Bad Friend: 1.

By Fknotkf

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Just another Firskhao >< More

21. (Ending)


324 22 6
By Fknotkf

Happy reading!

Khaotung was currently in the meeting room, along with Pawin and Louis.
The three of them were not talking. Pawin actually wanted to, but Louis and Khaotung seemed to be too lazy to argue, it seemed that Louis and Khaotung were just silent while looking at the large round table in front of them, which separated Khaotung alone with Louis and Pawin.
This kind of atmosphere was not expected by Pawin, he thought Khaotung would go crazy like before.
But look at him now, he seemed to have lost all his strength and accepted the accusation without even trying to fight back.


Mrs. Thanawin was seen entering the room in a rage.
She immediately pointed at Khaotung who was still looking down.

"Auntie can't believe you did that to Lui, Khao."

"Mom, calm down."

"How can I calm down?"

Mrs. Thanawin then scolded Khaotung as a son who was good at lying and had sweet words. Why would Khaotung come at night to comfort Louis who failed the competition if he was the culprit of Louis' missing book.

"Did auntie's son do something wrong to you that you're punishing him like this, Khao?"


Before Khaotung could speak in his own defense, Mr. Nan was seen entering the room with another woman. It was Pawin's mother, Mrs. Win.

"Pawin, so this is the boy you mentioned as the best friend of your bully at school earlier?"

Nan looked confused, she knew that Pawin was a victim of a bully but had no idea that Khaotung was apparently related to Pawin's bully.

"His name is Aje, Auntie."

"Then what? It doesn't make any difference whether I say his name or not. Like you and him, it makes no difference."  Mrs. Win then asked Nan to expel Khaotung from school, that was because she thought it was better than giving him another chance.

"We can't just do that, there are many-"

"I'm experienced, Mr. Nan. Even my son has a bad past with this, we've both been in situations like this."

Nan looked giddy, everyone hadn't gathered yet including Khaotung's parents, but Pawin and Louis' parents were already making a scene by pressuring him to kick Khaotung out of school.
Class two was dismissed prematurely, First was anxiously awaiting Mrs. Thana's arrival in the parking lot.
Marc also didn't leave right away, most of the second graders also decided not to go straight home but instead gathered in the parking lot area.

"How is this? Khaotung must be in big trouble," said Joong, as the first discoverer of Louis and Pawin's book in Khaotung's bag.

"Why do you even care about Khaotung?" Dunk asked. "You should be thinking about Louis and Pawin."

Dunk had found his cell phone, he left his dead cell phone in the sports equipment warehouse. Found by Neo.

"Because I don't believe that Khaotung did it," Joong replied.

"Why? You saw the book with Khaotung in it."

Joong did see it, but he couldn't find anything else that made sense why Khaotung would steal it? What did he do it for? Everyone knew that Pawin and Khaotung's relationship had soured again, but why did Louis have to get involved? Then again, Khaotung wasn't that kind of person.

"You know he's Aje's friend. What if he's actually showing who he really is right now," Dunk said, with Neo agreeing.

"Does Pawin have to terrorize Khaotung like yesterday? How is he different from Aje?" Marc retorted.

Dunk was silent this time, there were too many loopholes to believe that Khaotung was the perpetrator of Louis and Pawin's book theft. Even if the book was in his bag, the kids wouldn't believe him that easily.

"Do you believe that Khaotung is the thief?"

First raised his head and turned to Marc. Hebdon't know, there was a hesitation that he had to answer Marc's question at this time, which the other kids also wanted to hear.

"First," Marc called again.

Before the kids heard First's answer, their focus was first diverted to a car entering the parking lot.
First who realized that it was Mrs. Thana's car immediately went over.
As Mrs. Thana looked serious, First asked her to calm down.

"Aunty will talk to you later," Mrs. Thana said and then accelerated her footsteps with her husband towards the teacher's room.

Only First dared to follow them, he was also curious about the impromptu meeting.
The gym teacher was seen standing guard in front of the meeting room, and he stopped First from entering the room.

"Can't I just eavesdrop, sir?"

"You're crazy, just wait here."

First looked so worried, he couldn't even see Khaotung's whereabouts as the gym teacher opened the meeting room door slightly.


Mrs. Thana immediately sat next to Khaotung after greeting Louis and Pawin's parents, although there was no reply at least she knew the manners.
Mr. Nan then went back to explain what had just happened to Mrs. Thana about Khaotung, Louis, and Pawin.

"Aren't you and Louis good friends?"

Khaotung then raised his head and looked at Louis.

"Do you really think I stole it?" Khaotung asked Louis.

"Don't you dare pressure my son!"

"Don't raise your voice to my son!" Mrs. Thana immediately shouted back at Mrs. Thanawin. Who knows how much pressure Khaotung was getting here while he was on his way home.

"This is kid's issue, we are here to mediate," Mrs. Thana continued with the teachers including Nan agreeing. Now we know where Khaotung's fierce attitude comes from.

Back to Louis, he was equally pressured by his mother to join in accusing Khaotung. "I don't know, I want to disbelieve but my book is in your bag."

"Why do you think I should do it?" Khaotung asked again.

"Because Louis is your best friend and you still hold a grudge against me over the group chat." Now it was Pawin who answered.

"You did it on purpose to make me back off and let Louis come forward, but apparently we still decided to test together. You were planning to put the book in my bag. Right?"

Khaotung laughed, finding it amusing that the story had just escaped Pawin's lips.

"Son of a bitch."

Khaotung surprised everyone with his swear word.

"Are you really a victim of bullying?" Khaotung asked again.

After that, a glass of water slid quickly into Khaotung's face from Mrs. Win making the situation even worse because Mrs. Thana also did the same to Mrs. Win.
The teachers tried to separate the women from attacking each other, while Khaotung with his sharp gaze continued to stare at Pawin.

The meeting briefly resumed. Khaotung was given one week to prove his innocence. After that, if Khaotung still did not get the proof, then he would have to be transferred from this school as per Louis and Pawin's parents' wishes.

Currently, Khaotung was in the car with his father and mother. Heading home.
Earlier the father was just waiting outside the meeting with First, both of them entered the meeting room with the gym teacher after a noise was heard.

"Mom believes that you're not the culprit. Therefore, there will definitely be a way to prove that you didn't do it."

Khaotung just nodded his head in the back seat, he was too tired to talk right now. He wanted to get home and stay in his room.
First and Marc couldn't go home right away, both of them had to go to extra classes with Joong.
So you can be sure that the two of them will not focus on studying, because they want to go home to confirm Khaotung's condition.

"Khaotung," called his father.


"Want to stop by for some ice cream?"

Mrs. Thana immediately cursed her husband, in this situation she still had time to offer ice cream for Khaotung.
Mr. Thana at this time actually only cared about Khaotung's mental state, his son repeatedly said that he was not the culprit but was pressured to confess.
Ice-cream is Khaotung's favorite food, which he usually relies on when he's stressed out by school.

Khaotung just smiled at that, nodding to his father's offer. He wanted a lot of ice cream.


At this time Marc had just arrived at the gate of First's house, he was about to park his motorcycle first before going to Khaotung's house. But instead he got a call from his mother, at the same time First came with his motorcycle and went straight into the fence of Khaotung's house.
Unfortunately, Marc had to go meet his mother in front of the housing complex.

First obviously first greeted Mr. Khana and Mrs. Khana who were chatting in the living room, the chat was about Khaotung.
First was also asked questions by both of them, they wanted to know how Khaotung's school life had been as well as how Khaotung's attitude had been since Pawin entered the school. Not to forget, First was also asked by how Aje and Khaotung's friendship still continued even though Mrs. Thana had forbidden Khaotung to see her.

"If we don't find the evidence, Khaotung will have to be transferred. Do you really not know anything, First?"

"I'm sorry, auntie" First was also confused, he couldn't help when hisnfeet were confused about where to stand? Trust Khaotung or Pawin.

After that, First, who was still wearing his school uniform, entered Khaotung's room. Where the owner of the room was busy arranging his study table with new books bought by First.
Khaotung looked awkward to see First now, but he had to act normal.

"How was the extra class?" Asked Khaotung as he decided to continue his activities.

First didn't answer him, he chose to walk closer and stopped Khaotung's hand that was cleaning up his books.
Khaotung raised his head and looked at First with confusion.

"Aren't you afraid?" First asked.

"No," Khaotung replied quickly.

"Not yet." He corrected.

"But I am afraid," murmured First, looking deeply at Khaotung.

"I'm afraid, who should I believe?." First expressed his confusion directly to Khaotung.

"What should I do?"

Khaotung sighed and smiled. "That's your right, you can believe me or not."

"Don't smile like that, bitch. I'm also scared if you're transferred. Aren't you afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid?" Khaotung asked back.

" I'm afraid that one day, I won't have another reason to be close to you."

Khaotung stood still with his heart beating fast.
Especially when First ended up hugging him, again expressing how afraid he was of losing Khaotung in his school life.

This reminded Khaotung of that night, the night First had drunk beer in his room.
At that time, First also said this kind of thing in the middle of his drunkenness.
First who didn't want to lose Khaotung as a friend, didn't want to be shunned, was afraid that Khaotung would have someone he liked and then forget First.
Where that night, First hugged Khaotung all night with murmurs of his fear of losing Khaotung.


Pawin was currently in his room, looking happy with what had just happened. Especially when he heard rumors that the First was no longer sure of standing up to protect Khaotung.
Just one more week and Khaotung would vanish from his life.
But, one week was too long and if Khaotung was really working hard to clear his name then Pawin should also try hard to keep his name bad.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

'Eating, why?'

"I think one week is too long, we have plenty of ways to make it worse. Good idea, right?"

I don't know who he was talking to, but Pawin was clearly showing his true self to that person.
Today, what happened to Khaotung also happened to Louis.
Someone managed to break into his locker, and soiled Louis' gym clothes with mud. However, this time without the curse words that Khaotung got.
Right now, Khaotung was also in his locker, taking out his tracksuit.
The feeling of being stared at by many eyes was felt very strongly by Khaotung, the wordless accusation he had felt.

"Isn't this too much?"

Dunk raised his voice quite loudly, he took out Louis' tracksuit and the water and mud littered the locker floor.

"Louis didn't even do anything." Again, Dunk voiced his opinion as if he wanted to be heard by Khaotung.

Khaotung was confused, he wanted to help Louis but his movements were always misunderstood by them.
So, silence without paying attention was the way for him to defend what he had to defend. The truth.

"Check Pawin's locker."

The figure spoken of appeared, looking surprised at what had happened to Louis' gym clothes.

"Pawin's locker is still locked," Dunk said after checking his friend's locker.

"Lui, are you okay? I'm not feeling well today. Want to borrow my gym clothes?"

Louis remained silent, staring at his dirty tracksuit in Dunk's hands and then at Khaotung who was still standing in front of his own locker, already holding his clean tracksuit.

"Isn't there someone who wants to confess?"

Khaotung finally turned his body around, and everyone was now looking at him including Louis himself.


Neo came over with both hands in his pants pockets.

"Are you going to keep quiet?"

"What should I do?" Khaotung asked back.

"You're bothering Louis all the time. What's wrong with you?"

It was always Neo who stood up for Louis. Just like First always did for Khaotung, he understood Neo's feelings of choosing to believe that he was the culprit of his best friend's book theft.

"You think you'll be surrounded by us forever?"

Khaotung chuckled. "Did I buy you guys something to stick to me? I didn't do anything, you guys got away from me and you got close to me."

After saying that, Neo immediately pushed Khaotung's body against the locker. Of course, Khaotung responded by pushing him even harder.
But fortunately, just as Khaotung was about to throw his punch Marc came to prevent it.

"Khao, stop."

"Hit me, you thief!"

Marc again held Khaotung's body which seemed uncontrollable to hit Neo. Marc then whispered that if Khaotung couldn't hold himself back, it would only make things worse.

Khaotung was indeed restrained by Marc, but Neo was not. So, he occasionally tried to attack Khaotung, overwhelming Marc.
Unfortunately, none of them had any intention of helping Marc to stop Neo.
Joong is currently still in class, and First has some business in the teacher's room.
Khaotung was provoked to attack Neo again despite Marc's repeated reminders of the situation.


But one shout from Louis made both Neo and Khaotung stop attacking each other. Louis never raised his voice to anyone, he was also the least angry among his friends.

"Stop it!" Louis then snatched his tracksuit from Dunk's hand and left the locker area.



Khaotung kept calling out but Louis seemed to turn a deaf ear. His footsteps only quickened to go to the toilet.

"Lui!" Again, Khaotung called out as he ran.

Successfully, Khaotung pulled Louis' arm.
This time Khaotung showed Louis a worried look, he then offered Louis sportswear to wear like Pawin did.

"I'll accompany you if you don't want to go to the field."


"Let me-"

"Stop it, Khao."

Khaotung looked nervous, he had never seen Louis like this. Even if Khaotung was being very annoying, Louis never got angry at all.

"Do you believe that I stole your book?"

"Do you have anything to prove that you're not the culprit?"

Khaotung was silent, because right now he didn't have anything to prove that he wasn't the culprit.

"I don't want to believe it but I'm scared, what if it was you?"


"If you really think you're not the culprit, show them."

Louis no longer wanted Khaotung to care about him at a time like this, behind the backs of those who accused him of being a thief.
In the past, Khaotung had come to the house to comfort him but at school he acted as if he didn't care.

"By being silent like this you only show that you don't care about me at all in front of them. No, do you really care about me?"

"That's not what I meant."

"You only care about your good name. You don't care about me being confused about who the real culprit of all this is."

Louis then resumed his footsteps towards the restroom, and Khaotung was reluctant to follow him.


First was currently with Nan, having just returned from the teacher's lounge and passing through first grade.
Nan met with the first grade homeroom teacher first, and First sighed because he had to go with Nan to class. In fact, First was worried about Khaotung. But alas, he had come to school wearing blue shoes.

First then turned his head to class two, where class one and class two faced each other only separated by the ceremonial ground.
His friends could be seen going in and out of class but Khaotung was nowhere to be seen.
First then lifted his head and found that the first class CCTV camera was actually focused on the ceremonial ground rather than the classroom hallway.

"Why is the CCTV camera pointing at the field?" First asked, impolitely interrupting the two teachers' conversation.

"Ah, the first graders had some trouble there but no one wanted to confess so I moved the camera position there."

Nan nodded his head, remembering the CCTV camera in his class that had yet to be repaired.
Nan then turned his head to the field and the second grade door.

"Since when was the CCTV moved?" Nan asked.

"A very long time ago, three to four months ago."

That meant long before Pawin came to this school.

"Was my class recorded if you checked the first grade CCTV?"

"I haven't checked it in a while, want to check?"

Nan nodded his head quickly, and then told First to go to class alone.

"This way we'll find the real culprit, right?" First asked, stopping Nan's footsteps as he was about to leave with the  teacher.

"Hopefully," Nan replied simply.


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