The Boss.

By Sage_Warner

104 15 2

Valentine has been working at a hotel for 2 years now.Shes hardworking but talks to much and plays around.She... More

The hotel
The party
Truth or Dare
👰‍♀️The wedding💍

The rain

10 1 0
By Sage_Warner

"What.." Valentine looked in shock at Oscar."Fake boyfriend?! What would that help with?!" "And why am I even telling you this? You aren't even that close to knowing." Valentine stood up and walked out. "Sorry I was just trying to help.." he sarcastically remarked. "Ugh..why did I even tell him that stuff, he isn't that close to me and he probably didn't want to hear all that shit." Valentine muttered to herself as she got into the elevator."Why is Lucas even so obsessed with me? I can't give him anything that he doesn't have already.." Val thought to herself. She walked back to the reception to continue her shift. It was just a few more minutes before her shift was over when she heard the rain start to fall."Oh great, there's rain now!" "At least my car isn't towed." she thought to herself as the rain got louder. She helped some clients get in and out of their hotel rooms. Today was a busy day and she didn't want to miss that chance of getting a bonus. She worked as fast as lighting-and before she could even look back up at the clock her shift was over. She helped the last client and walked to the locker room to change into her normal clothes.

As Valentine walked in and went to her locker she heard a group of girls gossiping, "Yeah I heard she trauma dumped on the boss..." one of the girls."Oh my gosh, really? She thinks that she the shit and that he would actually date her.." another girl snickered. "Ugh, she's just trying to be one of those 'not like other girls' girls." another girl chuckled. Valentine loudly shut her locker, she wasn't going to listen to those girls anymore-they are just negative energy and all they do is snoop around and gossip.

Valentine grabbed her bag and stormed out of the hotel lockers. She just hoped she could get to her car in time for her daily scream. She walked out of the hotel and looked for her car. After a good solid 10 minutes of looking for it she couldn't find it."Oh great! My car has been stolen!" she thought. "Well, I don't really care anymore. Im just going to walk to my apartment. It's not far anyways just a good 5 miles." Valentine said as she clenched her fists and ground her teeth. There was no way she was going to ride on a bus-or call an Uber. The last time she went on a bus, some creepy dude was looking at her the whole time and the Uber driver kept looking at her and asking weird questions. She put on her hood and put her headphones on. The only thing that could take her anger away was music.

As she was walking in the rain it started to rain harder and harder. There wasn't a bus or taxi in sight that was empty or taking passengers. They were all rushing to the bus stations."Ugh. Why is this day so bad right now?! First, my creepy ex stalks me, some girls gossip about me, then my car gets stolen and now I have to walk in the rain!"ARGH!" Valentine screamed. The city was too loud and busy for anyone to hear her. As she was walking she saw a black car driving slowly towards her. "Oh, crap! Im going to get kidnapped!" she thought. Valentine started walking faster, which turned into running. "Oh please please don't be Lucas! I'm not getting in that damn car if it had a million kittens!" she stated as she ran faster."Why are there no people in the streets right now?!" she thought. After a while, the car got closer to Valentine's. The person rolled down their window."Hey you can't be walking in the rain." said the person."Oscar..?"

She looked at him all confused. Oscar muttered something, as he stopped next to her. Taylor Swift was blasting in Valentine's ears so she couldn't quite hear what he was saying."What?" she asked as she took her headphones off." I said, nevermind that it's me, get in the car you can't be walking in the rain." he repeated as he awkwardly fumbled with his hands, looking at Valentine. "I don't trust you walking in this rain with that coat on so get in," he said. "Why? What do you care about me? Im just a normal employee of yours." "Yeah but you shouldn't be in this rain so just get in." he answered quickly—he was clearly in a rush so she answered, "You seem like you're in a rush so-" "Valentine. Get in the damn car I don't care about being late, I'll take you to your apartment so just get in." Oscar interrupted."Well if you say so.." she muttered as she opened the door and got in. He was seriously going to be late because he dropped an employee off at her apartment. "Why were you even waking in this rain? You do have a car right?" he asked as he focused on the road."Uhm...It got stolen, anyways my apartment building is around the corner you really don't have-" Before she could speak again he interrupted her. "Valentine, look I'm not in a rush to anything so just calm down." he looked at her with a serious face. "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions.." Valentine apologized."It's fine anyways about this morning, you shouldn't have stormed out of my office like that." He said as they stopped by a red light. "Well I just don't think a fake boyfriend was a little forward." she crossed her arms." And I shouldn't have told you about my personal problems." she sighed. "Well I'd just like to help you, you're one of the rare employees I have that doesn't swoon over me, " he narrowed his eyes, "Not a word about this, 'fake boyfriend' thing to your colleagues, got it? I don't want to cause you any more harm." Oscar chuckled lightly. What was he doing? Since when did Oscar care so much, about Valentine being harrassed? "May I ask why you're doing this? From the day I started the job you were never so kind to me!" Valentine inquired. Oscar looked up to Valentine, his gaze softening. "You're my best employee, I wouldn't want my best employee to be harassed, now would I?" "Okay Mister Sweet talker, we'll do this 'fake boyfriend' thing. You've got me hooked." Valentine was convinced, by Oscar, to be his 'fake boyfriend.' She was easily convinced. Oscar nodded, "It's good revenge for those silly girls who think they have a chance with me, that's partly also the reason."
They were nearing Valentine's apartment. Oscar unlocked his car, gesturing for Valentine to jump out. Swiftly, Valentine bounced out, before any more stupid promises were made, she was already regretting agreeing to be Oscar's fake boyfriend. What the hell was she thinking? He was already pleading for her to accept. Turning the key clockwise, she entered the apartment and closed the hard oak door behind her. Little did she know, that Oscar was making notes on where Valentine was staying. Finally, Oscar's car revved away to drive home. It was faint a sound, but Valentine could hear. She gave a heavy sigh, 'Better not worry about that..' she thought, rushing to her room. Right now, all Valentine needed was to sit down and think about what she just did, once again. Surely things can't go South with Oscar, right? Valentine knew she was wrong, if word got out that Valentine was dating Oscar.. then who knows what will happen..she'd choose to believe that it was a good choice, ignoring her thoughts and correcting her on what mistake she made. Valentine fell onto her soft bed. It was time for sleep.

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