Chapter Eighteen

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Natasha POV

"Let's start off with the easy part of this, Miss Maximoff I have read your report on her powers, could you explain it all for everyone?" Fury asks while taking his seat back at the head of the table. He opens up the report that Wanda finished earlier.

"In a short version her powers are ready, she has them all fully controlled so we don't need to worry about any explosions anymore. As we saw, her teleportation is the most improved since she couldn't do that when she first came here, along with mind reading and control. The control part can be improved but still a lot better than when she first started. Telekinesis has also greatly improved, she can move objects over great distances and hold heavier objects than before, I think she matches what I can do there. Same story with energy manipulation, she can make different sizes and fire them over distance while still hitting targets. We are still working on her flying or levitating in the same way that I do it, she's done it successfully a few times but will still need some training there" Wanda finishes explaining about all her powers. Fury closes that report and opens another.

"Agent Romanoff, can you explain her fitness and hand-to-hand combat?" Fury asks while looking at me.

"Her fitness levels were good enough to start with but we have improved them. Of course with being a super soldier her stamina is high so she can run good distances at speed, and I think she manages to keep up with Steve. Her strength is a match with Steve and Bucky too. Hand-to-hand is much improved, when sparring with the rest of the team she usually manages to win, with me she has managed to pin me a few times now, her fighting was never bad to begin with so we haven't had to teach her much. We have tried sparring in a team and she performed great, he held her own but also watched her teammates and helped them out when needed" I explain everything in my report before looking back up around the room.

"Good, sounds like you are both ready to sign her off, now that just leave Dr Jones. I know you didn't have time to fill out your report but could you give it to us now?" Fury asks while looking at her. She fips through her folder and notebook before starting.

"I will be honest, I'm unsure at the moment. She has made some big steps over the last 3 months, she's no longer self harming or thinking about it, she's not at risk of suicide either. I think she would be good in the field, she cares about the members on this team and would put herself on the line before any of them. Today she explained that she wants to help people and that's why she agreed to join. I like that she's doing this for the right reason. But she still won't talk about her hydra days in detail, she brushes over it a lot. I know she still has nightmares, she will give me some details but she holds some back" she pauses while looking over some more notes.

"I want to say yes, since I think she needs this rather than just sitting around here all day but she needs to agree to start talking more about everything that happened to her. Has she spoken to either of you about any of it?" Helen asks while looking at me and Wanda. I sigh before answering.

"No she hasn't, I heard a few things from her nightmares but once she wakes up she won't talk about them" I reply while looking at Wanda.

"I looked into her mind once while she was having a nightmare to help her out of it, but that's all I know. She told me I could do it anytime she's having a nightmare but I've never been with her since while she was having one" Wanda answers, I can see her holding off the tears she must be remember Lucy's nightmare, I would hope it wasn't that bad but I've heard her scream in the night from them too.

"If you could Wanda that would be helpful, maybe Natasha could get you next time she's having one" Helen suggests to us, we both nod in agreement.

"We are all agreed that she can go into the field then? She is to accompany someone for the first few missions then once Agent Romanoff is pleased she can be given more freedom in the field. No sole mission either until Agent Romanoff has spoken to me about it" Fury explains while looking at us three. We all hum in agreement of her joining us on missions.

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