SasuSaku: You Saved Me

By breshea_carter

10.3K 533 1.4K

Modern/Highschool Au Sasuke and Sakura two individuals who once lived in the same neighborhood during Junior... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 15

364 21 43
By breshea_carter

"Saku, do you want to come with us to the library and study for the exams coming up?" Temari asked.

"No I have to go Sasuke's brother is waiting on me, plus I need to go see him because he's not feeling good that's why he left early today." Sakura said.

"Oh okay, well let us know if you want to study over the weekend." Temari said as Sakura nodded.

"Will do!" Sakura said nearly running through the halls trying to get to the front door. When she made it out, she almost tripped going down the stairs because someone had intentionally stuck their leg out.

When she caught herself from almost stumbling she looked back seeing Akira and Akari standing there. She didn't have time to engage them, so she rolled her eyes and tried to continue on her own way, but one of the spoke up.

"You're a little snitch aren't you. Sage didn't make you fall down those stairs, just now shows how much of a clutz you are." Akira said.

"Yeah because you stuck your fucking leg out on purpose you idiot." Sakura said.

"Oh yeah? Where's your proof?" Akari said.

"I don't have time for this." Sakura said.

"Well you better find time, because when Sage comes back she's coming for you."

"Then tell her to come, I'm not scared of her or you two, I have real shit I need to worry about not three fucking people who I could give less than a damn about. Find a life and stop worrying about me."

"Don't get it mistaken, No one is worrying about you. But we won't let you frolic around as if you have this perfect life just because you're dating a hot guy."

"I don't fro- you know what, this isn't even worth it. How about both of you and your friend keep watching me. Since that's the only hobby you seem to have. Have a nice fucking day." Sakura said walking on her way, finding Itachi's car which she got in.

"Here put this on." He said handing her a face mask. "Whats this for?" She asked.

"Sasuke has a fever, so to keep us from catching his cold I bought these and disinfecting spray."

"Are we going home? I want to see him." Sakura asked.

"No, we're meeting your Aunt and Shizune down at the precinct, to proceed with everything with Shuko and Sage." Itachi said.

"Yeah but didn't the police already arrest her?"

"Yes but things need to be done to finalize everything." He said. Sakura sunk her in seat a bit. She was really worried about Sasuke, but she guessed business needed to be handled first.

"Fine.. this isn't going to take long right?"

"You're really worried about him aren't you." Itachi chuckled. "Don't worry it's just a fever, I already gave him some medicine and bought him so food."

"Yeah but I want to be by his side to make sure he's fine. He's always there for me, no matter what, no matter how big or small. So it's only right I be there for him." Sakura said. "Even though I'm going to scold him because he didn't tell me he didn't feel good."

"Yeah, but don't dig too deep in him. He didn't want you to worry, He knows you're still worried but he didn't want you to leave school because he was sick."

"But he always leaves when something happens to me."

"Because he loves you and wants to protect you, he's lost so much already, it's probably alot seeing you go through so much, so he wants to make sure he's there for you always to protect you, plus he would never want you to miss out on anything because of him, it's just how he is when he cares about something or someone, he becomes the most selfless person ever."

"I see." Sakura said turning looking out the window. She knows Itachi wasn't lying, Sasuke does everything in his power to protect her, He lost two of the closest people to him, and he probably always feels guilty he couldn't protect them, so now he tries to protect her at any cost, because he can't lose someone else so important to him.

"Don't worry, I'll try to make the paperwork signing process a little shorter." He said. "That way you can see him."

"Thank you Itachi." Sakura said with a soft smile.

Upon walking into the precinct Sakura immediately noticed her Aunt and Shizune sitting at a table, the name plate on it read Detective Uchiha, indicating they were at Itachi's desk.

"Sorry for the wait." He said.

"Is that her over there Sakura?" Shizune asked as Sakura turned to look to see where she was staring, and it was Sage, sitting in a chair in the hall, apparently her parents hadn't made it there yet.

"Yeah that's her." Sakura said.

"I see.. I can't wait for her parents to get here, they're going to get a piece of my mind. Their daughter is pulling people down stairs, it's ridiculous, what kind of home training is that." Tsunade said.

"I agree it is ridiculous, but lets hold that for when they're here, right now I need consensual signatures from the three of you, so we can push the restraining order through and get the charges filed for Sage." Itachi said as Tsunade nodded.

"You okay with doing this right Sakura?" Shizune asked as Sakura looked at her, she looked at Sage who had a discouraged look on her face with her head held down a bit, the look in her eyes seemed so empty.. but she couldn't just let her slide.

"Yeah, I'm okay with it." Sakura said

"Good, now lets continue."

A few hours later, finally Sage's parents showed up, but it wasn't the arrival everyone expected.

"This is all your fucking fault, you wanted to take the kids when you don't even know how to fucking raise them." Her father shouted.

"Im doing my best! I can't watch her every move! She knows better than what she's doing! It's not like you take the initiative to do anything either, everytime you're around we're fighting in front of them, how is that fair? Her only way of knowing how to resolve anything is probably rooted in violence just like you!" Her mother yelled turning to Sage. "What on earth were you thinking! You could've killed somebody!" Her mother yelled.

"Mom it wasn't like that!" Sage said.

"Oh yea-"

"Please, let's take the discussion into the next room shall we." Itachi approached. "Im detective Uchiha, follow me this way." He said as he motioned for Sakura and the others to follow him as he lead everyone to a briefing room.

In the room was a long table with chairs up to it, a television was pushed into the room as well.

"I have both statements from both parties, and of course there's always a he say she say with cases like this, but fortunately for everyone, we have video evidence of the incident. Sakura here says Sage pulled her by her hair and made her fall down nearly two flights of stairs. Sage states Sakura slipped and fell back. This can go two ways, Sakura can be charged with a false police report or Sage can be charged with assault. The video will show us everything we need to know." Itachi said as he placed the disk with the footage on it into the television.

Everyone watched the footage from start to end, Sakura was extremely calm watching meanwhile Sage fidgeted the entire time. Her parents watched closely as well as Shizune and Tsunade.

The part came up where Sage obviously grabbed Sakura's hair, everyone in the room winced a bit seeing how Sakura landed and hit the ground.

Itachi stopped the footage there.

"So Sakura statement lines up with what occurred here." He said. "Charges will be pressed against Sage." He said.

"Look can't we look the other way on this?" Her Mom spoke up.

"Wait, your daughter almost kills Sakura and you want a slap on the wrist for this?"

"Look me and her father are going through a divorce, she probably acted out because of experiencing so much at home."

"So Sakura has to pay for her personal problems? If you didn't know, Sakura has alot going on for her too, yet your daughter isn't sitting here recovering from a concussion." Tsunade said.

"We understand that but she couldn't possibly know what Sage is going through as well."

That was it.

"I understand everything she's going through! My fucking Mother nearly killed me in junior high from the stress of her and my father divorcing, my mother's boyfriend or fiancée whatever the hell he is, is a predator and a rapist and he's stalking me right now! I'm still dealing with a eating disorder and you have the nerve to tell me I don't understand anything? Sage doesn't understand anything about me! Yet she does what she does because she likes my boyfriend! It was never about you two divorcing it's about Sasuke, my boyfriend whom she swears just because they hung out a few times in Osaka that they were the closest friends ever! That's what this is about a fucking BOY." Sakura snapped.

"Sakura sweetheart..." Shizune said as Sakura looked down at her, her vision doubled a bit as she did.

"Wha-what is it?" Sakura asked as she felt something drip from her nose. She gently tapped it realizing it was blood.

"I need to go." Sakura said grabbing her bookbag.

"Sakura wait! Let me take a look." Tsunade said as Sakura continued on her way. She had got too worked up. She hates idiots, why should Sage get a pass because she's dealing with personal things.

Sakura's been through way more, where's her pass so she doesn't deal with bullshit.

"Sakura wait!" Shizune had caught up with her. "Let your Tsuna examine you, plus we still have a few more things to sign." Shizune said.

"No I'm going home, I give you both the consent to sign my name, I can't sit in a room with those people, discrediting everything just so Sage can get away with murder it's not fair."

"You're right it's not fair, but sweetheart you can't always run when things get tough or if someone upsets you so much, you show your strength when you continue to stand your ground."

Tears began to fall from Sakura's eyes as she looked down and away. "I can't right now Shizune... I guess I'm just too weak." Sakura said. "I'm catching the train home, I need a minute to clear my mind." Sakura said.

"Okay.. get home safely." Shizune said.

"I will.." Sakura said still not facing her, wiping her eyes. Her nose was still blood stained and it throbbed a bit. She figured the bleeding came from the concussion or a maybe she got so angry just then she popped something in her head.

When she got off the train and walked all the way home, she realized she had left her face mask at the precinct. She had to think quick if she was going to go see Sasuke.

Sakura slipped her cardigan off wrapping it around her head letting her sleeves cover her nose as she tied them up. "This can work." She said to herself muffled.

Itachi had supplied her, her own key to their house incase she ever needed to go over for an emergency. She pulled it out unlocking the door, she slipped her shoes off and hung up her bag before completely entering the house.

Slowly and quietly she walked upstairs, since she didn't know if Sasuke was sleeping or not. Slowly she opened the door to his room, he was there, laying sprawled out on his bed shirtless.

His skin was a bit pale and a bit reddish, she noticed he was also sweating a bit.

Quickly she walked into his bathroom, drowning a rag in cold water walking it back in his room. Gently she crawled on his bed, hovering him a bit. She slowly began to place the towel on his forehead. When she did he reached up and grabbed her wrist slowly opening his eyes.

"Sakura?" He said with a raspy voice. "You shouldn't be here, you'll get sick." He said as he began to sit up slowly taking a hold of the wet cold towel on his forehead.

"I don't care! I'm here for you." She said muffled

"Why is your sweater over your face." He asked.

"I kind of forgot my face mask at the precinct."

"I forgot Itachi was picking you up taking you there.. sorry I couldn't go with you.. how did it go."

"No its okay! You needed your rest, and I kind of went off on Sage's parents. So bad I got a nose bleed."

"What? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! It most likely came from how mad I got."

"Or it came from your concussion, let me see." He said.

"Sasuke it's fine you should continue to rest-"

"Sakura, let me see." He said reaching over untying her sweater from her face. Gently his left hand cupped her face, tilting it up as he looked at her nose.

"It's stained.. you should clean up." He said.

"Sasuke, your hand is really warm.. you should take a cold shower."

"I already did. I just have a cold." He said.

"Let me make you something to eat will help you feel better too. I'll make a vegetable soup!"

"...." He said looking at her incredulously

"Don't give me that look... You need to eat!"

"Fine.. but you should rest too. We both know you haven't fully recovered." He said reaching up poking her nose. "The blood stain proves that."

"I'll be fine! I've been fine all day!" Sakura said. "Let me worry and take care of you today the way you do for me!" Sakura said looking at Sasuke.

"I do it because I love you, not because I feel like I have to." He said.

"And I'm doing this because I love you!" Sakura said pouting. "Why are you against me helping you?" She asked.

"I just don't want you to get sick... you already have a concussion and you just got over your fever, I wouldn't feel good if you got sick again."

Sakura had stood from his bed, and walked in front of him, climbing on him, straddling him. She leaned in and smashed her lips to his.

Sasuke was overcome with shock at first then he found his composure, putting both hands on Sakura's shoulders pushing her away gently.

"Are you crazy?! You'll get sick."

"Then we'll be sick together, either way, I'm not going anywhere, so either let me help or we'll both be in here sick as can be." Sakura said. "And I'll kiss you all day, you know I will."

"Fine Sakura... Do what you please."

Sakura smiled. "Thank you! Now I'm going downstairs to make your soup, please take that cold shower, it'll help I promise." She said


He watched as she skipped happily to his door, just before she could leave her called out to her.


"Yes?" She asked looking at him.

"Make sure the soup has alot of tomatoes." He said as she giggled.

"Sure, no problem."

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