Who Are You? // Miles Morales...

Por TearsinHeart

96.6K 2.7K 3.4K

I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS EXCEPT Y/N "Please, I need to know who you are." Miles squealed. "You already kno... Más

I'm Real.
She's Real!
The Proof is There.
A Small Visit.
Like it? I love it.
Weekend Plans
it's me, your dad.
No New Messages.
I Might Do It
My Leg Was Stuck.
Here With You/A New Suit
Go Home.
A little more
A Bagel?
Go For It!
Tell You This.
I'm Sorry.
Thought You Left?

Inter-Dimensional Travel

3.6K 91 232
Por TearsinHeart

It had been about two months since I came out as Brooklyns new spider-woman.

A lot has happened in the span of two months, so let me catch you up.

Miles had created his own baby powder - which backfired. Badly.

Jeff helped Miles put up a mural of his deceased uncle, Aaron.

He also grew a web-statch. I thought it was cute, but people beg to differ.

And recently... this man had offered me a position in an elite spider-society. I don't know where he came from, but I think I'll take it.

In the letter, it very strictly informed me not to tell Miles about this. But why not?

After Miles is asleep, I'm going to meet this mysterious man who pre-scheduled a meeting before I even accepted my position.


I walked into my bedroom, holding a tray of snacks in my hands.

"Well, Miles, you better be ready for this marathon," I walked toward the bed and placed the snacks on my nightstand. I sat next to Miles on the bed and grabbed the remote, clicking on the TV.

"You must mistake me for a coward, then, because I can totally tolerate scary movies." I watched as he stood up straight and put his hands on his hips like he was super-man or something.

"Yeah, that's what you said last time. But you were screaming and digging your face in my blankets." I playfully punched his shoulder while giggling.

He rolled his eyes and scooched back on the bed, resting his back on the wall. I grabbed a bowl of popcorn and scooted back next to him.

He moved his arm to rest over my shoulder while grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"Miles, don't eat the whole bowl! I haven't even started the first movie!" I slapped his hand away from the popcorn bowl. He was already reaching for seconds.

"Sorry, sorry. It's just really good..." He placed his hand down and rested it on my thigh. I clicked start on the movie, then allowing Miles to finally eat the popcorn.


About 3 movies later, Miles had peacefully fell asleep. I slipped out from under his arm and laid him down. I shut off the TV and quietly cleaned up all the trash. I threw a quick glance at my alarm clock.

2:37 AM

The meeting was at 3 AM, which is odd on why it was so early, but maybe it was different timezones or something.

I quickly changed into my suit, only to stop and examine Miles' sleeping state.

He was so cute. He looked so peaceful and undisturbed when he was asleep. He breathing was clean, and even, and his chest rose smoothly up and down.

Wait, why am I watching him sleep? That's a little weeeiirrdd..

I gently moved Miles to lay down on the bed, covering him with my blanket.

Hopefully, he isn't too hot.

I walked into my living room and grabbed a gift I had recently bought. I decided that it would be nice for me to give this guy a gift as a thank-you-for-inviting-me.

The clock soon hit 3 AM, and before I knew it, a big portal appeared under me, sucking me through.

"AAAAAHHHH WHAT THE HELL!!!!" I screamed while I flew through a bright tunnel covered in rings.

Once I reached the end, I landed in a large room full of gadgets and machinery.

"Ouch - where am I?" I slowly got up and looked around. I then noticed a platform slowly coming down from the ceiling. And I mean very slowly.

I stood there impatiently, all the way until I could see a figure appear from on top of the platform.

"Y/N L/N." He turned around and looked me up and down. "Oh, wow, I thought you would be taller."

(Even if you're already super tall, he still would've imagined you taller 😭)

"What- hey, you can't say that!" I balled my fist up while i ripped off my mask. "Who are you anyways?"

The platform finally reached the floor, and he stepped off. "I'm Miguel O'hara. I'm the Spiderman of Earth- 928." He walked closer to me, soon circling me like a shark.

"Uhm, I'm Y/N, but I guess you already know my name. Why did you schedule this meeting for 3 AM..." I sighed and fiddled with the mask in my hand.

"Because Miles would've been asleep. Anyway, I wanted to invite you to our elite organization of spiderpeople... and more." He stopped in front of me, handing me a watch.

"What does this even do? Why do I need it-" I was quickly cut off by an agonizing pain spreading all throughout my body. It felt as if I were being stabbed all across my body a million times.

"That is why you need it." He slid the watch on my hand while I caught my breath on the floor.

"So you said Earth-2099? What does that mean." I weakly stood up, the pain lingering in my body.

"You don't remember? Lyla, can you please explain." Miguel walked back to his platform.

"Who's Ly -" a small hologram of a woman appeared around Miguel, pulling up holographic images.

"Earth-1610, in which 5 spider-variants were transported due to an Alchemex Collider."

A replay of each spiderperson appeared on the holographic screens.

"13 year old - at the time - Miles Morales was bitten by a radioactive spider. Skip the details, blah, blah, blah, he helped each person return to their dimension. Unbeknownst to him, he didn't completely seal the rift in the universe." Miguel pulled up some screens on his platform, silently watching.

"Ohh, so each earth is a different dimension. Wait, so does that mean that I traveled through dimensions?!" I quickly walked toward his platform.

"Inter-Dimensional Travel. Lyla completed the final quirks on it." He pressed a button, making the watch on my wrist light up and open. "I'm assigning you a partner. She's new here, something in common. You'll go around with her and tour the place."

He turned to me. He then looked behind me, signaling the arrival of my new partner. I quickly turned around.

"Gwanda?" She waved at me, walking closer and closer.

"Y/N, right? My name is Gwen. Gwen stacy." She held out her hand, implying for me to shake out. I hesitantly stuck out my hand and shook her own.

"Yeah, hey..." I remember her. Her and Miles had a little thing going on, but I can't be mad about that since we weren't dating at the time.

"Come on, Y/N, let's go get a tour." She silently grabbed my arm and tugged me out of Miguel's presence.

We walked in uncomfortable silence for a few moments before she decided to speak up. "So, how's Miles? I miss him."

I silently winced out of jealousy. I tried my hardest to push it down while speaking, "He's gotten into some trouble, but you know. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Yeah, y'know, he's always been a smart kid. How long have ya known him? Because I didn't see you when I was there, so I could only guess that this is a more recent thing -"

"I've known him since freshman year. And I've been like this since I was 10." I rolled my eyes at her. "The only reason you didn't see me was because I wasn't stupid."

She looked back at me, her mouth slightly agape. "Oh, well, sorry for assuming." She looked forward again. The uncomfortable silence slowly creeped up on both of us once more. I decided to say something before it got worse.

"So this watch. We can travel dimensions, right?" I slowly brought my wrist up to my face, examining the piece of tech.

"Yeah, I think so. Pretty cool, right?" She also examined her watch.

"Oh, well then you can visit Miles, right?" I looked up from the watch and stared at Gwen.

"Ah- did Miguel not tell you?" She slowly looked back, giving me a worried look.

"Tell me what? What should I know?" I stopped walking, standing still.

"Miles, he... he's not allowed to be here. Because he's an anomaly. And we catch anomalies." She stopped walking as well, staring down at the floor.

(Tbh, I'm just making smth up.)

"What? I'm not going to do this if my boyfriend can't as well." I watched her eyes widen a little when I mentioned the word, 'boyfriend.'

"Oh- uh boyfriend? Huh, interesting." She continued walking as she completely missed the point entirely.

"What do you mean, 'interesting?' You got a problem?" I followed close behind her, feeling my anger rise by the second.

"Oh, I didn't mean to make you upset. I just thought he had a type." I rolled my eyes at her statement and became quiet.

Sooner or later, we completely toured the whole station. I was tired, so I decided to go back home. Miguel taught me how to navigate the watch, and he made me promise one thing:

"Whatever you do, DO. NOT. TELL. MILES. I know you two have a thing going on, but this is strictly confidential." He glared at me while I opened the portal back to my dimension.

"Uhm... okay? See you, I guess." I waved goodbye to Miguel and Gwen while stepping through the portal.


Once I arrived home, I checked the time.

5:23 AM

"Fuck, I'll never get any sleep," I mumbled. I was so happy that it was the weekend, though.

I swiftly changed out of my suit and into my pajamas. I quietly crept toward the room, relieved to see Miles still sleeping on the bed.

I got in bed with him, immediately relaxing. In almost an instant, I felt drowsy, almost about to fall in a slumber. I then heard Miles turning toward me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Y/N," he mumbled. He was still half-asleep. "Y/N, where were you..."

I turned around and faced toward him, met with his half-lidded eyes and messy hair. "I was just in the bathroom, that's all."

He smiled and gave me a kiss on my nose. Then, he leaned forward and planted his face in my chest while I wrapped my arms around his neck.

(Nothing weird..)

When I opened my eyes, I found that Miles was no longer sleeping by my side. The time was 1 pm, and I had just woken up.

I felt gross, like a sweaty mess. I immediately got up, running to the shower. Once I got in, I felt so much better.

When I was finished, I walked to my bedroom wrapped in a towel.

Would be much nicer if I had a shower in my room.

Once I finished changing and doing my routine, I checked my phone.

Miles <33

Heeyy, sorry I had to leave, u were knocked out cold o(TヘTo)
Read 1:57 PM

Aww, it's okay, Miles. I just needed the extra sleep, so I'm sorry :*(
Read 1:58 PM

Finally awake! I'll see u later, cariño <3
Read 1:58 PM


I clicked off my phone and let out a deep sigh. The next thing I knew, the sound of a buzzer was going off in my closet. I ran toward it, curious about what it was.

It was the watch. The watch screen was lit up, with the words displayed:


Geez, I just woke up, and I can't even get a break.

I changed into my suit as quickly as I could, placing on the watch and activating the portal.


I ran into the room where the meeting was held.

"Y/N, over here!" I turned to look and saw that Gwen was waving me over, along with someone else.

Once I arrived, the man saltued me. "Wassup. My name is Brown. Hobie Brown. I'll skip my introductory becuz' it's a bit lame."

Wow, he has a strong accent.

"Uhm, Hi. I'm Y/N. Hey, do you guys know why everyone was called here?" I looked around and examined all the spider-people. Well, actually, some of them weren't even human.

"I heard Lyla came out with a new upgrade to the watch." Gwen excitedly jumped up and down.

Is it really that exciting?

Miguel rushed out and started addressing everyone. "Okay, yes, the rumors are true. Lyla did create a new upgrade to the watch. Lyla, explain, please."

Lyla soon appeared on everyone's watch.

"Alright, everyone, this new upgrade is one of the most crucial features yet. I call it: THE CANON. Super cool name, I know." She zipped around everyone, making sure they were listening. "We've all got the idea of what a Canon event is, yeah? Well, this device can alert you when one is going to happen. This way, we can prevent ourselves from disrupting the canon."

I slowly looked over to Gwen and whispered, "What's a Canon event?" Gwen shrugged her shoulders before Hobie butted in.

"A Canon event, my friend, is when someone very important to you dies or somethin'. I'm not quite sure, but Miguel is always cheesed off if one doesn't go the way it's supposed to go. It's all codswallop, really." He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

(Cheesed off: annoyed)
(Codswallop: nonsense)

I confusedly stared at the brit in front of me. "Uhm, yeah, okay. But what's so important about someone dying? That's not cool at all." I took a look around, noticing that no one else was talking about this.

"Look, Y/N, it's hard to accept, but it happens to everyone with the same abilities as us. For me, it was my best friend..." Gwen looked down to the floor, searching for empathy.

As the three of us continued talking, we hadn't noticed that the meeting ended.

"Y/N, I have your first mission." Miguel yelled at me. I turned around and watched him jog up to me.

"Mission? Look, im not sure if I'm comfortable with -"

"Your mission is to travel to Earth-42 and observe the state of the city without a spider inhabitant." Miguel abruptly cut me off, tapping a few buttons on a holographic screen.

"Miguel, i have to get home. I had some plans with Miles, and I'm sure he'll be concerned if I'm not there." I walked forward slightly, only to be pushed back by Miguel.

"No if, ands, or buts about it, Y/N. I'm opening the portal now." He glared at me, clearly annoyed. "And don't distracted."

The next thing I knew, I was falling down into the portal that was spawned beneath my feet.


I slowly opened my eyes. I had landed in a dark, rainy alleyway. The smell of smoke filled my lungs, causing me to cough. Police sirens were going off everywhere.

I stood up and walked out of the alleyway. I quickly slipped on my mask and looked around.

God, this place is trashed. What happened?

What is this place?




Wc: 2532

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