Chased by Life and Death

By Lillian2Gwen

3.9K 385 213

"She is a monster.", they said. Well, they are not wrong. I'm not a normal monster like the others from the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
The End
Authors Note

Chapter 23

53 6 3
By Lillian2Gwen

This chapter contains violence!!!


Pain and fear came through our link with Monica, and I could hear her screaming for help. I increased my pace as I ran through the woods with the guys behind me. "Hurry!" I shouted to them. Tristan caught my pace and from his expression, I could understand that he was angry and afraid at the same time. The trees became a blur as I passed them and when I felt her power, I slowed my pace. I burst through a clearing and scanned the area. The whole place was cold, and black smoke had wrapped around the trees and the ground.

"What is happening?" Blake asked as they stopped behind me. A gasp escaped them when they saw the dead bodies of some creatures on the ground. A growl and a scream came some meters in front of me. I ran there and I put my hand in to prevent the guys to continue. Ugly creatures with different shapes were there. Some had claws, while others had long teeth, fur, or saliva dripping from their mouth.

"What the fuck is this?" Ian asked. Then from nowhere Monica ran toward them and slashed them with her black nails. Her eyes were half green, half black and she had long fangs. She growled loud and started to punch them and uproot their arms, legs, and heads. When she had the last one on the ground, she stopped above it. I couldn't see her expression because she had her back to us.

"Is that..." Luke started to speak.

"Yes," Tristan said proudly. Parker took a step forward and I grabbed him by his arm. "Don't." To Tristan, I said, "Get ready."

"Monica?" Noah slowly asked but she didn't turn. Tristan pulled his blades from his pockets and waited. Monica gently stood to her height but still she didn't turn. I couldn't hear her anymore in my head. "Monica?" Blake asked. She turned so fast that we couldn't see her in front of us. Her nails collided with Tristan's blades. She backed away and slammed her foot on his side and sent him to the other side on a tree bunk. She took the opportunity and ran to us.

I shoved her back with my shadows and grabbed her by the ankles. She screamed in frustration but kept fighting. Luke walked toward her, but she broke free and attacked him. He was ready and swung his sword at her but she simply caught it and smiled. White sharp teeth with little blood that gave you the creeps were shown. Hunter jumped in and punched her in the face. Her head turned to the side, and she kicked him on his stomach. She grabbed Luke's collar and lifted him.

"NO!" Ian shouted as red flames surrounded her and she dropped Luke so she couldn't get burnt. "MONICA STOP!" Noah shouted from behind me. The guys came to my side, and we stared at the flames for a second but then she burst from them and launched herself at us. We were unprepared when she came, staring at her her eyes, frozen in place, as she brought her nails to slash our bodies. Chains wrapped around her ankles and wrists, and they stopped her face inches from ours.

"Bring her down!" Someone shouted. Men dressed in black suits emerged through the woods while they held the edge of the chains. They started to pull her away from us while she screamed from rage and pain.

"Faster!" Mr. Aaron ordered them, but Monica was too stubborn and swung her right arm to the left along with the man who held it. He screamed as he fled and ended to get smacked on a tree. He dropped dead with a thud on the ground and Monica got a chance to come back again. A chain wrapped around her neck, and she grabbed it with both her hands to get it off. "NOW!" They pulled back while she wasn't paying attention and she fell backwards to the grass. Six men ran to her, including Mr. Aaron.

They each grabbed one leg and arm while Mr. Aaron kneed beside her. "GUYS YOU CAN HELP IF YOU WANT!" He shouted to us, and I ran with Tristan and Parker on my feet. I dropped to the ground and grabbed her face. Tears ran down her green-black eyes and she screamed so loud that my ears started to bleed. I forced her head straight and Mr. Aaron gave each one a medium syringe with some white liquid inside. Parker stared at it confused.

"IT HURTS!" She half growled- half screamed. Her voice had changed and now was more animalistic and darker. "Pierce her when I say it."

Monica started to thrush, and she screamed louder. Pain and fear with anger twirled in her eyes.

I know, little devil. Stay still and you will feel better.  

I sent to her head, but she didn't calm. The guys had come closer now she was under control and stood beside us, staring at her. Ian and Luke stared at her with confusion while Noah and Blake were scared. However, I couldn't place what Hunter felt as he looked at her. Maybe pity. I didn't know.

"NOW!" Mr. Aaron commanded and he, Tristan, and Parker with three others, stabbed her with the syringe. When the syringe connected with her skin she screamed, and we released her. She rolled her body and curled into a small ball while she released her anger and pain through screams and thrushes. In seconds, she slowly stopped moving and her fangs, nails, black eyes, and veins disappeared. "It hurts." She sobbed but then she stopped completely. The vaccine had worked. Tristan and Parker rushed to her, but she was already asleep.

"What did you do to her?" Ian growled to the men. "First, you should thank us because she could have killed you before you knew. Second, we gave her a specific injection so we can tame her. Now, I want you to take her back to your dorm, go to the nurse to see your injuries, and wait for me and the principal's call."

With that, Mr. Aaron turned and left along with the other men. I walked where Monica lied and I placed my hands under her legs and back and lifted her. "You heard him," I called to the others, and I started to make my way back to the woods. The guys whispered something behind me, but I didn't listen. It was the first time she lost control in front of us or closer to our presence. If Tristan's dad hadn't come, we would have been dead. Monica is indeed dangerous but it's not her fault. We tried to fix it by doing practice with her with that form but after she injured us, she stopped. I don't blame her. I know her well and I know how she suffers even if she doesn't show it to others.

We broke through the woods and steered to our dorms. I held her closer to my chest to feel that she was here, not dead or something else. Every second I'm afraid about her being alone and fighting Aiden's soldiers when we don't know anything. However, on Christmas, she gave us some soldiers so we can instruct them and cover more space. 

She turned her head and rested it on my shoulder. When I was in front of the building, I walked inside and took the stairs. Luke came ahead of me and opened our door.

I got inside and headed to my room. I threw the door with a kick and slowly placed her on the bed. "Logan?" Blake asked. I covered her with my blanket and kissed her head. I turned to the guys and walked outside into the living room. I plopped on the sofa and the guys did the same. I released a long sigh and ran my hand through my brown hair. "Can someone explain what just happened?" Ian spoke. "It was a long day," Hunter said.

"Fucking explain," Parker growled. I turned to him. "We can't say anything. The only thing we can say is that what you saw was Monica out of control. This is the monster inside her. We can't tame it so that's why Mr. Aaron used that vaccine for her. It's the only way to calm her down."

"That's all?" Blake asked.

I nodded. "I'm afraid we can't say something more."

"We are forbidden to say something about her and her powers," Noah added.

"When she wakes up and wants to see us because after what happened maybe she will keep her distance, if she wants to talk about more she will," Tristan spoke. "The hell she will," Parker said and his eyes glow.

"We will discuss it later. Now we should calm down." Hunter announced. We nodded and Luke turned the TV on. We sat there for half an hour while half of the guys had fallen asleep. At some time, I drifted to sleep too.


A familiar sense interrupted me from my sleep, and I opened my eyes. I sat up and looked around. The guys had fallen asleep too in the living room. From the light that came through the kitchen, I realized that it was the next morning. I stood and made my way to the kitchen without making any noise. When I emerge inside, I stopped in my tracks. Monica was sitting at the table with a mug of chocolate in her hands. She lifted her head and I saw that she had been crying while her hair was messy.

"I'm s-sorry." She started and tears gathered to her eyes. I walked to her and took her into my arms. "Don't say anything," I said to her.

"I-I'm sorry. I-It's my fault." She repeated. I tried to shush her while I stroked her back and hair. "It wasn't your fault. You are not a monster. You are the kindest girl I know." I spoke. She didn't answer, only crying until she started to sob, and I sat there as the minutes passed to comfort her. When she finally calmed down, I stepped back and brushed away the remaining tears under her eyes, and kissed her forehead. "How are you feeling?" She looked at me.

"Better." she sniffed. I nodded. "Let's go to the guys." For a moment she hesitated but I pushed her inside before she could protest. All the guys were awake as we got there. Tristan rushed to her and checked for any injuries while Parker shoved him away so he could hug her. Monica didn't say anything as the others turned to her. Noah got up and took her into his arms and whispered something in her ear. "Are you okay?" Luke asked as he and Ian walked to her but didn't hug her like the others. On the other hand, Blake and Hunter sat on the couches staring at her.

She nodded. I walked behind her and rested my hand on her shoulder. "What happened yesterday?" Parker asked. "What you saw." She responded.

"Oh, she talks," Hunter spoke highly amused. From his look, I could understand that he tried to lighten the mood and made her laugh. Even a little bit. "We didn't know that big head," Monica whispered. Hunter smiled


"That's my sunshine." Monica smiled sadly and lowered her head. As she opened her mouth to speak the door burst open and Micah walked in. As he saw her, he rushed and hugged her so tight. "Okay, that's enough," I spoke. He let her go and cleared his throat. "Mr. Aaron and the principal want all of you in the multipurpose hall."

"Okay, you heard him," Hunter spoke. We followed him and headed to the main building. We walked in silence when Noah came next to me. "Do you think she's fine?" His voice hid so much concern about her and I answered him "Obviously she's not okay. We are talking about Monica here. But she will be fine after we make her feel better." He nodded and we turned into the hall which led to where the principal wants us. Ian opened the door and stepped in first. We followed and walked deep inside in front of a table. The place was huge.

At least three hundred people could sit here. In front of the table were leaned Mr. Aaron and Mr. Clearborn. Tristan's dad had a long face while the principal had a warm smile. Micah went and stood beside them, and we waited for them to talk. "Good morning, guys. I'm sorry that we brought you here this early but yesterday you didn't bring your report of your mission and we wanted to ask you about how it went." He looked at Monica. "And to talk about what happened yesterday evening here at the academy."

"Mr. Clearborn..." Parker started but Aaron cut him. "Guys you don't have to be this tense. We didn't bring you here to punish you."

"Oh," Blake said while Monica laughed but her smile was still broken. As we enjoyed the moment of laughter, the door to the room burst open and a familiar feeling came to me. Monica's smile fell and her expression turned cold, and she straightened her body. We all turned in that direction as men in the same black suits as yesterday walked inside. The demon council had arrived. Caiden led his men as always. Micah didn't look like him since he was little. Micah's father, Caiden is the worst bastard ever.

He walked with his silly brown hair, beard, dark eyes, and his ugly noise which someday I want to punch so much since I met him. He wore the same black suit as the other men and had a scowl on his face as he approached. The guys stared at them confused and, Tristan and Noah stepped a little closer to Monica. A figure emerged through the wall of men with a smile on his smile. I remember his brown hair as his father, sharp jaw, black clothes, and tattoos over his tall body. "My baby!" He announced and went in front of Monica to hug her. To my credit, Monica grabbed his arm, lifted her knee, and slammed it on the middle of his arm. A loud crack sounded as Monica released him and he stumbled back with a cry.

"You-" he started but his father passed past him with a grin on his face. "Jackson shut the fuck up. This isn't Monica's fault but yours. You know that she is an untamed beast." A growl escaped from our group, but I didn't turn to see who made it. Caiden stopped in front of Monica and lifted his head as he waited for her to bow. Monica stood at her highest height with her shoulders back and wore the same scowl on her face. She hated them as much as we did.

"You are still alive?" He asked her. Monica stared at him for a second and as she turned smacked him on his face with her hair. He grimaced but said nothing as she took a seat on the table. "Well, am still here and I don't have any reason to leave." She shrugged and crossed her legs. Caiden took a seat at the head of the table, but he didn't greet any of us. Jackson walked to where Monica sat and grabbed the chair next to her.

"Seat here and I will break your fucking bones." She snarled at him. When he finally pushed the chair back, Hunter sat on it. Monica didn't react but Jackson had other plans. "Who the hell are you and why are you sitting in my seat?!"

Hunter smiled and waved at him. "I just like the seat. You have other seats to sit." He gestured to the other chairs. Jackson cursed and went to sit at the other seat next to Monica. Ian rushed and sat there before he did. "Sorry, mate. This seat is taken." He smirked and I chuckled. Jackson opened his mouth to argue but his father cut him.

"Get a fucking seat already. We have things to discuss." We all took a seat as I, Noah, and Luke stood behind Monica and the guys while Tristan and Blake sat next to Ian and Hunter. Jackson took a seat opposite Monica and Micah leaned against the wall with a blank expression on his face. Last, Clearborn and Mr. Aaron took their seat and then silence fell to the room.

"Micah, you had a job to do, and you didn't," Caiden said and Monica's head snapped to Micah whose jaw was clenched. "He didn't come here for business but to keep me under observation. You are real bastards, you know that?" She snapped to Caiden.

He smacked his hand on the table and said "Show some respect, will you? Oh, but wait. Your parents didn't teach you how to behave to your elders." I took a step forward but her voice in my mind stopped me.

Logan, please.

I stopped and waited. Tristan's body shimmered from his red scales while Ian's eyes were flickering with flames. "Caiden, why are you here?" Mr. Aaron asked. Caiden narrowed his eyes and they flickered to Monica. "You lost control."

Monica's jaw ticked but remained still. "It won't happen again." Caiden's laugh echo in the room. "I hope you are telling me the truth because if you are not then you know what will happen."

"What will happen?" Blake asked confused and our heads turned to him. Am surprised as Caiden answered him. "We will kill her." Parker exploded and said, "What the fuck are you talking about?!"

"You will have to walk from my dead body first," Tristan growled at him.

"Why would you kill her? She lost control one time." Luke argued. Caiden laughed darkly and turned to Monica. "You haven't told them, right?" Monica shifted to her seat and took a glass of water in her hands. "Oh, my boys. I wonder why you are still here." He stated.

"Anyway, who are you?" Hunter finally asked. Jackson slammed his now-healed arm on the table and glared at us. "Who the hell are you?"

"We are a team in the academy," Blake answered. Jackson chuckled and turned to me. "So, you are not the only guys who haven't fucked her?"

"What the hell?!" Luke exclaimed. "And if we have? It's not your fucking business." Hunter said. Jackson leaned forward and growled.

"It is my business. Touch her and you are dead. She is mine and you guys are territorial." That's when Monica broke. She started to laugh hysterically until tears were running down her cheeks. She wiped them and turned to look at Jackson with a smile on her face. "Jackson they are territorial because they are protecting what's already theirs. On the other hand, you are jealous because you want something that's not yours." My jaw hung open while my eyes sparkled.

She said, "They are protecting what's already theirs." I think I'm going to burst with excitement. Dark shadows danced on the walls, and I tried to calm them down from their excitement while Jackson was trembling with rage. Hunter chuckled and the guys followed. "You will be mine."

"You can kiss my ass." She smirked. "If you can."

"That's enough!" Caiden shouted. Our attention turned back to him. "Micah, you will remain here and continue what you are doing. As for you" he turned to Monica "you keep your promise, and we will be in touch."

"As for you principal, you must look your barrels." 

Mr. Clearborn smiled while his eyes ticked with anger. "And you must make a call before you come here and bully my students."

Caiden's smile matched with Mr. Clearborn's one and Monica stood to her feet. "I think it's time for you to leave and not come back here." Slowly we all stood, and Caiden walked closer to the door with his men in his trail. As he passed Monica, I saw the glare he cast at her promising punishment and fury.

"We are leaving." He announced and a black portal opened. They started to leave, and I tensed as Jackson stepped closer to Monica. "I will get you soon and fuck the shit out of you." He licked his lips. Monica lifted her head and stared at him with her bored expression.

"Before you even think about it you will be dead and be under the ground. As for me, I will bring anyone to fuck on your grave until am screaming their name." She smirked and he growled loudly. With a last stare, he turned and stormed into the portal. When we couldn't see him anymore the portal closed.

"Finally, they left," Ian spoke.

"But in the end, we don't know who they are." Luke declared.

"Monica, are you okay?" Noah asked and stepped closer to her. She gave him a small smile and turned to us.

"I think you have some questions to answer," Hunter said. Monica turned to Mr. Aaron and Mr. Clearborn and they nodded. With a blink, we were all standing in our living room except our teacher and principal. They guys exchanged amused and confused glances and Tristan chuckled. They will get used to it. Monica walked and plopped herself on the couch. She signed. "Logan, can you please make hot chocolate?"

With a kind smile, I headed to the kitchen. I took the mugs and prepared our drinks. It will be a long day.

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