Ch. 20 - Selene's Amazing Nephew, The Flying Ferret

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The first day of class was unfortunately not uneventful. Selene had had high hopes for the day, but those hopes came crashing down as soon as she strolled into entrance hall, donning a long, soft blue cloak over a t-shirt and jeans.

"You know your mother, Malfoy?" a familiar voice said, "that expression she's got, like she's got dung under her nose? Has she always looked like that, or was it just because you were with her?"

Selene snorted, then slapped a hand over her face.

"Don't you dare insult my mother, Potter."

Of course, she had to be the person whose godson and nephew were mortal enemies.

"Keep your fat mouth shut, then," Harry snapped, turning away from Draco.

Selene was about to make her way over to the two boys, mentally preparing herself for a scolding, when there was a loud BANG.

Harry plunged his hand into his robes, no doubt reaching for his wand.



Selene whipped her head away from Harry. Moody was stumping furiously towards the two boys, his wand out and pointed at a pure white ferret on the floor in front of Harry.

Selene clapped her hand over mouth. "Please tell me that's not who I think it is," she said in a horrified whisper through her fingers.

Moody ignored her. "Did he get you?" he said gruffly.

"No," Harry said, and suddenly he noticed that Selene was standing there. He at least had the decency to look ashamed. "He missed."

"LEAVE IT!" Moody yelled.

Harry looked startled. "Leave – what?"

"Not you – him!" Moody said, turning his head toward Vincent Crabbe, who had made a movement to pick up the ferret. The ex-Auror began to limp towards Crabbe, Goyle, and the ferret, all of whom began to back away hurriedly.

"Uh," Selene blinked. "Excuse me!"

Still, Moody ignored her.

"I don't think so!" he roared, pointing his wand at the ferret, causing it to skyrocket into the air. "I don't like people who attack when their opponent's back's turned. Stinking, cowardly, scummy thing to do..."

The ferret continued to bounce up and down in the air.

"Moody!" Selene said sharply, rushing towards him. "Stop that at once!"

He once again pretended not to hear her.

Draco the ferret flailed in the air, squealing loudly.

"Never – do – that – again –" Moody said, punctuating his words by slapping the ferret against the stone floor.

"Are you mad?!" Selene asked angrily. "Change him back!"

"Professor Moody!" a shocked voice said behind her.

Professor McGonagall stomped up alongside her, her arms balancing a precarious stack of books.

"Hello, Professor McGonagall," said Moody nonchalantly, continuing to bounce the ferret.

"What – what are you doing?" she asked, her eyes following the ferret in the air. She looked at Selene. "What is he doing?"

"Professor Moody seems to think he's teaching," Selene said angrily.

"Teach – Moody, is that a student?" Professor McGonagall shrieked, losing the large stack of books in her hands. Selene hissed a swear under her breath as a couple of them came down on her foot.

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