Lost In The Jungle

By OctobersSkies

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Three teenagers are kidnapped and taken to a island no one has ever heard or seen of called "Hells Island". ... More

Authors Note
Authors Notes


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By OctobersSkies

After talking with Chan yesterday I decided to ask Travis and Drey the same questions. Drey and I we're currently in my tent waiting on Travis.

He was late of course, even though he was right across from me. He was most likely with Ivy, I didn't mind. It was a little annoying since he was late.

"I'm here" Travis sang barging in sitting beside me

"So what's this meeting about?" Drey asked

"Maybe I just wanted to see my two best friends since I haven't been around you guys alone"

Drey sat up sitting in front of me "we know it's something serious. I know how to read you. Your eye twitches a little when you lie"

I shook the thought of him knowing when I lie. Clearly he doesn't cause me and Travis have done many pranks on him without him even knowing, I think.

"So what's up? Are you okay?" Travis asked worriedly

"Oh yeah I'm good. I just had a thought recently and wanted to get y'all's opinion"


"Do you guys ever want to go home?"

"Oh wow" Travis said a little taken back. I did say it straight forward not giving them much time. But I don't have time right now. It's on my mind and I need it off.

"Well to be honest I really like it here, and I really like Edwin. I do miss my mom and dad though" Drey admitted but seemed guilty saying it

Travis sighed "it's nice here. I don't have to worry about anything, no stress, not worrying about my mom getting enough sleep after work. Don't get me wrong, I truly miss her. I don't really know"

"I've been thinking a little. I really like it here and feel at home. Back there I don't have anything but you guys. If there was a decision, I would choose to stay here" I admitted

I wanted for the two to answer. Drey stayed quiet and looked sad. Travis seemed to be deep in thought. Usually when he's deep in thought he bites his bottom lip.

"How about this. What if we ask Blue if we could go back home, see our family and let them know we're okay. They'll understand what's going on. Maybe even they can visit here" I recommended

Travis shook his head "you know the stress that would cause on my mom?"

"Well maybe less stress knowing your safe and okay"

"My parents would probably freak out, mainly my mom, but they would definitely understand once you show them your power" Drey explained

"I still can't control it"

"But you haven't done it without you knowing. That's starting somewhere. Now you just have to learn to do it when you want. Chan said hell help you" Drey said

"Let's just talk to Blue after dinner tonight okay?" Travis getting up "I'll see you two later"

Travis walked out the door without saying another word. I couldn't tell what he was feeling. I know we all loved our parents and we missed them, but we also had made many friends here that had become family.

"Don't stress about it Dawn. Like Travis said, we'll talk to Blue after dinner okay? If he says yes I'll be more than happy to go with you. Our parents knowing their children are okay and safe are probably the best thing for them right now. I know for a fact my parents would not say anything to anyone about this place, we would just have to convince Travis's mom"

With that Drey left giving me a hug and letting me know everything would be okay. I don't blame Chan for bringing this up. He could be going through a lot and I wouldn't even know it.


"I haven't seen the three of you together in a while" Blue joked

The three of us sat down on the couch while blue grabbed a chair and sat in-front of us. After his little joke he knew something was up once no one made a comment. Travis still seemed a little upset.

"What's up guys?"

I let out a breath I was holding. No one was saying anything, signaling for me to do so. I was a bit nervous on how Blue would react. Especially with all the stress he's had lately.

"We've been thinking and um-"

"It's okay Dawn. Just say it"

"We were wondering if we could visit our parents. I-I know it's a serious situation but, it's been months and we just know they are worried sick about us. Maybe if they know we are o-"

"I'll stop you there" Blue said holding out a hand. I stopped talking and started to play with my fingers. He was quite for a moments

"I trust you guys. If you want to go, you are more than welcome to"

"Wait really?" Travis asked while Blue shook his head

"Aren't you worried cops would find out or something?" Drey asked

"Not really. You kids are smart, over these months of knowing you, you have gained my trust. Now I do hope you come back, because you are always welcomed here. Even your family, buts it's all up to you"

I knew Blue was a good person, but I really thought he might have said no. Just because of safety reasons. Especially with what happened with the Boss and everything.

I looked over at Drey who had a smile on his face. I knew he had missed his parents. I looked back over to Travis who still had a look I couldn't quiet read.

"Travis what's up?" Blue asked noticing

"Oh um" he looked down "I'm just worried if I go home, I'm not gonna come back"

"I get it man. You would be seeing your mom, right? Just know if you do decide to stay, you always have the chance to come back whenever you want. Even if it's for a visit. Your family to us and we love you"

That last sentence made Travis look up. Tears came out of his eyes. Drey looked at me not knowing how to react, it was almost kinda like when he lost his father. How someone else said those words to him.

"I-I. T-Thank you. That means a-a lot to me. It really does"

"Of course. I'll get the yacht ready for you three. Since it's still here, I can get them to ship out tomorrow. If that's okay with you guys?"

We all three nodded. Travis got up thanking Blue again, hugging him and leaving the tent. Drey doing the same. I stayed back a little longer wanting to talk alone.

"Are you upset I asked?"

"What? No, not at all. You have every right to want to see you parents" Blue said coming to sit beside me

"I just feel bad putting all this on the boys"

"Don't be. It was bound to happen at some point"

I did feel bad, especially after seeing Travis break down. All he had was his mom and he left her alone. Even though he still had some family there for her, he didn't think of them as close like he did his mother and father.

I felt like a horrible friend to put this decision on him. He would come home after months, with scars on his face and his hair changing color. Who knows how she would react when he explains everything.

I was worried he wouldn't come back. I was worried I would be losing my best friend.

"I'll be coming back"

"You sure you want too?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure"


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