š…šŽš‘š†šŽš“š“š„š šŽš‘š‚š‡šˆ...


6.1K 495 484

ā I can't save us āž in which the Foxling and the Codfather exchange trades, looks, and blue... More

š…šŽš‘š†šŽš“š“š„š šŽš‘š‚š‡šˆšƒš’
š€š‚š“ šŽšš„. ( the fox & the cod )
šˆšˆšˆ. COUNCILMEN
š•šˆ. WORD FROM AFAR
š•šˆšˆ. BURNING IN YOUR EYES
š•šˆšˆšˆ. MOTIVES
š—šˆ. CHURCH BELLS
š—šˆšˆ. TO BE A KING
š—šˆšˆšˆ. FLEETING MOMENTS
š—š•. FRIENDLY
š—š•šˆ. A NEW LEAF
š—š•šˆšˆ. HOW IT BEGAN
š—š•šˆšˆšˆ. FLASHBACKS
š—šˆš—. FONDNESS
š—š—. THE PROPOSAL
š€š‚š“ š“š–šŽ. ( the foxling & the codfather )
š—š—šˆ. THE ALLIANCE
š—š—šˆšˆ. SCOTT OF RIVENDELL
š—š—šˆšˆšˆ. KINDNESS
š—š—šˆš•. WISTFUL
š—š—š•. MEETING THE FAMILY
š—š—š•šˆ. DESERVING
š—š—š•šˆšˆ. SHOVEL TALK
š—š—š•šˆšˆšˆ. UNLOVING HOME
š—š—šˆš—. WEAPONRY
š—š—š—. ALONE TIME
š—š—š—šˆ. ROYAL FITTING
š—š—š—šˆšˆ. BY ANY OTHER NAME
š—š—š—šˆšˆšˆ. FRIENDSHIP
š—š—š—šˆš•. OUTBURST
š—š—š—š•. SELF-HELP
š—š—š—š•šˆ. UNREAD
š—š—š—š•šˆšˆ. BREATHING
š€š‚š“ š“š‡š‘š„š„. ( atticus & jimmy )
š—š—š—š•šˆšˆšˆ. STOLEN CHOICE
š—š—š—šˆš—. LEFT UNSAID
š—š‹. INDECISION
š—š‹šˆ. HISTORY BOOKS
š—š‹šˆšˆ. TRUTH


137 11 7


FARMER PEARL RARELY MADE TRIPS out of Gilded Helianthia unless absolutely required, so focused on growing her empire and its culture that the thought of visiting other rulers more often than not slipped her mind. Atticus could be the first to admit that her carelessness toward other rulers made him jealousno one ever gave Pearl a hard time for not being around, but Gods forbid Atticus miss a House Blossom meeting.

Well. Pearl only missed meetings when she was sick. But the point still stands!

Atticus was pleasantly surprised when he received a meeting request from Farmer Pearl, to discuss their trade deal that had been established nearly eight years prior. He'd rarely met up with her after the paperwork was submitted to Lady Katherine, who prided herself on trying to keep an archive on all the kingdoms (with help from the Copper King, of course). It was a pleasant surprise, since Pearl had been absent from the last truce meetinghealth issues, Lady Katherine had said.

Vulpesterra had a public library, right in the center of the kingdom. It was by no means the building that stood out the most, but it was Atticus' favoriteif not because of the architecture, then because of the availability of private meeting rooms. Atticus did not want to meet in the castle if he could avoid bringing a (practical) stranger into the place where he lived.

"Foxling," Famer Pearl greeted as she sat down, the green fabric of her dress rustling. Atticus set his book down and smiled in greeting. "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me."

"Of course. It was a surprise to hear from you," he admitted, "but I'm always happy to discuss trade deals." It was more like his council was always happy for him to discuss trade deals, on the off-chance it would lead to an alliance, but Atticus could admit that most of the time the deals were useful for Vulpesterra. There were some he'd made just to keep a neutral stance with another kingdom, but for the most part, he found the deals were positive.

"I was hoping to add more acacia wood to our deal," Pearl explained. "I'm expanding some borders and need the wood for houses and other buildings." Atticus nodded, making a note of what she wanted on a piece of paper. "I wouldn't mind jungle as well, but acacia is the one I need the most of."

Atticus nodded. "It's feasible. No one else requests acacia that much, so I could keep your old deal and just add acacia into a second shulker box so you don't have to give up oak or spruce."

Pearl nodded along. "I'm planning on offering more leather and sugar cane to your side of the deal as well, as a thank you. Is there a preference for one of the other?"

"Leather," Atticus said immediately. "For saddles and clothes."

Pearl smiled. "Sounds like a plan, then. Are we in agreement?" She held out her hand to shake. Atticus shook her hand, leaning over the table before he sat down again with a smile.

"I'll send the agreement in writing to you tonight if you'll send it to Katherine after you've signed it," Atticus offered. Pearl nodded, sitting back in the chair and looking up at the ceiling, the tiles high in the air to give the library more room for taller bookcases.

"I heard from Wizard Gem that you were on your deathbed only a week ago," Pearl said, moving her gaze back to Atticus. "Are you alright now? I was worried about asking for a meeting in case it was too much for you at the moment," she admitted.

Atticus bristled at the concern in her tone, hating that news of his health was being spread through the other empires. He knew that she was genuinely concerned for him, given that he really had been near death only a week ago, but it was humiliating for everyone to know that he had been in such a vulnerable state.

He bit his tongue, deciding not to have a tantrum about it. "I'm fine. It was due to touching the corruption that's affecting our empires." Pearl nodded in understanding; Atticus didn't know if she was being affected, but she had probably seen the corruption on the way into Vulpesterra or noticed it in other empires. "The Codfather helped with my recovery; you should speak to him about having access to the brown mushrooms on his lands, they have healing properties. He's not requiring a trade deal for them," he explained.

Pearl smiled slightly. "I'll write to him, then. Thanks." She tilted her head and leaned forward, smiling. "You and the Codfather are friends, then?"

Atticus stared at her for a moment, wondering where the sudden interest was coming form. "I wouldn't say we're friends," he muttered, sitting back. "Aquaitences is more accurate. People who trade resources."

"You give him a shulker of wood in exchange for flowers," Pearl noted. "Not exactly a good trade."

"It doesn't affect your empire," Atticus said, tone sharp, surprising even himself. Pearl blinked at him before she nodded, sitting back. Atticus grimaced. "Sorry."

"No, you're right," she agreed. "It's not my business." She smiled, but Atticus still felt like he had offended her in some way. "It's good to know that you don't care what other people think. That will make you a better ruler when it comes to making decisions to benefit your empire."

Atticus nodded, looking away. "Still. I should have watched my tone."

Pearl giggled, standing up. "Relax, Foxling, our agreement still stands. I'll receive the paperwork tonight?"

Atticus joined her in standing, though it didn't help their height difference considering she was at least eight inches taller than him. "Yes, I'll have it sent out as soon as I've drafted and signed it." Pearl nodded and gathered her things. "You have a ride back to Gilded Helianthia?"

"Yes! I'll be stopping by the Cod Empire to discuss those mushrooms you mentioned, it's better to be safe than sorry," she said. Atticus smiled, glad that Pearl seemed to have a positive relationship with the Codfatherat least enough that she felt comfortable going to his empire to request something from him. He was still worrying that he had offended the Codfather.

"Have a nice day, Farmer Pearl," he said as they left the library together.

She smiled. "You, too, Foxling. I'll see you at the next truce meeting!"

Atticus returned to the castle on foot, having walked to the library to enjoy what his kingdom had to offer. It had felt pointless to have Thomas get the horses ready for what would have only been a few minutes of travel, too, and Atticus was sure he needed to get outside anyway to regain some color. There were still too many worried glances sent his way by the staff for him to decide that he was completely healed from the sickness.

Finding that the meeting with Pearl had been the only meeting on his agenda today, Atticus decided he'd earned enough time to himself to be able to tend to his window garden, now with blooming blue orchids to replace the ones that had been wilted far too fast.

Removing the rest of the dead flowers only served to remind Atticus that he had almost had the same fate only a week ago.

If it hadn't been for the Codfather, Atticus would be dead. At the very least, he would still be in a coma, a fever wreaking havoc on his body in a way he couldn't fight against. If the Codfather hadn't been informed, Atticus would be dyingor dead. And there was no genuine way for Atticus to repay him for what he had done.

But he could try. He could add to their trade deal. Pearl had requested different types of woodmaybe Atticus could give the Codfather another shulker. Make the deal more lucrative for him. He wouldn't ask for the Codfather's permission for this, knowing the older man would deny the gift. It would just have to happen, giving the other no time to protest being given more than what his trade was worth.

Atticus considered, just for a moment, how this exchange would look to the other rulers, and even his citizens.

The Codfather was receiving quality resources without having to do the labor or pay for it. In return, Atticus was only receiving flowers that would wilt by the month's end. He was sure that if the other rulers already knew about the deal, then they'd already formed their own opinions on it. Most of them probably thought Atticus was crazy, others that he was just humoring the Codfather for no reason other than to poke fun at him.

But he couldn't think about that. He couldn't start caring about what other people thought of him, especially in regard to the opinions of those he doesn't particularly care for. If the views of one person bothered him, he would never be secure in himself as a ruler. Pearl was right. Atticus liked the flowers, the Codfather liked the resources. No one else was involved in their agreement.

"The trade deal," he muttered, realizing that he had yet to inform Lady Katherine of his and the Codfather's trading agreement. If none of the other empires knew beforehand, they would now, when it was public record. But he'd rather have them know than receive a scolding from Lady Katherine about not turning over paperwork before the next truce meeting. The last person to be reprimanded by her had been Joel when he'd almost forgotten to invite anyone to his and Lizzie's wedding.

Atticus found himself in the Council's chambers, sitting at the large, circular oak table as he wrote to Lady Katherine about the established deal between Vulpesterra and the Cod Empire. It would have to be sent to the Codfather to be signed off on as well, so he included a note to the Codfather to send the paperwork to Lady Katherine after he had looked over and signed it, figuring it would be a better use of time than sending the letter right back to Atticus.

A knock on the door startled Atticus before he finished the note. He debated answering the knock before he sighed, telling whoever it was, "Come in."

A messenger boy entered the room, cautiously looking around. Atticus smiled to himself and put his hand up in a wave, catching the boy's attention. He couldn't have been more than fifteen, so Atticus decided he could be nice.

"Hi! Um, I'm from Mythland. I have a letter from Lord Sausage to the Foxling?"

"That's me," Atticus sighed. The boy eagerly handed him a sealed envelope with Mythland's official wax seal. Atticus regretfully pushed it back into the boy's hands. "I'm sorry for the trouble, but I'm very tired of receiving the same letter from your ruler." He dug through his pockets for a pouch of coins and handed them to the boy.

The messenger frowned, biting the inside of his cheek. "Why am I being paid?"

"I would be annoyed if I had to travel between two kingdoms, only for one of the kings to send me back without anything meaningful." The boy tried to hand the pouch back to Atticus, but he pushed it back toward him. "It's only compensation. You don't even need to tell Lord Sausage I didn't accept the letter." Atticus chuckled. "He's used to me ignoring them anyway."

The boy smiled nervously. After a moment, he pocketed the coins. "Thank you!" he said, stuffing the letter back into his bag before running off, hopefully not going to spend the coins on the first piece of candy he saw.

Atticus made a mental note to ask his staff if they felt that their pay was acceptable.

Once the paperwork for Lady Katherine was sealed and sent to the Cod Empire for the Codfather's signature, Atticus allowed himself to retire for the rest of the day. The sun wasn't even reaching its set, but he was exhausted from the meetings. And, though he wouldn't admit it, he was still weak on his feet from the sickness.

He refused to tell Jane, though. If anyone could out-scold Lady Katherine . . .

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