Home || scomiche.

By Umhithereimawkward

20.4K 768 192

UNEDITED SOON EDITING Scott hoying is no stranger to being the new kid, but what happens when he meets a beau... More

too close for Comfort.
Greedy grassi hesitant hoying.
Sticky Situation.
in for the ride of your life.
Was it all a game?
Silent treatment.
What a shit show.
Where do we go from here?
Cold feet.
Sweet escapes.
There's nothing like us.
There's no place like home.

This is goodbye...lol psych bitch.

1.4K 56 9
By Umhithereimawkward

•chapter five•

3 captivating hours later, We Timidly began to stroll towards the exit. I had a sudden urge to Grasp his hand, intertwine out fingers and never let go, but resisted. I slightly wonder what was traveling through his mind at this Instant, was he possibly craving similar ideas? The silence was beginning to make the quality of our surroundings uncomfortable. We Eventually arrived at the exit causing our limbs to come to halt as I twisted my frame to glance directly at him.

A striking smile suddenly spread against his skin as our pupils made eye contact. He stood against the tips his toes as he slipped his arms around my neck interlocking his hands. His firm chest pressing against mine, he tugged me into a secure hug.

"I guess this goodbye for now?"

"Don't get all emotional on me now hoying." He chuckled hauling my into another comforting embrace.

"Okay, okay, okay enough break it up lovebirds." Kirstie groaned attempting to separate our attached bodies. She roughly shoved my frame toward the exit stumbling farther away from their figures. I twisted my frame to stare at his features as I strolled backward. We made Instant eye contact, causing me to lift a single hand to wave slightly flashing a sly smile. As I shuffled against the pavement disappearing from their sight, Nearly entering the massive parking garage when the ringing of his voice interrupted the peaceful silence.

"Aye Scottie boy, wait up!" He called grasping my wrist to prevent me from furthering Down the asphalt. I twisted my torso to glance in his direction, slightly confused.

"How may I be of assistance?" I questioned formally bowing.

"Kit and Jeremy are my ride, and I swear to God if I have to witness this being in love shit one more time I'm gonna throw up." He dramatically complained.

"Mitchie don't be bitter just because you're lonely." I teased receiving a obvious middle finger and an ungrateful deathly glare.

"I'm not bitter." He pouted, tugging is lower lip downward.

"Right mhm, Whatever you say grassi." I sarcastically chuckled, slipping a forearm around his shoulder as we treaded towards the lot. He snaked his arm firmly around my waist as we shifted against the the crackled concrete. Eventually reaching my parked vehicle, our bodies separated to enter opposite sides. As I shifted my frame against the scolding leather seats, I wondered and pondered what he was thinking. Was he thinking about how convenient our hands were? Did he feel the exact sensation when we made contact as I did? Did thoughts of me invade his mind constantly?

"You're staring." He smugly noted as wide smirk transformed his features snapping my back into painful reality. Immediately causing me to look downward flustered.

"Aw Babe, don't be embarrassed I know I'm beautiful." He giggled lightly noticing the blotchiness of my flaming cheeks.

"I-I..." I attempted protesting but I couldn't quite bring myself to form proper words. Instead of suffering any longer in my embarrassment, sliding the keys into the ignition I began to travel toward Main Street. We sat is comfortable, content silence. I adored this, being able to feel pleased without having the need to continue the conversation. With him conversation never felt forced nor uncomfortable. It felt natural, effortless, and that, that was something I've never experienced formally. It was refreshing, and unfortunately it would soon be torn away.


Unlocking the front door, I shoved it open immediately heading for the staircase. As I sprinted up the steps I stopped abruptly at the edge to glance backward at the brunette who's fragile frame stood directly behind me. turning the Corner instantly entering my room, I twisted my torso to glance in his direction receiving an arched eyebrow and a confused glare as his stare drifted across the stacks of boxes.

"Not planing on unpacking?" He questioned, causing me to shrug unemotionally.

"What's the point, it's a waste of my time I'll be gone in 6 months anyway." I bluntly stated, leaping onto my mattress; Mitch copying my actions. As I shifted my gaze to glance at him, our eyes met and he gave me a sympathetic modest smile.

"Tell me about your life." He trailed off, until he finally spoke. "What was your childhood like?"



"That's the only accurate way to possibly describe how it felt." I replied unresponsive and unattached. I knew he didn't quite comprehend, that my blunt answers didn't make logical sense; I knew that he wanted to interrogate me further. Though he didn't, and I appreciated that and couldn't be more grateful than I'd admit. He quickly changed the subject noticing how tense my figure appeared.

"What's your parents like?"

"There's Not much to say, my mother and I don't have a traditional relationship or really one at all...its tense and ridged...." I stammered on, suddenly halting to sort through my thoughts. "For the minimal time I knew My father he was...indescribable."

"Knew?" He questioned, lifting his gaze to meet mine.

"He died when I was six."

"I-I'm so sorry." He gasped lightly pulling me into a welcoming embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around the nape of my neck. He rested his figure against mine, twisting his legs around my waist for what seemed like a mere decade. it felt...effortless, like our bodies were Specifically created for one another's. The way our frames fit so flawlessly together, like pieces of a puzzle. He shifted backward separating our bodies, immediately causing my figure to lose temperature.

"What about your parents?" I questioned attempting to further the conversation.

"Well you've met my mom." He smiled brightly.

"And your dad?"
This question immediately caused his entire frame to stiffen. He uncomfortably shifted further from my frame, as he nervously rubbed the nape of his neck. Why was he so uncomfortable at the mention of his father? I didn't quite comprehend, but I was curious. I asked Kirstie when I arrived at school the following Monday and she told me she didn't have liability to say and that if I desperately wanted to understand than I should question him myself. I didn't beg or plead further. Though I considered the option of asking him, I'd decided too not pursue it. If Mitch sincerely wanted to explain to me then he would, it was mainly as simple as that.
though not a day goes by where I don't go through the amount of scenarios that would possibly make him this uneasy at the mention of his father, none of them being pleasant. It's now Thursday and it's approximately five days since we both sat on my mattress and poured our hearts and souls out.

I slowly strolled down the concrete, up the narrow wooden steps as I timidly approached his doorstep talking a massive inhale. I rested knuckles against the oak for a near five minutes mustering up the courage to actually knock. I tapped the door three times until it finally flung open to reveal nel. She brightly smiled, her pupils shimmering with contentment as she stepped aside to allow my frame to enter the foyer.

"He's in his room." She winked, gently elbowing my waist, giggling in the process. I chuckled in response, casually tugging her into a swift embrace. Letting her Go I began to sprint up the creaky staircase. I mentally reminded myself not to mention his father at any circumstance unless he initiated a conversation about the topic first. As I twisted the corner to enter his bedroom I took a massive deep breath calming my nerves. I was actually still quite surprised how utterly nervous I got just thinking of him. Slipping into his room, I immediately noticed his back torso was aimed in my direction. I causally cleared my throat, causing him to immediately twisted his entire frame.

"Scottie!" He squealed as he leaped into my arms, wrapping his around my neck. He forcefully squeezed my frame, clinging as tightly as humanly possible causing his knuckles to instantly lose pigment and my lungs to gasp out for air.

"Easy there sport, don't want to pull a muscle." I teased setting his figure back onto the hardwood.

"I wouldn't mind...depending on the terms of how I pulled it." He winked, causing me to lightly chuckle shaking my head as he shifted his frame toward his mattress roughly plopping his figure against it.

"Only you grassi."

"Oh please! you're fucking in love with me."

"Mitchell grassi, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" I Gasped.

"No, but I'd kiss yours." He smirked, as I shifted onto his mattress causing him to crawl on all fours in my direction.

Holy shit.

This is fantastic.

I suddenly began to imagine sexual fantasies of him and I and that certainly wasn't making the current situation any Easier to endure. I shifted uncomfortably further away from his figure, resting my back against the plaster walls. Attempting to quickly focus the conversation and my conscience on anything but this current predicament. I spoke.

"We should watch a movie!" I stammered out, quickly regaining a relaxed mind set.

"You choose, I'm making popcorn!" He shouted swiftly disappearing from eyesight as he sprinted down the staircase. I strolled over toward his extensive movie collection searching for a title I'd actually tolerate somewhat when immediately a particular one caught my eye. Inserting the disc and grasping the remote, I leaped onto his mattress. shifting my body till it was replaced against the wall where a pile of pillows laid. Relaxing my body till I was practically sprawled across his entire comforter, laying quite comfortably. I closed my eyelids for a mere minute when i suddenly felt the mattress dip slightly causing me to causally lift one. Glancing over to see Mitch crawling in my direction, halting at my frame where he then shifted his figure till it was millimeters from mine.

"So what are we watching?" He questioned, cocking an eyebrow.

"It's a surprise." I replied sticking my tongue out as I pressed the play button causing the screen to immediately flash to the first scene.

"Jurassic park? Are you fucking kidding me?" He groaned while subtlety laughing, amusement flashing across his pupils.

"It's a classic!" I defend.

"You're literally a child."

"you know you love it."

"Never in a million years hoying." He hummed, scooting his body downward till his head Alined perfectly with my chest. causing him to rest it effortless against it as he snaked his arms around me waist, cuddling my figure.

Shit, this boy is...intoxicating.

A/N: aye here's chapter five, I hope you enjoyed....I'll be back soon I promise, unless the anticipation for the movie kills me first, bye babez - Laura ;)

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