Izuku Yagi - The New Yamato W...

By FatedGil

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Izuku Yagi, tormented by the Bakugo twins for something he couldn't control, his only solace from this bullyi... More

Characters' Bio
Prologue: Quirk Test
Chapter 1: Aldera
Chapter 2: Yamato and Training
Chapter 3: Izuku's Vengeance
Chapter 4: 10 months later, UA entrance exam
Interlude: Katsumi, Izumi, and Shoka designs
Chapter 5: Apprehension test and Heroics Class Part One
Chapter 6: Heroics Class Part Two; Ryoshi's Fun and Izuku's Hell on Earth
Chapter 7: Panic Attack
Chapter 8: The LoV's First Move
Chapter 9: Yakuza Elimination Plans
Chapter 10: UA Sports Festival
Chapter 11: Sports Festival Battles Round Two
Chapter 12: Sports Festival Battles; Round Three and Final Round
Chapter 13: The Yakuza Dies Tonight.
Chapter 14: Aftermath and a Conversation With a Friend
Chapter 15: Kidnapping
Chapter 16: Internships
Chapter 17: Stain and a New Devil!
Chapter 18: Finishing Internships
Chapter 19: Off to the Training Camp
Chapter 21: Betrayal?
Chapter 22: Kamino Ward
Chapter 23: Closing Hours
Chapter 24: Big Chicken? Archer?
Chapter 25: Retiring the Number 1 Hero

Chapter 20: First Official Day at the Training Camp!

669 21 6
By FatedGil

Gil ran to his nearest information broker and asked him for information on Shindo, one of his elites. His broker found his house relatively easily. Gil ran to his house. Gil killed any back alley criminals he came across. He didn't care. He wouldn't care for scum like these.


(3rd person POV)

Izuku woke up in the men's sleeping quarters. He looked at the time and shrugged to himself. What better time to start training than at three in the morning. Izuku walked out to the kitchen and made himself a coffee. He drank the coffee while he walked out to the field. He put the cup down and did 500 push ups, 500 sit ups, 20 minute plank and sparred with Doppelganger until 5 o'clock. Everyone else walked out and saw a sweaty and shirtless Izuku training with his Doppelganger. Izuku heard the rest come out and pointed at Ryoshi.

Izuku: Spar, now.

Doppelganger vanished as Ryoshi walked up and summoned Devil Sword Dante. Ryoshi stabbed the sword into the ground and took his shirt off.

Ryoshi: Can't have you showing me up!

Izuku grinned and the two started to spar. When Izuku and Ryoshi spar, the two always end up semi conscious by the end of it, and this time was no different. 

Ryoshi swung an overhead slash and Izuku ducked under it and swapped to Beowulf and punched him in the stomach. Ryoshi slid back and grinned. The two sped towards each other at speeds that were practically invisible to most of the people watching.

Mandalay: Those two are beasts!

Aizawa: That is true. They say that this is only about 5% of their full power.

Pixie-bob: SAY WHAT?!

Aizawa just nodded.

Aizawa: Oi, You two!

Ryoshi and Izuku stopped and looked at Aizawa.

Aizawa: Give the Pussycats a show.

Izuku: 30% with Sin Devil Trigger?

Aizawa: Yes. In the air, preferably. And let's make this a proper match, not just a spar.

The two transformed and flew high into the sky. So high that they were only specks the size of ants to everyone else. The two powered up to 30% (Which was their upper limit, lest they want to destroy a whole city in one slash.) and the entirety of 1-A felt the power. Class 1-B happened to arrive at the moment that the two powered up. The class looked up and saw blasts of energy and sparks flying everywhere.

Vlad: Well. There are the two devils.

Everyone was shocked at their power. How could two people be that powerful!

The WWP came and introduced themselves to the new group. They then sent everyone to their designated areas. After 20 minutes of fighting, Ryoshi fell to the ground and Izuku wasn't far behind. Once the two had eventually recovered, Izuku took Izumi into the forest to train her.

Izuku: You can 'feel' stuff with your telekinesis, right?

Izumi: I think?

Izuku: Try and set up a 'bubble' of telekinesis to feel the environment. Try to be able to do this subconsciously. Izuku then walked into the dark shadows of the forest, seemingly fading from existence. Izumi tried to set up a bubble. She failed the first few times. the fifth attempt she managed to feel Izuku running behind her to whack her with a stick he had found. She turned around and grabbed it before he hit her.

Izuku: Good! Now, this time, grab it with the telekinesis.

The two trained in the forest for hours until they were called in by the pussycats. They were told to make dinner. Izuku started to cook with Sato. The rest joined in to help. They were cooking a simple curry, so Izuku and Sato were able to teach them how to cook. When Izuku noticed Shoto lighting the fires with his quirk, he smiled. Soon the food was made and everyone enjoyed.

Meanwhile, at the edge of the training camp forest:

A group of hooded figures started to amass. One of them turned to a slightly shorter man.

???: Cataclysm, Blow it up!

Back at the camp.

Mandalay asked Izuku if he could take some food to Kota. Izuku agreed and looked for his presence. Izuku found him at a secluded cliff.

Izuku: Food.

Kota glared at him.

Izuku: I know why you don't like us. We remind you too much of them.

Kota looked away from Izuku and just glared at the camp building.

Izuku: They didn't leave you. They went to save people from that serial killer.

Kota: What do yo-


He said this while jabbing himself in the chest.

Izuku: My parents neglected me because I was quirkless.

Kota stopped and stared at Izuku.

Izuku: They acted like I didn't exist. My life was hell because of bullying.

Izuku lifted up his shirt. Kota grimaced at the scars.

Izuku: These are the receipts.

Kota sniffled.

Kota: But they left me?

Izuku pulled the kid into a hug.

Izuku: Think of it, what if they didn't stop him. What would've happened? How many people would he kill? How many more kids would become orphans like you and me?

Kota started to cry into Izuku's shirt.

Izuku: Let it all out. There, that's a good boy.

Izuku suddenly flinched at the sound of an explosion. He stood up as a hooded figure landed in front of him. Izuku summoned Doppelganger who picked up Kota. Before Kota left, he recognised the man.

Kota: That's him!

Izuku eyed the man up and down. He took off his cloak and threw it away. Izuku's eyes widened in rage.

Izuku: Muscular.

Muscular: Hmm. You're on the capture list. No fun.

Izuku glared at him.

Izuku: Well, that makes it easier for me.

Muscular: What?

Izuku disappeared from Muscular's view. His view started to change, he looked to be falling. He saw a foot behind him as his vision faded.

Izuku kicked the severed head of Muscular into the forest. He looked at the forest and saw blue fire. Izuku growled at the sight.

Izuku: Dabi.

Izuku activated his SDT and flew to the camp building. He landed in front of Mandalay.

Mandalay: You're ok! Wait. Blood!

Izuku: Not mine.

Izuku looked at Aizawa.

Aizawa: Tell the kids that they are allowed to use their quirks on the villains.

Pixie-bob was suddenly dragged by an invisible force, only to get suddenly dropped onto the floor as a person's head rolled next to her. A lizard guy that Izuku knew as spinner shouted.

Spinner: You killed Magne!

The green ends of Izuku's hair turned white and his eyes became blue. Shin was in control now, and he was all outta mercy.

Shin: Oh, I'm sorry, you get to go meet them now!

Shin sliced Spinner's head off before walking towards the forest. The teachers stared as the boy vanished into the forest. There was a loud boom and Shin flew out of the forest. Shin looked at the boy who approached him and glared.


Shin: Likewise, shitstain.

Shin broke Bakugo's jaw with one punch. He flew into the forest and Shin followed.

Shin: You think this is enough to stop me?!

Bakugo coughed up blood.

Shin: Pathetic. No change since I last saw you. You're still scum.

Bakugo stood up as his wounds healed.

Bakugo: On the contrary, DEKU!

Gil: And another one down. I hope you enjoyed and I can't wait to see where my mind takes this story. I have no idea where I'm going to end it. I hope you continue to read! See you in the next one

And as always;

Have fun, enjoy life, and much love!

This is Gil, signing out!

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