Walking the Right Path

By Roseisfullofthorns

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Daniel Monroe growing up in a Christian household has felt the pressures that come with leading a righteous l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 || The ending; Part one ||
Chapter 25 || The ending part two||
Epilogue; Part one
Epilogue; Part two
I | New book 1
II | New Book 2

Chapter 18

47 8 1
By Roseisfullofthorns

God bless you reader who has taken the chance to read this book :) All the covers are courtesy of myself, I'd be happy to make for others as well, thank you ♥


Jennifer sat beside me on the bench by the bus stop. The wind ruffled my hair, carrying it around like waves as I did my best to control it. If only I hadn't left my scrunchie in my locker or should I admit I couldn't be that bothered for leaving it. I bit my lower lip, pushing my bag closer to my belly, my eyes were alert when each bus stopped but Daniel didn't alight. So maybe I wanted to make myself look nice instead of carrying my hair in a ponytail. No big deal.

Jennifer grinning at me said the opposite. It was a big deal to her and the rest of my friends. During lunch break Nathaniel made sure to narrate what happened yesterday with extra spice to make it interesting. Now they're convinced I have a crush on Daniel. To that I scoffed and outright denied it. I don't have time in my life for trivial things such as crushes, God is my priority. And besides I've barely known him for two weeks, feelings don't develop in such a short period of time.

To contradict my statement, my feet bounced in anticipation and a wide smile spread across my face immediately I spotted him getting down from the bus. He hasn't seen me yet since his focus was on his phone so I took the chance to admire him briefly. In conclusion he's handsome; from his dark curly hair to his tall stature and wonderful smile, and his simple dressing.

Jennifer nudged my side with her elbow, "I didn't peg you for a creep who stares at her crush so openly. It's kind of nice though, seeing you like this."

I gasped. "No, what are you talking about? I was only watching to...to make sure that," Jennifer tried to stifle her laugh. "I don't have any sort of feelings for him, okay? I'm merely excited to have a new member joining us and that's that."

My gaze went back to him. Daniel was looking around him trying to spot us with a frown on his face.

"Right," Jennifer drawled, "No feelings indeed. Let's approach him then, I don't think we'd want to be late because you can't take your eyes away from him."

When we drew nearer to him there was still a faint color on my cheek because of what Jennifer said. Upon seeing us Daniel let out a nervous chuckle, "I was afraid that I'd stopped at the wrong bus stop."

He looked at me awaiting a reply but I just stared at his face. What is wrong with me?

Jennifer cleared her throat which brought his attention to her. "My name's Jennifer since someone has suddenly lost her speech."

He shook her outstretched hand. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Daniel and I am also a nervous wreck right now. I've never attended a serious meeting like this before, especially when I know I'm making an effort."

"It's nothing to worry about, we're all like brothers and sisters."

"What?!" I exclaimed. Both of their eyes snapped to mine and I felt like the earth should just swallow me whole. "I mean err...look at the time. We don't want to be late right? Yes, let's go." I took Daniel's hand and dragged him away from Jennifer.

Looking behind me I saw her give me a thumbs up, once again grinning. She knows exactly what she did. Brothers and sisters—but she's not wrong though. What's wrong with me?

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked.

I dropped his hand in mine abruptly then cleared my throat. "Me? I'm fine, I couldn't be better. Why do you ask?"

"You're behaving more odd than usual. Don't tell me you don't want me to meet your friends, I could've sworn you were excited yesterday and today when you called."

"No swearing, please." I inhaled a deep breath and smiled. "It's just my friend, Jennifer has a way of ruffling my feathers but I'm fine now."

Jennifer soon caught up to us, and together we walked to Miranda's house which was three houses down the block. Daniel hesitated in entering until I placed my hand on his shoulder and told him to relax. I wasn't this nervous the first time. I winced at the memory of a fifteen year old Penelope devoid of any emotion attending my first youth meeting.

I was a thin little thing, my clothes practically wore me and my friends said my eyes looked lifeless, as if it was staring into space and never settling on one person or thing. It was during my first meeting that I felt a spark of emotion, and since then I was grateful for Jennifer for pushing me to attend. Now it is my turn to give Daniel the push he needs to bring back that spark in his life.

The living room was cleared leaving only the couches and rug on the floor. Most of the girls prefer sitting on the ground than the couch, for instance Erica and Ruby who waved at us upon our entry. Jennifer went to join Joe and Nathaniel beside the music crew while Daniel and I made our way to the plush rug and settled.

We hugged each other. "How are you?" Ruby asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Not this again.

"Introduce us," Erica was quick to say.

Daniel spoke up beside me, feeling more confident. "I'm Daniel, it's a pleasure to meet you and be here," then smiled which won the attention of my two friends. His smile is just one of those ones that make people feel good on the inside. I left him to converse with my friends, socializing with the twenty others in the room. I know our numbers are small but it's difficult to find people who want to develop an intimate relationship with God these days.

"He's handling himself well," Nathaniel said, raising his chin in the direction of Daniel with Miranda, Ruby and Freddy. Erica was with Theodore and Irene talking animatedly and laughing.

"Huh?" I said, my gaze left Daniel's whom I was discreetly staring at to Nathaniel strumming on his guitar. The rest of the band were testing the instruments before the session started.

Nathaniel placed his guitar by his side, giving me his full attention. "This is unlike the Penelope I know. You've never let a guy distract you before and I think I've known you long enough to discern that."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie, to me and to yourself. You saw the way you were worried out of your mind the other day."

I looked at my sandal then at the ceiling, blowing my cheeks. "The heart can also lie okay? It's a part of our flesh and giving in to it can lead me to fall. I don't have time to focus on such things. God is my priority."

"So you admit you like him?" He raised his right brow at me.

"I mean...yes?" I groaned, "Don't worry about it. I'm sure after a while it'll go away."


God please help me to discern the right direction of my heart. I'm still young and can make mistakes, help me to make the right decisions. You brought me into his life for a reason, help me to achieve that reason. If it's your will to get closer to him in a relationship sense then I'll trust your judgment for you alone know my future.

I said a silent prayer.

"Can we all get seated please," said Miranda, standing on a makeshift raised platform behind a pulpit.

I went back to my seat, taking out my Bible, notebook and pen.

Daniel leaned closer to my ear and whispered, "I didn't know we had to bring books, I didn't bring any. I also don't have a Bible. What should I do? Do I leave or?"

"Don't worry I'll tear a sheet of paper for you, only for today. If you plan on coming again you'll need to bring your own book. As for the Bible we can share mine."

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver."

His sentence felt ambiguous.

"Thank you all for coming to today's meeting despite your busy schedules. I'd like to welcome both the new faces and the old ones, it's a blessing to have you here. I pray that God touches your heart, you will not leave here without feeling a movement of the Holy Spirit. My name is Miranda Johanne and I'm the leader of the group. Frederick Edgar is my assistant and in charge of welcoming new members. Feel free to meet him after the meeting. Can we please stand as the music team leads us in worship and then praises."

Jennifer, the lead singer started singing the song In Jesus name by Liczy Colindres. It's one of her favorite songs to sing so we all know the lyrics, well except Daniel. I saw him frown because he didn't know the words.

I slipped my hands into his and squeezed it without looking at him. He needs to be encouraged.

Come believe it Come receive it

In the mighty name of Jesus all things are possible...

Thirty minutes later we all cheered and clapped for the music team. Once more they sang beautifully, reviving our spirits and setting the atmosphere for fellowship. Jennifer came to sit beside Joe on the couch, we couldn't reserve a space for her on the floor. She pouted her lips and I mouthed a 'next time' to her then pointed at Daniel. Because he's new I had to make him sit at her spot.

She nodded and winked at me. This girl.

Miranda prayed, commencing the meeting. "I thought hard about what message I would deliver today when my Holy Spirit gave me the answer. Today's topic will be Partaking in Christ's suffering. Can someone please read Romans chapter eight verses seventeen and eighteen."

Gilbert read, "I read the passion translation version, And since we are his true children, we qualify to share all his treasures, for indeed, we are heirs of God himself. And since we are joined to Christ, we also inherit all that he is and all that he has. We will experience being co-glorified with him provided that we accept his sufferings as our own. I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us. Amen."

"Thank you Gilbert. Can another person also read first Thessalonians chapter five verse nine."

Joe read, "The same version, For God has not destined us for wrath but to possess salvation through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One."

"Thank you Joseph. Can I get the same verse in the NLT version please."

This time around I urged Daniel to read. I didn't miss the subtle smile Miranda shot in my direction. He read, "For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us."

"From the first verse I quoted we see the phrase true children. Now who are his true children? According to Romans chapter eight verse fourteen it says for all who are led by the spirit of God are his children. Do you allow your spirit to lead you? Ask yourself this question. And it's not when you feel like it, no, we have to let him lead us even if it contradicts our wants and even if it'll lead us to suffering. Because the Bible says as his true children we qualify to share his treasures and as such are heirs of God himself. Imagine being the heir of the greatest being to exist; we are Heirs of God."

"We are joined together with Christ and so we inherit all that he is and all that he has. We are to be like Christ, who he is is who we are and what he has is also ours because of this. God is going to glorify Christ; we will share in that glory but before Christ got it he had to suffer, he had to sacrifice himself for us and go through torments and criticism from the people. Nowadays people shrink back at the thought of suffering. We think walking with Christ is all about the good things, forgetting that we also share in his sufferings. Listen, out of suffering lies something, a glory we can't ever comprehend awaiting us with God through Christ. If Christ went through it we should also be ready to go through it."

"I want to ask how we have suffered for Christ this week?"

Erica spoke, "I stayed away from my phone and focused on my Bible and studies."

"That's wonderful. I know people are addicted to their phones these days and can't spare it for even a minute. Well done."

It encouraged more people to answer.

"I didn't play my video games this week."

"I didn't let the insults from my parents push me down as I spoke about Jesus to them," That was Ruby. I hugged her for that courage.

"I didn't let the perverse actions of a guy in school get to me." Jennifer.

"I stood for three hours at the local supermarket handing out flyers," Freddy said. Miranda thanked him for that.

The room was filled with chatters as people were telling Miranda about how they suffered for Christ this week. I noticed Daniel looked grim.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I haven't suffered anything for Christ," he said in a low voice.

"You being here, putting aside your fears and nerves to be better is enough and a good start. Don't belittle any progress you make."

I heard him mumble to himself, "what did I do to deserve you in my life?"

I don't know either.

"The reason for the second verse is to also bring to our mind that it's not always going to be suffering, or what God is doing by making us pass through all these doesn't mean he's angry with us. Rather his intention is for us to be saved through Jesus Christ and to save others. There are people out there who need him, they have questions that need answers, we have those answers so will we leave them to go astray? Whatever we pass through is for us to build endurance. Take Paul for example. Throughout his life in the ministry he went through a lot, from prison to prison yet he never complained. He even said to die for Christ would be a big gain. That's because he knew it was worth it. Is it worth it to you?"

"I'll leave the floor for us to discuss amongst ourselves."

Daniel turned to me, "That was a powerful message. I liked it."

"Enough for you to want to come back?"

He nodded, "Definitely."

A group of guys called Daniel over to them. He looked unsure but I urged him to go.

"I'm coming," he turned to me, "I don't want us to only be meeting at youth sessions and at your place. What do you think about going to a café or something tomorrow? What about karaoke?"

A date?

"As friends of course. I mean I've got nothing better to do and you're great company and only if you'd have time, I know you have work—"

"Tomorrow is fine. I don't have a shift tomorrow so we can meet up around four pm."



He was called again. I watched Daniel huddle with the boys discussing the verse for today and getting to know each other better. Meanwhile I helped myself to the refreshment table, munching on cookies and sausage rolls.

"He's got a light in him," Miranda said beside me.

I quickly swallowed the food in my mouth and washed it down with soda. "Who?"

"Daniel. Just look at him smiling so happily. He needed this, you did well by bringing him here."

She was right about his happy look. We made eye contact causing him to flash another smile in my direction. I turned back to the refreshments to hide my red face. What's wrong with me?

Miranda laughed, sending me a knowing look. "I see."

"It's not like that."


"It's true," I huffed.

"Whatever rocks your boat."

I do not have any feelings for Daniel and that's that. If by chance I do I have to do my best to get rid of it because I can't trust my heart, it's evil right now. And besides his future is still uncertain, he might not be sticking around long enough for anything to happen.

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