Werewolf In Smallville

By arrow-wolf

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Eli hale's life has been hell for nine months, since Derek hale, his dad died. He's lost the only person who... More

2: getting use to Smallville
3: Smallville full moon
4: first day of Smallville school
5: argument
6: aftermath
7: making it up
8: Eli's gift
9: going to the superman museum
10: super-museum problem.
11: anchored trust
12: doppelganger's children.
13: I've been WHAT?!
14: goodbyes and Nat's memories.
15: healed and home

1: why am I in a cave?

174 2 4
By arrow-wolf

Eli hale, it's been nine months since my dad died, and my ninth full moon happened earlier, I hate it! I hate being a werewolf! it's! It's.. it's rough, I can bearly deal with the shift on full moons, but other than that I can mostly control it, unless my emotions are running high, which they almost always are! It doesn't make sense to me, everyone here had control after like their six full moon, and most of them were turned. They tell me I'm just a slow learner, or that it's probably the grief. Peter told me it did take my dad around seven months to control it on the full moon, that it, learning control, was unbearable for him, and that my fear of turning is probably what's making it worse... But that did make me feel better, knowing my dad had it harder than most, like me. I was in my Lacrosse Jersey, I have a game on Monday and I accidentally ripped it a week ago when I got my claws out, so I sewed it up and it doesn't look bad, the colour is a little off though. Eh no one should notice."You're still up?" Asked Allison, I've been living with Scott and Allison for most of the nine months, I hate it, I sometimes spend weekends with malia since I grew up with her around, but I don't really do that, I don't want to burden her. I would do the same with Peter... but they don't trust him, I can't blame them for that. "Ya, I was just making sure this didn't look bad" I said, I couldn't sleep, I normally can't sleep, I think I could probably qualify for insomnia, I barely sleep four hours a week, but they don't know that, they haven't noticed. "Ok, But get in bed please, it's way to early for you to be awake" said Allison, and they tell me a version of this every week, but especially on full moons, it's getting tiring. "Okay, night, tell Scott nig-ht" I mumbled, I forced a yawn, I do that a lot lately, just to make it seem like I'm tired, they'll leave me alone then. "I'll tell him that, do you want me to lock the door?" Asked Allison, that's the fix for my sleep walking, locking me in my room. though sometimes I still get out. "sure" I sighed, even if I said no, it would still be locked. I Just wish this part of my life was over. "It'll get better Eli" said Allison, I sighed, they always say that, and it never does, for the grief, or for the shift, it Just gets more bearable. she closed the door and I heard the snap of the lock, time to kill some time.

I've swung my Lacrosse Stick around like a thousand times, that's all I can really do, my rooms pretty empty, and I just want to be alone on full moons. I placed the Stick against the wall and I laid down on my bed, I'm not going to go to sleep that quickly so I won't change right now.

I steared at the base of the nemeton, tiling my head up to see my dad, Scott and Parish on the nemeton, all holding down the nogitsune I heard the muttering of their voices. He shoved Scott off of the nemeton, Leaving him and Parish holding it down. "Light this fucker up!" Dad Yelled, I felt my heart speed up, pounding against my chest, I felt my breath quicken, and grow heavier. No. No! A ring of Fire went around the three of them. "dad?" I whispered, No! I saw him looking at me through the flames. It felt like hours, days I was watching these flames around him, and I was helpless, I couldn't do anything except watch him burn. No! Dad!

I sat up quickly, grabbing my chest, I felt that something was making it harder to. "Dad!" I yelled, my vision was blurry, tears were in my eyes. Another nightmare. "every fucking time" I swore, every time I have that nightmare, I scream out dad, at least once, and It wakes up Scott and Allison a lot of the time, I know they hate it. "Dad" I Whispered, I felt the tears fall. I Closed my eyes, taking breaths. "why am I like this?" I asked, I held myself tight. "it's been nine months, The nogitsune is dead, you aren't sitting infront of the nemeton doing nothing, your not in the woods with that fire-y glow around you, your in 'your' room, you are safe" I reminded, I do this anytime I have a nightmare like this one, with him.. burning. It happens more than I wish it would. I took one final deep breath and opened my eye- "what the hell?" I Whispered, I was in a cave- well what I think a cave would look like, there aren't many in Beacon hills. "How did I get here?" I mumbled, I put my hand on the ground to help lift myself up and felt something under it, my keys? D-did I sleep drive? I grabbed the keys and forced myself up. I looked down at myself and saw mud and dirt, that wasn't surprising, but the small streaks of blood all over my legs and arms are, what the hell? "Did I break my window?" I asked, I Don't think that I could of done this any other way, it was locked, They keep it locked. "Damn it! How do I get out of here?" I asked, I have no clue where an exit is.

I've been walking around for hours! This is a cave system! I've walked into hundreds of caves! And almost half of them had weird yellow crystals all over the wall!  I rolled my eyes, Ya ya I'm over exaggerating. I crawled into a cave, it had the Yellow crystals all over "what are you?" I whispered, looked around and saw no exit. "Another dead end" I sighed, I crawled back out, I pulled some of the bigger shards and covered the gap, I continued down the path I made, I've been breaking peices of the yellow crystals and using them as trails and a mark to which paths I've been down, time to seach another one.

I stumbled my feet and fell against a crystaled wall, one of them Jaming into my ribs "ah!" I screamed, I fell to the floor, my Keys and the crystal shards tumbling out of my hand, my hand went straight to where I the crystal Jabbed me, I rolled up my Jersey, feeling a hole in the fabric. "damn it" I groaned, I Just sewed this up! And it's a lot bigger of a hole. I hovered my hand where The crystal Jabbed me. Wetness "great! I'm stuck in a cave bleeding!" I sarcasticed, I pulled myself up slightly, and then kicking a bigger shard, making me fall down. Ow. "at least I have the healing factor now" I sighed, I leaned over and grabbed my keys. "I can't Just keep ahold of you" I mumbled, I've already dropped them more then I'd like to admit. I stared at my feet. "It could work" I said, I pulled off my shoes, slips the keys in, and tide it back on, I shouldn't lose them now. I fell against the floor, my Eye lids heavy. For the first time in nine mouths I want to fall to sleep, I know it isn't because of the blood loss, the wound is already healing, and even so, it wasn't that bad of a Jab, it Just looked worse because of the blood. "of course the one time I need to stay awake I can't!" I yelled, I punched the cave wall, then shook the hand. I was in a small cave, and the chunks of yellow crystals were big enough to cover the gap I crawled in through.. "fuck it" I mumbled, I shouldn't but I need to sleep. I covered the crawl entrance to this cave "I've been here for hours, I'll continue this immediately after I wake up" I promised, I curled up into myself to get comfortable.

Jordan Kent, it's the weekend! The time when you Don't have to worry about school! And I got almost all my homework done so I don't have to worry about that! I was dressed and went down stairs "hay mum, d- Where's dad?" I asked, mum was serving up breakfast, and dad was no were to be seen "ya Where's dad?" Asked Jonathan, he was next to me now, he's a slow dresser. "He's dealing with Tal-rho, Tal's been bugging Clark with some Kryptonian brother ritual, if he agrees to do it, it could take a while since it really shouldn't be interrupted" explained Mum, oh, well at least we are getting told the truth now, not that he's on a work job. "And what if there's a life threatening thing? What's going to happen?" Asked Jonathan, and that, now we have those questions. Well good comes with the bad, and also the weird. "John Henry will be taking over for the mean time, and later on today you will be going in the caves with Nat to get some X-K" added Mum, not the worst way to spend the first day of the weekend, but definitely not the best. We sat down and enjoyed some breakfast.

It was almost the afternoon now and we spent the morning playing video games. RI- I answered the phone "hay Sarah!" I said, I was just about to call her. "Hay, I was wondering if you'd like to go out later?" Asked Sarah, of course I woul- but I need to get X-K! Damn it! "sorry I can't, I'm getting X-K from the mines later, Tomorrow?" I asked, I really do want to go out with her, but I'll have to do it tomorrow. "of course, see you tomorrow, 12:30?" Answered Sarah, 12:30 should work for me "ya, see you then" I agreed, we hung up.

We had made our way to the X.K caves! "Superspeed?" I asked, we have a long way to go till we get to the main part where there's a ton of X.K "sure"  they agreed, and I woshed us deeper into the caves. "Is here good?" I asked, We were still a decent amount away from the main X.K mines. "Ya" they agreed, Nat pulled out a light, and we began walking deeper in. "Hay.. were these always here?" Asked Nat, me and Jonathan looked around, then looked around her. "these little X.K chips, they look like there going somewhere" observed Nat, we continued to look at her.. isn't that normal? "I come here a lot with my dad, normally seeing X.K on the floor would be normal" started Nat, She picked up some shards off of the floor. "but the weird thing is that the deeper we go Small chips of X.K appear, like a trail leading somewhere" Continued Nat, I looked back, there was a wobbly line of X.K trailing behind us. "What's weird about that?" We asked, it doesn't seem that odd, these are X.K caves. "They weren't here before, there new" added Nat, the D.O.D hasn't been digging for more X.K, dad would know. "Should we follow one?" Asked Jonathan, we started walking again. I shrugged. "Sure" me and Nat said, wonder where it goes.

We were at an X.K cave. "I guess it led here" she said, it was a smaller cave then we normally find, but still had plenty. "Not as exciting as we thought" noted Jonathan, ya really boring "well at least were in a cave with a bunch of X.K" said Nat, at least we didn't completely waste time. "Jordan you'll go grab a big piece, and Me and Jon here will grab smaller ones" ordered Nat, I smirked as Jonathan looked annoyed "it's Jonathan" he said, he goes between hating or loving Jon. "Get a move on" replied Nat, she gave us one of mum's looks. We nodded and I threw my bag near a X.K covered wall. I lined my eyes up with a big chunk and activated my heat vision "still looks so cool"  mumbled Jonathan, I smirked and moved the chunk closer to my bag. "Oh that one you can break up a bit" suggested Nat, I cracked it apart, into five parts, I threw them into a bag and repeated it. Even with the cracking of X.K it was quiet, peaceful, I could here our breaths, the four of our heart- four? "Stop! Quiet!" I Demanded, everything went quiet, a heart beat was mine, two heart beats were close to me, Nat and Jonathan, then there was a fourth one. It was far away. I followed to the other beat. "Jordan!" They yelled, they started running after me. The beats were getting louder and louder. Jonathan grabbed my arm. "What's going on?!" Demanded Jonathan, oh right, I just walked away with no explanation. "There's someone else down here" I said, they were stunned, I tried to walk away, but I still felt his arm on me "what are you doing?" He asked, is it not obvious? "Going to see" I said, I yanked my arm out of his Grasp. "That's dangerous! What if it's some evil villain?!" Asked Jonathan, I shrugged and walked away. "Don't worry, I'll be careful" I said, I pulled up my hood. "How do you know?" She asked, I waked on, they followed. "Superhearing can you be quiet?" I asked, it's getting louder, but harder to hear now there is talking and two more heartbeats, but easier now they're quiet. "You don't need to come" I mumbled, Nat doesn't have her suit and Jonathan doesn't have... anything "we're coming" they said, I'm not going to try and say otherwise.

The beats were as loud as our own now, but we're in a cave with no other exit "their in here, I just know it!" I Whisperered, Jonathan hit the back of my head. "Ex-ray the room Idiot" smirked Jonathan, Ex-ray vison! I ex-rayed the room... nothing, nothing, noth- "ah ah!" I noised, I ran over to where he was. There was a small-ish crack in the wall, I bent down and Looked In. "Someone's in there, there must be another entrance" I suggested, I could see the hollow outline of the them, it was very dark without a light. "Should we find another entrance?" Asked Jonathan, I shooked my head. "To risky, we don't know how long they've been in there"
I said, I don't know if I have the chance to find it. I could barely fit my arms onto the hole. "I need to break it" I mumbled, I broke the crack slowly, and was ready to grab him quickly, incase it became a danger for him. Nat put the light close to the entrance. the crack was big enough to pull them out, I grabbed their shoulders and pulled them out. "He looks like a teenager" observed Jonathan, he probably is, it looks like he's wearing a school Team shirt: Beacon hills Lacrosse. "have you heard of Beacon hills?" I asked, that place doesn't sound familiar. "No" they Said, he must not be from around here, but how did he get down here? "He's covered in dust, dirt and mud" I mumbled, The dust was probably because of me. "We should probably wake him up" suggested Nat, I clicked my fingers in front of his face, I shook him harder, he is sleeping hard. I put him back against the wall "what else should I do?!" I yelled, I'm getting kinda worried. Just then I heard him Groaned and his eyes opened "who- who are you!?" He yelled, well he's awake now. And Scared, that makes sense. "Hay Calm down, I'm Jordan Kent, this is my brother Jonathan Kent, and this is our friend Nat, what's your name?" I introduced, telling him who we are should Calm him down. It seems like it did "Eli, Eli hale" answered Eli, Eli was covered in little scraps of blood, but he also had blood on his side, I didn't notice that before, is he injured? "How did you get down here? And how long have you been down here?" Questioned Nat, did he make those trails of X-K? "I don't know! I just woke up down here!" Yelled Eli, he just woke up down here? That must of been terrifying. "ok, we can get you out of here. how long have you been down here?" I Repeated, I hope not long, hopefully just a couple days at most. "I- I Don't know, I think a week? Maybe more, Can't tell time down here" answered Eli, A week?! He's been down here way too long! "Okay let's get you out of here" I said, I got up and pulled him up. "Okay" he mumbled, this must of been traumatic, waking up in a cave.

We were half way back to the entrance, it's moving so slow! we are also in uncomfortable silence "so where are you from? Where's Beacon hills?" I asked, I Don't recognise the name Beacon hills, but it should be close if he's here "California" informed Eli,  we stopped walking and I grabbed Eli's arm "what do you mean California?" I asked, california is a long way from here! "Why is that so surprising? Where are we?" Asked Eil, he caught on quick. He pulled his arm out of my grasp "We're in Smallville, we're in Kanses" said Jonathan, his eyes went wide, that isn't surprising. "What do you mean we're in kanses?!" He Asked, what does he mean he's from california? "It's best not to freak out, why don't we just continue to get out of here?" Suggested Nat, that's probably for the best. "we can Talk and walk" I said, we continued to walk. "how did I get here?" Whispered Eli, I'm sure that wasn't ment to be heard but I have superhearing "so you really have no idea how you got here?" I Asked, how did he get here from California with no memory of how? "Ya, last thing I remember was going to sleep, then waking up in one of these caves, I thought I slept walked here but now I'm not so sure" Explained Eli, he's a sleepwalker? That could of explained this if he wasn't from California. "We'll figure this out Eli, and we'll get you home" said Nat, we just need to get out of here first.

We were almost outside of the cave now "we should probably go to the police, they could help us figure it out" said Jonathan, they could, Eli couldn't of just gotten here, or that deep into the caves. "okay" he sighed, he doesn't seem up to it. "you Ok Eli?" I asked, we're getting out of the cave shouldn't this be good "it's just personal stuff, nothing you need to worry about, let's just get to the cops" sighed Eli, personal stuff? what's going on with him?

We were at the police station, Eli was just telling the officer everything, minus that he woke up in the mines, we thought that should be kept a secret "damn it we forgot about the X-K" realised Nat, we did. Well we did find a teenager lost in the caves so that took priority. "I'm confused about how he got down there, and how he got here" said Jonathan, we're all confused about that. Eli ran past us, what happened?! "Kid wait!" Yelled the Cop, Eli slammed the door in her face "what happened?" I asked, why did Eli run away?

Eli hale, I was at the police station, they were asking the normal questions, it feels weird not being in a room full of cops because I stole my jeep. "My names Eli hale, I woke up here with no memory of how I got here, I should be in Beacon Hills, its in california" I informed, I normally didn't talk much to cops when waiting for my dad to pick me up. "Beacon hills?" Asked The cop, somehow I got here from California, I still think I slept walked here "yes Beacon hills, I know it's far away but-" I started, the cop signaled for me to be quiet, so I did. "Beacon hills doesn't exist" said the cop, what does she mean Beacon hills doesn't exist? "Yes it does? I'm literally wearing the Lacrosse uniform! See? Beacon hills!" I yelled, I pulled at my Jersey. what does she mean doesn't exist?! She grabbed one of my hands "calm down, I'm sure we can figure this out, where are you from?" Asurred the cop, why is she asking me that again!? "I already told you! Beacon Hills it's in California!" I yelled, it exists more then Smallville does! That sounds made up! I stood up and so did the cop "calm down" Demanded The cop, how am I supposed to calm down!? She's saying my home doesn't exist! I closed my eyes, I could tell they changed. I ran out of the room, past Jonathan, Jordan and Nat. "Kid wait!" Yelled the cop, I slammed the door closed, I'm not going to wait, I need to get out of here!

I ran into a building, there were a bunch of computers inside, I'm just going to hide here for a little bit. Breath Eli. "Alpha, beta, Omega" I chanted, I closed my hands, my claws poked in my hands as I chanted. I was back to normal, except I had blood on my hands, my claws had dug into me. Alpha, beta, omega does work for me, a little, I need to concentrate on it, I can't do that when i'm trying not to kill someone. "What are you doing here?" Asked a Woman, this place looked empty... but the door was open. "I'm sorry, I'll just go" I said, I Don't need another person acting like I'm crazy. I turned around and grabbed the door handle "wait! Are you okay?" Asked The woman, just leave, your hand is on the door, just open it! "No" I Whispered, it's a quiet room so I'm pretty sure she heard it. "Come sit down, you don't need to tell me anything, but I just want to make sure you're okay" said the woman, I let go of the door handle and sat down, she sat down from across me "I'm Lois lane, you?" Asked Lois, I fiddled with my hands, why am I nervous? I wasn't with the cop. "Eli, Eli hale" I mumbled, maybe because I've practically been called crazy? "Okay Eli, would you mind telling Me what happened?" Asked Lois, where should I start? A cop telling me my home doesn't exist? waking up in a cave? Turning into a werewolf? Having to live with two people I bearly know? Or watching my dad die!? "I- it's to hard to explain!" I yelled, I slammed my fist against the table. What did I do? "oh my god I'm so sorry I-" I apologised, damn it! She put her hands over the one the slammed the desk "it's Okay, you don't need to tell me anything, but you can if you want" she said, she started to remove her hands from mine but then she saw the blood. I pulled my hands back and put them under the table "could you tell me what happened?" Asked Lois, I'm not going to say I got angry and started to shift so I clawed into my skin! "I woke up in the cave system a week ago, probably, today three teenagers found me and got me out. I found out that I was in kanses when I should be in california, then They took Me to the police station and the cop told me that my home doesn't exist" I explained, I didn't look at her whilst telling her this, it made it easier to say. "She made me feel crazy" I Whispered, Beacon hills does exist, I grew up there, I go to school there! I have the Lacrosse uniform on! "I believe you" said Lois, I turned to look at her "what?" I Whispered, she believes me? "I believe you, tell me where you're from" said Lois, no one believed me, the three that found me might of but they didn't seem to sure. "Beacon hills, California" I told nervously, her face changed, she doesn't  believe me. "Beacon hills? Sounds familiar" she said, she recognises it. she started typing "...it's not coming up, is there any events that I could search up?" Asked Lois, I mean the nogitsune causing my dad's death isn't known. "no not really, the only well known thing about us is our high school Lacrosse team" I told, well and all the supernatural stuff, but only the supernatural world knows that. "It's not coming up, maybe.." mumbled Lois, what's going on? I heard her typing. "Nothing is coming up, see?" Said Lois, she turned her computer around and showed it to me. It's true, there is no trace of Beacon hil- what's that? "That's not possible" how is that possible? That isn't right. "It's okay we'll figure this out" Asurred Lois, she thinks I'm still on where my home is "your date is wrong" I said, it's a couple years off! So is the date and month, how does she have it this wrong? "what do you mean?" Asked Lois, it's obvious, can she not see it? "Wrong day, wrong month and wrong year, it says it's 2023, it's 2026" I said, how can she think that's the right date? There was a look of realisation on her face, did she not realise? She closed the tabs she made "listen this is going to be hard to understand" started Lois, what does she mean hard to underst- what's that picture? "Who's that in the spandex?" I asked, it was a blury picture, but he was in blue and red costume with a red Cape, screen shot of a movie? "You don't know who this is?" Asked Lois, I don't, I don't watch movies like this. I shrugged. "Should I?" I asked, is it a famous movie here? She turned the computer back to her "I'm going to explain something crazy to you, don't interrupt me until I'm finished, okay?" Asked Lois, what's there to explain? "Sure" I said, I lent back in the chair.

What the hell did she just... try to explain? "I'm from a different universe..?" I said, she just explain to me why Beacon hills doesn't exist, who that red blue blur was, what the yellow crystal were: X.K and that the boys that found me are her sons. "It makes the most sense, in your universe superman doesn't make sense, and in ours Beacon hills doesn't, plus the years are different" said Lois, how is she taking this so well? "Makes the most sense? How is this what you concluded to?!" I asked, I can get behind supernaturals, and now aliens, but not multiple universes! "Because this has happened not so long ago, right here, read it" said Lois, she turned the computer back, there was an article on it, multiple actually, "read the on that says Ally Allston first, if you only read one" suggested Lois, the full titles was Ally Allston opened a portal to the mirror world. Okay dive into the rabbit hole.

I read all of the articles, Superman is a saviour to the planet, an alien who has superpowers. I'm less shocked about that then I should be. I had skipped all of the pictures, straight to the article. "You wrote all of these" I Said, I believe what she wrote, and what she told me. "Yes, me and Superman have a.. connection" explained Lois, I guess he chose a reporter and stuck with her. "I believe you, I believe what you wrote" I said, I mean my world has supernaturals, this world has aliens, not that hard to believ- "I'm in a whole different universe, what am I gonna do?" I mumbled, I'm all alone. I have no one. No one at all "you don't need to worry" started Lois, I don't need to worry?! Of course I have to worry! "Lois I'm in a whole different universe! I have no Idea what to do! Where to go! I'm alone!" I yelled,  I thought I was alone when my dad died, but now I literally have no one. "you can stay with me, you are staying with me" informed Lois, she wants me to stay with her? "Lois I can't do that, you have two teenagers, I don't want to impos-" I said, why am I denying this? I have no where to go! She grabbed my hand, it was back on the table "Eli. I'm not asking, you aren't the first person from another world me and my family have looked after" informed Lois, I'm not? How many times has something like this happened? "And you've already met my boys, and my husband is out of town for a while but he won't mind you staying with us, we can sort out the details tomorrow, it's getting late, I should show you where you're going to live for...now" explained Lois, I'm stuck here, I'll probably not get home. "Let's go" I mumbled, I'm stuck in another universe. We walked out of the journalism building. "I'm alone" I Whispered, a week ago I would of classed being without my dad being alone, I still do, but now I have no one, literally no one. "Eli, I can't tell you I know what you're feeling, I have no clue, but you aren't fully alone, you have me and my sons, I know that won't mean anything but you aren't completely alone" reassured Lois, I'm glad she didn't pull any of that 'they will always be in your heart' shit, I've always hated that "but.. We may never figure out how to get you back home, but I will try my hardest to get you back there" Promised Lois, I don't have high hopes of getting back home, and having hopes will just kill you when it doesn't go right. "I know, I.. I don't really have anyone there" I Whispered, I do have people but it hurts, anytime I looked around for a second to long in Beacon hills it would feel like I'm missing something. We were almost to her car and I was anxious. I need tell her I'm a werewolf "listen... I should of told you this earlier" I started, but what if she reacts wrong? Aliens exist here and only a hand full of them are good, what if she gives me to the government or something! Lois grabbed my shoulder for a second "you don't need to tell me it right now, I can tell it's scaring you, but I won't let anyone hurt you" Asurred Lois, I won't tell her it right now, I'll get a plan B in place if it goes wrong. "Thanks Lois" I mumbled, Lois grabbed my hand, I didn't move it away.

Jordan kent, Eli ran away because Beacon hills doesn't exist. "what do you mean Beacon hills doesn't exist?" I asked, it has to exist! How else would he be... here. "There is no record of a Beacon hills, now I need to go find this kid" said the Cop, and we need to find him first, especially if my theory is right. The cop left, and we walked out. "I think Eli might be from another universe" said me and Nat, Jonathan looked at us like we were crazy. "what?!" Jonathan Said, We weren't near anyone. "it makes sense! Portals happen in the caves, he woke up in there, and Beacon hills doesn't exist" explained Nat, it is a long shot but it makes more sense then a kid sleepwalking to Kanses from California. "We can Talk about this later, we need to look for him, you can go to the mines, and please grab some X-K, we really need it" said Nat, Eli might of gone back there, it's the only place he knows "I will, then I'll look other places, you two should split up, meet up at your place Nat" I said, they nodded and I ran to the mines.

Eli is missing! It is official. We've searched everywhere, I searched In the caves for an hour! It would of took longer if I didn't ues my ex-ray vision, but I did stop to grabbed a chunk of X.K. We were outside of Nat's place "no sign of him in the caves" I said, I put down the back pack full of X.K, forgot I left it there. "no signs of him anywhere" said Nat, maybe Jonathan has seen a sign of him. "Same here" said Jonathan, and there goes that chance. this is bad, what if something happened to him!? "we should tell your dad" I said, we need to find Eli, especially if he's from a different universe. "We should" they agreed, Nat opened the door and we went in. "It took you three awhile to get the X-K" stated John henry, right we were going to give this straight to him, then we found Eli. "Dad we found a teenager in the mines, and we think he's from another univer-" explained Nat, she was intrupted by her dad laughing. "What's so funny? He's gone missing! We need to find him!" Yelled Nat, I gave the bag to John henry "Eli is okay, Lois ran into him and she came up with the same conclusion, he's staying with you boys, you should probably head home" advised John Henry, thank god mum found him. "We'll get going then, bye!" Said Jonathan, I waved my hand as he dragged me out.

We were back home, Eli didn't have all that dirt, mud, dust and blood on him anymore, and he was wearing my clothes. "hay Jordan, Jonathan, your mum just gave me these to wear, is that okay?" Greeted Eli, I shrugged, he was wearing very dirty clothes, it was probably for the best. "It's fine, but Tomorrow we should probably get you some new clothes" I suggested, he only has that Lacrosse Jersey and shorts. "dinner is almost done" announced Mum, I'm so hungry I haven't eat since the morni- "wait Eli have you not eat in a week?!" I yelled, I didn't mean to yell that. "I was stuck in a cave, where could I of gotten food?" Defended Eli, and I Thought I Was hungry.

Eli Hale, Lois is a good cook, her food wasn't bad, okay it was amazing. I was laying down on the bed in the guest room, well my room I guess. I was fiddling with my keys, I guess I brought these with me somehow. It's the only thing except my Lacrosse Jersey that I have from my world, and my shorts I guess. "And of course the first time in a week where it would be safe for me to go to sleep I don't want to" I muttered, it's always how it is with Me. I put my keys down on the side and got comfortable. It's going to be a long night.

I was in the cave, I sat up. "didn't I-" I started, I thought I got out of here... I guess I didn't. "Stay calm Eli" I mumbled, I bit my top lip. "Eli!" Yelled Dad, I froze. that's impossible, he's dead. "Dad?!" I yelled, I got up and started running "dad?!" I yelled, I need to find him! "Eli!" Yelled dad, I ran straight into him, it was him. He wasn't shifted, he wasn't covered in flames, it was him. He held me by the shoulders, at a distance. Dad. "This- this is impossible" he mumbled, I Chuckled, he's the one saying it? "Ya.. But I'm here, You're here too" I Whispered, he pulled me against him, I felt his hand go through my hear. "I never thought i'd see you again" he breathed, I thought the same, we pulled apart, he was holding my wrist "We need to get you out of here, We need to get you back home" said Dad, he moved his and to hold my wrist and hand, we started running. "I don't want to go home! You're dead there!" I yelled, I pulled my hand out of his Grasp "you want to stay here with me?" He Asked, of course! Why wouldn't I want to stay with him!? "Yes! Beacon hills doesn't feel right without you! I want to stay with you!" I yelled, I want to go back to they way things where, before I turned, before he died! "okay, but We need to mov-" started Dad, fire went around us, "what?" I mumbled, he shoved me out of the ring of fire "run!" He yelled, the Fire was moving towards to me. "Eli!" Yelled Dad, I was back against the cave wall, I have no where to go "dad?" I Said, I was stuck against the wall, with fire trailing slowly to me. "ELI!" YELLED D-

Lois was infront of me. I'm back in the gue- my new room. "Eli! Eli" said Lois, I sat myself up. "Ya?" I said, why is she here? I rubbed my eyes "You were yelling for your dad" she told, I was yelling for him again. "Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked, what time is it? When did I fall asleep? how long have I been asleep? "No, I've been up for awhile, then I heard you, were you having a nightmare?" Asked Lois, this one was different, it was in the caves and fire was trying to kill me. "ya.. I.." mumbled, I haven't told anyone about my nightmares, none of them realised... "You don't need to tell me, but you can if you want" said Lois,  she sat on the edge of the bed, waiting patiently. "My dad's dead" I started, you could of started it better Eli! "sorry for your loss" said Lois, I've heard that line in different ways these past three months, it's getting tiring. I rolled my eyes "he died pro- nevermind, I have nightmares most nights, your the first person who realised" I informed, I did actually tell one other person, that I normally have nightmares and sleepwalk, but sometimes it's just one. And everyone knows about the sleepwalking. "Well thank you for telling me, I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to" Said Lois, it felt good to tell someone about my nightmares. "Thanks, don't tell anyone, I would like to do it myself" I said, or I'll just keep it to myself. She nodded, she started walking out. "wait!" I said, she stopped and looked at me. What was I going to say "I- you should probably get some locks for the door and window" I started, she was probably confused, I've only been a werewolf for nine months so I can't separate emotions from scent, I haven't that learn Yet. "I sleep walk, and I sometimes sleep escape from the window" I explained, I could of explained that better. "But we're on the second floor" said Lois, I don't think that will stop me. "ya. Still a problem, probably" I said, although I have faster healing then normal people I don't want to break a limb... and It would be weird because that's not normal. "Okay well your window already has a lock, try to get some sleep" said Lois, she opened the door and stood there a moment, then turned back to me "I should probably tell you something, there is something we call doppelgangers, it's when there's another person from a different universe is a copy from someone from this one" informed Lois, huh? I didn't understand any of that. "it's kind of like twins, so let's say you know someone from your universe who is a doctor and married, in this universe they could be a criminal with a kid" explained Lois, oh so I could see possibly another Scott that's a different person that just looks like him "okay I understand" I said, it make sense I guess. she left and closed the door. I checked the window lock, it's locked, I took out the key and put it in the drawer. Something tells me I'm not going to go back to sleep, and that's that I never go back to sleep after a nightmare. "it's going to be a long night" I mumbled, I layed back on the bed.

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