Chase Me

By LencySlamet

391K 9.6K 944

Amari Vasilios, the CEO of a rapidly growing Advertising Company in California, experienced a heartbreak from... More

Little note to my readers
"Muse" P U B L I S H E D


7.7K 135 12
By LencySlamet

"Don't go around kissing your ex on your engagement night like Grandpa Flynn."

"Don't fake an entire degree to get a job like Aunt Yas."

"Don't replace your best friend for a girlfriend who ain't shit like your daddy."

"Okay, that's enough," Zane declared, taking our baby from Uncle GoGo. "Don't be a wuss like Uncle GoGo and watch the love of your life get engaged to someone else."

We all burst into laughter, enjoying the family gathering and the joyous atmosphere. It was a special occasion as our families gathered to meet our baby, Ayla Shaw, in person for the first time. Today marked one month since she had come home with us, and seeing our families' adoration for her brought a warmth to my heart.

Ayla was an absolute angel. Her tiny feet and hands captivated everyone's attention. Although she strongly resembled her father, it didn't diminish her beauty in any way. I cherished every moment with her, especially during our breastfeeding sessions. As she nibbled on my nipples and eagerly sucked the milk, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and fulfillment.

Being a mother to such a beautiful daughter and the baby mother to an incredible man like Zane was a blessing beyond measure. Throughout my pregnancy, Zane had been my rock, supporting me every step of the way. We had moved to a larger house in New York to ensure that Ayla grew up surrounded by the love of her grandparents and our close friends. It was important to us that she had a strong support system and a nurturing environment to thrive in.

As I gazed down at Ayla, I couldn't help but express my love and adoration. "You are so loved, Ayla Shaw," I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. She was the epitome of our love and the beautiful symbol of our growing family. I couldn't have asked for a better father for our daughter than Zane.

Zane p.o.v

As I sat on the floor, wiping away the remnants of a massive poop explosion, I couldn't help but wonder how such a tiny human being could produce such a foul-smelling mess. Ayla had managed to leave a diaper situation that almost made me vomit out my breakfast. I glanced at her innocently staring up at me, laughing and cooing as if it were the most amusing thing in the world.

"You find this funny, don't you?" I grumbled, my voice laced with a mix of exasperation and amusement. "Well, one day, my little princess, it will be your turn to clean up after me when I'm old and wrinkly. Let's see if you find it funny then."

Ayla's laughter only intensified, her tiny giggles filling the room. Despite my frustrations, I couldn't help but find her infectious joy contagious. Laughter bubbled up from within me, and soon we were both laughing together, the messy diaper momentarily forgotten.

Carefully, I lifted Ayla and carried her to the changing table. With each giggle and coo she let out, my heart swelled with love and adoration. Amari and Ayla were my everything, the family I had always dreamed of. I would do anything for them.

As I changed Ayla into a fresh, clean diaper, I marveled at her innocence and the unconditional love she brought into our lives. She was a little princess, and I was her dedicated servant. "Anything for you, princess," I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Anything for you."

Being a father had transformed my life in ways I could never have imagined. The sleepless nights, the dirty diapers, the endless tasks of caring for a tiny human being—all of it was worth it for the precious moments like these. As I held Ayla in my arms, I knew that my love for her and her mother knew no bounds.

I glanced around the room, taking in the toys scattered across the floor and the traces of chaos that came with raising a child. It was a mess, but it was our mess, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

As I continued to clean up after Ayla, wiping away the remnants of her earlier escapade, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this beautiful chaos. It was a reminder of the love and joy that filled our home. The stench of dirty diapers was just a small price to pay for the immense happiness Ayla brought into our lives.

As I finished cleaning and settled Ayla in my arms, I gazed at her cherubic face and whispered, "You are worth every dirty diaper, my little princess. I love you more than words can express."

I hope you enjoyed this sweet best friend to lovers romance as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Next novel I'm updating is "Fake it 'till you make it" Milan and Yasmin's story ;) See you there x

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