Gaining Control

By Charlie4689

234 1 0

Lucy Davis is just trying hard to be a normal 22 year old, but finding herself the wrong side of an Avengers... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Eighteen

6 0 0
By Charlie4689

Natasha POV

"Let's start off with the easy part of this, Miss Maximoff I have read your report on her powers, could you explain it all for everyone?" Fury asks while taking his seat back at the head of the table. He opens up the report that Wanda finished earlier.

"In a short version her powers are ready, she has them all fully controlled so we don't need to worry about any explosions anymore. As we saw, her teleportation is the most improved since she couldn't do that when she first came here, along with mind reading and control. The control part can be improved but still a lot better than when she first started. Telekinesis has also greatly improved, she can move objects over great distances and hold heavier objects than before, I think she matches what I can do there. Same story with energy manipulation, she can make different sizes and fire them over distance while still hitting targets. We are still working on her flying or levitating in the same way that I do it, she's done it successfully a few times but will still need some training there" Wanda finishes explaining about all her powers. Fury closes that report and opens another.

"Agent Romanoff, can you explain her fitness and hand-to-hand combat?" Fury asks while looking at me.

"Her fitness levels were good enough to start with but we have improved them. Of course with being a super soldier her stamina is high so she can run good distances at speed, and I think she manages to keep up with Steve. Her strength is a match with Steve and Bucky too. Hand-to-hand is much improved, when sparring with the rest of the team she usually manages to win, with me she has managed to pin me a few times now, her fighting was never bad to begin with so we haven't had to teach her much. We have tried sparring in a team and she performed great, he held her own but also watched her teammates and helped them out when needed" I explain everything in my report before looking back up around the room.

"Good, sounds like you are both ready to sign her off, now that just leave Dr Jones. I know you didn't have time to fill out your report but could you give it to us now?" Fury asks while looking at her. She fips through her folder and notebook before starting.

"I will be honest, I'm unsure at the moment. She has made some big steps over the last 3 months, she's no longer self harming or thinking about it, she's not at risk of suicide either. I think she would be good in the field, she cares about the members on this team and would put herself on the line before any of them. Today she explained that she wants to help people and that's why she agreed to join. I like that she's doing this for the right reason. But she still won't talk about her hydra days in detail, she brushes over it a lot. I know she still has nightmares, she will give me some details but she holds some back" she pauses while looking over some more notes.

"I want to say yes, since I think she needs this rather than just sitting around here all day but she needs to agree to start talking more about everything that happened to her. Has she spoken to either of you about any of it?" Helen asks while looking at me and Wanda. I sigh before answering.

"No she hasn't, I heard a few things from her nightmares but once she wakes up she won't talk about them" I reply while looking at Wanda.

"I looked into her mind once while she was having a nightmare to help her out of it, but that's all I know. She told me I could do it anytime she's having a nightmare but I've never been with her since while she was having one" Wanda answers, I can see her holding off the tears she must be remember Lucy's nightmare, I would hope it wasn't that bad but I've heard her scream in the night from them too.

"If you could Wanda that would be helpful, maybe Natasha could get you next time she's having one" Helen suggests to us, we both nod in agreement.

"We are all agreed that she can go into the field then? She is to accompany someone for the first few missions then once Agent Romanoff is pleased she can be given more freedom in the field. No sole mission either until Agent Romanoff has spoken to me about it" Fury explains while looking at us three. We all hum in agreement of her joining us on missions.

"JARVIS can you please ask Miss Davis to join us, and to use the door" Fury asks while standing up.

"Of course Director Fury, she has been informed and is on her way" JARVIS replies. After a few minutes she walks into the room. She looks worried, I'm guessing she thinks that Helen wouldn't have signed her off. She walks over and sits between me and Wanda.

"Agent Romanoff and Miss Maximoff have both signed you off from their training parts, you are to still train and develop your skills and powers though. Dr Jones is willing to also sign you off but on one condition" he stops talking and looks at her. Her eyes widen, completely surprised that Helen is agreeing to sign her off.

"You need to talk more in detail about your past including hydra, agree to that and keep to that then she will sign you off" he finishes while still keeping eye contact with her.

"Yes, I agree to that, I'll try my hardest to start talking about it more to you" she looks at Helen who smiles and nods in return.

"Make sure you do otherwise you will be benched again or I can have Miss Maximoff take a look for me" Fury states, Lucy gulps next to me, I place my hand on her leg trying to calm her down.

"I will, promise" she replies, her voice breaking.

"You are to shadow Agent Romanoff, do as she says and then we will go from there for now. Well done Miss Davis and welcome to the team. I can give you a lift home Dr Jones, believe these three might be drinking before long" Fury says as he walks towards Helen, she grabs her stuff and waves a quick bye to use before they both leave the room.

I pull Lucy into a massive hug and kiss her on the lips deeply. Wanda waits for us to breathe before joining in on the hug.

"Well done малыш, knew you would get there" I tell her while holding her tight. We all break up from the hug.

"So when is our first mission?" she asks as we leave the room, she's almost jumping up and down in excitement.

"There isn't one yet, just have to wait and see" I tell her while grabbing her hand and walking into the living area. Nearly everyone is there, and they look over to us.

"Guess who got signed off for mission's?" Wanda says as we walk closer. Everyone cheers and gets up to congratulate Lucy. Before long there's a bottle of vodka on the table and glasses being raised to the newest member.

—------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lucy POV (Week time jump)

It's been a week since I was allowed on mission and not one fucking mission has come in yet! I've been here for 3 months and I have never known for the whole team to be here for so long together without a mission. I just want one before my next appointment with Helen so I can talk about that instead of my past.

At least the last week has been fun, the day after I was signed off Tony threw me a party. He wanted a massive one but Nat convinced him to keep it small which I was happy for. He has also been designing my own suit since at the moment I would use an old one of Nat's. My suit is basically Nat's but won't be as tight fitting, it will still have the gun holders and the knife compartments too, I might not use them as much as Nat but they are a backup incase I need them. Still working on my name, not got a clue there, the others have a few ideas but they're just not it, I still have time.

"Hey малыш, I have a some news" Nat says as she walks into our shared room, I basically moved into her room slowly overtime and just using mine for storage, means I could have a bigger bookcase!

"What is it?" I ask her really excited, it's got to be a mission. I pray it is, if there was a god, Thor doesn't count. She walks over and sits next to me on the bed pulling me into a hug.

"We are having a small party later, Vision is coming back from his mission, you remember me telling you, Wanda's boyfriend" she explains, oh so no mission. I smile at her trying to seem excited.

"I know it isn't a mission малыш but it can still be fun, there will be one soon it's been too quiet recently. Plus it's Christmas soon so hopefully we can all enjoy that too without too many mission" she explains while pulling me into a side hug. I look down into my lap, her hand goes under my chin and raises my head to look at her.

"What's wrong малыш?" She asks me really gently and calmly. I'm trying to hold it back but the tears start falling down my face, she pulls me into a tighter hug and I just let it all go. She rubs my back and keeps telling me it's going to be ok and to just let it out. Once I have calmed down a little enough to catch my breath I pull away from Nat and look at her.

"I don't like Christmas, just too many bad memories. Then when I escaped everyone just seemed so happy this time of the year and I just don't understand it" I explained to her before I started crying again.

"малыш it's ok, we can spend the day alone and just watch movies, or we can make new memories. Have you ever celebrated Christmas in any way?" Nat asks while holding me tightly, I shake my head. I never really knew what it was till I escaped and then I watched other people celebrate it but never had anyone to do that with. I brought a tree once but it just reminded me of the bad memories too much so I burnt it.

"How about you talk to Helen tomorrow about some of it? And on the day we can do our own Christmas thing without everyone else and we can stop whenever you want? Wanda might even join us too, ok?" Nat says while placing kisses on my head, I hum in agreement still calming down after the break down.

"Let's go and have dinner, I think Wanda has cooked some pasta. You can meet Vision and then we can just watch movies and leave the rest of them to party" Nat says while getting up from our bed. She helps me up and pulls me into one final hug before we both head downstairs.

Looks like the party has already started, the living area is full of people, me and Nat just walk past them going into the kitchen where we catch Wanda and a red guy kissing, I'm guessing that must be Vision, I can see why Bucky called him a red toaster now.

"Are we disturbing anything?" Nat asks as we walk into the room, Wanda just carries on kissing Vision and sticks her fingers up to both me and Nat who just break down laughing. She finally pulls apart and stares at us.

"You guys are unfair, I don't make a big thing out of it when you're sucking on each other's faces" Wanda says while giving us a death stare, it would scare me but Nat's death stare is a lot worse.

"Sorry Wanda I didn't mean it like that, I'm glad your boyfriend is home and you're happy" I say while pulling her into a hug. She only stays angry for a few more seconds before hugging me back. Once we break away she turns to Vision.

"Vision this is Lucy, Lucy this is my boyfriend Vision" Wanda introduces us both to each other. He offers his hand and I take it and shake it a little.

"Nice to finally meet you, she never stops talking about you so good to put a face to the name" I say, I can feel Wanda giving me the death stare again but I brush it off.

"Likewise, sorry it took so long to meet but since Wanda's mission with you was planned to go up to Christmas I agreed to take on another mission for the same timeframe. Looks like her mission ended well" he says to me as we step back from each other. Wanda reaches for Vision's hand and starts pulling him towards the living room.

"Help yourself to any of the food, there's pasta in the pot or snacks on the table" Wanda says to us both before leaving the room. I walk over to the stove while Nat grabs some bowls, I fill them both and we grab loads of snacks and drinks from the cupboards and fridge before we both head back upstairs to our private living room.

Nat turns the TV on to a random movie while we both wrap up on the couch and start eating our dinner. We watched movie after movie while cuddling into each other. Most of the snacks were gone but I couldn't eat anything else. I felt my eyes starting to close and before I knew it we were both asleep, wrapped up with each other on our couch from the coffee shop.

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