Who Are You? // Miles Morales...

By TearsinHeart

96.5K 2.7K 3.4K

I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS EXCEPT Y/N "Please, I need to know who you are." Miles squealed. "You already kno... More

I'm Real.
She's Real!
The Proof is There.
A Small Visit.
Like it? I love it.
Weekend Plans
it's me, your dad.
No New Messages.
I Might Do It
My Leg Was Stuck.
Here With You/A New Suit
Inter-Dimensional Travel
Go Home.
A little more
A Bagel?
Tell You This.
I'm Sorry.
Thought You Left?

Go For It!

2.1K 78 286
By TearsinHeart

Miles and I swung up the stairs, changing as fast as we could into regular clothes. Once we both reached the top, Miles grabbed the two cakes sitting at the bottom of the stairwell with his web.

"Okay, you ready?"

I watched as Miles took a deep breath in. He nodded and opened the door.

"Hey Miles, hey, Y/N!" One said.

"There you guys are. Ya'll keeping yalls head up at that school?" Said another.

We continued walking and greeting people.

"Hey! Your parents have been looking for you guys!" One of his relatives said.

"Haha, I don't know why. We've just been here the whole time." He laughed before placing the cakes on a table.

"¡Oye!" Rio said behind us, causing us both to jump.

"You both were supposed to be here at 5!" She harshly glared while crossing her arms.

"I know, I know, I know, but -" Rio abruptly cut him off.

"You're disrespecting your dad!"

"Yep. Mhm."

"Missed his beautiful toast!"

Miles frowned. "Come on! Did you even see the cakes? There's some heartfelt messages on them!"

When we both opened the lid to the cakes, the words were all messed up. All it said now was, "IM NOT PROUD."

We both grimaced before I spoke up. "That... not what we meant."

"Your dad studied for 8 months -"

"9! It was like giving birth!"

"No, it wasn't."

"Of course not."

Rio and Jeff both followed Miles and I as we tried to get away.

"You made us sit in that office to talk to that lady without you!"

Miles groaned and turned around to his mom. "Gah! It was an emergency!" He turned around and continued walking. Jeff then piped in.

"What? A graffiti emergency? A party with some friends I've never met emergency?!"

"Explain yourself." Rio said.

"Sounds like you're explaining it pretty well.." Miles mumbled. Unfortunately for him, they heard him

"Hah. That's funny. Jeff! We have a funny son."

"I'm not laughing."

Then, one of Miles' aunts came up to us.

"Hola!" She gave all four of us a big hug. She turned toward Miles and smiled so widely. "¡Mira qué grande estás!" She said while pinching his cheeks.

(Look how big you are!)

"I don't feel grown up." He said.

"Wow, this is a cool shirt!" She then grabbed the top of his jersey and pulled it down, slightly revealing his Spider-Suit.

"OKAY! Okay, okay." He pulled her hands away from his shirt. "You know, have you checked out the food?" She pointed her away.

(I'm not quite sure what he said. The captions are kind of butt.)

He grabbed my hand and quickened his pace, hoping to make it to the door.

"Ah, Miles, slow down a little!" I said.

"¡Oye!" God, can this woman teleport?? "Who are you running around with, anyway?" She glared intensely at the both of us.


"Is it Ganke? I never liked him." Jeff butted in.

"Yes, you did -"

"He calls me by my first name." Jeff interuppted him once more.

Rio scoffed. "Ugh, we hate that. Y/N is lucky enough to even have that privilege!" She looked at me while I nervously smiled.

"I have more friends than just Ganke!" Miles said defendantly.

"Like who?" Jeff quiered.

Miles stood there for a second. "Well, there's... there's... Peter. Y'know? Uhh.. but he left town. Uhm... there's... there's Gwanda! Y'know? She... she also... left town.."

Rio sighed and gave her son a worried look. "Miles, por favor, dame un break."

(Miles, please, give me one break.)

"Is that spanglish?" Miles said. His mother gave him a harsh glare. "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I'm just doing... benign, private, unremarkable things when I'm not with you guys!"

Rio and Jeff both disagreed at the same time. At this point, I was just  a spectator in this argument. And it was kind of awkward...

"I am 15 years old! I am basically an adult!" He yelled out. His grasp on my hand got tighter.

"Oh, right, right." Rio said sarcastically.

"You don't even have a driver's license!" Jeff yelled out. Miles' anger was rising by the second.

"Neither does my mom!" He yelled back.

"Because we live in New York and never plan to leave," Jeff said, while crossing his arms and shaking his head.

"It's my life!" Miles said. At this point, he was basically crushing my hand.

"It's not your life!" Rio said aggressively. "It's mine. And your fathers, Y/N's, and your Abuelos y Abuelas, who put you in this spot, I'd give anything to be in!"

"Alright, alright. Whatever, whatever." He then froze, realizing what he had just said to his parents. He slowly looked at me with a terrified expression. I swiped my thumb over his hand to try and re-assure him. He then slowly looked back at his parents.

"Whatever? Whatever?!" Rio yelled. She was this close to letting out on Miles.

"Wooooow." Jeff let out a fake laugh. "Do I get to say it? Please tell me that I get to say it!"

"Say it," said Rio in a very upset tone.

"You're grounded!" He yelled.

"What?" Miles and I said at the same time.

"Oh, yeah!" He said again.

"For how long??"

"A month!" He yelled louder.

"Dad! Mom.. are you.. s-seriously?" Miles watched as she let her son get grounded.

"Yeah! Dead serious! This means you can't be with Y/N, either!"

Miles took in a sharp inhale of breath. "You don't understand!"

"You're right! You are right! I have no idea what's going on with you! So why don't you tell me?" Jeff practically screamed.

Everyone had noticed the quarrel going on, so they all piped down and listened. The DJ tried to save the day by turning the volume up louder.

"Just listen to him!" I yelled. Maybe I shouldn't have done that, because now I'm getting bad looks from Rio.

"Okay, Y/N, you got it!" Jeff then turned to Miles. "Go for it! Say whatever you wanna say. What do you got to tell me so bad?!"

Miles glanced at me, and I nodded. I knew how badly he wanted to tell his parents that he was spider-man, but I knew he couldn't work up the courage.

Everyone was quiet. Everyone was listening into the conversation. Miles stared at his parents for a few moments before sighing.

"You know what? Never mind." And with that being said, he pushed through Rio and Jeff, with my hand in his, and left the party.

"Alright, great, walk away! Because now you've got two months!" Jeff yelled behind us. The music started back up, and everyone went back to their regular conversation.


He slammed his door shut and began kicking off his shoes. I sat down on the bed, looking up at Miles.

"Two months." He said while looking up at the ceiling. "Psh, I'm Spider-Man. I'm not grounded." He looked at me while taking off his jacket and throwing it off the wall.

"I'm sure things will get better. They always do." I patted on the spot next to me, which Miles gladly took. The sketchbook on the bed fell on the floor, revealing pictures of Gwen.

He picked up the sketchbook and stared at the picture of Gwen a little too long.

"I'm not sure, Y/N. Me and my parents have never argued like that." He sighed and grabbed my waist, pulling me down onto the bed. I pulled out a pair of airpods from my pocket, handing one to him and placing the other I'm my ear.

He pulled me close as we both closed our eyes, hoping to relax.

Without us knowing, the things around us began to float. Until suddenly, a bright portal appeared above us.

"Miles! Y/N! You guys got a minute?"

"Whoa! What -" Miles yanked the airpod out of his ear, shoving it in my chest. Gwen jumped down from the portal, landing on the bed.

I grimaced. Shoes on the bed? Seriously...

"H-how did you get..." Miles stuttered. "How did you..." Gwen then suddenly hugged him. Okay, that's enough. "How.. have you been?" Miles finally said.

She pulled back and smiled. "Uh- I've been... good. I've been... yeah, just great - look at you! You uhh.. you grew, huh? Had a little growth spurt?"

Miles nervously smiled. "Uhh, yeah." He then looked at her hair in complete awe. Seriously?? "Your hair has gotten..pinker."

She then stood up, looking around his room. "Is this the room you grew up in?" She took off her jacket and placed it on the bed.

What is she even doing here? Miguel hasn't allowed her to come visit Miles, anyway.

"It is.." He said unsteadily. "Umm, but -" He then shoved everything that was on his night stand into his drawer. "My dorm room is.. is.. very adult."

We both got up from the bed. Miles took one of the stuffed animals I bought him and threw it out of the door. What the fuck?

"Cool, yeah, no, I used to play with these when I was younger, too." Gwen stated while staring at one of Miles' VERY RARE collectibles.

"That's.. that's a collectable." He said, voice cracking in between words. Gwen picked up the box and admired it.

"Wow! I used to have this one!"

"Actually, that's an extremely rare... highly sought after..."

"Why is it still in its package?" And without hesitation, Gwen tore the package apart, took out the collectable, and placed it on the shelf. I audibly gasped.

Who the hell does she think she is? What's the next shit she's gonna pull?

Miles let out a fake laugh while smiling the fakest smile I have ever seen while muttering, "It's fine."

Gwen then noticed the sketchbook on Miles' bed. Miles then noticed where she was looking.

All three of us shot a web out at the sketchbook, hoping to get it first. Unfortunately for Miles and I, Gwen got ahold of it before either of us did.

And she started going through it. Without Miles' permission.

"Are these your drawings?" What else could they be.

"What? No." Miles lied, seemingly very nervous.

"Wow, they're good!" She flipped the pages. Each paged consisted of me or spiderwoman. She had to go backward to find one's of her 💀.

"Wow... there's...so...many..." She shut the notebook and gave it back to Miles. "Missed you too."

"They were all old anyway." I mumbled. I am infact QUITE upset that Miles is acting this way. It's like I'm not even his girlfriend right now.

"So.. what are you doing here? I mean I... thought I'd... never see you again." He walked toward Gwen. She looked at me and glanced down at her watch.

She sat down on the windowsill, staring at Miles. "Wanna get out here?"

"He's grounded." I butted in. I crossed my arms because no way and I going to leave Miles alone with her.

"Bummer." Gwen then leaned back and fell off the windowsill, causing Miles to run to where she just was.

She was standing on the side of the building - with her mask on. "Is.. spider-man... grounded?"

"Uhh -" Miles looked back at me and then back to Gwen. "I mean I.." He stared at Gwen for a little while longer before giving in.


All three of us swung through the city of brooklyn. Gwen was non-stop talking about the organization that Miles wasn't supposed to know about.

"Hey, Gwen, come here for a second, yeah?" I yelled after her. She slowed down and started to swing next to me, Miles staring back at us.

"Hey, Y/N, check your watch for me?" Gwen said.

"Yeah, I kind of don't have it on right now. Because y'know, Miles isn't supposed to know about it?" I said while glaring at her.

"Oh, okay, well, can you go get it for me? This is like super important, okay?" She put a thumbs up and went back to swinging with Miles.

I groaned. This meant that I had to leave them alone for a little.

I decided not to waste any second longer. I broke off from the two, swinging as fast as I could to my house.


I leaped inside my window, running to my closet, and opening my secret compartment on the floor. From there, I snatched my watch and placed it on. I called Miguel, and he picked up.

"Miguel? Why is Gwen here?" I said to his small hologram.

"There's an anomaly in your earth. Since you didn't have your watch on, she volunteered. Wait- don't tell me she's with Miles right now." He groaned before pulling up some screens.

"What do you think? They had a little thing going on before she left, and now they're all buddy buddy again. It's really pissing me off."

Miguel stared at me and then continued tapping on his keyboard. "Look, Y/N, you're one of our best. Don't let Gwen make you upset because she's flirting with your boyfriend."

I huffed and stood up, walking to my window. "Fiiiinnnnee. But if she does anything, I'm gonna say something, alright? Bye." I then clicked off my watch, jumped out my window, and webbed away.

I quickly looked around for Miles. Only to see Gwen, placing a device on the wall. She then jumped away and looked for Miles.

Fortunately for me, I saw him first, so she didn't have a chance to sneak up on him.

"Ah, Y/N! Do you know where Gwen went?" He looked at me, not noticing that she was behind him. She kept forward and tapped his shoulder. "Oh, hey! There you are. What are you doing?" She then moved forward and hit his chest.

"Waitin' for you." She then looked at me and webbed me forward. "Did you get your watch?"

"Yeah. But Miguel is pissed off that you're hanging with Miles." I said before swinging slightly ahead of her.

"Shoot. Yeah, well, thanks for not having your watch on. I've missed Miles, so you not having the opportunity to volunteer was great." She grabbed my shoulder and smiled.

I'm sorry, what?

"Yeaahh." I let out a fake laugh. "Haha, always happy to help!" I was practically gritting my teeth and clenching my fists.

Miles led Gwen and I to the williamsburg banks building. He's always flexing about how it's the coolest thinking spot, and a great ttreadmill.

"So..uhh.. you and your dad. Still haven't talked?" I heard. I let them walk and catch up because I guess I was being a little hard on Gwen.

To be fair, this spot did have a nice view. And the sun was sort of setting, since it was the evening.

"In every other universe, Gwen Stacy falls for Spider-man."

I looked around. I no longer saw Miles nor Gwen. I ran around, desperate to find them. I didn't know they were sitting under me.

"And in.. every other universe... it doesn't end well..."

I quietly moved to the platform under me. I watched as Miles moved closer to Gwen.

"Well, there's a first time for everything, right?"

Gwen let out a small giggle and leaned her shoulder onto Miles.

My heart was aching. What does he mean by that? Why is he acting like he doesn't have a girlfriend?

I walked forward, letting my presence known. Gwen immediately moved herself off of Miles' shoulder, and he stared up at me.

"Hey, Y/N, where were you?" Miles said, sweetly. Acting as if he never said anything.

"I was right behind you the whole time." I glared at him. I watched as his face fell. I turned to Gwen. "You came here to do something. Do it."

I then swung off, full of anger. I heard Miles call out for me, but I ignored him. I swung all the way back to the party.


Uh ohh 🫢

Miles did a very big no no soo we better hope he apologizes. 😡

Enjoy 🩷

Wc: 2682

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