Heart To Heart || The Big Ban...

By Neon_Trees33

6.9K 251 48

- A rewrite of "The Only Exception"- Dr. Elena Díaz is a theoretical physicist at Caltech University just lik... More



805 29 4
By Neon_Trees33

"He seems nice. He brought me coffee this morning," Elena told her mother over the phone as she was walking into her apartment after a long day at work.

"Oh, that is sweet. Small and sweet gesture. And the dinner date is this Friday?" Lucia questioned.

"It is. Mamá, it's been such a long time since I have been on a date. I'm not even sure I want to go through with this date."

Elena walked inside and set her keys in her bowl, kicking off her shoes and setting them aside neatly on the floor.

"It will be fine. You know what to do if it feels wrong," Lucia said.

"I know, mamá. It still makes me nervous."

"Maybe you won't feel nervous once it happens."

Elena sighed for a moment. She began putting away the dishes she had cleaned from this morning, "How is everyone?"

"Everyone is good. Tu papá está trabajando cómo siempre, Eddy está fallando sus clases, Nando me abandono por sus amigos, todavía no hablo con Danny, y Tonio está trabajando cómo tú papá. (Your father is working like always, Eddy is failing his classes, Nando abandoned me for his friends, I still haven't spoken to Danny, and Tonio is working just like your father.)"

"Yo extraño a todos. Y a mi nana? Cómo está ella? (I miss everyone. And my grandma? How is she?)"

"Está bien. Todo tiempo está afuera tomando café y viendo pa todos lados. Me platiqué que tú tía Lily está divorciando tú tío Ramón. (She's good. She's always outside drinking coffee and watching everything. She told me that your aunt Lily and is divorcing your uncle Ramon.)"

Elena gasped at the news and almost dropping a plate, "No me digas! Nunca creó que eso era posible. (Don't tell me! I never thought that that was possible.)"

"Well, it is!" Lucia laughed. "They were always tóxicos. My sister finally woke up and said enough was enough. I'm telling you Elena, if your future husband does not respect you and humiliates you every day, I will disown you. I did not raise you like that to let a man walk all over you."

Elena shook her head, "Will never happen."

Elena finished her small chore and sat on her couch, "You know, I miss you so much."

"I know, mija. When do you plan to visit?" Lucia questioned.

"I don't know. I'm going to have to plan."

"Plan fast. We miss you so much here. Tu papá has not been the same since you moved out. And that was years ago."

Elena frowned, feeling her eyes well up with tears. She drew an imaginary plane on her thigh with her finger as she tried to keep the tears in.

"I..." Her voice cracked. She put herself on mute quickly to get a hold of herself.

"Elena? ... Mija? No llores, mi amor. (Don't cry, my love.)" Lucia comforted over the phone.

Elena cried more when her mother said that. It's not the same as when her mother would hold her and softly rock her side to side. But, her voice will do for now.

She unmuted herself, "I'm okay, mamá. I will plan to visit soon."

"Good. Well I have to go, Danny is supposed to call soon! His boot camp is letting them do their phone calls today."

Elena half smiled, "Please tell him good luck for me. I know he's always wanted this."

"I will, mija. Please keep sending pictures of you since I can't see you every day."

"I will, mamá. I'm going to get you an iPhone so we can FaceTime. It's a lot easier."

Lucia chuckled, "You do that, mija. I don't even know what that means."

Elena laughed in response, "Okay, mamá I'll let you go now. I love you to the end of the universe."

"I love you to the end of the universe. Get rest and take care of yourself, Elena," Lucia responded.

"I will, mamá."

Once the phone call ended, Elena had nothing to do. She was ready to rewatch one of her favorite shows, Supernatural. But, the usual going through Twitter intrigued her.

She rolled her eyes and groaned as she decided to just go through Twitter where she knew she would find the things that hurt her most. The hate comments.

She's so hot, at least she's got that going for her beside her irritating annoying voice that literally makes 0 sense.

I hope she crashes and burns. It's so embarrassing to watch. Only thing keeping me here is her tits.

Ur a stupid bitch.

Whore. Wear something professional next time.

As much as she despised reading these comments, she always found herself reading them. It's like she was waiting for at least one positive comment about her work. At least one. She once did not care what everyone thought of her. But, once you get the spotlight on you, everything changes. Especially when it is a field she had her sights on since she was a young girl. It becomes intimidating.


The next day, Elena felt the weight of an elephant on her body. She couldn't get out of bed and just wanted to sleep. She did realize she was lying horizontal on the bed other than the vertical way of sleeping on a bed. She's always been a messy sleeper. Feeling the weight of a thousand on her at this moment made her unsure if she wanted to go about her daily routine. She was aware that this is all from the self torture she endured the night before. One could call it self harm.

She sighed. Elena glanced over at her digital clock and saw that it was five in the morning. Too early.

She scooted herself over to her nightstand and grabbed onto her phone.

She saw that she received a notification from Twitter that she had a new follower.

"sheldon_cooper," She read to herself. She was surprised.

Obviously this was her new colleague. She imagined him not to have social media whatsoever. She gladly followed him back and began her stalking.

His profile was him speaking his mind on everything. Every single thing. This profile was as if she was poking into his brain but only a quarter of it.

Some of the posts she would like and leave a funny comment. Those posts would make her laugh. Some posts she would disagree with.

She wondered about Sheldon. He was the first person to actually talk to her, and wanted to continue to get to know him more. She can tell he was an odd man, but it wasn't enough to raise a red flag about the tall physicist.

Elena got up from her bed and began her daily routine ahead of schedule.

The whiteboard.

The whiteboard rested on its metal legs as Elena stood in front of it ready to throw herself over a cliff as she decided twenty minutes ago that she is just going to erase her work for the 17th time.

She turned off her music so that it was silent as she worked. So she can focus.

She groaned as she was tired of seeing the whiteboard and her mistakes written all over it. She roughly grabbed her eraser and began sliding it all over the board.

She muttered to herself that she was going to get fired soon because of her terrible work. Perhaps everyone is right. She is going to crash and burn.

As soon as the board was empty again, Elena fell back onto her seat. Her lip began to quiver and buried her face in her hands.

"I hate myself," she said, and repeated it once more. The physics community could be brutal. Elena didn't expect it to be this way. She saw the universe in her dreams as a little girl and knew she wanted to know why. She wanted to understand how the universe became what it is. Now, it just seemed black. Abandoned.

The room was silent along with the silent cries of Elena.

Knock, knock, knock. "Elena." Knock, knock, knock. "Elena." Knock, knock, knock. "Elena."

Elena quickly wiped her eyes and grabbed her small mirror from her small backpack. She promptly checked herself to see if there remained any signs of her crying.

"One moment please!" Elena exclaimed as she softly but quickly patted her face with soft tissue.

She checked herself again and nodded. This is as good as it's going to get.

She opened her door and saw Sheldon standing there, Elena flashing him a smile, "Hello, Sheldon. How may I help you?"

"It is lunch time, Elena. Like it is every day and—" Sheldon examined her face. "Have you been crying?"

Elena chuckled, "What? Of course not! I just yawned before I opened the door, do you think that could be it?"

Sheldon raised an eyebrow as he kept looking at Elena's face. "Well," He said. "As I was saying, it is lunch time and you're late."

"Oh, you don't have to wait for me, Sheldon. I'm not hungry today anyway."

"Have you eaten breakfast?" Sheldon questioned.

Elena's next answer might end with him scolding her.

"I ate a protein bar this morning," She lied.

Sheldon shook his head, "Is it your work that is holding you back from eating a well balanced lunch?"

Elena sighed, "Perhaps."

"Perhaps I can help?" Sheldon suggested.

Elena shook her head, "Absolutely not, it's something I must do."

Sheldon nodded, understanding. He's the same way.

"May I ask what is your favorite food?" Sheldon questioned.

Elena looked away from him, wondering if he would actually get her food because she did not want him to do that. She lost her appetite today and just can't think of food right now.

"As long as you will not buy it for me. I don't want you to buy anything for me because I am not hungry," Elena stated, pointing a finger at him.

Sheldon nodded, "I recognize your terms. Now, what is it?"

"I love Chinese food."

Elena could see Sheldon agree with her, but his features remained serious.

"As do I. Well, if you will not be eating lunch, I will go."

Elena nodded, "Yes. Thank you for understanding."

Sheldon walked away and Elena closed the door. She sighed as she realized she was back to her own devices, until her office phone rang.

She sat in her office chair and answered the phone, "Dr. Elena Díaz."

"Dr. Díaz, It's President Siebert. How are you doing today?"

Terrible. "Wonderful. And yourself?"

"Great! I wanted to call to see how you were holding up?" President Siebert asked.

"It's been fantastic, thank you for asking," Elena stated.

"No regrets?"

"Absolutely none."

"Wonderful," President Siebert said. "I wanted to talk to you about a few things. I understand that you have been undergoing scrutiny outside of work and mostly on social media."

Elena's heart dropped. This better not be what she is thinking this is.

"What people on the internet are saying is absolutely disgusting. I just wanted to let you know to continue what you're doing and that you are supported here at Caltech," President Siebert stated.

Elena was taken aback.

"Oh," Elena said. "I don't know what to say. Thank you."

"Don't thank me. You're a female Latina physicist that can inspire many young women to follow in your footsteps. We wanna make sure we can help."

Elena smiled, "Thank you."

As the phone call lasted for another ten minutes as President Siebert talked her ear off, a knock sequence with her name in it happens at her door once more.

"President Siebert, I appreciate your kind words. I have someone at the door...Okay, will talk with you soon! Goodbye!"

The phone call was done. Elena went to the door quickly to keep Sheldon from waiting any longer. Then again, she wondered why he was back again.

"Sheldon, is—" As she opened the door, she softly gasped. Sheldon stood there with a plastic white bag with two white boxes inside, with a beautiful smell coming from them.

"I may have recognized your terms but I do recall that there was no pinky promise in there," Sheldon said. "May I come in? I bought food for myself as well and I am very hungry."

Elena was still shocked and had her mouth wide opened. She chuckled, "I don't know what to say! Come in, make yourself comfortable."

She opened the door wide enough for Sheldon to enter.

They sat themselves at Elena's desk and began unpacking the food.

"Sheldon, thank you so much. But, I must ask. Why did you go get Chinese food? I would understand for yourself, but I'm having trouble understanding why you would bring food for me. Oh, how much do I owe you?!" Elena said looking at Sheldon with her wide eyes.

"You can repay me at a later time," Sheldon said, as he was preparing himself to eat. "You were not eating and you seemed very preoccupied with your work. I decided I would bring the food to you. I've been in a similar position where you are where I am in the zone and cannot be distracted."

Elena chuckled, "It was very kind of you, thank you."

Sheldon brought her food from the Golden Dragon, the place Leonard fooled him with to replace Schezuan Palace since that restaurant had closed down.

"I apologize I could not get you a dish of your choice. I had to get a little bit of everything so you can pick and choose what you actually want," Sheldon said. "I wish I would have asked but I knew you would decline immediately."

"You already know me so well," Elena smiled. "This is perfect, Sheldon. Thank you."

"What would be your usual order?" Sheldon questioned.

"Orange chicken with chow mein. Oh! And with egg rolls."

Sheldon nodded, "Well, it is noted for next time."

Elena took her first bite, and was immediately in love with the food, "Oh my God, this is delicious, Sheldon!"

Sheldon began eating and smiled at Elena's reaction, "I am pleased to know that you enjoy the Golden Dragon. It should be known that this food was fed to me in a malicious matter. I always have a strict schedule of what I eat and my friends and I typically go to Schezuan Palace. Leonard then told me, seven years later, that Schezuan Palace had since closed down and was using the Golden Dragon to continue to fool me!"

Elena laughed, covering her mouth as she was in the middle of chewing, "How did he manage to do that?!"

"He supposedly asked Schezuan Palace for their food boxes as they were closing down and would use them to put the Golden Dragon food inside. Isn't that unbelievable?"

"I believe that that is a lot of dedication," Elena laughed.

The two physicists continued eating their lunch. Sheldon eyed Elena's whiteboard, seeing that the whiteboard that was once new now looked a couple years older.

"Are you stuck somewhere?" Sheldon asked, motioning to her whiteboard.

Elena scoffed, "Stuck in my own head to be exact."

Sheldon blinked and Elena blinked, "If you don't mind, I would prefer if we talk about everything but work."

Sheldon nodded, "I understand."

Sheldon then began asking Elena about her life growing up in Corpus Christi and her family.

"I have four brothers. Antonio being the oldest. Then, myself, Daniel, and lastly my twin brothers, Fernando and Eduardo, who are seniors in high school. Antonio is working with my father at his mechanic shop and Danny is currently at the Air Force boot camp."

"That is too many siblings, I simply cannot imagine how it was like to live with them," Sheldon said.

Elena laughed, "It was not easy. They're all great, the twins can be a handful though. But, I do miss them all greatly."

Elena continued, "But, growing up in Corpus Christi was nice with my family. We had a small house and I shared a room with the boys. Going to school was difficult because I had a lot of bullies. They were just upset that they were not evolved like I was."

"That's what I believe when I had my tormentors! I'm glad someone understands that struggle," Sheldon exclaimed.

Elena laughed, "Yes, I do. Have you ever been in a physical fight at school?"

Sheldon rolled his eyes, "When have I not?"

Elena's eyes widened, "You have?"

"I would say my tormentors were more aggressive than I was."

Elena felt for the man, "Oh my, I'm so sorry, Sheldon."

Sheldon shrugged it off, "Don't apologize, it's nothing you did. How about you? Did you ever get in physical fights?"

"Not by choice. I defended myself. Just know I would win some and I would lose some."

"Dear lord, you're small, now frightening, and with deadly hands."

Elena laughed and brought up her hands, "These are hands of a killer, Sheldon."

Elena continued on, "I remember the very first fight. My mom picked me up from school and I was so distraught. It was before Antonio had started teaching me how to fight. She took me to go see Selena's tomb where she is buried to make me feel better because she was my favorite singer."

Sheldon's face was blank, "I believe I missed something. Who's Selena?"

Elena's mouth dropped, dropping her fork, "Ay, Sheldon! Do not tell me you don't know Selena."

Sheldon stayed quiet, "Then, I don't know how else to tell you."

Elena rolled her eyes, reaching over to her small Bluetooth speaker, "I will show you."

Leonard, Howard and Raj were at the cafeteria table eating lunch.

"Have you guys heard from Sheldon?" Leonard asked as he took a bite of his sandwich.

Howard and Raj shook their heads.

Then, Howard piped up, "No, but I wouldn't be surprised if he disappeared off with Dr. Elena."

"Ohhh! That would be great, wouldn't it?! She is definitely gorgeous and smart, and they seemed like they were hitting it off when she sat with us the other day," Raj excitedly said.

"She would definitely be a better upgrade from Amy," Howard said, the bitterness evident in his voice.

Leonard shushed Howard, "Howard! You know we can't talk about she who shall not be named."

"I understand that, but am I wrong?" Howard said, switching his gaze between Leonard and Raj. "She broke his heart into a million pieces. Literally, to the point where you had to move back into the apartment to help him."

"Amy did hurt Sheldon. But, it doesn't mean we insult her. She--"

"She not only hurt Sheldon, but also the girls. Bernadette was devastated when Amy said all those things to us that day. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as bitter, but you don't understand what I saw after everything went down," Howard interrupted.

"Look, I understand Bernadette was hurt after Amy. So, was Penny and Sheldon. I had two people to consider. The point is, despite everything, Amy was still a friend before she did what she did. I can't insult her when I still remember that side of her," Leonard said.

"You might remember that side but all I remember is her telling all of us these lies and setting herself up to be the victim."

The boys then fell silent after the mention of Amy. Raj then cleared his throat, "I say we go find Sheldon after we're done eating. See if we catch him in the act with Dr. Díaz!"

Howard shrugged, "Eh, I have work to do."

"So do I."

Raj nodded, "Oh, alright then."


"Como la flor (como la flor), Con tanto amor (con tanto amor), me diste tú, se marchitó."

A couple hours have passed and the physicists were still together deep in conversation.

"Why would Yolanda lure her to the hotel to murder her? How come I have never heard of this?" Sheldon questioned Elena.

Elena admired Sheldon's interest in what she was telling him, she didn't expect for him to be so interested.

"It was because she was crazy! The Quintanillas were going to fire her after she stole $60,000 from them and if she couldn't work or be with Selena, nobody can. Oh! I should make you watch the movie. I don't understand how you didn't hear about this? It happened in Texas and Yolanda's stand off with the police was all over the news!"

Sheldon put his hand to his chin, and suddenly remembered, "Oh! I remember, I was in Germany when this happened. You know, I never cared for musicians or their stories, but this one definitely has me intrigued."

Elena grinned, "I'm so glad you're intrigued. But, why were you in Germany?"

"I was in Germany because I was a professor teaching at the Heidelberg Institute. I was 15-years-old."

"Wow, you were so young teaching as a professor. I can't imagine myself in your position at that age," Elena then reached over for her phone and saw the time. She gasped.

"Dear lord, what? You cannot scare me like that and not have an explanation."

"Sheldon," Elena laughed. "Our shift is done."

Sheldon palmed his forehead, "How could I have lost track of time like that? We were eating lunch an hour ago for what it seemed like."

"Time flies when you're having fun, Sheldon."

Elena began packing her belongings and sighed happily, "Thank you again. You truly made my day."

Sheldon blinked as he watched her say that with a soft smile upon her features. He was still shocked at how fast time had flew, not realizing that it was time to work and only to lose track of it. It was unbelievable.

"You're welcome," Sheldon managed to say. He wanted to ask her if she wanted to join him and his friend group for dinner later tonight. Some part of him just wanted to blurt it out to her, then the other part was causing him to pull back.

"Do you remember that man we crashed into together that one time?" Elena questioned Sheldon.

Sheldon rolled his eyes at the mention of him. Yes, I remember the moron. What about him?

"Yes. What about him?" Sheldon asked.

Elena started walking to the door with Sheldon following behind her.

"He brought me coffee yesterday morning and he stayed for a while. It felt like time was moving slow with him," Elena admitted. She did not know where she was going with this, but she felt comfortable enough to admit it to Sheldon. She did observe one thing though. She had fun with Sheldon.

Sheldon furrowed his eyebrows, "And?"

"That is all. I just wanted to say that."

As Elena locked up her door, Sheldon realized how short she is to him. He was looking down at her. Elena put her keys in her small backpack without looking up and crashed into Sheldon's chest. She yelped in surprise and bounced backwards while laughing, "Oh, sorry, Sheldon."

Sheldon smiled at her laugh, "You should watch where you're going next time."

Elena rolled her eyes jokingly, "Okay, I will."

They began walking to Sheldon's office side by side. Sheldon felt...broken. He was feeling things that he could not explain. His thoughts were out of the sort. He knew for a fact that this was all pertaining to Elena. Ever since he made the dreadful decision of going into her office. This was all her fault.

As they stopped in front of his office, Sheldon turned to Elena.

"Dr. Díaz," Sheldon began. Then, a long silence came afterwards as her wide brown eyes looked up at him.

"Yes?" She asked.

He couldn't do it. He wanted to no longer be whatever they were. Whether that was an acquaintance or a friend, he didn't want it. But, he did.

"Dr. Díaz, what are you going to do with your new friend?" He questioned her.

Elena was taken aback at the question since she was not expecting that from him. But, she answered, "We have a date this Friday. Depending how it goes, I may or may not continue the...dating."

Sheldon nodded and turned back to his door to unlock it to retrieve his belongings.

He was broken. Why did some part of him...not want her to go?

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