Chapter 23

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———River's P.O.V.———

It's been a day and all I can do is think of a plan to get out, but none work. As the torture increases, my ability to think decreases. This is why it took so long for me to get out before. The torture never seemed to stop, and it was to hard to do anything, other than recover, and focus on not dying, when I was thrown into a cell.

Right on time a guard walks past my current cell, gun in hand. Two minutes later he walks back. Three minutes after and my cell door is opening. As the cell door opens it squeaks, a high pitched squeak.

No talking occurred as the guard roughly picks me up and shove me around, til we get to where I need to be. When walking downtown he hall I realize that we took a turn we hadn't before. We turned left instead of going straight. The guard shove open a door, and I see why we took a left turn. They don't want to just torture me. They want to control me. And the only way the can achieve that, is to brainwash me.

But Hydra being the twisted organization it is, can't brainwash normal. No, they have to erase your memories. All of them. So you become a mindless killer essentially. The only person they've done this to before was Bucky Barnes, and even with him they failed. Being shoved into the chair, and strapped in, I speak up.

"Rude." I say sarcastically, trying to raise my spirits before they're completely controlled.

"Shut up." The guard says back, angrily.

"Must not get payed the best huh?" This earns a slap for me. A weak one at that.

"Really?" I asks the guard, aggravating him even more. Before he has the chance to slap me again, someone walks in. Dreykov. He walks in and pulls a chair up to me. Looking at me almost sadly, but not quite there.

"Do you know why you're called the Widow Soldier?" He asks after a few silent moments. Receiving no response, he looks to the guard still standing close by and nods. The guard punches me. More force than the slaps from before, but not enough to do much damage.

"Answer the question." Dreykov demands.

"I was born in the Red Room." I answer.

"And why the soldier part?" He asks.

"I don't know." I answer his next question.

"You're called the Widow Soldier because you are a product of the red room and Hydra. You're mother, was a widow in the red room, a good one too." Dreykov told me.

"My father?" I asks , fully aware I'm not supposed to talk. After a quick slap to the face from the guard, Dreykov answers.

"The Winter Soldier." Dreykov offered. Seeing the confusion on my face he elaborates.

"Your father. Is the Winter Soldier." He repeats.

"What was my mothers name?" I ask, not reviewing a slap or punch this time.

"I don't know what your mothers name is." After this Dreykov stands and, bringing his chair with him, walks over to the wall.

"You may begin."

At those words spoken by Dreykov, the guard, still standing close by, activates the machine.

———Third Person's P.O.V.———

The only sounds that can be heard are the screams of River as she has her mind erased. This happens 3 times, to one, make sure it has worked fully, and two, torture her. Once the machine is done for the third time now, Dreykov walks up to her as the guard unstraps her. Dreykov gives her a mission for the next day. Although it has nothing to do with the Avengers, she's still sure to see them on the mission.

The mission was simple. Get-in-get-out type of thing, even though it was an undercover operation. The Soldier was to get some files from a S.H.I.E.L.D. agents desk and bring them back. Easy. S.H.I.E.L.D. was based out of the the Avengers Tower, but would be moving to there own location soon.

All the Soldier had to do was pretend to be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and get the files, and get out, without getting caught.

———River's P.O.V.———

"I'm agent Emma Flores." I say to the man at the front desk, in an American accent.He check the schedule and gives me a nod saying he'll buzz me in. I give him a quick smile for thanks. As I'm walking through the hall I check to make sure no one it looking and slip into the office of the agent who's files I need. I quickly look around and try my best to memorize how the office looks. I then look around for the files. After finding the files I check the office and fix anything that's out of place. I make it out of the office, and lock the door when there's a voice behind me.

"What are you doing?" The female sounding voice asked me. I turn and see Agent Maria Hill, who looks like she's seen a ghost.

"River?" She asks.

"Who's River?" With that I quickly knock her out before she can do anything else. I then put her in her office and make my way out.

"Hey Agent Flores, didn't you just clock in?" The man at the front desks asks me as I walk past. I stop and answer him, coming up with a quick lie.

"Oh I just needed to get a few files, I'll be on my way now. Have a good rest of the day!" I say, the American accent doing great so far. With that I walk out and walk down to a gas station 2 miles away as that's where the pick up point is.

Once I arrive I see the black SUV ready to go. As I walk closer I see two men, and one woman with their hoods up, walk out of the store. The woman significantly shorter than the two men., even with heeled shoes on. I slow down not knowing if they are trouble or just simply passing through. I decide to go into the store. Walking through the store I see the woman glance at me.

I walk into the bathroom and change the clothes I'm wearing to look less like a suit. I untuck my shirt and unbutton the first three buttons as well as a few bottom ones. I roll it up and tie in in the front to look like it was bought like that. I then put the jacket in the trash and take off the belt I was wearing before and put it on the floor for now. I then put on the zip-up I snatched from outside, zipping it up slightly less than half way. I take my hair out of the bun it was in and and let it flow over my shoulders. I then walk out of the bathroom.

I walk around picking up some random items and get into line at the register. Only two people in front of me. After buying a bottle of Dr. Pepper and a bag of chips as well as a phone charger, I walk out of the gas station, bag in hand.

I make my way over to the parking lot only to notice the black SUC was gone. Seeing the two men and woman still here, I know something was wrong. Especially since the woman and one of the men were acting normal, while the other was acting extremely suspicious.  At one point with me standing there, all three of them looked over at the same time. Looking at them for a few seconds gave me a headache, and I don't know why. It's like I recognized them. But from a other life or something. No, from another part of my current life.

Hey my peeps!

As usual please comment on spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, I will gladly fix them!

Don't kill me for the rollercoaster of few chapters these have been, but also be warned they aren't gonna get any better for a few more chapters. But hey, at least it's been said that River is Bucky's daughter!

See ya, later my peeps!

Word  count-1310
Word count does  not include  A/N at the end of the story.

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