The Widow Soldier

By user72863874

14.5K 323 244

"Your name hurts." "Probably because I carved it into your back." ------ "Kinky." "I see you still haven't g... More

Info/Aesthetic Boards/Playlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Book 2 Of The 'Малыш' Series

Chapter 17

332 8 4
By user72863874

'-shot at me and-" I cut myself off. Roche wasn't here, he must've heard them coming in and rushed out. They must not know about him then.

"You shot him?" Stark asks, although it was more of a statement.


"I think we need to see Fury." Stark says, no one disagrees. I know why we were going to go see him, I didn't want to jump to conclusions. Although if I were to jump to them, I wouldn't care if I had to kill all the team members in here, other than Luca and John, of course. Why they brought Luca and John, the two kids without any fighting experience, I will never understand.

Once we arrive at the Avengers Tower, how clique of them, I was escorted out. They didn't have to say they were escorting me out, with Romanoff on one side and Barnes on the other it was hard to hide the fact. When we were inside John, Luca, and Kira were told to go get a snack from the kitchen. Whilst they were eating I was taken by the remaining adults to an interrogation room. Fit with the grey walls, terrible lighting, and the one way mirror. It reminds me of the first time I was here. Nothing has changed in here. After maybe an hour, Nick Fury walks in, file in hand.

"I think you know how this works, so no need to get you used to it." He starts while opening the file on the table in front of me, which has been replaced, I can tell by the slight change of color. "Are you still working with Hydra?" He asks after a few silent moments. I decided to answer just to have the situation more.

"If I was, do you really think I would be here right now?" I ask. It clearly catches him off guard, I know this because I saw his eye twitch and it had an almost surprised look, which he masked pretty much immediately.

I smirked slightly, I know I'm getting out of this, one way or another. But he doesn't think I can, which gives me an advantage, that for some reason I decided to not use.

"I don't think we would be able to tell either way. You did admit that you shot someone on the quinjet." Fury says, I can tell he knows this is going to be a difficult interrogation.

"I did. And I wasn't lying." I start, "Agent Ethan Grover was his name, father was Elijah Grover a high up in Hydra. I do not regret shooting him. It was bound to happen." I finish.

"Oh yes, right." The look on his face is almost smug as he speaks, "you've killed his entire family at this point, including him." He says. He goes to continue but I speak first.

"I didn't kill his mother nor his sister." I state.

"Yes. You did." He starts. "Even if it was your brainwashed state that did, you still killed them. It was still you." After he says this I know there is more going on here.

I was never brainwashed. But Barnes was. How have me and Barnes been mixed up? It's not like we're related, or knew each other in Hydra. By the time I was doing most of my missions he had already gotten out. We don't even get along that well.

I hide all of my confusion and stare with a blank face, until I look at Fury in the eye, and slowly raise my eyebrows. A small smirk appearing on my lips. He looks confused for a second until he turns around and looks at the camera. He fucked up. And he knows it now. He stands and leaves taking the file with him. For someone so secretive, and trained to not show emotion through body language facial expressions, he was quiet easy to read. Or that could be my training coming in play.

———Third Person P.O.V———

Fury is sat with Romanoff, Stark, Rogers, and Banner, explaining just what happened exactly. The explaining wasn't going to well.

"What? I don't understand." Rogers says,

"My either dude." Stark says towards Rogers. Romanoff looks at him and speaks.

"Of course you don't, you're not listening!" She says while giving Stark a death stare. If looks could kill....."Nick say it again, but this time with Starks very low IQ in mind." She says, looking away from Stark while he make a faux hurt expression.

Nick does just that and explains what has happened.

"So...? Woah." Rogers says, still trying to understand exactly what Fury said.

"No wonder she's so fucked up." Stark says, sarcastically.

"Really Stark! Is everything a joke to you?" Romanoff asks, rudely, her usual tone of voice when speaking to Stark.

"Yes." He answers quickly, no hesitation with a sarcastic tone yet again.

———River's P.O.V.———

After about maybe an hour and a half, Fury comes back in no longer holding the file. He sits and looks at me.

"Why do you people still not trust me?" I ask, I was curious to know.

"We do trust you." Fury states. False. I thought.

"Luca, and John trust me, no one else, otherwise I wouldn't be in an interrogation room." I say back to him. He looks like he remembered something then he spoke up again, words I didn't expect from him, but I didn't show that.

"Oh, then let's get you out of here."  He says. He un-cuffs me from the table, and walks towards the door, with me following behind. Before I took 6 steps I stopped.

"What's going on?" I ask confused. He looks at me, almost as if debating to tell me something.

"What do you mean?" He asks. He playing some game right now, and I'm not a fan of it.

"Why?" I ask. Starting to get tired of this.

"Why, what?" He asks again. I'm already planning an escape if this goes south.

"Why bring me here to interrogate me, get nothing out of me, and let me go?"  Finishing my escape plan in my head.

"We did get something out of you." He states.

"Oh yeah? Whatcha get?" I asked, with attitude.

"Ethan, and Elijah Grover." He comments.

"You knew coming into this who they were, you didn't need that information from me it was just to get me talking, and it did get me talking sure, but did I said anything that you or the team could use?" I asks the rhetorical question. Yet he answered.

"No. No you did not." He says looking me in the eye now, not just in my general direction, "You are well trained." He states at the end.

I change the direction of the conversation. "I want to see John and Luca." I demand. He makes a motion for me to follow so I do. Once we are in the kitchen which is open to the living room, I see John and Luca. They both come up and hug me.

"We were scared you got hurt at first, I'm glad you're ok." John said to me while still hugging my midsection, he's a short kid, unlike Luca who is 5'9, which is average for a man.

"It'll take a lot to lose me bud." I say to him, I look at Luca and nod to him to join the hug. As Luca joins the hug John says,

"Family hug!" Excitedly, although this voice is muffled since he is still hugging my tight.

Hey my peeps,

Comment any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors

And if you have anything you want to say or voice you opinions on what you would like to happen in the book feel free too!

Also give me feedback!

Word count-1254
Word count does not include A/N at the end of the story.

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