The Assistant [MxM]

By InfinitiAkira

154K 11.8K 23.7K

It wasn't until his boss gave him a chance and purpose in life once he was on edge, and giving up. Not knowi... More

8. |part one|
8. |part two|
10. |filler chapter|
13. |filler chapter|
18. |part one|
18. |part two|
20. |filler chapter|
22. |part one|
22. |part two|
28. |filler chapter|
32. |filler chapter|
37. |filler chapter|


2K 161 431
By InfinitiAkira


Rushing into the Venue— Shakur mugged from each step he took feeling as if his entire body was on fire.

He'd never get fucked again if this was how it felt, he couldn't remember being in this much pain back then with it being consensual with Damien—- maybe because he pushed it to the furthest part of his mind. He didn't understand how Sincere took as much dick as he did and still could function properly. Shakur' couldn't even walk correctly and when he sat his ass and back had pain shooting through them both. It was excellent in the moment but the aftermath he wasn't fuçking with.

They had overslept and was running a little late— the two slept through the entire day. They had missed the brunch they planned, Sincere had missed taking Kennedy out for one on one time and it was all Sincere's fault according to Shakur.

"Well— look who the cat done drug in," Shakur furrowed his eyebrows but then relaxed recognizing the man before him to be his younger cousin. "Never thought I'd see the day you'd show up,"

"Well, lucky you. Today clearly the day,"

Bryan laughed, "smart ass mouth— this you?" he nodded towards Sin.

Shakur nodded, "yeah— this is Sincere and baby, this is Bryan,"

For the next hour that's how it went— Shakur introducing Sincere to the ones he used to fuck with before ghosting them and the other half he still wanted to fuçk up so he hadn't said a word to them. He never really rocked with Laz's side of the family, only a select few— and it had been that way since he was younger. It was clear to his family that he hadn't changed much and was indeed Laz's son.

"Damn," Shakur's ears perked up as he engaged in conversation with his aunt, "what's yo name?"

He snapped his head behind him and saw that the voice belonged to Cash— that wasn't the problem though. The problem was that he was talking to Kennedy, he knew that he had to have been either talking to her or Sincere because they were the only new faces around. Kennedy nervously cleared her throat as the stranger to her had held her arm to prevent her from walking away from him how she'd done the first time.

Shakur frowned and made his way up to Cash, "fuçk you grabbin' up on my daughter for, it's clear yo' bitch ass making her uncomfortable." He roughly snatched his hand away from Kennedy, "don't fuçking touch her,"

"I ain't know she was lil cuz," Cash chuckled, "my bad Kuri,"

"The fuçk was funny?" Shakur stepped closer to him, "I missed the joke?"

Laz had noticed the commotion and excused himself from talking to Sincere— Sincere looked to see what was going on and made his way across the room too, "What's going on over here son?" Laz spoke up, "Cash?"

Shakur never took his eyes off of Cash, the two never got along and always bumped heads. "Nothing Laz, just a misunderstanding is all."

"Yeah— don't misunderstand shît else' bout mine nigga."

"You got it Kuri," Cash held his hands up in surrender before turning to walk away.

Shakur shook his head and faced Kennedy, "you good princess?"

She smiled up at him and nodded, "I'm okay dad— stop thinking of ways to harm him. I'm fine, honestly. You handled it,"

He relaxed feeling arms around him, he smiled at Sincere and kissed his forehead, "stay close to me princess, or your grandparents. I'll hate to show out today,"

Laz chuckled at his son, "I'll handle cash...please don't make me fuck these people up on my parents anniversary son' you remember what I told you."

Shakur nodded and felt his cheeks heat up when Laz grabbed the back of his head and kissed his forehead— it was clear that physical touch had always been big with them but as a grown man now and missing that type of love always caught him off guard. Kennedy and Sincere coo'd making Shakur furthermore embarrassed. However, he felt good inside and he was happy that he had talked with his father the day he had told him to come talk to him after Lisa had told him about Shakur's past.

As Kennedy and Sincere engaged in conversation, his mind had drifted off to the conversation.

Nervously walking outside to the car, Shakur took a deep breath as Laz leaned against it smoking a blunt.

From afar he could see the tears on his fathers face and that had caused a lump to form in his throat— Lisa had broke him but seeing his father cry? The man he'd always seen as tough, ruthless and emotionally detached? That wasn't something that he was prepared for or thought he'd ever see. Laz crying? Laz? His father?

Once he made it to the car Laz put the blunt out and Shakur was caught off guard when he pulled him into his arms and kissed his forehead repeatedly as more tears spilled from his eyes, "I'm so fuçking sorry Kuri..."

"I wasn't there to protect you and I left you all alone to deal with the backlash that comes with you being a bisexual black male— that should have never happened to you and I should've been a better father. Fuck," Laz wiped at his eyes and paced back and forth.

He had never had anything like that happen to him so— to hear his son had went through something like that the moment that he was out of his life had broke his heart. Laz didn't expect to be this broken behind hearing what his wife had told him but he couldn't hold his sobs in on the phone, on the drive to Damien's home, or seeing his son standing in front of him. He was hoping that the pastor and Phylicia's husband was still alive because this time he'd go to prison and happily sit behind bars for murder. However that was short lived hearing that they were both dead.

"I know how you shut down when things get too hard for you so I won't pressure you to talk to me when you just opened up to your ma," Laz sniffled and grabbed Shakur's face wiping his tears, "you just remember something though— no matter who it is or what it is I'll kill a mothafucka bout you' son! Especially if they hurt get that? I'd go back to prison about my creation, go against whoeva' wheneva. That goes for family too, aight?"

Shakur nodded, "and take however long you need to forgive Lisa and I, just know we still here and ain't shît change with us but time. You still our baby boy and nothing you ever went through was your fault or made you less of a man, you do understand that right?"

As much as Shakur had heard that same line before by those around him— he believed it when Laz said it. It was clear how much he valued what his dad thought of him, and to see him so vulnerable right now and assuring him that nothing was ever his fault had a weight lifted off of his shoulders. In this moment Shakur had broke down more than he had ever before and his father was there to hold him, that was all he ever wanted and he could no longer fight it. He was finally...letting go! Letting go of the abuse, the trauma, the guilt, the blame on himself, the blame of his parents.

It was time to move forward with his life— reconnecting with his biological family, his relationship and fully accepting his sexuality one hundred percent.

It was time.

Feeling a hand swipe under his eyes Shakur opened them and smiled down at Kennedy who looked up at him curiously, "you okay dad?"

He nodded and wrapped his arms around her kissing her forehead, she relaxed in his arms and smiled. "I love you baby, you know that?" He pulled back and eyed her.

Kennedy smiled up at him, "I always have dad— and I know I've said it a million times but I am sorry for everything I've put you through. I hope that I'm making you proud,"

"You are baby, and I want you to go ahead and move to LA— if you think that's the right thing to do. You and Josiah deserve to be with Joshua..."

" much I hate to admit that,"

She chuckled, "I've been thinking on it, after this semester I really am going to make the move. I'm scared though, I've never lived without you for too long. I'll miss you," she teared up.

"Sincere and I are working things out princess, and I made up my mind. After I train up my assistant manager I'll be making the move too...just don't say shit' know how you like to treat him as if he's your father or some,"

He sucked his teeth when she burst into tears and hugged him tightly, "I won't say anything! I'm so happy,"

"You better be,"

She wiped at her eyes and laughed, "this is off topic but I'm dying to know.."

"If you about to ask some bullshit—"

"Your walk— it's funny and well....not my dad getting bent over? It's not sitting well with me, I tried to wrap my mind around the dynamic but...I just can't aceept that dad. We both can't be out here taking dic—-"

Kennedy screamed and ran to Lisa and Laz when Shakur popped her in the lip, "what the hell you hitting my grandbaby for Kuri?" Lisa held her and mugged him, "get back before I whoop yo ass boy,"

"I'll snatch her lips off, sayin' some dumb shît to me like that. Matter fact, you ain't moving to LA no more. I'll beat the shit outta you and Joshua,"

Sincere chuckled as he ate his fruit, he had been under Laz all night. Laz took to him quickly and treated him as delicate as he treated Kennedy— he wondered if Laz thought that since he was feminine had to be babied but Sincere was soaking up all the attention and affection so he let Laz act as if he was his personal body guard. No one could barely breathe Sin's way and he'd be right there checking to see if Sincere was okay. He had let Sincere know that most of his family— the ones Shakur hadn't introduced him too was homophobic and he knew that his son could handle himself but he didn't want Sincere to be discouraged or hurt and if he was he'd most likely go neck and neck with whoever.

"I have a son dad! I think you forgot how kids were made since ya....ya know— a bottom now or whatever,"

Laz shoved Shakur back when he reached out for Kennedy, "Okay now— behave Ken!" Lisa told her, "what the fuçk is a bottom?"

Sincere turned on his heels and smoothly went to take a seat at their assigned table, Shakur felt his cheeks heat up as Lisa awaited an answer and Kennedy snickered hugged up between her grandparents. Laz only stared at his son with a blank facial expression, "boy— you a what?"

"That's why you walking like you got something up ya ass— cause it was something up there?"

Lisa eyes widened as she held her chest, "what the fuck did y'all think me being bisexual was?"

"You telling me...Sincere fuçked you?" Laz asked, confusion on his face. "That sincere over there?" He pointed to him. "Being bisexual is one thing I'm okay with son when you supplying the dick... but taking it?"

"Don't forget who you gotta come home with Kennedy, aight?"

Shakur turned to walk away, and walked up to Sincere who had pretended to be busy on his phone until Shakur' snatched him up and into his chest. "Oh— hey handsome, didn't see you there."

"That's how you do?" Shakur mugged him.

"What happened baby?"

"Leave me to get embarrassed like that?"

Sincere smirked, "I'm sure it wasn't that bad— they had to have known I was tapping that big ol' juicy ass."

Shakur let him go and Sincere burst into laughter, "loosen up handsome— daddy is sorry okay?"

"Man, fuck you and Kennedy,"

Sincere only hugged him and kissed his cheek causing a smile to form on Shakur's face— soon enough his grandparents had mad their appearance and Shakur had quickly forgot about the whole embarrassing moment and had been under them as if he was a kid again— Laz had stole Sincere back and Kennedy had been under Lisa. All they were missing was Josiah who had cried to stay with Phylicia and Kennedy wasn't a mother who'd force her child to be places he didn't want to be, she and Shakur' trusted her with him for a few hours and had decided to let him stay back.

"I want to thank everyone for coming out, this year is especially special..." Geraldine spoke up, giving her speech before dinner would be served. "Not only is my son home— my grandson is as well. I couldn't have wanted anything more than being reunited with them and for them to celebrate today with us all—"

"—fifty years of being married to this knucklehead," everyone chuckled when Henry pointed his cane at her, "and forever more to go. I don't want to talk too much but I'm just thankful to be here and to also have met my great granddaughter, great great grandson, and my extended grandson. Speaking of I don't want to hear any whispers or remarks about him nor Kuri. If it's not your preference or lifestyle then so be it— it's theirs and not one person in here will make them feel a way about it. I won't tolerate it and you'd be escorted out,"

Henry nodded, "and I'll beat a mothafucka with my cane about my grandson and his man. Y'all know it too,"

Shakur held Sincere's hand giving it a gentle squeeze, he heard the mumbling people did but they hadn't dared to say anything outloud. Shakur wasn't forcing his sexuality on anyone and nor was he going to not be affectionate towards Sincere because they made people uncomfortable. He had faught so long with his sexuality that now he wouldn't dare hide who he truly was— if you didn't fuck with him then cool, Shakur was okay with that as long as nobody disrespected him. He understood that people were homophobic and he respected that.

After Henry said his speech everyone was in tears by the end of it and when he and Geraldine shared a kiss Shakur noticed that Sincere had teared up, "you good pretty?"

Sincere nodded, "that's beautiful— I've never seen anything like that."

"You can have that but you playing,"

"Then give it to me," Sincere looked up to him and Shakur chuckled, "I'm serious— it's been on my mind all night since we talked, I can admit that I'm scared but with you is where I want to be. You've poured your heart out to me so much and I'm still hiding behind my feelings and I don't need to do that with you and I'm not saying this because it's something you want....I want it too, but I want the moment to be special and not rushed."

Shakur searched his eyes seeing just how serious he was, "it'll be special, I've never got the chance to do the whole proposal thing, speech, or feel complete joy about the one I want to marry. It'll be a first for me too, as bad as I'll just go to the courthouse today and marry you? I won't because that's not the kind of marriage I want this time around,"

"You love me forreal huh?"

He laughed and kissed the back of his hand, "for years now— just glad that I got it right this time baby and that you were so forgiving."

"We both played a part in the fuçked up start, but I am happy that we're here now. Can you do me a favor?"

"Anything baby boy,"

"Don't eat heavy tonight,"

Shakur laughed, "get the fuçk out my face Sincere. You ain't touchin' me tonight."

"I hear you,"

For the rest of the night it had went smoothly— they'd had dinner played a few games and Shakur had reconnected with his family and promised that he'd be around more now. A lot of his cousins had missed him and barely wanted him to leave, however Laz had gotten Sincere and Kennedy high so Shakur had to end the night. Shakur had no say so when it came to neither tonight, being that Kennedy was of age to smoke if she wanted he had let her but she had never smoked anything like Laz had so it made her literally sick to her stomach and cry from being too high.

Sincere was just way hornier than usual and that was enough to leave for Shakur right there.

He was ready to get him back to his house, and take Kennedy to Phylicia's so she could stop crying about Josiah being away from her for too long. Even if she wasn't high she'd start to miss him badly, she had attachment issues with him and being away from him made her emotional.

Pulling up to Phylicia's house, they all had got out and made their way to the door. It was an unfamiliar car in the drive way that didn't belong to Phylicia or her man so shakur was already skeptical being that he didn't like strange people around his grandson— he was way too young to speak if someone had harmed him or anything and Phylicia knew that so why would she have company?

Walking in the house and into the living room Shakur, Kennedy and Sincere had the same look on their faces seeing who it was.

Cassidy sat in her wheelchair and smiled as she played with her ten month old son Casaun and Josiah while Phylicia was sitting on the couch watching the three with a smile on her face, "this shit done blew my high," Sincere mumbled.

"Papa! Pa! Mama!" Josiah noticed them, and they all crouched for him.

He of course ran into Shakur's arms first making Sincere and Kennedy smack their lips and wait their turns to love on him and kiss him. "Hi," he waved.

"Hey mommy's baby, I missed my baby sooooo much!" Kennedy hugged him tightly.

Josiah giggled and placed wet kisses around her face as he held her cheeks, "miss you,"

"Awwwwwww," she teared up.

Sincere and Shakur laughed, "well— we gone go ma, you good?" Shakur walked in and kissed her forehead. Sin did the same.

"Can you stay for a second son— both of you?"

Kennedy sat Josiah down feeling her pants leg getting tugged, she teared up again picking up Casaun and holding him close, she'd only ever seen him in pictures and had been dying to meet him, "hi baby brother— you're sooooo cute and look just like JoJo. Oh yes you do," she cooed and he smiled pulling at her necklaces.

"Hey KenKen," Cassidy smiled up at the two, "you're so grown now— wow."

"Hey cas, and yeah— that's what people do. Grow," she half smiled at her.

"Kennedy," Shakur warned her.

"She's fine, I get it." Cassidy told him, "hey Shakur,"

He gave her a head nod, she looked to Sincere and then looked away. "I meant to get here sooner Kennedy, I wasn't standing you up. Alot has been going on, and I finally got the time to come see ms. Phylicia and found out you were in town too so I stayed until you got back here. I wanted to see you and for you to meet Casaun, I know you've been wanting too since forever."

Kennedy nodded and sat on the floor— she took Josiah's jacket off and then started to play with him and Casaun, "thank you for staying back and letting me meet him, when do you leave? We fly back home in two days."

"I can stay, and let you two bond. I was wondering if we could spend some time together too."

Kennedy nodded, "I'd like that— you can spend time with your grandson too."

Sincere sat on the couch and scrolled through his phone as Phylicia pulled Cassidy and Shakur' into the kitchen— seeing her again for the first time since their big blow out was a bit awkward and once she dismissed his presence he knew that he didn't want to stay long. He was shocked to see her there honestly, and a bit caught off guard. He felt just as guilty as he did back then when he was messing with Shakur while they were married. Seeing her only reminded him of how wrong he was and how he had hurt her— Cassidy might've been terrible but it didn't mean that she couldn't be hurt by someone she considered a friend going behind her back and messing with her husband at the time. She was human and her feelings were valid. Regardless of the situation.

He was pulled out of his thoughts feeling Casaun pull himself up by his pants leg, he smiled at him but out of respect he didn't pick him up. Not wanting to start anything with Casssidy, it was clear she still didn't fuck with him and that was understandable.

Casaun tried climbing his leg but started to cry when Sincere wouldn't pick him up, "not you letting my brother cry." Kennedy tried to pick him up but Casaun held a death grip on Sincere— the baby wanted him.

"I don't want to start anything with your mom,"

Kennedy nodded, however seeing Casaun have real tears in his eyes made Sincere sad. He picked him up and sat him on the couch next to him, Casaun however crawled into his lap and smiled up at him. Sincere smiled back, "hi little man,"

Casaun waved and Sincere cooed, "you what that means?" He grabbed his bib and wiped the drool from his chin. "Look at those two little teeth," he tickled his belly.

The baby let out a laugh and squirmed tossing his head back, "give me that belly..." Sincere tickled him more making Casaun kick his feet and laugh harder.

Kennedy laughed hearing him laugh, Josiah however folded his arms and ran into the kitchen. He'd grabbed Shakur and pulled him into the living room pointing to Sincere who was still playing with Casaun. Josiah wasnt used to it being another baby around and he was jealous that he had their attention, when it'd usually be on him. He was pointing as if he was telling Shakur' to get that baby out of Sincere's hand and now.

Shakur eyed Sincere and Casaun and his heart fluttered— it was pure happiness on Sincere's face as he played with and cuddled the baby. It made him think about the kid Sincere wanted to have and what it'd be like to see him daily in that element, it made him want a baby just as bad and he wanted that baby to be the biological seed of Sincere's. Especially seeing how loving and affectionate he was to a baby he didn't even know— and how he engaged with Casaun even though he and Cassidy had fell out and she'd said that hurtful shît to him. It was a beautiful sight to see.

Cassidy soon came back into the living room and Sincere quickly went to hand her Casaun, he shook his head no though and snatched away when Cassidy reached for him. Shakur found that weird but it was no longer his business, "he's fine." She told Sincere and let him hold him since he started to cry.

Sincere and Shakur held eye contact and Shakur sighed, "you straight Cas? With the new baby and all?" He asked looking to her.

"What you mean?" She asked with an attitude.

"What I asked— he didn't seem to want to come to you. I know that you ain't want kids so, just was making sure Kennedy's little brother was good. Most kids that young wouldn't be so open to be under new people," he pointed out.

Cassidy rolled her eyes, "my son is took care of."

"So was I, didn't mean that you wanted me though and didn't mentally mess me up. I'll take him if you need. I want him healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally.." Kennedy spoke up.

"I didn't come here to be attacked..."

"Nobody is attacking you Cassidy, the kid is innocent." Shakur frowned, "did you learn anything from Kennedy?"

Cassidy was silent for a while, everyone eyed her. "Cassidy— you're only doing that now because you seen that Sincere walked in here with Shakur on his arms. We just talked and you wanted me to ask Shakur if he could take Casaun in for a little while because you're not emotionally attached to the boy and the only one you could trust with him was Shakur. I get that Sincere has hurt you but, don't punish that sweet baby boy any longer because it hurts you to see Shakur happy and moved on. Now, I told you I'd take him but truth is I'm not sure how long I have and I can't do that to him..."

"...and that Shakur would most likely take him if he could because he'd want Casaun not only safe but growing up and having his sister knowing Kennedy have cried since he was born about his safety and wanting to meet him."

Cassidy wiped underneath her eyes, "I'm so fucked up mentally that I want to check myself into an mental hospital for a while to see if there's something wrong with me." She looked to Shakur, "I know that it's a big ask and you aren't his father but I do want him safe and I know that you're a great man Shakur. If you don't take him then the state will, and I can't have him going through what we did growing up, the system isn't a place for kids."

Shakur shook his head, "I don't know Cassidy..."


"I'll take him," Sincere spoke up, "I know that we have our differences and I am truly sorry for how I've done you Cassidy but you also know me and how I am with kids— I'll take him. Then when you're better you can get him back, I know that it won't ever make up for Shakur and I.... Just let me do this for you. Please, he's innocent."

Kennedy sniffled, "please mom? He raised me when you couldn't and dad was always on the know he's a good parental figure and Casaun would be loved unconditionally."

Cassidy stared at Sincere and then to Shakur, "is that okay Shakur? Sine you two are together you both have to be on board...I don't want you holding any resentment towards my baby,"

Shakur looked to Sincere and how he rocked Casaun back and forth and cuddled him since he had fell asleep in his arms, "you sure that's what you want baby?" He asked Sin.

Sincere nodded, "only if that's what you want and you're not going to treat him any way because he isn't yours."

"I'd never do that— he ain't got shit to do with my fuck ups, nor Cassidy's."

"So, can we keep him?" Kennedy asked.

"He's not a puppy Kennedy," Sincere laughed.

Cassidy chuckled, "just for a little while— I'll get better and I'll be a better mother for him and even you Kennedy." She looked to Shakur, "So?"

"....anything for my babies."


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