I Might Do It

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This is more of a filler, but toward the end, it builds the plot more.

(Miles POV)

After spending the whole day with Y/N and learning that she also likes me back, I feel a whole lot better about myself.

She also knows that I'm Spiderman now, and she hasn't asked to help me, which is even better.

I got to class earlier than usual today. I wanted to be the one to be there first since she usually got here before me.

I confidently sat down in my seat, waiting for Y/N to arrive. Then , a girl walked up to her desk, who seemed flustered.

"U-uhm hey..." She played with her fingers while looking down at my desk.

"Hey. What's up?" I watched her body tense up when I replied to her. She looked up and reached into her pocket, hesitantly handing me a pink envelope.

"I-I want you to... take this!" She suddenly turned around and walked over to her group of friends, yelling out, "I did it! I did it!"

Y/N then walked into the room, surprised to see me there so early. She walked to her seat and sat down. She quickly took notice of the pink envelope in my hands.

"What's that?"

I let out a nervous laugh while opening it. "I think it's a love letter. From that girl over there," I then pointed with my lips since my hands were busy. I watched Y/N snap her head in the direction of where I pointed. She slowly turned back around and smiled.

"Let me read it, please." She looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Maybe. I have to read it first, though." I slowly took out the letter, carefully examining the handwriting. It was written in all cursive. The smell of a rosy perfume wafted up and into my nose, causing me to cough a little.

"Dear Miles,

For months, I have watched you. And since it's still the beginning of the school year, I decided that I want to give you a try.

If someone were to ask me,

"If you had a flower for every time you thought of Miles, how many would you have?"

I would have one flower. Because you have never left my mind, and I am intending for it to stay that way.

If you have an answer to my confession, please meet me at this location at 5 pm.

Xx - María"

I cautiously slid the paper over to Y/N, grimacing at the idea of dating someone else beside her.

She quickly read the note, her gaze softening by the end.

"That's... actually, really sweet." She gave me a content smile as she slid the paper back over. "Are you going to meet her, though?"

I quickly grabbed the note, pocketing it. I gave her a shrug.

"I don't know. I might do it, just for the fun of it, y'know." I watched as her expression turned to that of a serious one.

"Hey, don't do that. You can't mess with a girls feelings like that." She crossed her arms and glared at me.

I quickly put my hands up defensively. "Alright, alright. Good idea. But you already know who I like, so why bother?"

"I... I guess. But if you meet up with her, let her down. Don't toy with her. That's just cruel." She un-crossed her arms and softened her gaze.

"Whatever you say, Querida." I let out an amused expression as I watched her face become red.

Who Are You? // Miles Morales x Fem!ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz