rucas au's

By reytonx

126K 3.9K 1.6K

rucas oneshots or two-shots More

fly with me
stay up with me
take care of me (1)
take care of me (2)
jealous of him
dance with me (1)
dance with me (2)
hope we'll be okay
we're different
you're stuck with me
i promise you (1)
i promise you (2)
bad for you (1)
bad for you (2)
life as we know it (1)
life as we know it (2)
art of letting you go
trust in us
love me again
my weakness
i choose you
our secret
we belong
forever and always
bear with me
your decision
nice to meet you
here for you
meant to be
not an update
sick of it
cold hands, warm heart
say you won't let go

good to you

5.1K 182 62
By reytonx


"I just don't understand why you would do something like that!"

"Riley, I've explained this to you a million times. He was talking shit about you and I can't condone that."

"Lucas, he's a teacher. You could've been in serious trouble."

"What he said wasn't okay."

"Lucas, it doesn't matter. I'm not worth going to jail for. Don't do that again, please." She begged.


"Lucas, please." She cried.

I went up to her and wiped her tears.

"Alright, okay. Riley, I'm sorry. Please stop crying."

"I just don't get why you would risk that. I could've lost you."

"You'll never lose me, Riley. I'll always be here, okay?" She nodded and she put her head on my shoulder and held my hand.


"I'll talk to you tonight, then?"


"Okay, take care driving home. No texting okay?"

"Yes, ma'am." I pulled her into me and pecked her lips.

"I love you, subway boy." She giggled.

"Likewise, city girl."

She walked out and I head towards my chemistry class to ask for homework help.

"The kid is stupid. I don't know how she's the Matthews' kid. Her father was never that stupid." One teacher was saying and the other just shook his head.

"Honestly, I don't know how an idiot girl like that could get the marks she has. Probably calls her daddy to-" I couldn't take it anymore. I came up to him and punched him in the face.

"Lucas!" My chemistry teacher, Miss Rane came out of the classroom as it happened.

The teacher I punched -that I didn't know the name of- was clutching his nose.

I saw Mr. Matthews at the corner and he rushed beside me.

"Lucas, what the hell?"

"He was shit talking your daughter, sir." He glared at the teachers that were talking.

"I hope you're keeping things professional, Mr. Wilson. I know you don't necessarily prefer my company, but don't you dare take it on my daughter, or you're dealing with way more people than a teenage boy." He bumps into the other teacher and takes my arm and led me out of the school.

"Lucas, I know you mean well, but if I didn't see what you did, you could have gotten into serious trouble."

"You didn't hear what he was saying, Mr. Matthews. I couldn't let anyone say that about Riley. Even if he is a teacher."

"I'll talk to Mr. Lane. Mr. Wilson will get what he deserves. But this is not gonna get to Riley, all right?"

"Mr. Matthews, will I be okay?"

"You'll be okay, I'll make sure of it, Lucas. Thank you, but let me handle it next time, all right?" I nodded and he patted my back. I slowly walked to my car with unanswered chemistry questions and a bruised knuckle.


"Lucas did what?!"

"Topanga, shhh." My dad said loudly. "Look, he was defending Riley. Good thing I was there or else that bas-"

"What did Lucas do?" I came out.

"Riley, sit down, honey." My mom sat me down on the couch.

"What happened to Lucas, dad?" I ordered.

"Look, Riley. He's okay. I made sure of it."

"What did he do?"

"He punched a teacher." He muttered.

"He what?!!"

I ran to my room and called Lucas.

"Pick up, pick up."

After a couple of rings, his voice comes out.

"Hey it's Lucas. I can't answer the phone right now. I'm probably with Riley. Text me if you need me." I groan, remembering he's at work right now and will be for a couple hours. I'll deal with him tomorrow.



"You've been getting a lot of looks from teachers, Lucas. Did anything happen?" Farkle says as he looks around the halls and sees teachers looking at me.

"Yeah I punched one of them."

"What? Punched who? Which one?" He asked.

"I don't know his name and I don't care. He was shit talking Riley."

"How are you still here?"

"Mr. Matthews was there."

"That means Riley knows then.. How'd she take it?"


"Was she pissed?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"What'd he say about her?"

"A lot of things that's just going to get me fired up. And I've been doing really good with this anger thing."

"Okay. I won't ask."

"Are you Lucas Friar?" Some guy, who looked like he's way too old to be a senior, said behind me. He was with three other guys, and I knew this was going to be trouble.

"Uh yeah. Can I help you?"

"You're the guy who punched my dad."

"Farkle, go." I whispered to him.

"What? Lucas, I-"

"Farkle, go." I said more aggressively, and he ran off.

"I might have." I turned to look him in the eye.

"You were offended that he talked shit about your bitch girlfriend?" He said in a voice.

"I think we both know you're the bitch here, buddy." I came closer even though I knew I wouldn't win.

He threw the punch at my face and I tried to punch back. One of his minions stopped my arm and flipped my around. I was stuck and I already had a bloody nose. Minion 1 pushed me to the ground, while the other two held me down. That left Mr. Steroids to kick me with his $100 Nike's.

"Get off of him!"

The boys ran away and I heard footsteps following them and footsteps going towards me. I sat up and tried to fix myself up.

"Lucas!" I could recognize that voice everywhere.

"Does it look bad?" I asked.

"Kind of. Don't worry, I got you." She laughed. She pulled out a box from her bag with a big red cross on it.

"Why do you have a-" I tried to ask but she gave me a look.

She pulled out bottles, cotton and bandaids to clean me up.

"Why are you so good to me?" I asked while he cleaned the cut on my forehead.

"Because you're good to me."

"I'm not. I can't even fight three guys for you." I laughed.

"You don't have to." She said as she fixed my hair that stuck to my forehead because of my sweat.

"I'm just a guy that gets into a lot of trouble. I'm bad for you and your reputation, Princess Dancing-Sunshine." I joke, remembering the nickname from 8th grade.

"You get in trouble for the right reasons, Mad Dog. I still think highly of you."

"You're so important to me, Riley. I'd fight for you any day."

"I kinda love you."

"You're my whole life."

"Don't get expelled for me. I wouldn't be able to do this." She took my face and kissed me.

We sat there on the pavement and talked as my wounds healed. It was as if they weren't there at all. That's what Riley does; she heals wounds and makes everything better.

"I hope you know my dad chased them down."

"Your dad's always got my back." I laughed.

"He likes you."

"Does he actually?"

"He's always liked you, Lucas. You remind him of my mom."

"..thanks?" I laughed and she slapped my arm and I groaned.

"I'm so sorry! I just meant, you're the Topanga to my Cory." She laughed.

"Are you referring to us as your parents? And why am I your mom?"

"Because.. you're both brave and noble. My dad and I are chumps."

"You're not as chumpy as you used to be."

"Thanks." She said and gave me a look.

"I kinda love you." I said and kissed her forehead.

"I'll always be good to you."

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