🐾Wild Thief💎

By GothNebula

1.9K 73 41

For over a century, Cat burglars became infamous into stealing. Every woman as cat burglars were the best but... More

New Visitor
Angry Cat
Self Defense
Magician and Mime
Happy Ending

Princess in Distress

143 4 2
By GothNebula

The next night, Cat Noir was looking for a challenge around the city but everything was just too quiet. That was until his cat Plagg meowed in alarm that there was someone that needed saving.

"What is it?" Cat Noir asked him.

Plagg lifted his paw to the direction and Cat Noir looked at it, hearing someone call for help. It was none other than Marinette's scream.

"Hang on! I'm coming!" Cat Noir ran on the rooftops to go to her rescue.

"Let go of me you perv!" Marinette struggled but got her jacket pulled off by the thug.

"Hold still young lady! You'll be mine for the taking" The thug, clearly a rapist said and was gonna reach for her pants.

A whip grabbed the rapist's neck and was pulled roughly and flung against the wall.

"Agh! C-C-Cat Noir?!" The man stammered.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shove my claws right here?" Cat Noir unsheathed his claws and positions them at the crotch area, "Start talking or your dick will never have sex!"

"Because I need it for other reasons!" The rapist spoke.

"But forcing yourself on girls?!" Cat Noir lifted him up, "You're a pig! You like to take away their innocence! It's time you meet the nasty devil girls in Hell and see if you like that!" Cat Noir clawed his neck to kill him, dropping the body on the floor.

He turns around and saw Marinette hyperventilating from the shock, "You're safe now. Sorry, you had to see that" Cat Noir said.

Marinette was still shaken up and slowly looks at him, face to face. She was picked up in his arms and felt a vibration of his purring which calmed her down. Purring was very much a healing factor for both humans and cats.

"Y-Y-You killed him" She stammered.

"I gave him a chance last time but he broke it. It's time that he faced punishment" Cat Noir said hushing her to calm down, "I've seen what he does and I do not want him to succeed from you"

"Erm....Thanks" Marinette said.

"I'm Cat Noir, the infamous thief in Paris. Are you calm?" Cat Noir checks to see if she got hurt.

"Just in shock, I'm okay," Marinette said.

"Thank god I came in time. Come, your bakery isn't that far. I've seen that you are new here" Cat Noir carried her and jumps to the rooftops.

"Yeah, my parents moved in here," Marinette said.

"No doubt for business" Cat Noir said.

"Yep, and I'm a designer," Marinette said.

Cat Noir lands on the balcony of the bakery, "Meow-velous"

"Thank you kitty cat," Marinette said.

"This makes you live like a princess," Cat Noir said.

"And you as my knight? In your dreams" Marinette rolled her eyes, "I thought cat burglars don't save innocents"

"I'm full of surprises, Princess" Cat Noir said.

"You're breaking the rules of being a criminal," Marinette said.

"I'm a thief, not a criminal. There's a big difference, my princess. Since I saved your life, does this kitty get a treat for being a good kitty cat?" Cat Noir twirls himself around her.

"Perhaps this?" Marinette scratched his chin.

"What are you....." Cat Noir felt himself purr.

"Awww..... you can purr" Marinette teased.

"I don't....puurrr....like to be......puuurrrr.....petted" He said between his purrs.

"Mmmhmmm?" Marinette pets him between his fake cat ears.

"I'm seriously wild and untamed" Cat Noir tried to resist it.

"You're so silly, Kitty," Marinette said.

"Stop.....puuuurrrrrrr.......please" Cat Noir was totally humiliated.

"Hehehe.....you're too cute" Marinette stopped scratching him.

"Don't ever do that again" Cat Noir blushed.

"Okay, just don't scratch me" Marinette opened the hatch.

"You're cute like a princess. We'll see each other again. And maybe some macaroons for this wild stray cat. Here's my advice, never walk alone at night" Cat Noir kissed her hand.

"Got it, kitty cat," Marinette said before he ran off the rooftop.

He was so into this baker girl. It was making him feel happy with a soft purr, "My, she's really something" Cat Noir said.

He shook his head to stay focused on doing his thievery routine. He sees another jewelry store being robbed and he loves to kick bad boy ass.

He jumps down on their car, denting the roof, "Boys, you got my bounty!" He said to them.

"Cat Noir! This is the last time I had to wait for my ass to heal from those claw marks! You got some nerve showing up here!" The robber said with his gun clicked.

"Well prepare to get twice as many!" Cat Noir said.

"Twice as many, my ass!" The robber tries to shoot him and so did his henchmen.

With his great reflexes, Cat Noir flips over and jumps to dodge the bullets, "Can't touch this cat!" Cat Noir tackled the first guy down.

"Your ass is mine!" The bad guy with the gun tries to shoot him.

"Not for long!" Cat Noir then sweeps him off his feet.

"Kill him now!" The leader yelled.

"Hey, pussy cat! Eat lead!" One thug aims his shotgun at Cat Noir.

"Shit!" Cat Noir dives into the store as the bullets hit the glass.

"Come out, Cat Noir! You're gonna look good stuffed!" The thug leader shouted.

"I'm extremely wild and untamed, moron! Cats come when they feel like it, not when they are told!" Cat Noir snacks his whip to spook him.

"Aaahhh!!!" The thug jumped from the loud smack.

"Your ass is mine!" Cat Noir pulls him by the whip and knocks him out, "Who wants some more?!" Cat Noir dared the other thugs.

They all ran at him to fight him. From the rooftops, Multimouse observes the fight.

Cat Noir clawed them in their faces and grabbed one of their guns, "Okay, boys! I can shoot you now but that would be too easy!" He goes over and grabs their loot, "Instead I'm taking what's mine"

"You cheated like bullshit!" The thug leader yelled.

"Oh, yeah?!" Cat Noir shoots at their car's tires, "Good luck getting out. I can hear the cops coming!" Cat Noir laughed and jumps up to the roof.

"Wow, that was fang-tastic, Cat Noir," Multimouse said while leaning on a chimney.

"MEEEOOOWWW!!!!" Cat Noir jumped in midair.

"Whoops. Did I scare you?" Multimouse giggled.

"Jeez, what the hell, man?" Cat Noir panted from a heart attack.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to spook you," Multimouse said.

"What are you doing out here, squeaky mouse? You do know it's dangerous for a mouse to be out in the open for cats to eat you" Cat Noir said.

"I know that. Since that museum fight you caught me off guard" Multimouse said.

"Aww....are you still mad about the kiss?" Cat Noir flirted.

"A bit since you got away," Multimouse said.

"All the ladies think I'm charming, handsome, badass, and cute like a kitten" Cat Noir smirked.

"Mmmhmm. Many think mice are cute as well" Multimouse approached him.

"Predators find them as food to eat. Meow" Cat Noir wiggles his claws.

"Careful, kitty. I'm very adorable to be eaten by you" Multimouse flirted back.

"Oh yeah? You wanna dance, then let's dance" Cat Noir said.

"The winner gets the loot" Multimouse posed before engaging him.

She swung her fists at him but missed twice with him returning them but she dodged. She tries to punch but gets a slap in return, stunning her briefly.

"Yipe!" She squeaked and dodged two of his punches but got hit the third time. Then she returned with one punch and he soon after did the same.

"You call that a cute punch?" Cat Noir chuckled.

Multimouse then blocks a kick from him, "You call that a kick? I can do harder" Multimouse said.

"Not bad. But you're still my snack" Cat Noir pounced on her, "Meow, it seems I caught my prey" He smirked but she wrapped her legs around his waist, "Seriously? You need to stop making this position look like we are having sex"

"Huh? Whoops!" Multimouse, let go of his waist.

"Better. For a mouse you are good. You love animals?" Cat Noir picks her up and pins her against the chimney wall.

"Yeah, like ladybugs," Multimouse said.

"Meow, maybe next time be a ladybug" Cat Noir slowly licks her cheek.

"Ummm" Multimouse blushed.

"You're so cute when you blush," Cat Noir said.

"Are you seducing me?" Multimouse glared.

"Can't help it that Paris's new heroine looks attractive" Cat Noir said.

"Hmph. Predator and prey are imbalanced to get along" Multimouse pushed him off.

"Really? Well looks like I win again" Cat Noir grabs the stolen jewelry.

"Are you raised by catwomen or something?" Multimouse asked.

"Yep, I'm the first catman of the group," Cat Noir said.

"There was never a man in a tight leather catsuit," Multimouse said.

"Until now. The world is changing fast, ma cheri. I don't go by the rules" Cat Noir said.

"Really kitty?" Multimouse turns around.

"I told you, I'm a very wild thief. I never liked to be petted or tamed" Cat Noir smirked.

"Don't be so sure kitty......boy" Multimouse then saw him jump off the roof before she could finish her sentence.

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