It must've been the wind...

By DavidAustin33

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Jonas is a young man moving on with his life and starting on his own two feet. He has a stable job and a new... More

Chapter One: Moving In
Chapter Two: The New Girl
Chapter Three: Curiosity Killed the Cat
Chapter Four: A Strange Apology
Chapter Five: An Invitation
Chapter Seven: The Old Gravel Road
Chapter Eight: Andrew's Anger
Chapter Nine: The Ride with Andrew
Chapter Ten: Left on Read
Chapter Eleven: Nightmares and Concerns
Chapter Twelve: Mr. Hammonds Helping Hand
Chapter Thirteen: Planning in the Wind
Chapter Fourteen: The Fight to Save Cassidy
Chapter Fifteen: Fighting for Life
Chapter 16: Locked Up and Buried
Chapter Seventeen: A New Beginning

Chapter Six: The Friday Night Party

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By DavidAustin33

It was the night of the party so after work Derrik and I went back to the apartment to get ready and to get Cassidy. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. My phone dings as I get a text from Cassidy. "See you in the truck at 7:30?" I reply to the text, "Yeah, I'll see you then." I get one more text from her, a blushing smiling emoji and all I can do is smile. Derrik and I get into the truck. The clock on the radio says 7:35, and Cassidy still isn't with us. I worry she isn't coming until all of a sudden, I see her walking to my truck. She was wearing a black crop top, and some cut off jean shorts. She looked amazing. I was searching for any kind of marks on her suspecting Andrew does the worst to her, but nothing could be seen, I just started to think that maybe I was just overthinking. She gets in the truck with Derrik and I. "Sorry I'm late guys." She says getting her hair out of her face. "It's no biggie, you look good by the way." I said slipping in a compliment. She smiles and says thanks as we stare into each other's eyes for a moment. Derrik interrupts, "Okay, so we going to this party or what?" I look at him, "Yeah, we better head that way." We all buckle up and head to Ben's. I'm starting to think this will be a pretty good night.

We pull up to the party at Benjamin's house out on the countryside. There's a big bonfire and loud music playing. There is a lot of people at this place, the yard was full of parked cars. As Cassidy, Derrik and I look around we run into Ben, he was already half tipsy by the time we walked up to talk to him. "What's up guys!" Ben said with excitement. "How you bros been?" Ben said, as he takes a drink of beer from his cup. "Been great man, been waiting all week for this." Derrik says shaking Ben's hand. I shake Ben's hand too, with a smile on my face happy to see him again. "Well, you guys are welcome to drink anything you'd like, but if you drink any alcohol, you have to put your keys in the bin." Ben said kindly but firmly. "Understood." Derrik and I reply in unison. Ben looks at Cassidy, "And who is this?" Ben says curiously. "Oh, Ben this is Cassidy." I said as I introduce her. "Hi." She says with a smile. "So, you're the famous Cassidy I've heard all about, lover boy over here talks about you a lot. In a good way that is." Ben said. I instantly turn red in the face. "Loverboy?" Cassidy asks giggling. "Uh, hey Ben, could you grab us a beer?" I said changing the subject as quickly as possible. "Wine cooler for me please." Cassidy asks. "Sure thing, I'll be back." Ben walks off to grab our drinks. He comes back, gives us our drinks and we all start enjoying the party, fire and music. It seems like Cassidy is having fun too.

As the party goes on, everyone has had a couple drinks and others have had a little too much. I only drank a couple and so did Cassidy. Neither I nor Cassidy are drunk, tipsy more than anything. Almost everyone else is either drunk or passed out by the fire. Cassidy and I are getting bored and are thinking about leaving, but then I remember what Ben said. We can't drive so I thought maybe we could go for a walk or something, maybe I could get to know Cassidy a little more. I look over at Cassidy, "Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask. "Where to?" Cassidy asks. "Just anywhere." I said with a smile. "Yeah, sure." Cassidy replies with a smile. So, we get up and start walking down the street, some people have left and went home, and others are sleeping in their cars for the night. Those who left probably had DDs for the night. "Hey, I just want to say I'm sorry for going off on you the other night. I was just on edge and didn't feel good." Cassidy said with guilt in her voice. I could tell, she wasn't completely telling the truth, but I didn't want to get into it too much. "It's okay, I understand." I said, just wanting to make her feel better. I knew there was more to it than that. Something was being hidden, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to figure it out.

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