8. |part one|

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Today was a Wednesday and Sincere couldn't wait to be off of work, as for the past week and a half Cassidy's vibe had drastically changed. He didn't know rather it was because her husband had told her to only fuçk with him for work related things, she found out that Kennedy was pregnant or that her father had showed up to the office the other day. He didn't know much about her father but he knew that he shook her to her core and he looked forward to getting off of work every day so he wouldn't have to deal with her.

Hearing a knock at the door, he told the person to come in. He immediately stood to his feet and went to hug Kennedy who had hugged him tightly, "Hi bunny," he kissed her face.

"Hi Sinny," She smiled brightly at him.

Although they had now been back texting and talking on the phone daily, they hadn't seen eachother since he'd drop the pregnancy tests off two weeks ago. "I had to come see you while my dad had to come see my mom," she explained.

Sincere rolled his eyes hearing that Shakur was just down the hall, "How have you been?"

Kennedy frowned, "You should go over there and talk to him while my mom is in her meeting." She suggested.

"I'm good, I may play about a lot of things but taking you away from me would never be one."

"I know but—"

"Why can't I just be happy to see you Ken? I'm really over your dad. I don't even understand what happened, or why he would play with me like he did,"

She could see the hurt on his face and decided to drop it, as bad as she shipped them she couldn't force her dad to admit that he liked men. Knowing Sincere's current relationship she knew that her dad was only a reminder of Xavier for him, she only knew her dad had some type of liking to Sincere because of how he acted around him all the time. The stares she was used to him giving her mom easily became the same way he looked at Sincere when they first met him almost three years ago. No matter how hard he fought it, Kennedy knew. That's why she tried her hardest over the years to push the two, she thought this would be the year being how her dad was softening a little but it was clear that she was wrong.

"I'm sorry he hurt you. I never wanted that for you,"

"Who don't hurt me?" He joked, Kennedy however missed the joke.

Shaking her head she just hugged him, "I don't like that but I've been good. How are you bookie?"

"Better, now that I've seen you." He told her honestly. "Where's Joshua?"

Hearing his name Kennedy smiled, "Football practice, he has a game later. You wanna come? That's my reasoning coming in here." She laughed, "I think that pregnancy brain stuff is real."

"I really can't believe my baby is having a baby," he teared up, making her tear up too.

"All I've been doing is crying, please don't make me." She frowned as a tear fell from her eyes, "I didn't know I'd become so emotional. Everything just weird being pregnant,"

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