Selene || Remus Lupin

By ecpotter01

75.8K 2.9K 701

Selene Black and Remus Lupin have a complicated relationship, to say the least. They're best friends, sure... More

Meet Our Characters
Ch. 1 - The Hogwarts Express
Ch. 2 - Hogwarts Again
Ch. 3 - The Whole Beautiful Story
Ch. 5 - Quidditch Fan
Ch. 6 - Happy Birthday, Selene
Ch. 7 - Private Lessons
Ch. 8 - The Marauder's Map
Ch. 9 - A Lot of Things Happen At Once
Ch. 10 - The Shrieking Shack: Part One
Ch. 11 - The Shrieking Shack: Part Two
Ch. 12 - The Horrific Outcome
Ch. 13 - The Morning After
Ch. 14 - Back to the Beginning
Ch. 15 - Selene to the Rescue
Ch. 16 - The Quidditch World Cup
Ch. 17 - The Dark Mark
Ch. 18 - An Unexpected Letter
Ch. 19 - Another Year of Chaos
Ch. 20 - Selene's Amazing Nephew, The Flying Ferret
Ch. 21 - The Signs and Reminiscing
Ch. 22 - The Other Wizarding Schools
Ch. 23 - The Goblet of Fire
Ch. 24 - The Pesky Skeeter
Ch. 25 - Sirius Gets a Haircut
Ch. 26 - Harry Fights a Dragon
Ch. 27 - The Yule Ball
Ch. 28 - The Second Task
Ch. 29 - The Blacks Reunite
Ch. 30 - Dark Days Lie Ahead
Ch. 31 - The Third Task
Ch. 32 - The Impostor
Ch. 33 - Voldemort Has Returned
Ch. 34 - Fudge's Denial
Ch. 35 - The Beginning of a New Era
Ch. 36 - The Most Un-Dursleyish Rescue
Ch. 37 - Grimmauld Place
Ch. 38 - The Order of the Phoenix
Ch. 39 - The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
Ch. 40 - The Ministry of Magic
Ch. 41 - Harry's Hearing
Ch. 42 - Selene and Her Many Problems
Ch. 43 - Selene and Tonks, The Best of Friends
Ch. 44 - First Day Jitters
Ch. 45 - Late for Class
Ch. 46 - The Reign of the Pink Terror
Ch. 47 - Draco's New Personality
Ch. 48 - Weasley is Our King
Ch. 49 - Sacked and Reconciled
Ch. 50 - We Can't Be Together
Ch. 51 - Snake Attack at the Ministry
Ch. 52 - St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Ch. 53 - Kids Will Talk
Ch. 54 - An Eventful Christmas
Ch. 55 - Selene Tackles Sirius
Ch. 56 - Remus the Gardener
Ch. 57 - The Grimmauld Place Gobstones Club
Ch. 58 - The Parent-Teacher Conference
Ch. 59 - Fireside Chat
Ch. 60 - A Much-Needed Discussion
Ch. 61 - And Then He Was Gone
Ch. 62 - Stars and Mischief
Ch. 63 - Life After Death
Ch. 64 - Late Night at the Burrow
Ch. 65 - Owls Bringing O.W.L.s
Ch. 66 - Harry's House
Ch. 67 - Draco Malfoy and the Golden Trio
Ch. 68 - The Brief Return of Selene Malfoy
Ch. 69 - Hello, Hogwarts, Old Friend
Ch. 70 - Remus and Romulus
Ch. 71 - Sins of Her Past
Ch. 72 - Harry Loses His Mind
Ch. 73 - The Christmas Party
Ch. 74 - A Loving Household
Ch. 75 - Remus' Big Secret
Ch. 76 - Christmas with the Family
Ch. 77 - Chocolate Chip Muffins and Tea Bags
Ch. 78 - A Birthday Tragedy
Ch. 79 - Remus Prevents Selene From Committing Murder
Ch. 80 - At Long Last
Ch. 81 - Selene's Day Off
Ch. 82 - Grounded
Ch. 83 - Wedding Plans
Ch. 84 - Battle at Midnight
Ch. 85 - In the Hospital Wing
Ch. 86 - Before Everything Changes
Ch. 87 - Looking Back and Looking Forward
Ch. 88 - Married with No Children
Ch. 89 - The Sky-High Pursuit
Ch. 90 - A Splitting Headache
Ch. 91 - The First of Many to Fall
Ch. 92 - Crash and Denial
Ch. 93 - The Unexpected News
Ch. 94 - The Terror Begins
Ch. 95 - Lupin Alone
Ch. 96 - The Size of a Raspberry
Ch. 97 - Face of Remorse
Ch. 98 - The Double-Agent
Ch. 99 - The Redheaded Runaway
Ch. 100 - The Meeting of the Minds
Ch. 101 - Come Home
Ch. 102 - Reflections and Dreams
Ch. 103 - The Very Best Birthday
Ch. 104 - Mum and Dad
Ch. 105 - Malfoy Manor
Ch. 106 - A Gentle Place
Ch. 107 - The Plan
Ch. 108 - Selene's Treasure Box
Ch. 109 - Beginning of the End
Ch. 110 - Into Battle
Ch. 111 - A World Without

Ch. 4 - Coffee and Tea

1.6K 46 8
By ecpotter01

The school semester was passing rapidly, and before anyone knew it, it was already the end of October. Selene, while she saw no end to the gossip related to her last name, was gaining control back of her classes, and she was quite enjoying them. They had just started memorizing the constellations, Selene's favorite part of Astronomy; her constellation tattoos would light up at just their mere mention in class, and the students would "ooh" and "ahh" every single time. Remus also quite liked this part of Astronomy as well. He claimed that she had already helped him memorize them all. Selene had just blushed.

Selene had really begun to realize how fast time was passing by the time Halloween rolled around, and she said so to Remus that day as they were sitting in his office sharing a cup of coffee.

"I know what you mean," he responded. "It seems like only yesterday it was the Start-of-Term Feast."

She nodded emphatically, taking a sip of her coffee. "I'm telling you, your coffee beats all," she insisted, perched on the edge of Remus' desk.

He sat in his desk chair looking up at her and smiling. "I guess there's no point in me trying to get any work done while you're in here."

"I would hope not," she said, winking at him.

Remus grinned and shook his head. "Don't tease me, witch."

Selene merely smiled at him sweetly, just as someone walking past his open office door caught her eye. "Remus, was that Harry that I just saw walking by?"

Remus stood abruptly from his chair and strode over to his door, peering around it. "Harry?"

Because Remus was standing in the doorway, Selene couldn't see who was standing there, but she assumed that it was indeed Harry, since Remus continued speaking.

"What are you doing?" he asked curiously. "Where are Ron and Hermione?"

"Hogsmeade," came Harry's slightly dejected answer.

"Ah," Remus said. He paused for a moment, then stood aside in the doorway, allowing Selene to fully see Harry standing in the corridor. "Why don't you come in? Professor Black and I were just inspecting my delivery of a grindylow for my next lesson."

Selene hopped off of the desk and sat in an armchair against the wall, trying to look slightly less casual.

"A what?" Harry asked. He followed Remus into his office. "Oh, hello, Professor."

"Hiya, Harry," Selene responded brightly.

"Water demon," Remus said, answering Harry's question. "We shouldn't have much difficulty with him, not after the kappas. The trick is to break his grip. You notice abnormally long fingers? Strong, but very brittle."

Harry regarded the grindylow for a moment as it bared its teeth at the room's occupants and hid itself in some weeds in its container.

"Cup of coffee, Harry? Selene, er, Professor Black and I were just having some. Or maybe some tea, instead?" Remus asked.

"A cup of tea would be great, thanks," Harry said awkwardly.

Remus began searching around for his kettle, hopelessly moving stuff around his office looking for it. Selene merely reached under his desk and handed it to him immediately.

"Thank you," Remus said to her, his eyes merry. He tapped the kettle with his wand, steam pouring out of its spout quickly.

"Sit down, Harry," Selene said to him kindly, noticing his awkwardness. "Professor Lupin unfortunately only has teabags – he's not much of a tea-drinker – but I'd say you've had enough of tea leaves, yes?"

Harry looked surprised. "How did you know about that?"

Selene grinned mischievously. "I know all of the secrets around here."

"Professor McGonagall told her," Remus rolled his eyes, as Harry began to look taken aback. He handed him a chipped teacup. "You're not worried, are you?

"No," Harry answered quickly, too quickly for comfort. It seemed that something, if not that, was worrying him.

Selene wore a concerned look on her face. "Is something wrong, Harry?"

"No," Harry said hesitantly. Then he seemed to change his mind. "Yes," he said quickly, setting down his cup of tea. "You know that day we fought the boggart?" he asked, looking at Remus.

"Yes," Remus responded slowly.

"Why didn't you let me fight it?"

Selene and Remus exchanged a glance.

"I thought that would've been obvious, Harry," Remus said, surprised.

Harry stared at him. "Why?"

Remus threw another glance Selene's way before answering. "Well... I assumed that if the boggart faced you, it would assume the shape of Lord Voldemort."

Harry continued to stare at him.

"Clearly, I was wrong," Remus said, frowning, "But I didn't think it a good idea for Lord Voldemort to materialize in the staffroom. I imagined that people would panic."

"I did think of Voldemort first," Harry said. "But then I – I remembered those dementors."

Selene raised her eyebrows. "Well, that certainly is impressive, Harry."

Remus nodded in agreement, smiling at the surprised look on Harry's face. "Yes, I agree. That suggests that what you fear most of all is – fear. Very wise, Harry."

Harry didn't appear as if he knew how to respond to that, so he took a sip of his tea.

"So you've been thinking that I didn't believe you capable of fighting the boggart?" Remus asked him.

"Well... yeah," Harry said, looking a bit more cheerful. "Professor Lupin, you know the dementors—"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Remus called. The door opened slowly, and Snape came in, carrying a smoking goblet. His eyes narrowed, and he wore a faintly nasty look when he saw Harry sitting there.

"Ah, Severus," Remus said, smiling. "Thanks very much. Could you leave it here on the desk for me?"

Snape set down the goblet, staring at the two professors and Harry.

"We were just showing Harry the new grindylow Remus has just had delivered," Selene said, smiling. "Isn't it just so interesting, Severus?"

"Fascinating," Snape deadpanned. He turned to Remus. "You should drink that directly, Lupin."

"Yes, yes, I will," Remus said.

"I made an entire cauldronful," Snape continued. "If you need more."

"He'll probably need to take some more tomorrow. I'll ensure he does that, thank you, Severus," Selene said pleasantly.

"Yes, thanks very much, Severus,"

"Not at all," Snape said, although he looked as if he minded very much. He left the room hurriedly, leaving the three alone once again.

Harry stared at the goblet curiously.

"Professor Snape has very kindly concocted a potion for me," Remus said. "I have never been much of a potion-brewer and this one is particularly complex." He lifted the goblet to his face and sniffed it. Selene winced. "Pity sugar makes it useless," he added, before taking a small sip.

"Why–?" Harry began.

Remus answered his unfinished question. "I've been feeling a bit off-color," he said. "This potion is the only thing that helps. I am very lucky to be working alongside Professor Snape; there aren't many wizards who are up to making it."

"Myself being one of them," Selene chimed in.

Harry stared at Remus, who was attempting to drink more of the potion without gagging. "Professor Snape's very interested in the Dark Arts," he blurted out, his eyes wide.

"Really?" Remus said mildly, throwing a sidelong glance Selene's way.

"Some people reckon—" Harry hesitated, before continuing on. "Some people reckon he'd do anything to get the Defense Against the Dark Arts job."

Remus gulped down the last of the potion, making a disgusted face. Selene forced down her laughter.

"Disgusting," Remus said. "Well, Harry, I'd better get back to work. I'll see you at the feast later."

"Right," Harry said, standing and putting his teacup on the desk. With a nod to both professors, he made his exit.

Selene turned to Remus and gave him an odd look. "Get back to work? Since when? That's not what you were doing before he came in here."

Remus had followed Harry to the door and was closing it and locking it behind him.

"You are my work," Remus said mildly, striding towards her with a sly smile.

Selene merely grinned.

The long-awaited Halloween feast was enjoyable as always. Selene and Remus ate until they couldn't eat anymore, filling up especially on pumpkin pasties and treacle tart. It was the most cheerful that Selene had seen Remus in a while, and she was thriving on it.

They were walking back to their living quarters after the feast, when there was a ruckus of loud voices and movement. Professor McGonagall rushed quickly past the pair, but upon realizing who they were, stopped and eyed them warily. "You'd better follow me, and quick. There's been a break-in."

"A break-in?" Selene asked, alarmed. "What do you mean?"

McGonagall gave her a sorry look. "It's Black. He's been in the castle."

Selene and Remus exchanged a look of fear and horror, before tearing after McGonagall.

They followed her up to Dumbledore's office, where all of the professors were gathered and looking at each other anxiously.

"Ah, thank you, Selene and Remus, for joining us," Professor Dumbledore said, as soon as the two had followed McGonagall into the office. "Now that you all are here, I want you to split you up into search teams across the castle. Professors Flitwick and Sprout, if you'll cover the fifth, sixth, and seventh floors; Professor Snape, if you will search the Astronomy Tower, Professor Trelawney's room, and the Owlery. Professor Vector, if you will search the third and fourth floors, as well as the kitchens. Professor McGonagall, please round up the ghosts and as them to canvass the remaining floors, and then if you and Hagrid will search the grounds. Mr. Filch has already been told to search the dungeons."

The professors began to disperse, with Remus and Selene giving a worried, knowing look to each other. They weren't at all surprised when Dumbledore said, "Selene, Remus, do you mind hanging back to speak with me for a moment?"

They both nodded, awkwardly standing there as the room cleared out. Finally, it was just the three of them.

"I'm afraid you know what I am about to ask," Dumbledore said.

Selene's jaw hardened. "I'm afraid so."

The old professor stared the two down. "Is there anything information on Sirius Black that I need to know? Anything that we may not know already?"

Selene glanced at Remus. "I –" she began, but Remus cut her off.

"No, Professor," he said, avoiding Selene's eyes.

"Is that right?" Dumbledore said carefully, his blue eyes surveying the pair of them carefully. His gaze slid over to Selene, eyeing her. "Selene?"

Selene hesitated, her mouth opening slightly. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a nerve jumping in Remus' jaw. She closed her mouth immediately, shaking her head.

Later that night, after Selene and Remus had gone to bed, Selene turned over to look at Remus.



"Why didn't we tell Dumbledore that he was an Animagus?"

Remus didn't say anything.


Selene looked at him. He was staring at her with wide eyes.

"Selene... I know I should... but I don't think I can tell him."

"Why not?" Selene asked.

"I let him become one. I let all of them become one," Remus said guiltily. "We ran around like idiots, being reckless and stupid, and Dumbledore never knew. He was the only one who took a chance on me, despite my – condition – and look at how I repaid him? I couldn't bear to tell him."

Selene shook her head. "Remus, you can't be expected to have full control over your friends. They made that decision themselves. Besides, they did it to help you."

"Yes, to help me!" Remus said in a strangled voice. "Because of what I am!"

"Remus, none of that is your fault!" Selene exclaimed.

"But it is," he insisted. "I had the power to stop them, and I didn't."

"You couldn't have stopped them," Selene pressed. "They made their decision."

Remus was silent, just looking at her.

"It's just... we know how he could be getting in... we could say something," Selene said quietly.

"I can't..." Remus pleaded. "I can't tell him."

Selene stared at him for another moment, and then reluctantly nodded. "Okay, we won't say anything. We're in this together."

He sighed. "Thank you."

She nodded again, scooting closer to him in the bed.

They were quiet for another moment, for so long that Selene was almost positive that Remus had fallen asleep, but then he spoke again.

"You know what I just realized?" Remus said quietly.

"What?" Selene asked, turning over to him.

"It's been twelve years today... since James and Lily's deaths..." Remus said, his eyes glossy.

Selene was silent, looking at him.

"I can't believe it's been that long," Remus went on, rubbing his face with his hand.

"I miss them," Selene sniffed, blinking rapidly.

"I miss them, too," Remus said, pulling her close.

"They didn't deserve that," Selene said thickly. "They deserved the most in life... so much more than they got..."

"All we can do now is honor them by protecting their son," Remus said solemnly.

Selene looked at him quietly. "And are we doing that?"

Remus merely looked at her, not having a response. It stayed quiet after that, until the pair of them slowly drifted off into fitful sleep.

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