The Dark Truth.

Par -Cherry_Light-

232 14 166

. . . "Sometimes, the truth is darker than the lie told..." Quote by: Me, :) Original Storyline? An HoO and... Plus

. . .


21 1 37
Par -Cherry_Light-

●If your being Bullied, remember this... they're just jealous of you, your Amazhang :D●

■Quote by: Me■

They found something, finally, though it isnt good news, per say. They know his next target, where he's gonna be. Like I mentioned, the watch GhostSpider has doesn't have a very good firewall,  but HYDRA itself does. But they managed to hack into HYDRA with the help of some smart kids from another school, Leo Valdez(I just wanted to have a mini crossover moment). They were able to listen to messages to find out which one is GhostSpiders and heard who his next target was.


After months, someone finally had an idea.

"I got it!" Tony yelled, making Clint fall out of his chair in suprise. "If we hack into HYDRA, we could probably find Peter!"

Everyone had looks of relief, except Bucky.

"How are you gonna do that, the firewalls are almost indestuctable." Bucky asked.

"I know a kid from a school I visited who's really good at hacking."

Steve gave him a look. "Are you sure about this Tony, what if they tell the public."

"Doubt it Capsicle. He hates things like phones and Televisions, says they attract unwanted attention."

Steve sighed. "I trust you on this Tony, We can ask the kid."

-30 minutes later-

Tony walked in with the kid, who was buzzing with excitement. Literally, he was bouncing up and down on the elevator.

Leo knows a lot about the Avengers, considering that they are basically the talk of the school. That and the strange 'coincidence' that is both Peter Parker and Spider-Man disappearing on the same day. Leo personally knows Peter is Spider-Man, I mean, who else has a Nanotech suit waiting to be used, He could literally sense the amazing Technology. Not only that, him and Annabeth spent time even discussing the possibility because Leo sensed the Tech and Annabeth found it suspicious that he kept disappearing on school trips, or during school, or-.... you get the idea.

The Avengers were quite shocked when they saw the Latino walk in, they thought he'd mean like a young adult who acts like a kid, just like Tony, but no. It was an actually 16 year old child. Who was acting like a 5 year old.

"This is Leo." Tony said, introducing him.

"Are you sure about this?" Clint asked.

"He hacked FRIDAY once so he could sneak in and see my Technology. I'm sure about this."

Everyone looked at Leo shock while Leo puffed up his chest in pride.

"Yup! It wasn't to difficult because I could tell what needed to be disconnected to stop FRIDAY from warning you all, considering I didn't want to get caught. But, it was actually a dare from my bro, Percy, who was in complete shock I managed to do it. We got in big trouble from our Camp Director, Chiron, who deemed no more dares at Camp, but Percy and I decided that, since he only said at Camp, we just leave the border of the camp so that we don't get caught and can still do dares for eachother. We even invited the Stoll brothers, who look just like twins even though ones older than the other, and wow, they can make up dares you'd never even think of! But one time we almost got caught and-" Leo rambled, getting interrupted by a loud cough sound from Tony.

Leo scratched his head nervously. "Sorry, ADHD. What were we talking about? Oh right! Hacking."


"Who are we hacking again?"

Tony groaned and everyone stared at him. Leo didn't seem to notice as he had grabbed some pipe cleaners from the toolbelt he had and were twisting them into what looked like a helicopter, sometimes grabbing out rubber band's.

"Back to the problem at hand kid." Tony muttered. "You realize your making me look bad."

"Huh?" Leo looked up. "OK, OK, yep, paying attention!"

He put the Pipe cleaner thing back in his toolbelt and loked over. He was standing straight, but he kept fidgeting, whether it was tapping his fingers or pushing back his hair, Leo seemed to not be able to stop.

After Tony explained, Leo got all serious. (to the Avengers suprise, they thought he couldn't be serious.) He looked at Tony.

"Do you have a Computer I can use? Preferably a very protected one?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, follow me." Tony said, leaving the room with everyone else trailing behind.

-Later, close to midnight.-

A lot of the Avengers are asleep on the couch while Leo was behind them on the kitchen counter muttering about how weak the firewall is and that Midnight, 7 hours after he started, was too early, and that it took 3 days of no sleep to hack FRIDAY.

The only ones awake were Tony(not surprising) and Clint. (after Natasha died Clint basically mothered Peter because his Mama Spider was gone.) Both were running on a lot of Coffee, unlike Leo, who hasn't gotten proper sleep in almost a week (current record being almost 9 days) so he's basically wide awake at the time.

About 5 minutes before 12, this happened...

"¡Joder, sí! ¡Finalmente! HYDRA realmente pensó que podrían mantener alejado al McShizzle de tamaño supergrande.(Fuck yes! Finally! HYDRA really thought they could keep the Super-sized McShizzle out.)" Leo Yelled at the top of his Lungs, waking everyone up.

Banner fell of the couch while Tony almost shot him with his repulsor in suprise.(considering he's running on Coffee)

Leo had a huge grin on his face and started ranting in Spanish.

"Kid!" Tony yelled. "We can't understand you! I speak Italian, not Spanish!"

Leo's grin turned into a sheepish smile.

"Also, Language!" Steve yelled.

"You know Spanish?" Leo asked.

"No, I just know any curse word in any Language."

Leo looked like he was pouting for a moment before his expression completely changed.

He smirked at Steve.

'•-• ••• •• ••• •••- •••••-• ••• •-•••-•• •-•-•• ••' Everyone heard Leo tap. "You know Morse code?" He smirked.

Steve opened his mouth to answer, but he stopped. "No..." He finally ended up saying.

Tony looked at Steve. "Did a kid really just outsmart you."

"Hell yeah I did!" Leo Exclaimed.

Almost everyone sighed.

"You said your in?" Banner said, trying to change the subject.

"Yep!!" Leo smiled, popping the 'P'. "I also found which contact Peter is."

Everyone gave him a shocked look. Then Leo realized what he said.

"Crap." He muttered. "Wasn't supposed to say that..."

"You know his identity?!" Clint asked(yelled).

"Uhmmmmm, I'm really smart..? Beside the point, I found him. I'm gonna play the most recent recorded call."

After getting over their shock, everyone walked over to listen to the call.

"Need something?" GhostSpider asked the other person on the watch.

"I have a new mission for you." They said said. "It's slightly harder than the others."

"That's because?" GhostSpider said in response.

"Your mission is to eliminate Nick Fury. He's currently at Avengers Tower having a meeting with the Avengers"

GhostSpider hummed. "Yes Sir."

Everyone was suprised, except Leo.

"Who's zat?" He asked.

They explained and Leo just nodded.

"Cool, is he coming over right now or something?" Leo asked.

Before anyone responded, FRIDAY's voice rang throughout the Tower.

"Sir, Nick Fury has come with a mission." She said.

"Welp, that answered my question."


"So your telling me that HYDRA sent an Assasin to kill me?" Nick asked. "And that said Assasin is Spider-Man?"

"Yes, that exactly what we're saying." Tony sassed.

"Do you actually have one eye or are you a Pirate?" Leo asked.

Nick glared at him.

"I'm serious!"

Steve groaned.

"Ok, fine, Jokes aside." Leo grinned darkly. "I have a plan, but you have to stick to it. It involves a lot of firepower and traps."

Nick looked at him, considering. "fine, but it better be good." He said.

Leo's grin widened, which nobody thought was possible. "Let's do this."

-Flashback Over-

This better work. Nick thought. I can't believe I'm listening to a kid...

They found something, finally, though it isnt good news, per say. They know his next target, where he's gonna be. Like I mentioned, the watch GhostSpider has doesn't have a very good firewall, but HYDRA itself does. But they managed to hack into HYDRA with the help of some smart kids from another school, Leo Valdez(I just wanted to have a mini crossover moment). They were able to listen to messages to find out which one is GhostSpiders and heard who his next target was.☆

Continuer la Lecture

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