The Runaway • 𝑇𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑦 𝑆ℎ�...

By rubberdaisy

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✧༄ Charlotte knew that right now, she was dancing in the very pits of hell with the devil himself. She knew t... More

The Runaway
Act I
Act II


552 27 7
By rubberdaisy

The Runaway

season 1
                 episode 4
Part 1


     When they arrived back from the races sometime in the evening, Tommy had dropped Grace off first. As she got out of the car she wondered what would transpire between Charlotte and Tommy now that they were alone. It wouldn't matter though. Grace knew what she had to do as she quickly got in contact with Campbell.

Charlotte and Tommy drove the rest of the way in silence to park the car in the empty lot near Watery Lane, minds both racing with the events of the day. Despite their never ending thoughts, not one word was said between them about what had occurred at the races. Once they arrived, Charlotte quickly gets out and can't stop herself from slamming the car door shut behind her, too angry to care. Tommy does nothing but glance at her before getting out himself. They make their way to Watery Lane in complete silence.

     As they reach Watery Lane, each splitting off  and going their separate ways across the street from each other, Tommy can't help but look back towards Charlotte and watch her go. He knew she was upset, if her silence and the slamming of his car door were anything to go by, but it left him wondering. Wondering why she hadn't said anything about what happened at the races since they left Kimber's, but then again, neither had he. He couldn't even give her an answer as to why he came back for her. Truthfully because he didn't know himself, or perhaps he didn't want to admit it to himself.

     Tommy watches Charlotte make her way inside before turning and entering the betting shop door. Perhaps they would both choose to forget about it, to put the worst of the day behind them. But as they each make their way inside their respective homes, they can't help but contemplate the events of the day and the things left unsaid between them.

Charlotte enters number twelve Watery Lane and finds JP and Scarlett sitting at the table, eating dinner. Scarlett smiles and goes to greet her but is startled by her appearance. Her once beautiful dress now ripped along the side.

"Charlie!" Scarlett exclaimed surprised. "What happened to your dress?"

Charlotte had been preparing herself for this question on the ride back, contemplating how to respond. Does she tell the truth? Tell her that Tommy had somehow dragged her into a business deal with Kimber? That Kimber had tried to force himself on her, resulting in her ripped dress? That Tommy, despite putting her in that situation, had stopped Kimber before anything could happen, and she had no idea why?

She had thought maybe it was because of Celeste and Scarlett. They were family friends of the Shelby's, yes, but they were Charlotte's family. In no way would they ever be okay with what he had involved her in if they knew. Tommy knew that too, so why get her involved at all just to change his mind after?

"Oh, it's a funny story actually," Charlotte starts, putting a slightly amused smile on her face but it doesn't reach her eyes. "There was this waiter who was rather clumsy. He was carrying a tray of champagne glasses and tripped. I was nearby as it happened and when he went to reach for the table to stop his fall he accidentally grabbed my dress!" She let's out a laugh but it sounds pitiful, even to her ears.

Scarlett observes her a moment. She didn't exactly believe her but didn't want to pry. "Are you alright?"

That question alone was almost enough to break the dam of tears Charlotte had been holding back since she left Kimber's. She let's out a small breath before answering.

"Oh, yes, I'm alright." She gives Scarlett a somewhat reassuring smile. "I think the waiter got the worst of it truthfully." Scarlett doesn't press any further, giving her a nod. JP looks between the two of them in between bites of his food.

"Would you like something to eat?" Scarlett offers, moving on from the topic of the races that she clearly didn't want to speak about. Maybe the food would rejuvenate her, Scarlett thought she looked a bit pale and was concerned.

"No, thank you. I ate before we left the races." She hadn't eaten anything since that morning. "I'm just going to go get out of this dress and rest a bit. All the dancing and excitement from the races has left me exhausted."

Scarlett nods in understanding, but was still worried. "I'll make you some tea."

"I'll bring it up to you, Charlie!" JP says suddenly.

Charlotte gives them a grateful smile. "Thank you both." She then turns and makes her way up the stairs.

She enters her room and shuts the door, locking it before letting out a sigh. She takes off her dress, changing quickly, trying to decide if she should fix it and keep it or get rid of it altogether. If she did keep it, it would only be a reminder of the day. The day that had started out so well only to end so horribly.

She throws the dress over the end of her bed as there's a light knock at the bedroom door. Charlotte opens it and see's a focused JP holding her cup of tea very carefully. She thanks him kindly, taking the cup of tea from him and setting it on her dresser near the door.

Immediately after, JP launches himself onto her, hugging her legs, head resting on her stomach. Charlotte was surprised but returns the hug instantly, one arm going around his shoulders and the other behind his head.

"What's this for?" She can't help but ask.

"You looked like you needed it." JP says as he pulls his head back to look up at her. Charlotte gives him a sad smile, bringing him closer to her once again.

"I did. Thank you."

JP heads down the stairs after, leaving her to rest. Afterwards, Charlotte finishes her tea and lays in her bed the rest of the night, body shaking slightly as tears stream down her face. The events of the day running through her mind, bringing up old memories she had long been trying to forget.


     A few weeks had passed since the day at the races, and in that time Tommy had been actively avoiding Charlotte. Much like how he did after they first met. They still saw each other in passing, while walking from Watery Lane or while she was serving him in The Garrison. But what was once an understanding, a magnetic pull between them that brought about new feelings neither had experienced before, was now at a standstill. Both of them not knowing where to go from there. Too many things still left unsaid.

     Charlotte had seen John the day after the races and he made no mention of knowing what had really happened at Kimber's. He still thought that she had just went for dinner at Kimber's, like Tommy said. She guessed Tommy chose not to tell him the truth like she had with Scarlett. An unspoken understanding between the two of them to not speak about it.

Charlotte herself had no idea what to say to him if they did speak. She was upset about the situation, but in all honesty, she just wanted an explanation. She just didn't understand why Tommy had comeback for her, and perhaps she never would.

     Tommy also didn't know what to say after everything that happened. He was never one to apologize and explain his actions, no matter how bad or terrible they might be. He was never one to feel guilty for his actions either, but Charlotte had a way of making Tommy feel and do things he had never felt or done before. And despite all his effort to avoid her the past few weeks, the time away made no difference in his never ending thoughts about her day in and day out.

He hadn't heard anything from Scarlett or Celeste, despite Scarlett's suspicious looks whenever he saw her with Arthur, about what had happened. He thought, perhaps Charlotte didn't want them to know. He knew if they did ever find out though, he would have even more to worry about.

     The Davis women were tough and resourceful, how else would they get on with the Shelby's and survive Birmingham? If they knew what he had gotten Charlotte involved in, he could only imagine the damage it would do to each of the families relationships with each other. But despite that, Tommy didn't have time to focus on the possible repercussions of his actions, he had things to do.

     So Tommy spent the next few weeks contemplating and planning, trying to separate his heart from his head. Focusing on business and all that lies ahead. Everything else would have to wait.



Polly and Tommy enter the snug of The Garrison where Arthur and John sit waiting for them to start the family meeting that John called. Polly takes a seat across from John as Tommy stands behind him, leaning against the snug window.

     "Alright John, there's only one man-" Arthur lifts a glass of whiskey offering it to Tommy, he raises his hand declining it. "-No. There's only one man guarding the house." Tommy pulls out his pack of cigarettes and matches, setting them on the counter. "Whats troubling you?"

     John clears his throat, scratching his nose. "Right. Aunt Polly, you know what it's been like since Martha died."

     "God takes the best first." Polly reaches out to touch his hand, giving it a squeeze in confort.

     "Truth is, despite all Charlie's recent help, my kids have been running bloody rings around me." John confesses. "Running barefoot with the dogs until all hours."

     Tommy rubs his eyes before gesturing towards Polly, "Pol, give him ten bob for some new shoes. Is that it, John?" He asks impatiently.

     "Tommy, it would be better to do this without you." Polly snaps, Tommy sighs. "Now what's your point?" Polly directs her question towards John.

     "What the kids need is a mother." John hesitates a moment. "So that's why I'm getting married." He then declares.

     Polly glances at Arthur, and Arthur glances at Tommy whose stare stays trained on the wall of the snug as he places a cigarette in between his lips. Who exactly was John planning on marrying?

     "Does this poor girl know you're going to marry her or are you just gonna spring it in her all of a sudden?" Polly can't help but ask.

     "I've already proposed and she said yes." John tells her.

     "I think there's a shell about to land and go bang." Tommy says as he sparks a match, lighting his cigarette.

     Polly's eyes glance at Tommy before looking at John expectantly. John takes a drink of his beer before he answers.

     "It's, um.." John hesitates. "It's Lizzie Stark."

     The rest of the Shelby family can't help their sniggering and laughter. John glares at Arthur who holds his hand up in surrender.

     "John, Lizzie Stark is a strong woman, and I'm sure she provides a fine service for her customers." Polly gets out, trying to keep herself from laughing.

     "I won't hear the word. Understand? Do not use that word." John snaps.

     "What words is that, John?" Tommy asks as he blows out smoke.

     "You know what word that is." John retorts.

     "Everybody bloody knows." Arthur laughs out.

"Everybody can go to hell." John snaps back.

     "Whore. That word?" Tommy offers, "or prostitute? How about that one?" Tommy asks rhetorically as he leans back against the counter.

     "Right," John wipes his nose annoyed. "I want it known, if anyone calls her a whore again, I will push the barrel of my revolver down their throats and blow the word back down into their hearts." John threatens. Tommy nods slightly amused as his eyes glance towards Polly.

     "Men and their cocks never cease to amaze me." Polly says flabbergasted. "John, Lizzie Stark never did a day's work vertical-" She points out before John interrupts her.

     "She's changed. Alright, people change." John snaps up out of his chair. "Like, like with religion." Arthur nods unconvinced from his seat.

     "Lizzie Stark has got religion, eh?" Tommy questions rhetorically.

     "No! No, she doesn't have religion, but," John takes a breath. "Well, she loves me." Polly just looks at him.

     "Now listen, Tommy," John turns to face him. "I won't do it without your blessing. But of all the people in the world, I want you to see it," John pauses thinking of the right word, "as brave."

     "Oh, it's brave alright." Arthur says as he raises his glass to his lips.

     "'Brave' is going where no man has gone before." Polly explains, hands coming together in front of her mouth. "And with Lizzie Stark, John, that is really not what you'll be doing." Polly can't help but laugh out and Arthur covers his mouth to hold his own laughter in.

     John ignores them. "Listen Tommy. Welcome her to the family. As someone who's had a hard life." Tommy looks at him contemplating his words. "Alright? Because I need someone. The kids need someone."

     Before Tommy could give him an answer, the door to the snug flies open. Finn and JP stand in the doorway, panting out of breath.

     "Tommy! We've been done over!" Finn tells them.

     "What?" Arthur says shocked. They all quickly make their way out of the snug rushing back to Watery Lane.

Charlotte walks back from the shops after picking up a few things, including a new journal. Her old one had been filling rather quickly since her time in Small Heath. She had been writing frequently about anything and everything that plagues her mind since leaving America. Though it seems the topics had shifted from her never ending worries to a man with steel blue eyes who had unnerved and intrigued her more than she would like to admit, even in her private journal.

As she gets to Watery Lane and walks towards the Davis', her eyes catch on the Shelby door that looks as though it's been kicked in. She glances around confused, not noticing anything else suspicious as people move about the street, going on with their day, and cautiously makes her way towards the broken in door. She takes a look inside but can't see anything or anyone else.

'This is strange,' Charlotte thinks, 'the Shelby's wouldn't just leave their door open like this.'

Before she can enter to investigate further, she hears rapid foot steps and looks to her left to see all the Shelby brothers along with Polly and JP running towards number six Watery Lane.

She takes a few steps back as they all rush past her to go inside. She watches as the Shelby brothers go first, John and Arthur giving her a nod and a glance as they walk by.

Tommy's eyes never look her way.

"Charlie." Polly calls her name and her head snaps to her. "Look after the boys, would you?" Polly tilts her head towards the boys who peak inside the door, ever curious.

Charlotte nods, "of course." Polly nods towards her gratefully, pushing the boys away from the door before stepping inside.

"Come on, Finn, JP." Charlotte calls them, they turn towards her and each grab one of her hands.

Charlotte ends up getting dragged by the boys to the family car. They giggle as they tell her to watch them as they climb into the car, each taking a seat in the front.

"Look Charlie! We're Tommy and Arthur!" Charlotte laughs as she moves closer to them.

"Can we take you on a drive?" Finn asks.

"Yeah Charlie! Get in!" JP agrees.

Charlotte smiles as she moves towards them, leaning her elbows against the open window of the car.

"I don't know how your brother would feel about you boys playing in the family car." She tells them but makes no move to stop them. She thought it was adorable, their desire to be just like the older Shelby brothers. Perhaps not the best influences to be looking up to, but she admired the sentiment.

Tommy arrives moments later, taking in the boys inside the car and Charlotte standing closely by. He feels his heart rate spike in sick anticipation of what to do next.

"Lottie." Tommy calls her, taking her attention away from the giggling boys. It was the first time he had spoken directly to her in weeks.

Charlotte turns to look at him with a slight smile. "Everything alright.." She trails off as she takes notice of his expression. Her smile leaves her face as concern takes over. "..Tommy."

"I need you to step away from the car the same way you came. Slowly." Tommy instructs her. Charlotte takes a few steps away to the side but none further. "Tommy, what's going on?" She asks him, glancing between him and the still giggling boys.

Tommy glances at her before looking back towards the boys who have yet to grasp the seriousness of the situation.

"Finn. JP." Tommy steps closer, putting a hand out. "Boys stay exactly where you are."

The boys both giggle, "we were pretending we were you." Finn tells him.

Tommy's eyes don't leave them as he cautiously takes a few steps closer. Charlotte watches him with worries eyes, moving frantically between him and the boys.

"Which door did you open to come in?" Tommy points his hand to either side of the car now standing in front of it.

"We didn't." JP says cheekily. "We climbed in." Finn tells him with the same tone.

"Thomas, what is going on?" Charlotte asks strongly, as fear fills her body. Tommy glances at her, trying to think of how to reassure her but not knowing how. His eyes move back to the car, looking around worriedly for the wire.

"I want you both to climb out exactly the same way you climbed in, okay?" Tommy tells them as he moves to the drivers side of the car.

The boys giggle as JP opens the passenger door and they rush out. "No, no! Finn, JP!"

The wire on the door sets off the grenade and Tommy quickly reaches down to grab it. Charlotte let's out a gasp as she reaches and grabs ahold of both Finn and JP, pulling them towards her with a hand on the back of each of their heads. She moves them back, away from the car and pulls them down, holding them close as she braces for what's to come.

"Clear!" Tommy yells out as he throws the grenade out away towards one of the workhouse entrances.

The men outside all shout and run. Tommy moves quickly to Charlotte and the boys, covering their bodies with his own. The grenade blows, sending smoke and sparks of fire up with it.

Tommy loosens his grip on them as they all pant, hearts pounding as adrenaline rushes through their veins. Tommy and Charlotte look at one another as he raises a hand to her face, lightly touching her cheek as his eyes take her in, looking for any sign of injury. Charlotte looks at him wide eyed, giving him a reassuring nod that she was alright, just in shock. Tommy nods back still observing her.

She releases the boys and quickly looks them over as Tommy's hand falls from her cheek, nodding once she see's they were okay she lets out a sigh of relief. JP immediately grabs her hand, gripping it tightly, she grips it back. Tommy grabs Finn's hand, moving to look out where the grenade hit. Charlotte and JP follow behind them.

Tommy then turns Finn and JP towards him with a hand on each of their shoulders as he kneels in front of them. His hands then move to the back of their heads, making them look at him.

"That's why you should never pretend to be me. Okay? Okay?" Both boys nod as he looks between them.

Charlotte's hands shake as she tries to calm her racing heart. Tommy pulls the boys in, hugging them both. Once he releases them, Finn grabs his hand again and JP grips onto Charlotte, seeking comfort in her arms. Her arms come around his shoulders as she softly whispers that everything was alright. Tommy and her meet eyes, both shining with worry and concern, not just for the boys but each other as well.

"Tommy.." Charlotte's voice trails off. She didn't know what to say but it seemed that Tommy already understood.

"I know," he says breathlessly. "I know."


The next few days were busy for Tommy. Planning a truce with the Lee family after the grenade incident, still continuing his seemingly never ending search for Ada and Freddie, and planning new strategies to keep the Inspector off his back.

So now here he was, using Polly's suggested strategy. Giving Campbell a name that would hopefully get Freddie off his radar, and in turn his sister.

Rain pours all around Campbell as he gets out of the car to meet Tommy. The driver leaves as he walks in slowly to stop at the opening of the workhouse where the Shelby's kept their family car. The same place a bomb was planted just a few days ago.

"Your message said you have an address for me."

Tommy pulls an envelope from his inner jacket pocket, holding it up. "Anonymous tip-off. The address of Stanley Chapman."

"You promised me Freddie Thorne."

"This is instead of Freddie Thorne."

"No deal." Campbell immediately declines turning away from him.

"Inspector, Stanley Chapman is a bigger fish than Freddie Thorne." Campbell turns back, intrigued. "He is currently holding two hundred pounds in cash. Given to the communist party by the Russian government." Tommy explains as Campbell walks in closer. "That's right, Chapman has snow on his boots and all you need is a shovel. If he talks you'll have proof. You might even get that medal."

Campbell stops near Tommy as they turn to face one another. "Now, before I give you the address," Tommy walks closer, holding the envelope up again in front of Campbell who reaches his hand out for it expectantly. "I want your word that you will let Freddie Thorne and my sister leave the city."

Campbell contemplates his offer. "Very well. You have my word." Tommy hands him the envelope. They both turn side by side to face the pouring rain. Tommy pulls out his cigarettes.

"I'd say our little truce is proving quite productive for both of us, Inspector." Tommy puts a cigarette between his lips, lighting it. "I get information and protection, and you," Tommy let's put a drag as he moves back to the spot he was before near a cargo box. "Well, you get Bolsheviks."

Campbell points towards him. "But on a more pressing matter," Campbell moves away to grab a chair, pulling it towards him. "I'm afraid that Mr. Churchill is becoming impatient." He takes a seat, "and I fear that if you don't give back those stolen weapons soon, I will be replaced." Tommy looks at him. "That would be the finish for me, that's for sure."

"When my business with Kimber is done, the guns will be returned. That was the deal." Tommy reminds him.

"And I am in your hands, completely. You hold all the cards. But I hope to God that my dismissal doesn't come before your decision to hand back those guns. And I say this for your sake, because, if I were to be fired and it were your fault," Campbell pauses to point at Tommy. "I would do things that would shame the devil."

Campbell chuckles. "My fury is a thing to behold." He moves to stand again, walking towards Tommy. "My last day in power, for example, I would see to it that you and your scum brothers have your heads stoved in with mallets and spades." He looks him in the eyes before moving away again. Tommy's eyes narrow as he watches him.

"And your sister too. That baby inside her would be of no consequence to me. The only one to be spared would be your little brother Finn. He would, however, be lifted as a juvenile and dumped in that part of the adult prison where men have the most appetite for boys like him." Campbell walks in front of Tommy again.

"Let's not forget about the Davis family, oh, no." Campbell shakes his head. "I know that they're apart of your operations in some way or another. They would go the same as your sister, surely taking their time with, Scarlett isn't it? Your brothers whore." Campbell spits the word out. "At least your brother Finn and her bastard boy would have each other in the end."

Tommy's eyes never leave Campbell as he continues to threaten him, eyes hard as he watches him.

"There's also their dear cousin from America," Tommy's jaw clenches, eyes turning a cold steel blue. "Charlotte Moore. The mysterious woman who showed up out of the blue after losing her mother, father, and then brother." Campbell sighs out in fake sympathy. "Peculiar isn't it? Why a woman such as herself chose to live in this cesspool of all places?" Campbell questions rhetorically.

He had done research into her just as Grace had asked him to weeks ago. He found the same things Tommy did, but he wasn't finished just yet. He had a feeling there was more. And regardless of what he found, this deal between them was personal now. Getting under Thomas Shelby's skin was exactly what he wanted.

"Well it's no matter. She chose her fate by coming here, and she will face the consequences. Just like the rest of her family, along with yours."

"That would be a dark day indeed, Mr. Shelby. If my dismissal comes before your decision. You understand?" Campbell asks as he points at Tommy.

"And know this," Campbell starts walking backwards towards the rain pouring outside. "The clock is ticking." He turns to leave, walking out into the rain.

Tommy moves from his spot, throwing his cigarette to the ground and pulls out his gun. He cocks it, aiming at Campbell's back, Campbell stops a moment before continuing on. Tommy pants in anger, dropping his gun after he leaves. Campbells threat running through his head.


"Thirty, forty, fifty.." Arthur trails off as he catches sight of Charlotte walking by carrying a box in the corner of his eye.

Arthur worked at a desk in the back room, right near the pubs piano. The doors were open to the empty bar as Charlotte and Grace both go through boxes from storage.

Arthur had really stepped into being the new owner of The Garrison the past few months. He came in during closing to try and work on the books, key word; try. Charlotte had been helping him a lot, already knowing how chaotic the books were before Arthur had owned the pub. She had started to go through the back storage too, which was almost as chaotic as the books were.

Both her and Grace were there that day helping out. Grace was in the storage room, separating each box into piles based on what was salvageable or not. Charlotte moved some boxes out to make more room, carrying them to the empty bar and setting them on the floor or a chair to look through.

Charlotte opened the box and was overcome with a strange smell wafting from the packages of cigarettes.

"These cigarettes have a strange smell, Arthur." Charlotte says as she walks back towards the room he was in, interrupting his counting. "They smell like rotting water. And look," she hands him one of the packs from the box, "rats have gotten to some of them." Arthur takes it from her.

"They were stolen, weren't they?" Charlotte guessed.

"Don't ask." Arthur responds.

"They smell because you keep them on a boat." Grace says as she pops up behind Charlotte.

Charlotte turns her head and looks at her over her shoulder, not expecting her to be there. Surely she wasn't done going through all the boxes in storage?

"What do you care?" Arthur says to Grace, waving her off. "Now Charlie, can you come and check my adding up, please?" Charlotte turns her head back towards Arthur and makes her way next to him at the desk, setting the box of cigarettes on top. Arthur leans back giving her better access and himself a better view.

Grace moves from the doorway, going to stand off to the side and lean against the wall.
She leaves their sight but stays close enough to listen as they spoke, hoping to hear something useful.

"You know, you should make a new start with this place. Do it properly." Charlotte suggest as she looks back towards him. "These cigarettes are not fit to sell."

She knew he could do it if he wanted. Her father had done the same thing back in America when he was still building up his business. They were legitimate businessmen now, with a legal racetrack pitch. If Tommy really wanted to move up in the world, he'd have to start by changing the things around him first.

Arthur sniffs the pack in his hand. "Smells like Gallipoli." He says afterwards.

"You should find somewhere new to store them." Charlotte suggest.

"It has to be far away from coppers." Arthur says setting the pack of cigarettes on the desk. Grace listens closely.

"But not rats?" Charlotte questions amused.

"All the wharfs have rats, Charlie."

Charlotte looks back towards the books. "What's wrong with a dry warehouse?"

"Tommy's orders."

"Tommy's orders?" Charlotte repeats his words as a question. Unknowingly giving Grace the information she needed by asking the questions she couldn't ask herself.

"Always keep contraband near petrol boat moorings." He informs her.

"Don't the boats get searched?"

"We moor them at junctions, so there's more than one way out." Arthur smiles cheekily at her, tapping the side of his head smartly. "No locks within a mile so we can move that stuff fast."

Charlotte nods in understanding, moving away from the desk to walk out and sort through more boxes. "So Tommy doesn't obey the law, but he has rules. A precise man, your brother."

"Is my adding up right?" Arthur calls after her as she starts to walk out of the room.

"It is now." She tells him as she leaves the room.

Charlotte never notices as Grace rushes away from the doorway just seconds before she walked out. Quickly going to write down the information she just learned to relay to Campbell.


Charlotte steps outside The Garrison doors late in the night, the sounds of manufacturing never ending in the area around her as she turns to lock the doors behind her.

"Arthur tells me you've been asking questions," Tommy says as Charlotte turns around to face him, surprised that he was there. "About how we run our business. And how we get our booze and where we keep it."

Charlotte wasn't expecting him to be there, and to be mentioning that of all things. They hadn't really spoken since the races, unless you count the car incident where they almost got blown up. And now here he was, sounding as though he was accusing her of something.

"I'm just trying to help." Charlotte tells him, and she was, truly. She had done similar work with her father and his business. She knew what it was like and knew how hard the Shelby's were working to become legitimate. It was also a good way to occupy her mind from everything else, something to focus on in the midst of the chaos of her life.

Tommy nods slightly. "Let's you and me go for a walk."

"Where to?" Charlotte can't help but ask.

"Come on." Tommy says softly. Charlotte follows him after a moment.

Tommy leads them to a Catholic church, opening the door and letting her inside. She walks in after him and Tommy closes the door.

"Why here?" She questions him.

"You're a good Catholic girl, aren't you?" Truthfully he had no idea if she was or not.

He knew from his research that her grandmother was Catholic, giving generous amounts of money to the Catholic church. But Charlotte had left all that behind, there was no guessing how she felt now.

Charlotte sighs as they walk down the isles of the church. She thinks about her faith, or rather lack thereof.

"I suppose I used to be, yes."

"Well, then you know it's here people come to confess." Tommy stops next to an isle near the middle, looking towards her. "After you," He gestures her to take a seat.

Charlotte walks in front of him calmly as her mind races. Why had Tommy wanted her to come here with him? What confession was he talking about? Was it her own? Or perhaps, his?

Charlotte takes a seat, placing her purse on her lap, staring forwards as her mind overthinks all of the reasons as to why he brought her here.

"Well, here it is, Charlotte." Tommy starts. "I'll confess." Charlotte turns her head slightly to look at him. He would confess?

"I need someone." Charlottes heart can't help but race as he says those words. "Kimber has an adviser by the name of Roberts. He talks well. He keeps the accounts. He runs the legal side of the business."

"And you need a Roberts." Charlotte states, now understanding his reasoning for bringing her here. Slightly relieving her previous worry and confusion.

Tommy's head turns and his eyes meet hers, nodding once before looking forward again.  "Arthur tells me you have ideas."

"I'm not an accountant, nor a lawyer."

"No." Tommy agrees, shaking his head. "But you have something I need." His head turns to her again. "Class." Charlotte lightly smiles as she looks down towards her hands.

"I need someone who looks right at the big meetings." Tommy explains. "Epsom, Ascot."

"Is this a job interview?"

"Arthur says you're good with numbers."

"Well," she lets out a light laugh, "that's relative. He is quite poor." Tommy scoffs slightly, amused.

"You keep the books in order." He continues.

"They were chaotic." Her head shakes slightly thinking of that disaster she had worked on for what felt like months.

"But you're hiding something." Tommy finishes.

Charlotte's mouth dries as she closes it. Maybe her earlier feelings were right. Tommy glances at her.

"No sane girl would leave the life you had to come live here. With family or not."

"You're very perceptive." What else could he possibly know?

"Celeste told Polly you came here for a fresh start, to be with family." Tommy relays what he had heard. "But anyone looking for a fresh start wouldn't come to Small Heath, unless they're hiding or running from something." Tommy concludes.

Whether the Inspector was trying to mess with his head a few days ago or not, Tommy knew there was more to her reason for being in Birmingham. He's known it since the day she arrived here and John first told the family about her.

"Are you going to acuse me of lying now, like you did with Grace? Did you interview her too?" Charlotte inquires, putting emphasis on the word interview because at this point it was anything but.

"Grace is a liar." Tommy nods, but says nothing else to confirm her other words. "But all I know you've lied about is the reason why you came here. Nothing else." Tommy admits.

"I came here to leave my old life behind. It's not who I am anymore." She tells him, it was part of the truth. She wasn't the same after the war, losing her family, and everything that came after. "I'm sure you can understand that."

Tommy looks over at her. He could understand that. No one came back the same after the war, and Charlotte was no exception. But whereas Tommy stopped hoping for a brighter future, realizing that you don't get what you want, you take it, Charlotte was running from her old life. Running and hiding from something, a secret that she was keeping from everyone, even her family.

"I do." Tommy nods agreeing with her words. "I also know when someone has secrets."

"This isn't an interview, this is an interrogation." Having enough Charlotte moves to stand and leave.

"Sit down." Tommy says.

Campbell's words had made him paranoid. After what he said about Charlotte, Tommy couldn't help but be suspicious. He wanted to know her past, the truth of it all. He had since the first day she arrived in his city. A city where nothing good ever happens, but somehow she arrived here. An angel in disguise amongst all the demons and monsters of his hell. A beacon of light in his world of darkness. Someone who had accepted his family despite who they were and where they came from. A woman who helped and befriended the family of Gypsies who ran the city, with no ulterior motive.

A kind and genuine woman who cared more for those around her than she did herself.

Regardless of all Tommy did know about her, Charlotte was an enigma to him, someone he didn't understand but desperately wanted to. But despite his want and need to know more, he wouldn't push her. Because Charlotte Moore had been through more than enough in her life, and everything she had been through had ended her up here. In his city. And he thanks whatever God he used to believe in that she did.

Charlotte sits back down reluctantly.

"Look, Lottie," Tommy sighs and Charlotte turns her head to look at him. "You washed up in a place you don't belong, for whatever reason." Tommy pauses, "my good fortune."

"And perhaps mine." Tommy's eyes snap up to meet Charlotte's, their eyes locking for a few moments. Charlotte glances away and Tommy adjust in his seat, turning his body towards her, his right arm resting on the back of their chairs in between them.

"You know that most of what I do is illegal?"

"I'm not blind." Charlotte says plainly. She had known since Celeste and Scarlett sat her down for a 'chat' on her second day in Birmingham. Tommy nods slightly.

"And yet you'd still be willing to work for me?"

Charlotte turns to meet his eyes again. "Are you offering me the job?" Tommy scoffs looking away for a second before looking back to her.

"Then I accept." She says with a small nod.

"There's something else you should know." Tommy gestures towards her with the hand in between them. His eyes set on her own. "A very important detail about my reasons for employing you."

Charlotte didn't understand. What other reason could there be? Was it because she was related to the Davis', who had close and personal relationships with the Shelby's? Maybe he wanted to keep an eye on her, to see if she was trustworthy. After all, he already knew she was hiding something.

Charlotte sits patiently, waiting for him to tell her. That is till his hand that sat between them moves towards her face, his thumb lightly brushing over her cheek, as if she were made of glass and pressing any harder would physically break her. She stares at him, breathless at his feather soft touch, anticipation flooding her veins as his head moves closer to hers. Her face moves to meet his own.



It was as if everything that she never understood before finally made sense. All the unknown feelings and confusing thoughts finally falling into place. Perhaps this was the answer she had been looking for all along. The answer to her unanswered questions all right there among his lips.

He kisses her softly and gently for a few moments, an electric current flowing through each of them as their lips meet. Warmth filling their hearts and flooding through each their veins. The soft and delicate kiss consumes them, everything around them fading away, if only for a moment. A moment that they savor.

They pull away from each other slowly, and Charlotte's eyes flutter open. They shine with slight surprise, not having expected Tommy to kiss her of all things.

Tommy's hand stays on her cheek, lightly brushing against it again as he looks at her with that same fond look she had never been able to place before. Charlotte's face grows hot under his gaze and she forces herself to look away.

"You disappoint me." She jokes, trying to calm her racing heart. Tommy's hand drops from her cheek as he looks away.

"Do you resign?"

Charlotte tries to keep the growing smile off her face but fails miserably. "No. My appetite for the work has only increased."

Tommy nods and then stands to leave. "Tomorrow I'll show you around."

Charlotte sits there a few minutes after he leaves, a smile growing on her face. She thought about everything leading up to this moment. From the reason she left America, to her arrival in Small Heath, the friendships and relationships she's made since being here, her complicated feelings for Tommy and their shared kiss only minutes ago.

She had never felt anything like this before. Such a calm, yet wild thrill that consumed every part of her being. It was as if everything had been leading up to this moment. That all the pain and heartache she experienced before was just the beginning of her journey. A journey that was leading her here.

After everything she's been through, Charlotte never thought she'd feel as safe and accepted as she had during her time in Birmingham. Maybe it was like Tommy had said. She washed up in a place she didn't belong, but perhaps it was where she was meant to be.


"Charlie, I know it's been a few weeks but I've been meaning to ask."

     Charlotte looks over to Grace who stands behind the bar. She was currently sweeping as Grace was wiping down glasses. The Garrison had closed half an hour ago and they were cleaning a bit before heading home for the night.

     "Why did you go with Kimber at the races?"

     "What do you mean?" Charlotte tilts her head at her confused.

     "I mean," Grace starts, looking down to fold the rag in her hands. "I know that the reason Tommy brought me to the races was to set me up with Kimber, but you went instead. I can't help but wonder why." This very thought, among others, had been running through Graces mind since the races.

     She couldn't understand why Charlotte would put herself in that situation. At first she thought maybe she was a whore like Kimber's wife had suggested but given Charlotte's reaction after Tommy went back to get her, she knew that wasn't the case.

     "Well, truthfully Grace," Charlotte says softly, "I've been in situations like that before and I didn't want you to have to go through the same thing." She tells her honestly, not giving too much detail.

     Grace reminded Charlotte a lot of herself. Both wealthy girls from similar backgrounds, both in this town for their own reasons. Regardless of what Grace was possibly lying about, Charlotte had come to see her as a close friend. They both came to this city to start over, for a fresh start. And in a city like this they had to look out for one another.

     Grace was surprised by her answer. She didn't expect Charlotte to care about what would happen to her, let alone put herself at risk for her, but she couldn't deny that she was grateful. Though, this did nothing to help the guilt that swarmed in her stomach as she thought of her words.

     'I've been in situations like that before,' just what had Charlotte been through before she arrived in Small Heath? She was almost nervous to hear what information Campbell might have gathered like she had asked, not knowing what it would possibly stir up.

     "Oh," Grace says a moment after she absorbed her words, "well then I guess I should be thanking you."

     "There's no need to thank me, Grace. Us women have to stick together, don't we?" Charlotte tells her with a kind smile. A smile that had Grace rethinking everything.

     Despite Grace's troubled thoughts, she gives her a smile back. "Could that be the reason why Tommy offered me the job? Because you asked him to?"

     "I only suggested it, whatever decision Tommy made was his own." Charlotte tells her.

     The day after Tommy offered Charlotte the job, he showed her around like he said he would. He took her to the betting shop with him, showing her the books for both the legal and illegal business. She got many strange looks from the other men in there but with a mere glance from Tommy they all quickly looked away. They knew better than to question Tommy Shelby.

     As Charlotte took in everything, in slight awkwardness, not knowing how to act with him after his kiss and run the night before, she realized it was quite a bit of work she would have to do. She knew that Tommy was trusting her with both the legal and illegal sides of the business and thought maybe if she had some help she could focus on each a little easier. She had been working on the legal side with The Garrison easily, but adding other side business ventures was quite a bit, even for her.

     Charlotte brought it up offhandedly while looking at the books in his office of the betting shop as he watched her from the doorway while smoking a cigarette. Grace had been helping her at The Garrison lately anyway, and this way they could both get more work done. Tommy said nothing to her as he thought about it and a day later she was informed from Grace that Tommy told her she would be working with Charlotte on the books.

     "Well then, it seems I do owe you a thank you. Perhaps we could celebrate together." They smile at one another as Charlotte nods agreeing.

     Charlotte was slowly helping Grace get closer to her assigned mission, aka Tommy. And even though it made her stomach churn in regret of betraying her one and only friend in Birmingham, she would complete the mission she was assigned. No matter the consequences.


edited ✔️

The beginning of this episode makes me sob because of how cute Freddie and Ada are sitting on the boat, rubbing her belly, they're such a cute little family in hiding :') That cute opening just for it to end terribly at the end of the episode lolll (_)

How do you feel about the conversations between Charlotte and Grace? I'm trying to give more insight into her and Charlotte's friendship to show how impactful it is in terms of Grace's mission.

I've read a lot of fanfics where people use the love triangle/ jealousy trope between Tommy, their oc and Grace and as much as I love that dynamic, I wanted to go in a different direction.

I'm also a person who values friendship a lot and wanted to show how impactful it can be. (Explains why I created so many different friendship dynamics throughout the story lmao)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are ready for the next part! July was a busy month and I didn't get as much time to edit so if you notice any minor mistakes in the next two chapters, no you didn't <3

Please don't forget to comment or vote! Any feedback is appreciated! :)

Next part coming soon!


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