Chapter 4

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After I made it to the city I stayed the night in a crappy motel, the next morning as I was restocking my first aid kit in my getaway bag I was attacked by Hydra, but they sedated me before I had the chance to fight. Now I'm back in my old cell waiting for an agent to come in and bring me to my room of torment. I knew they wouldn't kill me, I was to valuable, but that wouldn't stop them from getting me real close to the light at the end of the tunnel.

I was brought out of my thoughts by footsteps near my cell, but they didn't stop at my cell which is what I was expecting, they continued to another cell just a few rows down. I could see, but it was difficult. So instead of focusing on that I focused on getting myself into the mindset of my imminent pain.

                          ———Time Skip———

I was back in my cell with new cuts and bruises, but I still had the small pocket first aid kit in my pocket so I took it out and was about to start fixing myself up when I noticed a man not to old maybe in his mid 20's who also had cuts and bruises all over. So I decided I was going to help others before myself, and be the good person in this situation. So I engaged in conversation. 

"Hey, are you ok" I said, with my thick Russian accent reattaching itself to my voice after months of faking all sorts of different accents.

"You want me to help stitch you up a bit." I continued.

The man didn't respond with words, he just simply nodded.

"I can't reach you so do you think you can do it yourself with instructions from me, or have you done this before?" I asked.

"I can do it myself." the man stated, with an accent of some sort, it sounded Russian but not quite. It sounded... Sokovian! He must be from Sokovia. Which means that we are in the base near.

"Tell me about yourself." I said more so like a command than a question.

"Like what?" The man questioned.

"Like your name." I said calmly

"Pietro." he responded.

"No last name?" I questioned.

"Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff." he said.

"Ok, what about family." I continued with the questions.

"I'm a twin." He said.

"Really? that's actually kinda cool." I said even more intrigued than before. I had just put it together and he must be one of the twins, the speedy one.

The man smiled in response. He then went back to fixing up the deep laceration on his arm.

"Your twin, are they here?" I asked intrigued about his sister whom I knew who's name was Wanda, but I didn't want to give out that I knew anything.

"No, we got out a while back, with the help of the avengers, got put on the right track." He looks up to me from his arm a smile finding its way onto his face. "I think she's in some stupid fight between Iron man and Captain America, about someone's buddy. I'm not sure." The smile that was just recently on his face loosened and was slowly fading. "They found me, I never really had a chance to fight."

"Yeah, same."

"Thank you." he said.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"Well, for starting conversation with me, it has brightened my otherwise very dark time here." he said. "And for the first aid." He stated. A smile finding its way back to his face.

"No problem. Although I must say this place has gotten must brighter since I was here last." I now remember this place from the inscriptions on the wall from my former cell mate -they were killed for not completing a mission- and the dark cold feeling feels different from the other bases I've been. We are in Germany.

Just as I was about to say something, two guards walked past with a petite women, maybe in her 20's as well.

"Kira? KIRA! What happened!?" Pietro whisper yelled.

"I'm fine Pietro, really." the women said. She then looked at me confused and not sure who I am.

"I'm River." I say calmly.

"Kira, what are you doing here?" She asked me.

"Well I'm not here by choice. I was kidnapped again." I say

"Again?" She questioned.

"Yeah I've been here before. That mind blender machine thing doesn't look fun, and I think that's my fate, so if you don't mind, I'm going to find a way out." I say.

"Is that how you got out before?" Pietro asked, referring to it not being my first time here.

"Yep." I say popping the 'p'.

                       ———Time Skip———

After I had made a plan to get not only me, but also Kira and Pietro out of the hell hole, we just talked till it was time to execute the plan.

"So, let me get this straight" Kira started, "your parents are dead because of Tony Stark, but you forgave him and are now working for him?" Kira finished with a very confused look taking over her features.

"Uh, yeah, that right" Pietro said unamused.

"That's messed up man." Kira said with a look of unbelief across her face.

Kira looked at me. I could tell she wanted to ask me something but wasn't bringing herself to do so. So, I spoke up turning to look at her.

"Something you want to ask?" I ask.

Kira looks at me and begins to open her mouth, right when the alarms go off. Flashing red light everywhere make it difficult to see.

"What's happening?" Kira asked, just barely being heard over the alarms.

"Someone broke in." Pietro says

"Who?"Kira asked.

"The Avengers." he continued.

Now it was my turn to ask "WHO?" I say yelling over the loud noises coming from all directions.

"My friends, there here to get us." He says

"I doubt they're here for me." I mumble under my breath.

Hey my peeps,

I hope your enjoying the story so far I will try to post another chapter before next week.

Remember you can always comment on my terrible grammar/spelling anytime.
Also sorry these aren't the longest chapters.

See ya, Later my peeps!

Word count-1010
Word count does not include A/N at the end of the story.

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