Chapter 19

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I watch as Stark makes his way over to the closet, and yanks the door open. I see his face go from being ready to fight to a shocked expression. He then steps aside and I watched as two very guilty looking kids step out. John and Luca. I stand up and make my way over to them.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask them. They look at each other then back at me before John answers.

"We wanted to come on the mission." He says.

Without looking away from the two I say, "Romanoff let Banner know where the boys are so he doesn't freak out." I hear as Romanoff walks over to the comms and starts talking with Banner. "Why do you want to come, so bad?" I asks the boys. This time Luca answers.

"Because we want to see what it's like, so we can train." Luca says. Following is a few moments of silence.

"Train for what exactly?" I ask the two.  The two looked back at the team, who are all listening, then back at me.

"To become Avengers." They both say at the same time. I can't say I'm not shocked, but I don't let it show. All I can say is a one word answer.

"No." Before the two of them could speak again Romanoff's voice come out loud saying we are ten minutes from site. Everyone starts to shuffle around getting their gear ready for the mission. Not wanting to linger in the subject of my boys becoming Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, I make my way over to my weapons. I pick up my AR-15 and check it to make sure it's ready for use. I then make my way over to the rest of the group who are all now sitting and strapping themselves in for landing. I stand off to the side and hold onto the bar that's hanging from the ceiling.

Once we've landed the back door open on the quinjet allowing us all to head in. I see the boys start making their way over to the open door and step in front of them.

"You're staying here." I say then turn to leave not giving them time to speak up. Right before I step onto the ground outside I hear John speak up.

"How do you know we won't just follow you again?" He asks. I turn towards him, looking at the two for a few seconds before turning to Barton, who gives a quick nod letting me know it's ok.

"Barton's staying with you." I say then look back at the boys, who look slightly disappointed. I put on my mask and the team and I then make our way out of the quinjet and towards the Hydra building.

Once we're in the building we split into two teams. Romanoff, Stark, Barnes and I are in one team while the other consists of, Thor, The Maximoff twins, Rogers and Kira. Nick Fury and Agent Hill were back at the Barton farm to oversee the mission.

After a long hour of looking through the building to find anything worth saving, the teams agree over comms to meet up. Before we could even turn around the door in front of my flies open and 20 Hydra agents come running out already initiating in combat. While Romanoff and Stark take about eight together and Rogers take in three so far, that leaving 9 agent for me and Barnes. I begin to fight off 4 while Barnes takes on the last five.

One of the agents swing at my head, I dodge while kicking another in the face stunning him for a moment while I shoot the female agent behind him. I then turn to shoot the agent that tried to hit me, but before I can do anything one of the agents Barnes was fighting shoots at me. With great aim and me dodging the bullet hit me in the shoulder, only a few inches from hitting my neck and killing me. Before I even turn around Barnes has her on the floor. I turn back to the two agents still standing. I shoot the one in my left in the knee, then I shoot him in the opposite shoulder. With him on the ground in agony, I direct my attention on the last standing agent in front of me. The agent runs at me, and with full force pushes me to the ground with him on top of me. I dropped my gun whilst falling so I immediately try to disarm the man on top of me. The gun ends up going off, luckily it was pointed towards the ceiling so no one from my team was injured.  I quickly get on top of the man, and put him in a chokehold. With the amount the man is struggling I decide to just snap his neck, right before I do I feel another gunshot and feel yet another bullet hitting my left shoulder less than an inch from the other bullet. I quickly shoot the agent that shot me, as well as the one still screaming on the floor, both perfectly in the forehead. Then I finally snap the neck of the last agent in front of me.

As I turn I can see Romanoff starting to get tired while still fight three agents. With Stark and Rogers to busy to really help, I jump in. Shooting the two that are farthest from her, I jump in and help. The third is to close to her to be a safe shot, so instead I pull out a knife from my shoe and stab the agent in the back of the leg. As they let out a scream I slit their throat. While the body falls to the floor Romanoff looks at me. I look back confused as to why she's looking at me, although you would never be able to tell as I keep my face neutral.

"Thanks...." She says slightly out of breath. I give her a quick nod before we both turn and meet with the team who has now finished fighting.

"There's no time to meet up you have to go." I state. Without missing a beat Rogers speaks up.

"We have to work as a team." He says, giving everyone a look that screams 'Im Captain America'.

"Do you wanna die?" I ask. Attitude present in my voice. Before anyone else can speak up a voice is heard over comms.

"Guys we gotta get out now! Plant the explosives and let's go! Get out!" 

At this everyone starts to make their way out to the quinjet. With a sigh I turn to do the same, but a shadow catches my eye. I stay where I am, loosing blood fast, and decide to stay a little while longer to see if I will see it again. With everyone running and not looking back, they won't realize, until they get to the quinjet that I'm still here.

Looking back at the same spot I saw the shadow, I point my gun up with my good arm, and make my way over. The doorway leads to a, short, hallway with two doors. I go into the first room, clear it nod make my way into the second one. Before fully stepping in I hear footsteps behind the door. I push it open as much as possible then make my way in. Before I could do much I'm engulfed in a hug.

Hey my peeps!

Make sure to comment on any spelling errors and/or grammatical mistakes.

I would like to say that the story is gonna take a slight twist, so be prepared! Some death may be coming up soon.

Word count-1257
Word count does  not include A/N at the end of the story.

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