Spread My Wings| Stray Kids x...

By jeonginscheese

154K 3.1K 3.6K

In which the members of Stray Kids take in a young girl that was abandoned in a coffee shop. Just a cute chao... More

Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2


4.3K 92 117
By jeonginscheese


i saw two women i've never met before looking at me and calling my name.

"omg Felix and Seungmin AGDDHYRGHRWXHT and y/n SHE'S SO CUTEEEE"

the two women squealed. they must be Stays taking a late night walk or something. at least i understood cute in Korean.

"hello it's so nice to meet you"

Bokkie hyung gave them a sweet smile while Seungie hyung and i gave them a wave.

"can we please have a picture with you guys"

one of the women asked. hyungs agreed and Seungie hyung took her phone to take a picture.

the other woman knelt down next to me and posed while putting an arm around my shoulders. she kept looking at me and the woman while smiling at Bokkie hyung.

after the picture was over, the woman gave me a big hug.

"little y/nnie, you're so cute i want to keep you all to myself! your hyungs wouldn't mind, right?"


a little creepy and weird, especially because she said it directly into my ear.

"but i love my hyungs. they take care of me"

i said to the woman. the woman gave me a sweet smile before picking me up and running off with me.



i screeched. this crazy woman just kidnapped me right in front of hyungs.

"it was so nice to meet you, remember to have a nice- HEY WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING WITH MY LITTLE SISTER"

i watched Bokkie hyung drop the grocery bag and run after me while Seungie hyung ran slower while making a call. i assume he was calling the police or Channie hyung.

"why should you, a little abandoned child, be able to live with the people we idolize and love so much instead of us"

i didn't understand a word she said but the malice behind her words was obvious as she covered my mouth. tears ran down my face. i don't know if i can ever be able to see my hyungs again.

i kicked and screamed. the woman yelped as i bit her hand and she dropped me. Bokkie hyung came a second later and held the woman to the floor. Seungie hyung came to pick me up and comfort me.

"shhh hey y/nnie sweetie, it's ok. you're safe now"

Seungie hyung wiped the tears off my face and rubbed my back soothingly. i buried my face in his shoulder. i didn't want to see the ladies again.

"stay the hell away from my members and my baby sister. i never want to see you again"

Bokkie hyung said to the woman while she was on the ground being restrained. he looked very angry as he glared at her.

a couple minutes later, the police came and took the woman away because they attempted to kidnap a child.

there was evidence on the woman's phone since it was a live photo. the other woman ran away since both hyungs abandoned her to chase after me.

Bokkie hyung came and hugged both of us for a little while. no one said anything. we just stood there and processed what happened.

"i told Channie hyung about what happened and he told us to hurry up and come back"

Seungie hyung told Bokkie hyung in a low voice. he nodded and we started walking back to the apartment. it was a relatively quiet trip back.

i laid my cheek on Seungie hyung's shoulder and watched whatever was outside. i watched Bokkie hyung pick up the grocery bag he dropped earlier.

we got back to the apartment. Bokkie hyung opened the door and we saw everyone waiting and looking really worried.

"y/n are you ok?"

"we were all so worried about you"

"Seungmin, Yongbok, you can go sit down. let me talk to y/n for a little bit"

i heard everyone panic and rush around until Channie hyung came to take me to the kitchen. i wrapped my arms around him while he carried me there.

he sat me down on the table.

"y/nnie honey are you hurt anywhere? do you want to tell me what happened?"

he asked very calmly. i nodded.

"my hand was scraped when the person dropped me. two Stays came up to us and asked to take a picture. while Bokkie hyung and Seungie hyung were busy, one of the ladies took me and ran"

i recounted to Channie hyung. he nodded.

"how do you feel right now?"

i thought for a second after he asked the question.

"i'm scared, but it's ok because i know hyung will come protect me" i said.

Channie hyung cried and looked down while cleaning up my hand. i took my other hand and played with his hair. it was fluffy and curly.

"you were scared too weren't you?"

i said as he continued to clean my hand up.

he didn't answer. he just finished up and put a bandaid over my hand before picking me back up.

"i'll protect you y/n. i'll keep you safe for the rest of my life"

Channie hyung sobbed while carrying me back to the couch with everyone. i smiled and laid on his shoulder. i felt my eyes grow heavy and soon, they were shut.

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