Into You

By NyxSmols

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It's the last weekend before they have to return to Nevermore. Yoko invites Enid, Bianca, Divina, and Wednesd... More

Chapter 1: It's only a text away
Chapter 2: Nero's Legacy
Chapter 3: Flight, feels, and Torture
Chapter 4: The Vampier's Lair
Chapter 5: Choking
Chapter 6: Realizations Pt. 1
Chapter 7: Realizations Pt. 2
Chapter 9: The Panic in your eyes
Chapter 10: The Power of Music
Chapter 11: Confessions
Chapter 12: The Shovel Talk
Chapter 13: Movies, Cuddles, and The Start of Something New

Chapter 8: Pancakes and something new...

630 13 4
By NyxSmols

It was Friday morning, the birds had just started to chirp outside Wednesday's window waking her. She was hunched over her typewriter, keys sticking into the skin of her face. "I must have fallen asleep here..." She stretched her back, cracking a few joints on the way. She got up slowly and headed for the bedroom bathroom. She looked herself in the mirror and noticed she had key marks on her cheeks, she scowled at her reflection... "You are already becoming weak... pathetic..." She turned her back to the mirror, opening the shower, and letting the cold water flow, she hopped in the shower and let the water cascade over her, drowning away her thoughts...

Once she was out of the shower, she noticed it was only 6 am, she sighed and got dressed quickly. She left her room and was heading towards the stairs, when she passed Enid's room, she stopped in her tracks, listening to the snores coming from her roommate's room...She chuckled... "Sleepy puppy..." She whispered, smiling lightly. She continued and went downstairs. Apparently, everyone was still sleeping, she was thankful for this.  She walked into the kitchen and decided to make breakfast for everyone since she was already awake anyways.

Wednesday quietly gathered the necessary ingredients and tools she needed to make coffee and pancakes, her expression was calm and focused. She began by filling the coffee machine with dark, aromatic grounds, carefully measuring the perfect amount for a strong brew. The rich scent of freshly brewed coffee started to fill the air, creating an inviting atmosphere. As the coffee percolated, she moved on to the pancake batter.

Wednesday poured the measured flour into a mixing bowl. She added just the right amount of sugar, a dash of salt, and a pinch of her favorite secret ingredient, black cocoa powder, giving the pancakes a unique and slightly darker hue. With meticulous precision, she cracked the eggs into the bowl, skillfully whisking them into the mixture until it achieved a smooth consistency.

She let the batter rest, while she preheated a pan on the stove, the flames casting an eerie glow around her. She lightly coated the surface with butter, creating a sizzling sound as she ladled the batter onto the pan, forming perfect circles. The pancakes started to cook, their edges turning golden brown.

Wednesday's focus remained unwavering as she flips the pancakes with a flick of her wrist, the action precise and controlled. The aroma of warm pancakes filled the kitchen, blending with the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

Once the pancakes were cooked to perfection, she arranged them on a platter, creating a hauntingly beautiful stack. She garnished them with a drizzle of deep red berry syrup, the color contrasting against the pale pancakes. In her own unique way, she added a touch of dark elegance to the breakfast spread.

With everything prepared, she set the table, placing the stack of pancakes and steaming cups of coffee at the center of the table. Despite her usual stoic demeanor, there was a sense of satisfaction in her eyes as she took a step back to admire her work.

As she did so, a very sleepy Yoko, still in pajamas, tumbled into the kitchen, bumping softly into the kitchen counters. "Mornin..." she yawned. Shaking her head lightly waking her up a bit more. "...You...made breakfast?" Yoko asked, now fully awake.

"I did. I figured you would all be famished after...the night you probably had..." Wednesday deadpanned.

"Oh, yeah! We found Divina near the forest being dragged by one of our carnivore plants..." Yoko giggled, "She shouldn't have gone through the left door down the hall..." she added with a yawn.

Wednesday made a mental note to ask about this later. As Yoko was sitting down to enjoy her breakfast, Bianca and Divina walked into the room. "Yooooooo you're aliveeeee!!!" Yoko laughed pointing at Divina. Her hair was messy and she had scratches all over her face, arms, and legs.

"Not funny Yok! I could've died!" Divina snapped.

Bianca stared quizically, "I didn't know you cooked Addams...color me surprised."

"There are many things I am skilled at Barcley, cooking happens to be one of them..." Wednesday answered challengingly.

"Have any of you seen Enid?" Yoko abruptly asked. "I would've thought the smell of food would wake her..."

"She's a heavy sleeper..." Wednesday answered much too quickly. Everyone turned to stare at her, mouths slightly agape. "I...passed her room earlier while coming downstairs, she was snoring very loudly..."

"I forgot she's your roommate too. She most likely sleeps in when in school, right? Divina asked while taking a piece of pancake into her mouth.

"Affirmative...I have to wake her up almost every day or else she would be late to all her classes." Wednesday said stoically.

The 3 girls gave each other subtle amused looks. "Why don't you go wake her up now then, so she can join us for breakfast, too? " Bianca asked, a smirk playing on her lips.

Wednesday was not one to take orders, much less from Bianca but if she wanted to eat something Enid had to come down right away. "Fine...I will not be long. Care to leave us a bite to eat for when we return, at least." And she was off.

"That sooooo whipped..." Bianca laughed.

"And clueless!" Divina added laughing as well.

"Come on! They'll get it through their thick skulls soon...I hope..." sighed Yoko smiling.

Wednesday reached Enid's door and knocked lightly. "Sinclair? I am coming in..." She announced, entering her room. Enid was spread out in her bed snoring lightly still. Wednesday poked her in the ribs. "Sinclair! You are expected in the kitchen if you want to have anything to eat soon and I suggest you hurry because I do not think they are leaving you anything but crumbs." She poked again. Enid stirred in her sleep... "Mmm...jasmines...". She smiled, her eyes still shut tight. "Sinclair! Up! Now! Wednesday commanded poking her again and pulling the sheets off..."Shotp it...that tickles..." Enid giggled lightly.

Wednesday her sleep, Enid's tank top pajama had lifted up barely covering her...Wednesday swallowed hard, her throat going dry. "Sin..." she tried to speak. "Sinclair! Wake up!" not poking her but throwing one of her plushies at her face. Enid jerked awake abruptly..."Ouuuuuch! What the...Wednesday?" asked Enid confused and drowsily sitting up, her tank top dropping back down covering her again. She rubbed her eyes and saw Wednesday by the door. "You sleep like a corpse..." Wednesday nodded.

"Hey, Wends..." Enid greeted softly.

"Howdy Enid," Wednesday answered dryly with a hit of amusement in her tone.

Enid flashed her a shy smile. "I' right down..."

"I doubt there is any food left by now," Wednesday informed. "I...we shall wait for you downstairs..." and she left, leaving that faint smell Enid had started to yearn for.

Enid stared at the doorframe where Wednesday just stood and smiled fully, her heart fluttering and her face with a light pink hue, warm at her touch.

Wednesday entered the kitchen once more and not to her surprise, there was nothing left for Enid and her to eat. "Well, how considerate..." she said glaring at all 3 of them. She silently started to gather the ingredients to make more pancakes and this time hot chocolate, as she knew Enid didn't like coffee much.

"Wow, someone is whipped..." teased Bianca. "I'm guessing E's coming down for breakfast?"

"That is what you sent me there to do. And no, unfortunately, I did not have to torture Enid out of bed...She was awoken and will be down any minute..." Wednesday said casually while mixing the batter again.

"Oh, she's down already, that's for sure..." laughed Divina.

All the light teasing went right over Wednesday's head as she flipped the pancakes. This time making sure she made more than enough for both of them to eat. She put them on a plate but kept them near before anyone else decided to devour them. She then pulled out a large mug and went to the cabinet where the honey was. She had seen a jar of powered chocolate there last light...She stood on her tiptoes and reached the chocolate without an issue this time around. She then read the label: Peruvian Premium Dark Chocolate Powder. She opened the jar, the smell was delicious, and she knew Enid would love the taste. She spoons the powder into the mug, carefully adding just the right amount to achieve the desired richness.

Wednesday reached for a small pot and filled it with fresh, cold milk. She placed it on the stove, the flames dancing beneath the pot. As the milk begins to warm, She added a sprinkle of cinnamon, a touch of vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt. These ingredients would lend depth and complexity to the beverage, enhancing its flavor. She stirred the mixture slowly, the spoon clinking softly against the sides of the pot. The scent of her mixture filled the air, enveloping the kitchen in a comforting aroma.

"God, Wednesday. Does everything you make smell this inviting?" Yoko asked.

"That smells amazing! Can I have some too?" Divina added, her mouth watering.

Wednesday's focus remained unbroken as she poured the milk into the mug and ensured the chocolate was fully dissolved, making the mixture smooth. A faint wisp of steam raised from the surface, adding an ethereal touch to the scene. Without hesitation and because she knew Enid would enjoy the extra sugary taste, Wednesday reached for a small jar of mini marshmallows, selecting a few to place gently on top of the hot chocolate. They bobbed and floated on the surface, their softness contrasting against the dark liquid.

By then, the 3 girls were staring at Wednesday and her dedication to making extra breakfast for Enid and her.

"This is actually very cute..." whispered Bianca to the girls. "She really does have it bad for E, doesn't she?"

"Yeah...I just wish these two dorks would realize that faster... they're so oblivious..." Yoko whispered back laughing lightly.

"Maybe we them?" Divina suggested.

"We could, then again if things go wrong...Wednesday would skin us alive..." Bianca added. "I very much enjoy being complete..." She said, smiling.

Enid walked into the kitchen just as Wednesday was walking with the pancakes and hot chocolate towards the table. This time the smell of dark chocolate was actually coming from the mug being placed on the table. "I'm soooooooo hungry!" She announced, taking a seat next to Yoko. "Morning y'all..." she added with a yawn.

"Morning sleepy puppy..." giggled Yoko, patting Enid's head lightly. "Did you sleep well, Pup?"

"Amazingly!" Enid beamed.

"I've never seen you this happy in the morning E, it's a nice change..." Bianca flashed a smile at Enid.

"I usually hate mornings but I don't know, today feels...different..." Enid said with a content smile.

"I wonder why?" Divina added slyly.

"This is for you." Wednesday interrupted and placed the mug of hot chocolate in front of Enid.

"Aww Wends! Marshmallow! Thank you!!!" Enid clapped her hands and wiggled in her seat. She loved food, especially sweet things so she was beyond excited to try this.

"I also had to make an extra batch of pancakes, help yourself." Wednesday put the plate of pancakes on the table.

"You made...all of this?!" Enid asked. "It looks sooooo good!!!"

"It is pretty amazing, I was just as surprised as you," Yoko added.

Wednesday ignored their conversation as she poured coffee into her mug and sat down. She put some pancakes on a plate and pushed them into Enid's general direction. She also served herself some.

"Aww thanks Wends! You're too good to me!" Enid was bouncing in her seat. She took a sip of chocolate from her mug and enjoyed the velvety feel it had in her mouth. "God, this is heavenly..." Enid moaned softly.

Wednesday, who was drinking her coffee nonchalantly, choked as she heard this. "Argg...*cough, cough, cough* my apologies...too hot..." she added, blushing slightly.

"Easy there tiger, we don't want you dying on us before the start of's fun having you around..." teased Bianca.

"Are you ok?" questioned Enid, wrapping her fingers around Wednesday's hand, a hint of worry in her eyes. She rubbed her thumb against the inside of Wednesday's wrist slowly.

"I...*cough* I am*cough* another way..." Wednesday tried breathing in slowly to regulate her uneven pattern. She hadn't noticed Enid's thumb brushing softly on her wrist yet.

However, Divina, Yoko, and Bianca did, they were all quiet and just watched it all unravel. 

Wednesday's breathing was going back to normal, she was able to lift her head and take another sip of coffee. That's when she noticed Enid's hand and thumb rubbing against her wrist's pulse point...Her heart started racing and she was sure Enid felt it because she stopped eating and looked at her. Their eyes met...longingly...Enid kept rubbing lightly and smiled at Wednesday.

Wednesday frowned not knowing what to do with herself she got up quickly and Enid let go of her..."I all enjoyed breakfast... because it is the last time I will be doing any of you any favors..." She recovered, glaring.

"Yeah, thanks, Addams. It was really great." Yoko mentioned. The girls nodded.

"I'll take care of the dishes, don't worry about them," Divina added.

Wednesday took her plate and mug to the sink and left the kitchen in silence.

" interesting as...this...whole thing's best we all get ready to leave. I was thinking we could head down to the lake!" Yoko said happily.

"Lake?" asked Bianca.

"Yeah, a bit further down at the edge of the forest. You guys would love it! We'll take my dad's truck." Smirked Yoko. "Come on, let's get moving!"

They all stood, picked their dishes up, and put them in the sink. Divina washed, Bianca cleaned and Enid put the things away. In the end, the kitchen was spotless. So they all went to their respective rooms to get ready for the day.

As she was reaching her room, Enid realized, Wednesday didn't know what they had planned for the day so she decided to knock on her door and let her know. "Wends? It's Enid..." She could hear shuffling inside and waited for Wednesday to answer. Wednesday had been reading a book on dissection when she heard the knock and Enid. She sighed, put down her book, and slowly walked towards the door. "There better be a good reason for interrupting me Sinclair..." she snapped annoyed as she opened the door roughly. "Mhm, the girls and I are planning to head out to the lake after we're would be totally awesome if you'd join!" Enid said cheerfully. 

Wednesday pondered to herself, "This would be a good time to...see if my hypothesis is true..." "It would be interesting to explore for underwater creatures...I will accompany you," she said solemnly.

"OMG YAY!!!" Enid went in for a hug...stopping abruptly when she remembered. "No hugs, right..."

In a surprising turn of events, Wednesday compromised and stuck her hand out, "Would you... settle for a handshake instead?" turning her head to the side quizzically.

Enid looked down at her hand and back at her face, "You're joking..."

"Enid, you offend my integrity, I have never been more serious in my life," Wednesday told her stoically. "...but if you are not interested..." She began to take back her hand when Enid grabbed it with both hands like a lifeline and shook it slightly. Wednesday felt a hum of electricity run up her arm to her heart, it was pleasant, warm, and new...

", I'll go get ready then...see you in a bit," Enid said nervously yet happy with their new exchange. She let Wednesday's hand slide out of hers in one slow motion.

"A promise is a promise and I will keep my word." Wednesday curtsied her head at Enid as she retrieved her hand back.

Enid left towards her room, looking back as she entered. Wednesday waited until she was at her door to head back inside her own. Once inside, she started getting ready for the outing and there was a sense of something new in the air...

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