meets Rick.
Best friend....Mom....Guns
Best friend... Explanations... Daddy??
Best Friend....Tears....Love??
Best friend...... Punch Out
Best Friend.....Roman Reigns...Daddy#2???
Best Friend......Shot???
Best friend.....Gone
Best Friend... Here but Hurt
Best Friend....Traitor
Best Friend.... Drama Mama
Best Friend... Date....Sister??
Best Friend.... Love
Best Friend.....Breakup
Best Friend.....Her
Author's Note....

Chapter 2- Who's Rick??

123 6 3
By beesee22

"Miss you need to lower your voice. There are other patients here and may I remind you that you are in a hospital. " A slim lady in a pink and white dress or overall or jumper...whatever, all I know is that she looks like a nurse and her futile attempt to intimidate me had me smiling at her while she continued to glare at me.  Aww she's so tiny she reminds me of the two little piggys, so, that makes me the big bad wolf. And a woman of her size I can really blow down. Ha thats a pun. I'm a poet.

I turned on my heels and sweetly smiled at her. " Miss there is about to be a cycle of mass murders. And must I inform you that you are in the perimeter of this event. Therefore, if you do not intend to be a participant I suggest you leave, however, you are in a hospital; quick service should be available." The nurse did not seem frightened, but if we're being honest she probably peed herself a little,  who wouldn't be afraid especially someone of her abnormally petite frame.

She told Gabe to keep the noise down and left stating that his food will be here shortly.  And for those that don't believe she was scared, let us look at evidence #1, note how she said his food will be here shortly not that she will be bringing it. Its okay sweetheart I have a tendency of scaring people, its all in the face.

"Ari " Gabe said tentatively after my little stunt. Correction: little awesome stunt.

"Don't you Ari me! Look at you! Your in the hospital with half a shoulder, one brain, no legs, and you can hardly see me. Do you even have any teeth?" He was hurt bad and he could have died and he has the audacity to Ari me. He betters be lucky Ari didn't go on a killing spree. Now he's sitting in the hospital bandaged up after surgery to remove the bullet and fix his stupid self. Three days! Three days! That's how long he has to be in here now he's going start some crap about staying calm. I don't want to be calm. I'm angry so let me be angry!

"What are you talking about woman? I was shot in the shoulder. They took the bullet out, I lost a lot of blood, but I'm good. I am here three days for observation. I have my legs, I can see you only one of my eyes are swollen shut woman, yes I have my teeth and everyone only has one brain! Just chill." See I know this boy was going to say stay calm. Why do I always have to be calm and rational?

"Ari lets be rational okay?" Gabe questioned more than stated while I groaned.

"You are not serious. At this very moment Ari wishes to be irrational, there's not a rational bone anywhere in her body. Now you are going to sit here and be handicap while I conduct murderous business."


Gabe.... I'm....Going....To....Get....My....Gun....Then....Aim...It....At...Rick....And....Empty...All....Eight.... Bullets....In...Him." I said very slowly to make sure he understood every word I said.

"Ari" He warned

" Gabriel I am going to kill him" I said flatly

"No You're Not! " He shouted at me.

I was stunned I jerked my head back and looked behind me to see who was he talking to (again). I voiced my thoughts to him, completely flabbergasted because no one was behind me. Oh my gosh! He's losing it! "Are you ok?" I questioned truly concerned for my best friends health and felt he forehead just to make sure.

Gabe looked at me like I stuck my face in bird's poop and sprinkled colorful mini marshmallows on it. "I'm fine. " He said even though it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Then who were you talking to. You shouted at someone but there's only you and I here." I said puzzled.

"I meant you." he simply stated.

That was the funniest thing I've ever heard. "Oh my your funny." I laughed clutching my chest. Then all of a sudden my laughter died down and my smile disappeared. "Listen here, I will find him and kill him and that is a promise. He was the cause of this. He will pay."

"Ari, no!" Gabe shouted.

"First things first Gabriel, we already talk about this, no shouting remember." I said calmly while walking around his hospital bed and rubbing my hand along his arm, before slowing crawling on him. "Why are you protecting him?" I whispered in his ear.

I don't understand him. He told the man in the alley that Rick took the money. Why would he protect someone that basically caused his injuries? He practically shot him indirectly.

Gabe stiffened under me, probably because he realized his mistake and he knew what would happen next had he not said what he said.


"You've got to be freaking kidding me. Like what the actual frick.  Out of all the things you could have told me this is what you tell me first. How about how did you even know him? What started it? When did it start? How come alley man didn't know? And why aren't y'all dead yet?" I spat off a serious of questions at Gabe. And as I listed them I became more enraged, it was as if I literally about to spit fire.

"This little bastard" I whispered to myself and turned to Gabe. "You're an idiot."

"I know" He looked down at his hands then looked back up and grinned at me. "At least you're finish bombarding me with all those questions. He LAUGHED.

This little shi... "Gabe, I am elated that you find this funny" I spoke as calmly as I could, he needed to hear this. "But as your friend, your best friend it was unbearable to see you in that condition. If I had not been nosey you probably would be dead by now due to severe blood loss. And as much as you pretend that your wound wasn't bad, I was there I saw your shoulder. It looked practically off and you and I both know that I am correct."


"Shut up! Despite all of that what basically killed me was that my best friend was slowly freaking dying and I would have had to watch that. I...Me...not Rick, not your parents, no one else but me watched your blood cascade out of your should like fricking water-damn-fall! I saw your flesh torn. But most of all you were on the pavement surrounded by your own blood. You were almost gone! Taken away from me..." I sobbed as I looked down at the heavily wrapped bandage that covered the wound on his shoulder that almost caused me to lose my best friend. I don't think I can go through anymore stuff without him by my side.

Ari......Arianne please don't cry....please." He said softly as he wiped the salty liquid that escaped my eyes.

"I was scared Gabe. I was scared for you. I thought I lost you." I said as remembered the moment his lifeless body and dull eye in that alley, and the red metallic liquid oozing out of him.

"Love I'm sorry I scared you. Heck, I was scared too." He said helplessly.

Yes, I know I might seem to be overreacting because in the ambulance he didn't seem that badly injured, but that's what was scaring me. He could have lost his arm and he was laughing as if a gun was not pressed into his shoulder and fired. There is something he's not telling me and I'm afraid that it was 10 times worst than what happened in the alley.

"Tell me Gabe....just tell me what that was all about....... Please." I said desperately needing to know what was it that almost caused me lost my best friend, both physically and probably already have emotionally.

He sighed before saying, "Get off of me and pull out a chair." 

"About 2 years ago I met a boy and he needed help so I helped him. He owed this drug dealer alot cash and couldn't pay him back. All I know is for revenge the dealer killed his family. He didn't tell me how and I didn't ask, but I decided to help him anyways. The money the both of us made together couldn't pay the drug dealer a quarter of what he owed." He paused and looked down at his hands.

"One day I caught the man beating him up and I don't know something just went off in my head and I went after the person beating him. But he stopped me and told me that that was the dealer he owed money too. I asked the dealer how much he owed. You know what the man said? He owed him,$250,000. I was shocked that the boy could owe so much money to that man. I told the man that I was helping him out. He said the quickest way to pay him back is to work for him. But my friend was too afraid of the man to do it, so I offered to work for him to help pay him back. He really didn't care who did it once he got his money." He continued before I interrupted him.

"What kind if job was it? Did you ask?" I questioned him.

"No" he whispered.

"You didn't? He could have wanted you to be a hitman! A prostitute! Or one his drug dealer people! Why the hell you didn't ask what type of job it was?" I yelled at him.

"I didn't ask ok! And quite frankly I really didn't care. I was helping out a friend. Anyways I sold drugs for him and did whatever he asked for the extra money. Yeah I know I wasn't getting paid but the extra work saved him money and reduced my friend's debt." He finished

"So what happened in the alley." I asked

"I had to make a deposit for Joe the drug dealer and Rick came by me and said Joe wanted him to make the deposit instead. So I gave him the money. Apparently he lied and stole Joe's money now I owe him money too." Gabe said sorrowfully.

"Who is Rick though?" I asked trying to comprehend all that was being told to me.

"Uhmm.....Rick.....Rickismyboyfriend." He rushed out.

"What? I didn't understand a word you said besides Rick. Speak with sense,  english please." I said

"I said Rick is my boyfriend!" He said clearly.

"Your boyfriend? Hold up you're gay?" I questioned.

He looked down as if he was ashamed of himself. "Why the hell are you just telling me this now?"I said as my hand reached forward and slapped him across the head again. "Everything makes sense now."

"It does?" He said but I sounded more like a question.

"Yeah, it does. The boy your was helping out was Rick, your boyfriend." I explained.

"So your not mad or ashamed of me." He sounded really scared to hear my reply.

"Of course I'm not mad nor ashamed of you. You're my best friend. But I want to help too ok." I told him sternly. He has to be crazy he thinks I'm letting him finish this by himself. I voiced my thoughts to him.

He replied, "Ari this can get very dangerous."

"I know and I still want in. Real best friends wouldn't let their best friend continue to do something dangerous without their help. And its my duty as your best friend to help you." I told him.

"Thanks Ari." He thanked.

"Yeah no prob, I'm still killing this Rick guy though." I said sweetly.

"Ari..." he said in a warning tone.

"Yeah, yeah now don't you ever do something like this again or next I'll shoot you myself. And that will be in the right place this time." I warned.

"Of course you won't." He said too confidently.

"Apparently you don't know me my friend. Well I'm leaving, you stay there and get well ok." I said as I place a kiss on his forehead and began to exit his hospital room.

"You acting as if I could leave to go anywhere." He mumble.

I swiftly turned around to give him a death glare and said, "You betters shut up."

He did the motion wit his hands where he zip he mouth up and throw away the key. "Where are you going anyways." He asked

"I said I'm helping you so I'm going to form a plan get us some weapons and make some calls." I said while heading out the door.

"Well bye sissy." He shouted as I left.

"Bye punk" I replied.

Now it's time to make some calls that drug dealer has to be insane to think he can shoot my best friend and get away with it. But first I need to do some research Gabe isn't telling me everything.

Pic of Ari to the side>>>>>>>>>>

Let me know what you think.

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