Chapter Fifteen

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Wanda POV

I keep hold of Lucy as she starts to break down in my arms. Her whole body is shaking. We should have told her, she didn't have to find out this way.

"Umm...Wanda, you might want to step away from Lucy" I hear Bruce's voice from behind me. He isn't usually like this. I open my eyes and pull back from Lucy a little to see she's turning green. The veins in her arms are all green and when I see her eyes they are shining bright green back to me.

"Hey it's ok, calm down, we will get her back, I promise you" I try to talk to her, help her calm down but it isn't working. I can feel some arms wrap around me, I turn my head to see Steve holding me from behind. He pulls me away from Lucy, we all know what's going to happen next. I keep trying to talk to her, helping her through this but it's no good, her powers are in control here.

In a blink of an eye she's gone, just a little green smoke left right where she was standing. I haven't got a clue where she will be, it's not like she can control this yet.

"Where do you think she would have gone?" Fury asks as we all take a seat in the living area.

"No clue, she can't control that yet, we were going to wait till she had better control over her other powers first" I answered, looking around the group to see if anyone else had any ideas.

"JARVIS display that map of the base" Tony asks, moving the conversation back towards Nat.

"I'm guessing if she's still there she would be held on one of the lower floors, harder for us to get to her since they know we would be coming back for her. I'm not sure how we are going to get in, it was like they had an unlimited number of soldiers" Steve starts talking through our options.

"What about the vents?" Clint asks, most of us just look at him confused.

"Yes we know you like vents but there's no way Thor or the green guy is going to be able to fit" Tony says rolling his eyes.

"Idiot, the base has more floors underground than above, meaning they must have a good air system to circulate oxygen via the vents, we could gas the place. Nothing that will harm them, once they're down just walk in and find Nat" he explains, now that makes more sense.

"We already have plenty of gas like that in the lab we can use, should work for about 12 hours so more than enough time to find Nat" Bruce chimes in next.

"When should we do it? They have probably increased the guards and security now, we need to keep as many as possible inside. So the gas needs to be released into the air supply without them knowing and before we start fighting with anyone outside of the base" Steve asks the group while explaining why.

"Well I would suggest a fly over and drop something in but with how big this place is, we are gonna need tank after tank of gas for the whole compound" Tony chimes in next. Everyone hums in agreement, we look around at each other thinking about what we can do.

"Right, I'll order some pizza. We need to get Nat back asap so let's eat, freshen up and restock the jet so we can go back tonight and start keeping tabs on the base so we can see when the best time to act is, Bruce is that enough time to sort out the gas?" Tony breaks the silence, Bruce hums in agreement and he leaves the room heading towards the lab.

Over the next hour we all showered and threw on some new clothes. Fury had some SHIELD agents restock the jet so we had enough for a week. Bruce had sorted out the gas and all of it was stored in the jet safety. We were all just starting to eat some pizza, none of us talking all too worried about Nat but knowing we need to recover after the mission, I'm also worried about Lucy but I have no clue where to start with her so save Nat first then she can help with Lucy. Breaking the silence I hear a loud thud behind me. Everyone jumps up surprised at what's going on, green smoke fills the area.

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