No New Messages.

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The morning light shined through my window. I slowly opened my eyes, taking in a deep breath. I grabbed my phone and checked the time.

7 am.

I groaned and got up from my bed. I was incredibly tired. Since it was a Sunday, places would rarely be open, so I guess it's a stay-at-home day for me... or not.

I did my morning routine and plopped myself down on the couch. I turned on the TV and put on my favorite show.

Since I'm alone, I might as well binge.

I couldn't focus on the show, though. Something kept distracting me, and I couldn't focus.

I then soon clicked off the TV. I was incredibly bored, so I decided to go out and stroll.

I put on some manageable clothes and shoes and headed out the door.

Once I was outside, I was hit with a small blast of cold air, making me shiver. It was only August, so the cold winter breeze would soon be rolling in.

I put in my headphones, leaving one ear open so I can listen to my surroundings.

I observed the other people on the sidewalk. They were all dressed for winter, even though it was a tiny breeze.

I pulled up the hood of my jacket and placed my hands in my pockets.

8:17 am

I was seated in a Café, sipping on my drink. I opened my phone to see no new messages from Miles. Maybe he wasn't awake yet, after-all it was still pretty early.

8:50 am

I left the café after drinking 2 drinks and eating one crossiant. I continued to stroll down the streets of Brooklyn.

9:17 am

I checked my phone to see no new messages. Usually, he would've been awake by now.

Maybe if I stop by his house.

I walked to his parents' house to see if he was there. When I knocked on the door, Mrs. Morales opened it.

"Hey, Mrs. Morales. Is Miles home?" I played with my house keys in my pocket.

"No sé, I haven't seen him since yesterday evening." She gave me a worried look.

(I don't know)

"Okay, thanks for letting me know." I turned around and waved goodbye. He wasn't there, odd.

9:49 am.

At this point, I was getting worried. I constantly checked my phone, only to be met with no new messages.

I was growing more worried by the second, my mind racing with the worst scenarios imaginable.

What if he got hurt? What if something happened to him and he has no way to contact anyone?

But then I thought, why am I waiting for his message? Why not call him?

I quickly turned on my phone, dialing Miles' number. I let it ring for a few seconds before someone picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Miles! Where are you? Why aren't you at home? Your mom is worried sick!" I quietly scolded him while walking past people on the sidewalk.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I got caught up in something." He let out a little chuckle at the end of his sentence.

"Okay, well, I'm going to get you. Send me your location right now." I quickend my pace on the sidewalk, desperate to find somewhere private.

Who Are You? // Miles Morales x Fem!ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz