Survival of the Fittest (Adop...

بواسطة FelipeQuadrado

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A group of young boys are just about to finish Highschool till things go completely South. A new species appe... المزيد

The Loss
Upper Hand
Our Mark
A Weird Track
Last Chance
Our Last Stand... Part 1
Our Last Stand... Part 2
" I'm not sure "
Which Track to Take
The Royal
Questiona from Writer
Our Mettle
P.O.A. - Plan. Of. Attack.


401 6 7
بواسطة FelipeQuadrado

(Samuel's P.O.V.)

. . .

I was still in shock due to the Empress of this empire was my adoptive aunt...
She kept on looking at me with what seemed like anticipation...
Then I changed my attitude because I am not having it...
"You're lying to me..." I replied not in a happy tone...
"Not the reaction I expected..." She replied calmly...
"What were you thinking I was going say?!"
"Something along the lines of being very sweet or utterly baffled in disbelief, honestly I never thought you would act in this sort of manner...."
"I honestly don't understand you at times Your Majesty..." I said making a "are you kidding me face" under my mask and helmet even though she couldn't see it...
"Your duty is not to understand Samuel, your duty is to listen and obey orders that benefit the empire..."
"And if I don't?"
"That is up for you to decide..."
"Ay Dios mío..." I said while I grabbed a hold of my helmet...
"But enough of that, Samuel, come, remove your helmet.." She said it excited...
"Did I stutter?" She said as she got slightly closer to my face...
"Then please Samuel, do hurry and remove your helmet..." She said as she took a seat to the left of me...
I was hesitant at first, but I had to give in...
It was all for the sake of Earth...
Mierda... it sounds way too cheesy...
I got to my head strap and unclipped my helmet...
I was about to remove my helmet before the door burst open and I clipped my helmet back dropping to the ground and jumped away as fast as I could while drawing my MPX and aiming it at the door...

"Don't shoot!" One of three feminine wolfs said as she held her hands up while the other stood infront of one another...
I looked at them closely and some held some resemblance to each other...
I heard footsteps behind me as hand went over my gun and gently made me point it down...
"Not to worry Samuel, they will not hurt you... As far as I know at least" The Empress said with a smile as she went closer to the trio...
"Real comforting aren't you?"
"Samuel meet my daughters, Delaney, Nyanta and Helenoir..." The Empress said as she turned to them as put my gun away...
"Greetings Samuel..." The first one, said as she slightly bowed to me...
I simply pulled my shorter sword out with the sheath still on and kneeled while the hilt stood on the ground with me holding the hilt of my sword...
"A pleasure-"
"A-AH, D-D-DON'T BOW TO US YOU IMBECILE!" The lead one, Delaney practically shouted as she was almost kneeling with me...
"Huh?" Was all I could say from her reacting like that...
She just stood there shaking a bit while I was just at a loss for words...
'What in el inferno is going on?' I thought to myself...
"P-Please, don't bow to us... We are family after all..." Was all she could muster as looked away and her cheeks went red...
Her fur didn't do a great job at hiding it...
"Are you refusing a request like that Samuel?" The empress asked....
"No- Of course not your highnes-"
"None of that Samuel, I am not your 'Highness' in this room, I am your aunt, is that understood?"
"U-Um... Yes ma'am..."
"No 'ma'am' either, I'm not a militant commander..."
"Yes Tia..."
"S-Sorry, i-it was instinctual!"
"What does it mean?"
"W-Well, Tia is the word for aunt in one of my home's languages..."
"How many languages does your country have?" Nyanta asked...
"Half a donzen? I'm not completely sure, but the most spoken are English and Spanish..."
"I am assuming that the word you just spoke is from this Speenish language?" Delaney asked...
"It's Spanish but close enough..."
"I see, in any case, we were interrupted, Samuel?" The empress said as I looked back to her....
"I have no clue what you-" before I could react I saw the Empress face up close to mine...
"Samuel, do not be sly with me, remove your helmet."
"U-uh... *sigh* Right away..." I said in defeat...
I undid the buckle strap from my helmet and took it out, seeing them with my bares eyes...
I set my helmet down at the coffee table, or whatever table it was...
"Black fur? I thought you would have brown fur..." The one called Helenoir said as she rubbed my hair...
"It's hair, not fur..." I said as she mover her hand over my right eye...
"They are the same thing no matter how you look at it-" she stopped mid-sentence only to hold my face tightly...
"What are you doing?" I asked...
"WHAT!" She said as she then held my head...
"Wait, just hold on-"
"Delaney, get the physicists here immetialy-"
"CALMATE!" I roared as they calmed down...
I looked around and saw that they were now with a surprised look...
"I'm fine *rips patch off*, see?" I said as I showed my scar going over my eyes...
"What happened to you?" Helenoir asked...
"This is because of a wolf- I mean a Felefanir soldier breaking in into my house... And backhanding me into a wooden bookshelf... Back in the beginning of the invasion..."
"It is pronounced Felendafir, but regardless of that fact, why do you wear a patch over your eye? Does that not make it easier for an enemy to kill you?" Nyanta asked...
"No, I can see through the patch..."
"How is that possible?"
"Medical technology in Palm Coast is a marvel in it's own way, after people from outside Palm Coast found out about it, news spread like wild fire and in a week's time- uh, seven days, we were getting bombarded with orders from other countries for medical supplies..."
"That seems as if it was a good investment..." Delaney said as this apparently got her interested...
"It was what helped Palm Coast be put on the map, and then came our military recognition along with one of our most proud titles, The Loudest Country in the world..."
"You seem rather proud of it..."
"I am due to how my father was-"
Then the door burst yet again, but this time I jumped backwards with my gun drawn at the head of the person who barged in, but when I looked at it, I saw Lint holding her hands, up and when I realized, I immediately put my gun away...
"Lint? What is wrong with you?! You don't barge in any room in that manner!"
"But it's family.." She said now starting to sound sad...
"Regardless if it's family, you need to knock if you can come in and then with the answer of yes or no, you do exactly that!"
"I-I'm sorry..." she said as she lowered her ears and head and then her tail went between her legs...
I gave a heavy sigh and picked her up...
"It's okay, but don't do that next time, comprendido?" I asked still in serious tone...
She nodded her head as she was now sniffling...
I looked at her seeing that she might cry and so I needed to do something...
I wiped her tears and then took out a little piece of cloth I had from one of my pockets and held close to her nose...
"Blow..." I said as she held my hand and blowed her nose...
After she was done, I simply crumbled the cloth and put it away as now she seemed better...
Then I heard running down the hall only to see Ray and Nye running inside the room and jumping to me...
I held Lint closer as the three were now on top of me hugging me tightly...
"Ray, Nyer, what did I say? We don't run in halls of someone else's house!" I said in a annoyed tone but not yelling...
"I don't want to hear it, the only 'buts' here are both of yours that are in trouble, now, what do you two say to your Aunt?"
"Sorry aunt Alery..." they both said it as the Empress- or Tia, simply smiled at this...
"It is fine, rather it is amusing how doting of a older brother you are Samuel..."
"He has been for some time now..." I heard a voice at the door..
I looked to see Cervina and Cottan standing at the doorway...
"You two planned this!" I said as I pointed towards them...
"This was her idea, I had nothing to do with this Samuel..." Cottan said as he deflected the blame...

"Is that so..." I said as I narrowed my eyes...
"A surprise at times does not hurt, now does it Samuel?" Cervina said with a proud smile...
"If the surprise including dropping a bombshell that the Empress of the Empire is my AUNT and you are her sister making these three royalty too, then yes indeed! It's a surprise like no other!" I said irritated at the end and she caught on quickly...
"Oh calm now Samuel it is nothing bad..."
"Nothing bad? NOTHING BAD!? How about PINCHE FORMALITY!"
"Oh please Samuel, where was that formality when we met?"
"That's because- *sigh* I honestly give up on this conversation..."
"I am glad you can understand it Samuel-"
'Oh that's how you wanna play? Fine, I'll play your game too...' I thought...
"I'm not going to make steak for you." I said while looking away...
"Excuse me?"
"You are excused..." I replied as it made Lint cover her mouth while she laughed...
Cervina saw this and my guess is that she decided to be cheeky...
"Lint, you're not having it either..."
"What? What did I do?" Lint asked as she looked at mom saddened...
You know exactly why, I'll be having her steak on your behalf..."
"If that's how you want to play then fine, no steak for everyone..." I said as Ray and Nyer started to complain...

Then a loud cough was heard...

We stopped our bickering to see Savél looking at me, Cervina, Cottan and my siblings...
"Thank you Savél." Alery said...
"My pleasure Your Majesty..." He replied...
"Cervina, I would love nothing more than to see how this interaction between your family would unfold, but there are more pressing matters at the moment..."
"It's that talk you wanted to have between me or one of my squad's members?" I asked...
"Correct, and this requires someone like the 6 of you because of your current standing..."
"Best for you to sit down at a proper chair rather than staying sat on the ground yes?"
"Right." I said as I put Lint aside, got up, and dusted myself off as Lint did the same...
I sat down looking straight at my aunt while, mom and dad sat down with her...
I heard Lint, Ray and Nyer being taken away by the sisters while laughing so much I could barely comprehend that they were that excited to see their cousins...
"So, let's get to business, shall we?"
"Of course... Tell me Samuel, do you know of the Fatalis?"
"Fatalis? What's that some sort of creature?"
"No, it is a horrible natural event here on Veria... Every year when a new generation is about to be born, there are always high rates of fatalities, these fatalities range from pups dying before they are born, the mothers dying during birth, or worse even both, another event that happens at the same time is the infertile strife... Many couples who wish to bear pups are unable to have their wish granted, and by the times the ones who do have their pups are born, the deprived couples kidnap the newly born pups under any assumption or lie they can think..."
"They seem delusional..."
"Because they are Samuel, what surprises me most is that you are taking this in rather calmly..."
"Earth is not innocent under any circumstances... There are cases where kidnapping of children is very common..."
"He means pups, Alery, that word is the same meaning to us as well..." Mom chimed in...
"I see... Please continue..."
"Earth has 3 major classes: High, Middle and Low class, which I assume this world has it too?"
"We do..."
"Alright... There are cases where the Lower and Middle class have a child and in places that are called 'Third world countries', which now are areas where the government is far too corrupt, allows the majority of children to be kidnapped or even bought and sold to a family in the Higher class for their lack of having a child... And there are those who even profit off of it..."
"It sounds if your government is nothing but senseless barbarians..." Alery mentioned...
"I doubt you have to worry about that after the invasion..."
"In any case Samuel, this also involves your people in Palm Coast..."
"Tell me, how many humans are left in your country and what are their ages?"
"Tough question... Roughly, there are 27 kids, including myself and my squad that are between the age of 15-17, roughly a quarter of them are between 10-14, which are not that mature to be honest, they do listen but tend to act cheeky when they can, a third are between 6-9 years old and the rest are between the ages of 3-5 years old..."
"In total?"
"1,003 of us, or 1,001 to be honest..."

"Why are there 2 missing?"
"They're not missing, we just consider those two inhuman..."
"Why?" She asked as I could see she seemed worried about these
"During the invasion they tried to act on their own interest, and by doing so almost doomed the rest... So we don't really count them anymore..."
"In which ever case you consider them or not Samuel, all of them are just as crucial for the next step..."
"Next step to what?"
"Please don't tell me you want to adopt kid..." I responded with Tia just burst laughing...
Soon her laughter died down while she still held a smile...
"I could not even if I wanted to... No, this is not for me, but for my people... This year, the number of fatalities has reached a very concerning numbers, normally we would only have 10-50 cases a year, which is not much, but this year we have about a hundred times the number of cases, it is very worrisome... So I would-"
"You want to start an adoption centre so it would prevent the kidnapping of others' kids and giving the deprived couples a chance at what they want..."
"You are very clever..."
"I can understand your motives, but will they even accept humans as their kid?"
"You would be surprised on how far they are willing simply to have a pup to raise, the main problem right now, is if those pups will embrace them... That is where your part will be Samuel..."
"What can I possibly do for this?"
"Tell me, did you care for those pups during the invasion?"
"I did..."
"By that point would you say that you have a close connection to them?"
"To a point I would..."
"And that is what I want to use, for 3 months, Earth's time, you have been their guardian along with supplier for food and shelter, naturally it wouldn't be wrong for some of them to look up to you for guidance and permission..."
"Like I'm their dad or something?"
"It is a possibility but you can never be certain now can you?"
"I highly doubt it but continue..."
"You already know the entirety of it Samuel..."
"So just to make it clear, you want me to go to them, talk with them to accept to be adopted by deprived child couples so we prevent them from kidnapping pairs who do have children..."
"Seems to be quite the task no?"
" *sigh* Look, Tia, all I can promise it that I will try, whether they accept or not is up to them, I can't force them after all they have been through..."
"I fully understand, it still brings me hope that there is a chance for that not to happen..." She said holding a smile with what seemed like a tired look...
Then someone knocked on the door...
I quickly got out of the sofa and put my helmet and weapons where they should be and stood with my back facing the windows...
Then a wolf knight came in as he kneeled to Tia...
He gave me a dirty look, and it didn't take long for him to stare daggers at me...
"Forgive my interruption Your Majesty, but this is an urgent matter." The knight said...
"As long it is of importance, now tell me." Tia said as she switch to a your ideal ruler appeal...
"Of course... Human. Leave." said the knight in a threatening voice...
Like that would scare me, but to avoid drama, I need to leave...
I take one step forward before Tia spoke...
"Ruin, stay." She said in a serious tone...
I reeled my foot back and stayed still...
"Your Majesty, this is not a matter for a human to be listening in to-"
"He will do what I say, when I say Sir Velar, whether you dislike his company or not is irrelevant. Tell me what is so important."
He looked down as he took a deep breath in...
"Forgive me..." he said plainly...
He then reached for his sword and leaped towards me...
I jumped backwards towards the wall and my back hit the glass window cracking it...
I saw where his sword hit and it dug into the floor a bit, I jumped away from my position as he swung his sword again but it barely hit me as it made a clink with the metal part on forehead of my helmet...

"Sir Velar, I command you, Stand Down." Tia said while she stood up yelling at the knight...
"Forgive me Your Majesty, but I will not let these heartless creature run astray in YOUR empire!" He said as he charged at me yet again...
He swung his sword but I activated the shield on my arm and blocked the blow, but got knocked back into another wall and slid down until it was if I was sat against the wall...
He force was almost enough to knock me out, my vision was rattled, but I was quick enough to dodge a sword from stabbing my head...
I jumped with my back facing the door as deactivated the shield and drew my shorter sword to dig into the floor to stop myself...
I got up as I took my sword from the ground...
I drew my katana with my right hand and held my shorter sword with my left...
I held a Guard stance with both my swords touching each other...

I decided to go to the hallway to not damage the room, but I didn't think on that too much...
I look beside me towards Tia to expect what he might do...
But quickly shifted my eyes back as Velar rushed me and delivered a nasty punch to my chest...

(No One's P.O.V)

Samuel was sent flying from that one punch that he bust through the doors...
He bounced off a stool, breaking it as he clumsily regained his footing...
Once he stopped, the feeling from his stomach came as he threw-up a small amount of blood from inside his mask as the blood spilled from below and the sides of his mask, staining his clothes and armour in this crimson spat...
Velar did not stop as he charged towards Samuel...
Samuel was quick to notice this and activated his hover-skates and the airburst mechanism as he quickly flew backwards and towards the war hall...
Once Samuel was in open ground he turned around and activated his shield again while shedding his katana...
The knight wolf arrives with a huff as his eyes locked on Samuel once more...
"If you believe you can win against me human, you are sorely mistaken!" The knight said as he dashed forward in a attempt for a lance attack...
Samuel used his shield to deflect the attack but did not see the knight's right elbow swing around and hitting Samuel on the back of his helmet...
Samuel quickly backed away holding the back of his helmet...
He quickly became annoyed as he was being outmatched and thrown around like a rag doll...
Samuel composed himself as Alery, her daughters and a few other guards came around the corner...
"Apprehend Velar at once!" Alery commanded as the other knights moved towards Samuel and Velar...
Samuel rushed Velar as he jumped up and swung his sword downward at him, but it was easily deflected as Samuel slid towards the other knights...
As Samuel came to a stop as the other knights came to a stop behind him...
Samuel stood as he looked at Velar only seeing him becoming more infuriated...
"Do you not see what is wrong with this!? Allowing Humans to walk amongst us as a knight!? He thwarted our Empress!"
'So he's delusional...' Samuel thought...
"Lay your weapon Velar, there is no need to fight-"
"You are not the problem, the human is!" Velar said as he got even more angry towards Samuel and his fellow knights...
The other knights started to move in, but Samuel just extended his arms out to stop them while pointing his sword to the ground...
"What are you doing?" One of the knights asked Samuel...
"He started the fight with me, I'll finish the fight it and then you can apprehend him." Samuel firmly said as he stepped forward holding his short sword...
Samuel then deactivated his shield and drew his katana again...
"I am a loyal knight of the Estamandan Empire! You are nothing but a pest to Her Majesty!"
"Defying her wish doesn't make you any better of a knight than me..."
Velar charged towards Samuel yelling as he raised his sword and brought it down on Samuel with great force...
Samuel however blocked the attack by using both his swords crossing each other, but he was starting to fall back as the strength and weight of Velar overwhelmed him...
"You attempt to fool others that you are worthy to be a knight, YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THIS HOLY TITLE! ONCE I FINISH YOU, I WILL FIND THAT FAMILY THAT BETRAYED THE EMPIRE AND KILL THEM!" Velar yelled as a displeased look...
Alery's attention then shifted to Samuel's posture as he seems to changed it slightly...
Samuel then came to a stop as he began to yell back as he slowly drove Velar's blade back up till he repelled the blade and squatted as his exo-suit activated its air-boost system as Samuel slashed the knights left leg...

Samuel stood a few feet past Velar as blood oozed out of the knight's leg...
He turned to face Samuel but he didn't see him, Samuel had jumped up seconds before as he flew down, he used the boost system to strike down from above, kicking him on the back of his head...
Samuel kept these attacks non-stop of punching, kicking and slashing that it even knocked the helmet off Velar's head while cutting part of his left ear off as he came to a stop facing the knight...
Alery stood behind him by a couple of metres along with a few knights...
She stood in the exact same corner as it lead down to the hallway...
In awe of what she was watching...
The knight was now on his knees and badly wounded from all the attacks that Samuel delivered...
He tried to stand but failed...
All he could do was to wobbling raise his sword in a half hearted long stance towards Samuel...
Samuel responded by charging towards the knight as he crossed his swords and slashed them in a " X " on Velar's sword...
As their blades collided, Velar's sword held out Samuel's...
But Samuel put more pressure as both his swords cut through the Velar's sword as it was shattered in pieces...
The sound of metal falling on the ground was the only thing that anyone could hear as Velar couldn't get up...
Velar had a look of despair written on his face as he tried to gather the pieces of his broken sword...
Samuel however, rushed forward, crossing his swords at the Velar's neck...
"I would rather die than to surrender to a hu-"
Before he could finish Samuel kicked him hard to his chest a few feet away...
Samuel rushed ones more time and was more rough with Velar as he pushed his swords against Velar's neck, making him bleed a little...
"I won't."
Samuel got fed up as his dome shield unit dropped from his back and activated right in between Samuel and Velar...
Samuel's speaker moved up right as they started to blast music as Samuel moved back and removed his swords from Velar's throat...

He clenched his ears as he scream in pain...
He tried to grab Samuel's leg but he kicked it away...
As Velar screamed in pain, blood started to go down his ears...
Samuel stopped the music and the shield started to deactivate...
The unit's little body climbed up Samuel's leg as he put one of his short sword away and grabbed the shield unit and put it back in the exo-suit...
Guards rushed towards Samuel and a now barely awake Velar as he was held down and cuffed by his former peers...
Samuel turned back to the others knights who weren't apprehending Velar and just lowered his head...
Most of the knights simply turned away but one did nod back at him and walked away...
Samuel then turned to Alery and walked towards her...
He started to kneel but his legs gave out as he landed hard on his knees...
"Your Majesty, forgive me for my actions..." He said as he kneeled down...
"You have nothing to apologize Ruin, this is the action of one of my foolish knights, he will be reprimanded for his actions..."
"I see..."
"No matter, Ruin, return to your home, after a full week of rest."
"A week? With all due respect, we can return in 4 days-" Samuel start before Alery raised her hands as it meant for Samuel to be quiet...
"This is not for debate Ruin, I expect you and your comrades back here in 8 days, not after and not before. Am I clear?"
"Good, before you leave, I have a small task for you." She said as Samuel looked up...
As on cue, Helenoir and Nyanta came around with Lint, Ray and Nyer hiding behind them...
"My sister has taken residence in your world, and coincidentally, in the same country as yours..."
"You wish me to take her children through to her home?"
"Considered it done Your Majesty." Samuel said as he bowed his head as Lint, Ray and Nyer walked towards Samuel...
Lint had the urge to hug her big brother, but she remembered that her older cousins said not to, to prevent trouble later on...
The three wolf pups followed Samuel outside as he picked his car from his pocket and clicked the button and threw the toy F-40 looking car as it turned back into its normal state...
He opened the door for them as he picked them up and put the seatbelt on Ray and Nyer, but stopped, if he would add Lint in, it would make uncomfortable for all three of them, and unsafe...
Samuel placed Lint on Nyer's lap as Samuel ...
Once he was set, he pulled his seat belt...
Once it was far enough, he took Lint from Nyer and placed her on his lap as he ran the seat belt over her and buckled her and himself together...
He looked at the one last time before he stepped on the gas and took off...

(Alery's P.O.V.)

I watch from a window as Samuel takes my nephew and nieces away, back to their home...
I am relived that Samuel has a very doting side to him, he will be a good brother to them...
I walk back towards my chair as I slum on as a heavy sigh leaves me...
"Mother, what is wrong?" Helenoir asks...
"Something that now makes me even more concerned..."
"What is it?"
"Do you recall what Samuel said? About having bladed weapons?"
"Yes, he said his military forwent bladed weapons long before his family lineage started, except concealed knifes apparently..."
"Yes... *sigh* However, did you notice how Samuel fought?"
"Yes, though he can improve on a few on his overall posture..."
"Is that so? Tell me Helenoir, if you were to describe him and his battle- no, not battle, his skirmish today using one word, what would you say?"
"Ferocious... Though his stance was all over, his determination as he fought was something else"
"No, not that Helenoir..."
"Then be clearer mother, I can not understand your riddles..."
"Samuel claimed that he was not proficient with swords, then Sir Velar, a respectable knight comes in and attempts to kill him, and miraculously, Samuel wins while shattering his opponent's word..."
"The thought of a weapon like the Velar treasure being so easily shattered is horrifying..."
"I believe Samuel has a different view of our customs, to him, a any blade is the equivalent of a weapon or equipment..."
"If that is the case then we do need to tell him about it, so that he will tell his allies..."
"Not to worry, your aunt will have that task... Speaking of her, did you receive any news from her?"
"She sent a report about what happen to him before he and his comrades came here..."
"Did you read it?"
"I have..."
"Very well, and your opinion?"
"I would say there is more to them than meets the eye..."
"In what manner?"
"Their behaviour was recorded when they were interrogated and-"
"Stop, did you say interrogated!?"
"So they are binding them to get information?!"
"N-NO, this information is when they were still at war with us..."
" *sigh* thank Veria... Proceed..."
"They were exceedingly stubborn and did not give any information, until after aunt and the generals got closer to them that they started to talk..."
"And what did they reveal?"
"About their country and motives, along with withholding information about their refuge and their numbers..."
"And so they waited for their chance to runaway and start their retaliation?"
"Partially, they did run away and attempted to retaliate, however, their attempt ended in failure after aunt managed to see right through their ploy..."
"I see, tell me, which families took them in?"
"Well, Samuel is with Aunt, Trigger with his real name being Johnathan Embrilo, the one who blew the head off of that Bathrolo was took in by the Porez..."
"Interesting and personal life?"
"He is caring an strict with his triplets brothers, it says that he is trying to teach them discipline to make Adelina's life easier..."
"Very considerate, continue and say amongst similar scenarios..."
"Understood, the one who took that pup earlier is Khan Mikote, he is with the Darvis, he is calm and quiet, however, extremely brutal in combat..."
"Some would think he is a brute, not that he even resembles one..."
"The one who jumped and flipped is called Lucas Souvelle, energetic and optimistic, he is with the Canil's second daughter..."
"Energetic indeed..."
"The last two are the ones we have problems identifying, one is with the Deshauns, Phillip Jacosct, he is taking good care of their pup, and the last one is Nicolas Marksh, he is with the Torrids..."
"Which of the Torrids?"
"The third daughter..."
"I see, I recall Cervina saying they wanted a pup yes?"
"She did mention that some time ago..."
"In any case, we should keep a close eye on them... They believe that their survival hangs in the relationship between them and us, while it is the exact opposite..."
" *sigh* We need to be careful, even if they are good of will, but we cannot allow them to roam freely until we understand them better, come, we have much work to do..."
"Mother, they are just 6 pup-soldiers, surely our military can handle them if it comes to that..."
"With how fast Samuel reacted and adapted to what he just suffered Helenoir, do you honestly think that it would take long before he adapts to this new environment and overpower us?"
"I... I honestly don't know..."
"This is what we should fear as we do with every Blazing Angel soldier... Their rapid ability to react, adapt and perfect their skills... By giving them knighthood we can keep an eye on them and make sure that they remain within our watch... We are just as dependent on them for our survival as they are for us if a war may happen..."
"Mother, it sounds as if you want to domesticate Samuel and his allies..."
"Do not be ridiculous Helenoir, even if I did try, Cervina would have my head... No... I want to ensure they never aim their weapons at us any more..." I said as looked out the window and to my subject's market place...

(Lucas's P.O.V.)

It's been a while since we got back home and myself along with the rest of the crew not counting Sam cause he is still in the other world talking with the empress and Khan because he decided to look after that snow cat girl...
I was chilling with the John, Phil and Nick on a nice patch of trees near the portal outpost, waiting for Sam to get his butt over there...
I was on a branch looking at everyone while John and Phil lied on the grass while Nick leaned against the tree reading a book he got from nowhere...
"So... What do you think he is doing?" I asked as I looked at the outpost...
"Probably conducting an examination on that girl..." John replied as he continued to lie on the floor with his eyes closed...
"Really? I thought he be reading her a bedtime story or something for how long he's taking..."
"You sound jealous Lucas..." Nick said as he didn't take his eyes off his book...
"So what? I'm just asking..."
"Lucas, you know you can't lie to us, yeah?" Phil said as he got up from the ground...
"What? She was clinging to him!" I protested
"Yeah, maybe because a kid her age is shit scared Lucas, come on..." Phil said as he gave me a tired look...
"Look let's just ask him, though we may only be able to talk with tomorrow.." Nick said as he sat and leaned back against the tree...
"So you guys have been just sitting here all this time?" A voice asked from beside us...
I looked and I saw Khan...
"Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were still with that niña?"
"I was till things got out of hand on my part..." He replied as he got to our spot...
"Uh oh, Khan made things get out of hand? This outta be good..." John said as he sat up and looked at Khan anxious to hear what he did...
Not gonna lie... I wanted to know too!
"I was examining the kid, making sure she didn't have any other bruises or broken bones, I gave her a full examination, starting from the head down to the torso-"
"Quit wasting time and get to the good stuff!" I said as he just gave me a glare...
" *groans* after I was done I noticed how thin she was and how dirty her fur was... I started to suggest the idea of her taking a bath, but then I couldn't bring myself to it... One of the female soldiers overheard me, I think she was a Brazillian jaguar, practically kicked me out of the outpost and told me to come back tomorrow..."

(Khan's P.O.V. )

Lucas just bursted out laughing as he couldn't contain it apparently...
He fell from the branch where he sat and just kept on laughing...
"Ha-Ha... Very funny Lucas..." I said in annoyance...
"You can't-" Before Lucas could start, a call went through our comms...

[ Everyone! Can ya hear me? ]
[ We do Sam, what happen? ]
[ I'll tell tomorrow, for now let's take today and tomorrow off, I need to take care of my hermano y hermanas...]
[Alright, take care Sam, over an out] I said as I put my arm down...
"What happened?" Nick asked...
"It was Sam, he's done negotiating so now we relax for the rest of today and tomorrow and the following day we meet up about our next move..."
"Alright! Imma have fun with Kani!" Lucas said as he ran off back to his house...
"And you three?" I asked the rest...
"The triplets need a babysitter so, yeah..." John said as he started to get up...
"I need to get back to my flight lessons with Krasen or my mom is going to have my hide..."
"Mom needs for me to act as a a judge since mother is using her as a manakin..." Nick said as he closed his book
"She apparently is a clothes designer and that is what her family specializes in..."
"So they make quite a decent profit... Would they get angry if I asked for a custom order?"
"I'm sure mom wouldn't mind too much, but just to ask, why?"
"I need a special sort of fibre tissue that I can't make, I wanna know if they can..."
"I can ask, but don't get your hopes up...
"It's alright... By the way, did you get any info from the girl?"
"Her name is Yumi Vizal..."
"Wait a minute, is she that bastardo's Vizal's daughter!?"
"No, she is his niece..."
"Dios, even worse! What happened?"
"Apparently her parents got mixed with the wrong people and got arrested and treated roughly, and since her parents were Barons at the time and her uncle was just recently promoted to a Viscount, was forced to take her in since he was her only family left..."
"Ay ay ay... And her parents?"
"Their punishment was death... After a while he began to hate her because he was force to take her in cause of his brother..."
"You learned this all from the kid?"
"Doesn't matter right now Khan, just tell me what happened that lead to her being in chains and dragged along the floor... A kid her age shouldn't be exposed to this bullshit..."
"For the first part, I learned from asking some of the anthro soldiers to do a background check on her... Her uncle had a few choices of wives at the time, but when he was forced to take her in, a few of his consorts left him..."
"Just cause of that?"
"There's more... One time she was just trying to hug him but bumped into a stool and knocked a vase containing some secret cash source during a party... That's when he began to beat and treat her like a slave..."
"Amen you killed him, now he's probably burning down there..." Nicolas said as he pointed to the ground...
"Welp, I'm off, the triplets should be getting back anytime now, buenas noches!" John said as he got in his car...
"Buenas noches John..." I said as I started to head home too...
Leaving Nicolas to read his book as I start walking back to his house...

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Zombien© بواسطة Alex Max Prince

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