Ch. 73 - The Christmas Party

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The next month and a half passed without major event, and before Selene knew it, it was the day before they went home for the Christmas holidays. She was particularly excited about this, because Remus had told her he'd be home for Christmas. She hadn't heard from him at all, though she expected it was hard for him to write while he was with the werewolf pack. All she could hope for was that he was alright, and she'd see him soon.

"Ah, Professor Black, good morning!"

Selene looked up from her half-eaten slice of buttered toast and blinked up at Professor Slughorn, who was smiling at her genially, a mug clutched between his hands. "Oh, good morning, Professor."

Slughorn had been Selene's Head of House back in her days at Hogwarts, and though he'd always been perfectly nice, Selene always felt put off of him due to his friendship with her father, Abraxas. She felt that anyone who could look past the elder Malfoy's cruelty and coldness towards his daughter had questionable intentions – but perhaps he was clueless.

"I came over to ask," Slughorn went on, taking the liberty to sit in the seat next to Selene. "I don't suppose you remember my parties from back in your school days..."

Selene did indeed. Both she and Lily had been invited to be a part of the Slug Club – a scattered collective of students in whom Slughorn himself saw great potential. Selene had never had any interest in being a Slug Club member, but Lily managed to drag her along to every meeting and party and dinner.

Selene supposed that Slughorn thought she'd make for a famous Quidditch player – and to be honest, she'd certainly thought so herself – but after that dream had ceased to pan out, Slughorn had lost interest.

That had been a little hurtful to Selene, if she was honest, but she'd never lost sleep over it.

"Well, I was going to extend an invitation to one I am holding tonight," Slughorn said, smiling broadly. "Just a Christmas soireé with a few distinguished guests... nothing too formal, of course! But I thought you might like to come! Some of the other professors will be in attendance, and I think your own godson will be there, too!"

It seemed to Selene that her own invitation had been a well-intended afterthought, but she tried not to appear too disinterested. "Sounds like a great time, Professor. I'd love to come."

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Slughorn said cheerfully. He extracted himself from his seat and stood up, placing a heavy hand on Selene's shoulder. "Well then, I'll see you there! Eight o'clock, don't forget!"

"I won't," Selene said, plastering on what she hoped looked like a grateful smile. "Have a good day, Professor."

Slughorn gave her another warm grin and left the staff table. Selene waited until he was gone to exhale out of her nose exasperatedly, a few of her silvery strands flying up in her face.

She supposed a party was better than sitting in her bed, eating treacle tart all by her lonesome.

Later that evening, Selene trudged through the corridors towards Slughorn's large office, seeking out the Christmas party. She had, most reluctantly, dressed up for the occasion, putting on a deep emerald dress and wearing her silvery hair in waves, half pinned up with a pretty silver pin. Admittedly, she thought she looked pretty nice, but she also felt a little silly going to a party that was primarily made up of students.


Selene whirled around, looking behind her, and she sighed in relief.

It was Harry, looking smart in bottle-green robes, and he was accompanied by Luna Lovegood, who was wearing a very festive set of spangled silver robes.

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