Rebirth of Poisoned Empress...

By alyun100719445

256K 7.9K 604

Shen Liang was beautiful and cold like jade, but he was also extremely cruel to his enemy. Pei Yuanxian who k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Untitled Part 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128

Chapter 120

1.7K 50 4
By alyun100719445

Liu Shuhan pregnancy didn't only stun Sun Jing and Shen Liang. The entire Marquis Manor was stirred. Shen Ruiting, who received the news, rushed back from the court office. However, anyone with discernable eyes could see that his face was filled with shock rather than joy. It was as though he, more so than anyone else, was surprised that Liu Shuhan would be pregnant.

In the master bedroom of the main courtyard, Liu Shuhan was lying feebly against the bedrest. Besides her, Shen Xiao, Shen Qiang, and Sun Jing were also present and waiting for the physician to take her pulse.

"How is it?" the moment the physician retracted his hands, Sun Jing asked eagerly, instigating Shen Ruiting to pass her a strange look. Sun Jing realized her impulsiveness and hurriedly continued with a smile, "The madame's pregnancy is great news for the manor. Look at me, I've lost my propriety. I hope the Madame won't be offended."

Liu Shuhan didn't even bother responding. With the turn of her head, a hint of mockery and sarcasm slipped in her gaze."

"No matter," instead, it was Shen Ruiting who accepted Sun Jing's explanation and waved his hand to express his indifference. He then turned to the physician and inquired, "This madame of mine isn't young anymore. How is her pregnancy? Is there any danger?"

Regardless of his suspicions, Shen Ruiting couldn't express it before outsiders. The current him seemed like none other than an expectant and amicable father.

"Congratulations, Marquis. The madame is already two months pregnant. The current pulse shows that both mother and son are safe and healthy. Afterwards, as long as they rest well, a safe birth should not be a difficult matter," the physician clasped his hands together and relayed with a wide smile.

"Are you certain?" Shen Ruiting blurted out on reflex. He then explained, "Are you certain both mother and child are alright and won't be in any danger?"

"Yes. As long as the madame rest well, there shouldn't be any problems." after a momentary stupor, the physician's smile also faded a considerable degree. Not many people didn't know how chaotic the Marquis Donglin Manor's back courtyard affairs were. Shen Ruiting's behaviors only reminded him again.

"Then many thanks to the physician. Sun Jing, give him some remuneration and see the physician out."

"Yes," her hands clenched tightly on the handkerchief. Sun Jing used every effort and restraint she had to prevent herself from losing control. Liu Shuhan really was pregnant. After she had made all of them lose their children, she herself became pregnant for the third time now.

"Since you are with a child, then rest well in the courtyard. Don't run around outside if there isn't anything as to prevent something from happening and you having to pin the blame on someone else's cursed star again." After sending away the physician, Shen Ruiting's facade immediately collapsed. Liu Shuhan's children, he never held any expectation towards any of them. This one was no exception as well.

"Marquis..." Tears begin to fill Liu Shuhan's eyes again when faced with Shen Ruiting's chilling indifference. Had he already ascertained that the incident with the cursed star constitution was one of her schemes? That little b*stard Shen Liang had only spoken a few words but it was already sufficient to shake the trust she had built for years? Or was it still because of Wei Zetian that no matter how vicious and cruel that little b*stard was, as that person's child, Shen Liang's words would always carry more weight? Was his tolerance towards him that high?

But the more he was like this, the more she could and wouldn't allow that little beast to live well!

"Don't think about deriving anything through this child. Liu Shuhan, this marquis has already been thoroughly disappointed by you." After delivering his words, Shen Ruiting stood up. 

Liu Shuhan lowered her head as the tears streamed down and fell on the bedsheets, "I didn't. I only wanted to say to marquis that I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to accompany Mother to Xiangguo Temple to offer incense and pray for blessings tomorrow. Qiang'er would most likely have to stay behind to take care of me as well. Marquis should know that Mother has never liked me. I'm afraid Mother would be infuriated by this news and hope the Marquis could pass the notice for me instead."

The current Liu Shuhan who had her head lowered and tears streaming down her cheeks truly appeared pitiful and stoked other's sympathy. It was unfortunate that when a man doesn't love someone, no matter how pitiful the other party was, the tears would only stoke the man's aggravation. Shen Ruiting might be soft-hearted, but when he had settled his mind on something, he also had the capability to be ruthless and firm in his decisions. Just as when he had decided that Shen Liang was the cause of Wei Zetian's death, despite Shen Liang being his son, Shen Ruiting was still able to discard him with the wave of his sleeve. And now, Taoist priest Guichen's death had made him certain that there was another story to Shen Liang's cursed star constitution. Only Liu Shuhan and the old madame had the power and motivation at that time to instigate such a scheme. Therefore, regardless of what Liu Shuhan said, until his convictions could be completely washed away, he would not be moved.

"Understood," after throwing her a perfunctory response, Shen Ruiting turned around and strode out. 

Shen Qiang couldn't help but throw herself to the bed with red-rimmed eyes, "Mother, how could Father be like this?"

Father wasn't like this before. Before Shen Liang's return, Father would still dote on her. No matter what she wanted, he would give her. But now, he wouldn't even spare her a single glance. Wasn't she his daughter?

"It's not like it's the first time he's treated us mother-children like this. Just wait, he'll regret it," Liu Shuhan reached out to caress her daughter's face. She raised her head as a glimmer of ruthlessness and determination glimmered in her gaze, her former pitiful pretense nowhere in sight.

Chonglin Coutyard

"Master, Liu Shuhan is indeed two months pregnant. The physician wasn't bribed. Our people have already interrogated and investigated the matter," shortly after the physician's departure, Lei Zhen once again returned to report the situation back to Shen Liang.

"No, I'm certain that Liu Shuhan's pregnancy is fabricated. If the physician wasn't bribed, then that could only mean she took some sort of medication that could result in a false positive pulse. Go and look into everyone and anyone who had been in and out of the main courtyard and Qiangwei Courtyard recently. Pay specific attention to hidden guards. Also specifically warn Sun Jing not to act rashly and be careful that she doesn't fall into other people's traps," after careful recollection, Shen Liang was certain that in his previous life, Liu Shuhan was never pregnant during this time. If she was, then she would've caused just as big of a commotion then as she did now.

"Understood. But Master, what are your arrangements for the trip to Xiangguo Temple tomorrow?" Since he has already said so, Lei Zhen wouldn't have voice any objections either. He was only concerned about tomorrow's affairs. It was evident that the people from the Lotus Fragrance Courtyard held no good intentions. They should make necessary preparations as well. 

"There's no need to make any specific arrangements. Simply choose twenty hidden guards who are capable enough to protect me in the shadows. That will suffice. On the surface, you and Yaoguang will accompany me."

If too much was done, it would only be too conspicuous and prevent others from  making their moves. Shen Liang wanted to guide them to implement their plans smoothly. As for in the end, who would be the one suffering, they'll just wait and see. 

"En," Lei Zhen nodded his head before retreating. 

Pei Yuanxian, who had been loitering in Shen Liang's room and never left occupied the magpie's nest and was lying on Shen Liang's bed on his side, "You truly don't need this lord to accompany you?"

"No need," Shen Liang rose to head over to him, "They have too many schemes up in their sleeves. It's not as though I'm aggravated, but it gets meaningless having to deal with it every time. My lord, if you truly want to go, why not wait until after we've departed to head there with the fourth Imperial Prince?"

"Qin Yunshen?"Pei Yuanxian's brows furrows at an imperceptible degree, Shen Liang's irregular reaction when facing Qin Yunshen back at the Elder Princess's Manor surfaced in his mind, "Are you know Qin Yunshen from the past?"

If not, then why would his reaction be so abnormal?

"En?" Shen Liang was stunned. As though reminiscing on something, he took Pei Yuanxian's hand, lowered his eyes, and stated, "How is it just knowing? I have a blood feud with him. As long as I'm alive one day, I'll see to it that he won't have a moment's peace, much less touch that dragon's throne."

He didn't want to speak about the matters from his previous life but Shen Liang also wasn't against letting Pei Yuanxian know about his hatred for Qin Yunshen.

"But you still want me to invite him to Xiangguo Temple tomorrow?" Pei Yuanxian was curious about the details of Shen Liang's hatred and the circumstances with which it formed. But after a scrutinizing gaze, he didn't pursue the matter any further. He only clasped his hand on Shen Liang's. Everyone has secrets they hesitate to divulge to others. Since Shen Liang didn't want to speak about it, Pei Yuanxian wouldn't force him either. He was willing to wait until Shen Liang was willing to share. It was sufficient for Pei Yuanxian to know now that Shen Liang and Qin Yunshen were incompatible.

"If he doesn't go, how am I supposed to create opportunities for some people?" Shen Liang was accustomed to taking an afternoon nap after lunch. At this time, he was beginning to feel lethargic and simply pulled Pei Yuanxian arm over to use as a pillow. His body curled up obediently and nestled in Pei Yuanxian's arms. "The women in back courtyards have always had high ambitions. Each and every single one of them want to marry into the Imperial Family. And the one who they undoubtedly favor the most would have to be the gentle and jadelike fourth Imperial Prince. I've decided to grant their wish and allow them to marry into the fourth prince's manor. They can stir up trouble there instead."

He had stated a long time ago that he would grant Shen Qiang's wish. As for whether she'd be able to become the Fourth Prince Consort, that would have to depend on her own capabilities.

"The way I see it, the ambitious one should be you. With the way each and every one of them are jumping around, it's aggravating as is but you still intend to give them a more noble status. Is it because you find yourself with nothing better to do and too idle everyday?" Pei Yuanxian narrowed his eyes and pinched the fair and tender cheeks angrily. He truly could see through his Wangfei's thoughts.

"If you want to take something from them, you must grant it to them first. I simply want them to have a taste of falling from a high position." In his previous life, how they treated him, he will return to them.

"Very well, since Wangfei has already spoken, then how could this lord refuse? Should I find a few more people?"

Since Shen Liang wanted him to go, it shouldn't just only be incidentally. Shen Liang should want some witnesses for the play as well. If there were more people, then it would be more in line with Shen Liang's wishes.

"Sure. The more, the better," sure enough, Shen Liang revealed a sinister smile. 

Pei Yuanxian simply couldn't help but find his clever expression likeable. He reached out and scraped Shen Liang's nose bridge, "Oh you. This lord is about to become your thug. In the future, don't forget to repay this lord."

"What are we to each other? My lord wouldn't calculate things out so pettily, will you?"

"There are some matters that must be settled accurately. For instance, how much you owe me."

If not, how would Pei Yuanxian get compensation in the future?

"Petty!" Shen Liang deliberately passed him an angry expression before slipping back into Pei Yuanxian's arms. "Speaking of which, just how much did you hear on my conversation with Xiang Zhuo?"

"You've just thought of such a matter? I heard both what should as well as what shouldn't be heard." When he had arrived, he just so happened to see Xiang Zhuo entering the door. He didn't want others to know his secret visits to Chonglin Courtyard and hence, stayed in Liangliang's room. Shen Liang and Xiang Zhuo never bothered lowering their voices. Adding on his excellent martial arts foundation, Shen Liang and Xiang Zhuo entire exchange was heard by him loud and clear.

"Aren't you and Jing Xiran good brothers? Do you think Xiang Zhuo has a chance?" Shen Liang suddenly turned over and sat up. In his previous life, the Marquis Huaiyang Manor had been just about entirely executed at this time. He and Jing Xiran had never been in contact with each other. His understanding of Jing Xiran was only limited to their meeting at the Elder Princess's Manor in this life. Hence, Shen Liang had no impression of the other party's preferences. His only impression of the man was of his gentle facade that resembled a certain someone's.

"What? You have intentions of changing careers and becoming a matchmaker?" arching an eyebrow, Pei Yuanxian teased with amusement. 

But Shen Liang shook his head, "Xiang Zhuo is a pure and enthusiastic person. Although he and I can't be considered too close, he could be considered someone I'm able to talk to. Since the matters been mentioned, it serves me no difficulty in asking for him."

Not only Xiang Zhuo, but also Xie Yan. The three of them could be considered friends now. As Gers, their fate is closely tied to the nature and character of their future husbands. When each and every one of them have wedded in the future, it would be hard to say whether they could still maintain this friendship of theirs. That was why Shen Liang never had any intentions of becoming too close with them and only treated them as ordinary friends. He wanted to prevent the pain of them standing on opposite sides if that time ever came. 

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