I've Got You Under My Skin

By nrcwriter

1.2M 50.6K 61.9K

Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou (L/N) (Y/N) is the daughter of one of Endeavour's colleagues, Reo. Her quirk and... More

1 - Meeting the Todorokis
2 - Secrets of the Todoroki Household
3 - A Painful Parting
4 - Broken Bonds
Character Quirk
5 - A New Path
6 - An Explosive First Meeting
7 - Clash of Wills
8 - The Proposal
9 - Unlikely Alliance
10 - Training with Bakugou
11 - Explosive Argument
12 - Shouto's Fragile Facade
13 - Picking Up the Pieces
14 - The Day Before the Entrance Exam
15 - Entrance Exam
16 - Shouto and (Y/N) Reunited
17 - Physical Fitness Test
18 - New Friends at UA
19 - Bakugou vs Izuku
20 - (Y/N) and Shouto's Chilling Exchange
21 - Coupons for Spicy Food
22 - Shouto's Conflict
23 - (Y/N)'s Unexpected Saviors
24 - USJ
25 - Concussion
26 - Shouto and Bakugou's Clash
27 - (Y/N)'s Unyielding Resolve
28 - Shouto's Struggle
29 - All Might Visit, Going Home
30 - Facing their Fathers
31 - (Y/N)'s Midnight Musings
32 - Unexpected Comfort
33 - Midnight Sparring
34 - Facing the Past
35 - Slowly Recovering
36 - Bakugou's Birthday
37 - Sports Festival
38 - (Y/N) vs Shouto
40 - Together Again
41 - Shouto vs Bakugou
42 - Soba Night
43 - Making Progress
44 - Internship Announcement
45 - Making Amends

39 - Rivalry Out in the Open

1.1K 48 24
By nrcwriter

Hi guys, here's one from the drafts! Enjoy ^_^

As Bakugou approached the door, his hand hovered hesitantly over the handle. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he might find inside. Pushing the door open, he entered the room, his eyes immediately falling upon Y/N's still form lying on the bed.

He felt a sense of relief when he saw her peaceful expression, the color back in her cheeks. She was fine, she was going to recover. 

His worry for her had been gnawing at him, but now, he was faced with a different kind of tension. He knew Todoroki would be there, by her side, and though he expected it, it still hit him like a punch to the gut.

The sight of him sitting by her side, his gaze fixed on her with a mixture of concern and tenderness as his hand held hers, made Bakugou's heart ache with jealousy, battling against his genuine worry for Y/N's well-being.

Todoroki looked up as Bakugou entered, his expression guarded. The tension in the room was palpable as their gazes locked, both aware of the underlying conflict between them. Bakugou's jaw clenched, his fists involuntarily tightening at his sides.

"You should leave," Bakugou's voice came out sharper than intended, laced with a tinge of hostility.

Todoroki's eyes grew hard. "I'm not leaving her side. What are you doing here, Bakugou?" His voice held a hint of challenge, mirroring the tension in the air.

Bakugou took a step closer, his voice sharp. "I could ask you the same thing, Half and Half. What gives you the right to be here?"

Todoroki's eyes narrowed, a flicker of defiance crossing his features. "I care about her." He paused, choosing his next words deliberately, "Just like you do."

Bakugou's anger surged within him, threatening to overwhelm his senses.

The silence stretched between them, their rivalry clashing with their shared concern for Y/N. The room felt heavy with unresolved tension, the air thick with the weight of their clear, but unspoken feelings lingering in the air.

Bakugou knew that Todoroki cared for Y/N, just as he did. But the affirmation only fueled the flames of jealousy burning within him.

Todoroki's voice broke the silence, his tone softer but laced with determination. "This isn't about you or me, Bakugou. It's about Y/N's well-being. We both care about her, and she needs all the support she can get."

A surge of anger coursed through Bakugou at Todoroki's calm demeanor - why was he always so damn composed?

His rage fueled his words. "And you think you're the support she needs? After everything you put her through? I thought last time, I made it clear to you that you're doing more harm than good, you bastard."

Todoroki's voice remained steady, though Bakugou didn't miss the way he winced. "I know I've made mistakes, and I'll regret them for the rest of my life. But it's different now. I'm here, and I'm here to stay, so you better get used to it, Bakugou. We both care about her, so that means we probably should get used to each other, as difficult as that might be."

Bakugou's gaze hardened, his eyes narrowing at Todoroki's words. "You think you know anything about me, you bastard? About how I feel? You don't know shit." 

Todoroki's jaw tightened, but he refused to back down. "I may not know everything about you, Bakugou, but I can see it in your actions and hear it in your voice. You care about her too."

Bakugou felt his heart race, the truth of Todoroki's words hitting him harder than he would ever admit. He wanted to deny it, to push back with anger and dismiss the idea, but deep down, he couldn't deny the way he felt about Y/N - not when Todoroki had him figured out. His fists clenched tight, his anger and frustration bubbling at the surface.

"And what if I do?" Bakugou finally admitted through gritted teeth. "What if I fucking care about her? So what? It doesn't change anything. I'm not some goddamn pushover who's gonna dote on her like a lovesick puppy - that's not me, but even so, it's none of your damn business!"

Todoroki sighed, his voice calm but resolute - and yet, a fire burned in his eyes. "Just be honest with yourself about how you feel. I'm not going to tell anyone, if that's what you fear." Todoroki stared at him hard, his gaze unwavering, "and it is my business. Y/N is my friend - and like you, I have feelings for her too," he said bluntly, voicing out what neither of them dared to before.

Bakugou's anger flared, his fists clenching tightly at his sides. The admission struck him like a blow, fueling the fire of his frustration. How dare that bastard confess his feelings for Y/N so boldly?

"You think you understand me? You think you know what I feel for her?" Bakugou's voice rose, filled with pent-up anger, his feelings pouring out of him despite the fact that he vowed to hold them back. "You have no fucking idea, and I don't need to waste my breath explaining myself to you, you bastard."

Todoroki frowned at him. "You're right. I may not fully understand your feelings, but I do understand what it's like to care deeply for Y/N. I know she's important to both of us, and that's why I'm not going to give up on her. I'll do anything to make things right."

Bakugou scoffed, his anger still simmering beneath the surface, "The only way you could make things right is if you stop pretending this is anything but selfishness - you're here because you want her - not for her sake. Because if it was for her, you'd fuck off from her life once and for all."

Todoroki's voice remained calm, but a hint of frustration crept in. "I'm here because she wants me here. I care more about her well-being than my own desires - and say what you will about me, but that has always been true - can you say the same?"

The words hung heavy in the air, a challenge issued between them. Bakugou's anger battled against his own conscience, torn between his jealousy and his genuine concern for Y/N. He knew that bastard was right. Y/N's well-being had to come first, even if it meant putting his own feelings and desires on hold. That was one thing they could agree on, at least.

But that didn't make his hate towards Todoroki at this moment burn any less bright.

"Don't fucking talk down to me, you fucking bastard," Bakugou growled through gritted teeth, trying to cool down, "You're always so damn calm, aren't you? You think you have all the answers?"

"And you're always so explosive," Todoroki shot back, "Enough, Bakugou. You may not like me, and I know it's difficult, but we have to set our personal feelings aside for her sake."

Bakugou's anger boiled over, and he couldn't hold back any longer. "You think you're so damn perfect, don't you? The prodigy with the perfect quirk, the perfect family," he spat, knowing full well it wasn't true but wanting to do as much damage to Todoroki as possible, "and now you want to swoop in and sweep Y/N off her feet too?"

Todoroki's eyes hardened, his own emotions showing through his calm exterior. "I can't even begin to tell you how wrong you are."

Bakugou scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping him. "Cry me a fucking river - I can see right through you."

Todoroki's voice grew firm, the frustration finally showing through. "Bakugou. I won't apologize for my past, because I know I don't deserve to be forgiven. But I am trying to be better, to change. For Y/N's sake. Because there's nothing more important than her. And I know you feel that too, and it doesn't matter how much you deny it - I know."

The room felt charged with animosity as Bakugou and Todoroki glared at each other, both unwilling to back down. "I don't give a shit about what you think know - you think you can just waltz in and be the hero?!" Bakugou snapped, his voice sharp and filled with frustration.

Before Todoroki could reply, Bakugou continued as he took a menacing step forward, "You may be trying to change, but you're still the same guy who hurt her in the past. I don't trust you to keep her safe."

Todoroki's jaw clenched, and for a moment, it seemed like he might lose his composure. "Like I saidm I won't deny my past mistakes, but I won't let them define me any longer. I'll do everything in my power to protect her - I always will."

"Like hell you will!" Bakugou shot back, his voice raising in volume. "You're just trying to play the hero to ease your damn guilt."

Todoroki's eyes flashed with anger, his control slipping just a fraction. "You know what? You're right about one thing - I'll always carry this guilt with me, and I've accepted that. I deserve that. But this? I'm not just doing it for my own sake," he retorted, his voice shaking with suppressed emotion. "I'm doing it because I care about her, and I can't stand the thought of her getting hurt again - and maybe you're right, it may be a little selfish, because being with her is the one thing that makes me feel good, that actually brings me peace. But - "

The air crackled with tension, and it felt as though the room could combust at any moment. 

"But what?!" Bakugou demanded, his voice still edged with irritation, but there was a hint of curiosity there too.

Todoroki took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "But I know it's not just about me," he admitted, his voice softer now. "It's about her too. For some reason that even I can't grasp, she never gave up on me. She wants me in her life, despite everything I've done. And although I know I don't deserve it, I'll do my best from now on to be someone worthy of her. To make things right, because she's given me a second chance, and I'll be damned if I waste it."

Bakugou scoffed, "You still don't get it, do you?" he shot Todoroki a hard look, "This isn't about what you want. It's about her and what she needs, like you keep saying, and she doesn't need you coming in and making promises you can't keep."

Todoroki clenched his jaw, his eyes hardening. "I don't expect you to believe me. To you, my words are just that - empty words. But I'm not asking for your approval, Bakugou. I'm just being honest about my feelings for her, for once in my life. I know saying all this doesn't make up for what I did - but I'll prove myself to her. To Y/N, Bakugou. I don't need to prove myself to you."

"Prove yourself to Y/N? To her or to yourself?" Bakugou's voice dripped with sarcasm. "You're just a damn mess, and you think you can fix it by glomming onto her, but all you'll do is bring her down with you."

"I'm not glomming onto anyone," Todoroki shot back, his patience wearing thin. "My feelings for Y/N are genuine, and I won't let you or anyone else invalidate them."

"You're a damn fool," Bakugou sneered. "You think she's going to fall for your sob story, just like that? It's pathetic."

Todoroki's control slipped slightly, his normally calm demeanor cracking under Bakugou's relentless attacks. "I don't expect her to fall for anything. I know I've hurt Y/N in the past, and I carry that guilt with me every day. But my feelings for her are genuine, and I want to make amends, not out of pity or guilt, but out of love and respect for her. I just want to be there for her from now on. I want... I want to make her happy."

He paused, then stared deep into Bakugou's eyes with resolve as his voice softened, "I don't know if she'll ever feel the same about me, and I don't expect her to. It's not about that. It's about being there for her selflessly, no matter what... even if I hope that someday, she'll feel the same way about me..."

Bakugou saw red as he envision where Todoroki was going. "SHUT UP! Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Bakugou exploded, his voice booming through the room. His hands trembled with anger, and his eyes blazed with intensity. The thought of Y/N and Todoroki together, even if it was just a possibility, sent a surge of jealousy coursing through him.

"You need to face reality, Bakugou," Todoroki said firmly, his voice calm despite the tension in the room. "I won't hide my feelings for Y/N just because it makes you uncomfortable. I know you want what's best for her, but you don't get to dictate who she can be friends with or who she can trust. She's already made that choice."

Bakugou's face contorted with rage, his eyes narrowing at Todoroki. "Yeah, well, like I told you at USJ - she can't see clearly when it comes to you. So it's up to me to protect her from your bullshit. I don't trust you, and I never will, so you're dreaming if you think I'll just step aside and let you have your way."

"Then that's your problem," Todoroki replied, his voice steady. "But I'm not going to let you stop me from being there for her."

"You're playing with fire," Bakugou growled with a warning. "You have no idea how much you hurt her in the past. If you care about her at all, you'll stay the hell away and let her heal."

Todoroki's eyes flashed, before his voice took on a gentler tone. "I thought that too. For a long time. But I do care about her, and that's why I can't stay away. She wants me by her side, and this time, I won't disappoint her. I want to be there for her, to support her, to be someone she can rely on. And I won't let you or anyone else stop me. "

Bakugou growled, his fists clenching at his sides. "I won't stand by and watch you hurt her. You already broke her heart once, and I won't let you do it again."

Todoroki's voice hardened, his emotions close to the surface. "You think you know about us, bu you don't know it all, Bakugou. I can't tell you that there's a justification for my previous actions - because there isn't, I was wrong. But there are circumstances that you can't even begin to understand at play, and even so, I won't make the same mistakes again. I'll protect her and cherish her... just like you want to. You're just going to have to trust that like you, I don't want to hurt her. "

Bakugou's eyes widened, caught off guard by Todoroki's words and the way he was wearing his heart on his sleeve. He looked like a completely different person than the cold, aloof guy he'd first met. "What the fuck are you talking about? I never said I want to pro- I never said I want to do those things!"

"You don't have to say it," Todoroki retorted, "It's clear how you feel about her, even if you're too stubborn to truly admit it."

"Shut the fuck up!" Bakugou snapped, unable to bear the truth of Todoroki's words. "I don't need to hear this from you of all people, you asshole!"

Todoroki took a step forward, his resolve unwavering. "You can deny it all you want, but it won't change the way you feel. And it won't change the fact that I care about her too."

Bakugou's jaw clenched, and his anger surged as he replied hotly, the words stumbling out of him before he could stop them. "You're delusional if you think she'll pick you over me. You may know her for longer, but I know her better. I'm the one that's been there - not you," Bakugou shot back, though there was a note of uncertainty in his voice.

Todoroki raised an eyebrow. He could see the raw emotions in Bakugou's eyes, baring his vulnerabilities for a moment. He's scared to lose her.

Todoroki's eyes narrowed, and he shook his head. "I won't back down, Bakugou," Todoroki said firmly, a note of challenge in his voice. 

Bakugou's resolve strengthened, his pride refusing to back down in front of Todoroki. "You're a stubborn piece of shit, you know that? Fine then, Half and Half. If you want to play this game, I won't hold back either. But mark my words, if you ever hurt her again, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Todoroki stood his ground, refusing to be intimidated.

Before the tension between Bakugou and Todoroki could escalate further, the door to the room suddenly swung open, and Kirishima barged in with his signature wide grin.

"Hey, Bakugou! It's almost time for your match against Iida!" Kirishima said enthusiastically, his smile dropping slightly when he noticed the charged atmosphere in the room.

Bakugou's eyes snapped away from Todoroki, and he clenched his fists, taking a deep breath to regain some composure. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Let's go already," he grumbled, his anger still simmering beneath the surface.

Kirishima's eyes shifted between Todoroki and Bakugou, looking uncertain. "Hey, Todoroki. Manly fight! How is L/N doing?"

Todoroki cleared his throat. "Better. She'll be waking up soon, hopefully." His words were carefully clipped. 

"That's great to hear! She's a tough one," Kirishima replied with cheer, though he still looked slightly worried, "C'mon Bakugou." He left first, gesturing for Bakugou to follow him.

With a last look at Y/N, Bakugou turned to leave, his steps heavy with a mix of frustration and anger. The path forward would be challenging, now that his and Todoroki's feelings were out in the open, and he had a lot to think about.

How in the hell were he and Todoroki meant to navigate their feelings for Y/N without tearing each other apart?

Before he stepped out the door, he turned his head towards Todoroki.

"Just remember, I won't make it easy for you, you bastard."

Todoroki's gaze followed Bakugou's retreating form, a mixture of understanding and determination in his eyes. "No, I wouldn't expect you to."

His head full of thoughts, Bakugou left the infirmary and made his way to prepare for his match.


Hope you guys liked it! Please vote and comment if you have time, it always makes me happy :)

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