Army of the Damned

By ArchiveOfStories

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"The objective here is to return home. By any means necessary." An Isekai about Politics, Strategy and War. P... More

VOLUME 2 Chapter 2
VOLUME 2 Chapter 3
VOLUME 2 Chapter 4
VOLUME 2 Chapter 5
VOLUME 2 Chapter 6
VOLUME 2 Chapter 7
VOLUME 2 Chapter 8
VOLUME 2 Chapter 9
VOLUME 2 Chapter 10
VOLUME 3 Chapter 1
VOLUME 3 Chapter 2
VOLUME 3 Chapter 3
VOLUME 3 Chapter 4
VOLUME 3 Chapter 5
VOLUME 3 Chapter 6
VOLUME 3 Chapter 7
VOLUME 3 Chapter 8
VOLUME 3 Chapter 9
VOLUME 3 Chapter 10
VOLUME 4 Chapter 1
VOLUME 4 Chapter 2
VOLUME 4 Chapter 3
VOLUME 4 Chapter 4
VOLUME 4 Chapter 5
VOLUME 4 Chapter 6
VOLUME 4 Chapter 7
VOLUME 4 Chapter 8
VOLUME 4 Chapter 9
VOLUME 4 Chapter 10
VOLUME 5 Chapter 1
VOLUME 5 Chapter 2
VOLUME 5 Chapter 3
VOLUME 5 Chapter 4
VOLUME 5 Chapter 5
VOLUME 5 Chapter 6
VOLUME 5 Chapter 7
VOLUME 5 Chapter 8
VOLUME 5 Chapter 9
VOLUME 5 Chapter 10
VOLUME 6 Prelude
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 1
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 1
VOLUME 6 Chapter 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 3
VOLUME 6 Chapter 4
VOLUME 6 Chapter 5
VOLUME 6 Chapter 6
VOLUME 6 Chapter 7
VOLUME 6 Chapter 8
VOLUME 6 Chapter 9
VOLUME 6 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Prologue
VOLUME 7 Prelude
VOLUME 7 Chapter 1
VOLUME 7 Chapter 2
VOLUME 7 Chapter 3
VOLUME 7 Chapter 4
VOLUME 7 Chapter 5
VOLUME 7 Chapter 6
VOLUME 7 Chapter 7
VOLUME 7 Chapter 8
VOLUME 7 Chapter 9
VOLUME 7 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Bonus Chapter "The Time Scourge"
VOLUME 8 Chapter 1
VOLUME 8 Chapter 2
VOLUME 8 Chapter 3
VOLUME 8 Chapter 4
VOLUME 8 Chapter 5
VOLUME 8 Chapter 6
VOLUME 8 Chapter 7
VOLUME 8 Chapter 8
VOLUME 8 Chapter 9
VOLUME 8 Chapter 10
VOLUME 9 Chapter 1
VOLUME 9 Chapter 2
VOLUME 9 Chapter 3
VOLUME 9 Chapter 4
VOLUME 9 Chapter 5
VOLUME 9 Chapter 6
VOLUME 9 Chapter 7
VOLUME 9 Chapter 8
VOLUME 9 Chapter 9
VOLUME 9 Chapter 10
VOLUME 10 Chapter 1
VOLUME 10 Chapter 2
VOLUME 10 Chapter 3
VOLUME 10 Chapter 4
VOLUME 10 Chapter 5
VOLUME 10 Chapter 6
VOLUME 10 Chapter 7
VOLUME 10 Chapter 8
VOLUME 10 Chapter 9
VOLUME 10 Chapter 10
VOLUME 11 Chapter 1
VOLUME 11 Chapter 2
VOLUME 11 Chapter 4
VOLUME 11 Chapter 5
VOLUME 11 Chapter 6
VOLUME 11 Chapter 7
VOLUME 11 Chapter 8
VOLUME 11 Chapter 9
VOLUME 11 Chapter 10
VOLUME 12 Chapter 1
VOLUME 12 Chapter 2
VOLUME 12 Chapter 3
VOLUME 12 Chapter 4
VOLUME 12 Chapter 5
VOLUME 12 Chapter 6
VOLUME 12 Chapter 7
VOLUME 12 Chapter 8
VOLUME 12 Chapter 9
VOLUME 12 Chapter 10
Volume 12 Bonus Chapter
VOLUME 13 Chapter 1
VOLUME 13 Chapter 2
VOLUME 13 Chapter 3
VOLUME 13 Chapter 4
VOLUME 13 Chapter 5
VOLUME 13 Chapter 6
VOLUME 13 Chapter 7
VOLUME 13 Chapter 8
VOLUME 13 Chapter 9
VOLUME 13 Chapter 10
VOLUME 14 Chapter 1
VOLUME 14 Chapter 2
VOLUME 14 Chapter 3
VOLUME 14 Chapter 4
VOLUME 14 Chapter 5
VOLUME 14 Chapter 6
VOLUME 14 Chapter 7
VOLUME 14 Chapter 8
VOLUME 14 Chapter 9
VOLUME 14 Chapter 10
VOLUME 15 Chapter 1

VOLUME 11 Chapter 3

78 3 4
By ArchiveOfStories

Scattered clouds above them, a calm hymn of the wind as the cold front continues to weave over the lands of Geraldia. The once lively city, now only a mere pint of it still bustling with life. As if life halted suddenly, the roads were empty, alleyways left to rot and alone. Restaurants and Hotels devoid of its once lively atmosphere and replaced with closed shutters and closed signs. The ghosts of the city could now only hear the rumble of the engines of military vehicles and the marching boots of the foreign players from Guilds far away now walking in the midst of the eve of a destruction that was upon it and its machination, left to its own devices.

Whirls of helicopters echo amidst the deafening silence in the Uptown. The large gated community is now dusted and bare. Its desolate mansions devoid of people as a lone patrol of skeletons and a humvee patrolled its clean and well maintained road. Choppers fill the skies as they come back and forth to the sole Airbase in the entire region.

The evacuation continues with no tire. The group walked around without an escort deep inside the sea of lines. The General is watching closely with a serious face of what is happening, with his hands behind his back. He walked slowly, letting the players have a long hard look at the man whose medals were stringed upon his chest with valiance and honor.

Though the snow was mostly gone, the cold temperature wasn't letting up. With the Human and Elven players wearing clothing for winter still as the new year starts and the players with Lizard characters emitting fire from their own bodies to warm themself and the V The city seemed to suddenly sleep, like a beast that's been awake for hundreds of years, finally given time to rest. The metropolis has mostly gone silent, a sleeping den of concrete and glass. The clouds above halting the Sun's shine on the city on the run.


"Hm? What is it, soldier?"

The young player character with a snappy salute to the General hands him a note.

"Hm? Oh now what is this? Why is Higher Command giving me a shopping list?"

"The United Congress said that you are ordered to return to Iron Mountain immediately after finishing your work here, sir."

"Why are these given to me? They even want me to investigate the new anti magic tank armor? Soldier, what is the ETA on these?"

"None given sir."

"Then none taken. Shove this back up to them and tell them to wait. I'll deal with this later. Right now, I need my focus here."

"Yes sir. Oh, and sir, Major Garland is requesting for you."

"Not now. After this, I have to sort things out in the Downtown PD with Yamaoka. Tell him to redirect his concerns about logistics to Alana."

"And last message sir is that there might be a fleet that might be coming to help us out, sir."

"Might. I need assurance, Lieutenant. I do not need might be, I need yes sir, it's confirmed."

"Sadly sir, we have no ETA if the supply ships from Woodstock will be able to restock them in ample time. The First Carrier Group is still circling above Geraldia."

"Then don't mention it. Unless the High Admiral actually confirms that he'll arrive, don't mention it at all."

"Yes sir."

With a sad blue hue to the cold afternoon, the soldier made a snappy salute and returned to the crowd of people. Walking farther away from the Central Evacuation Site, the streets become dead and the boots of armed men replace the once peaceful sounds of shoes and heels hitting the sidewalks of the Commercial District. Crates of ammo now piled and stocked in important landmarks and intersections completely nullified of its purpose to give a person avenues of approach as sandbags, tank traps, and HESCO fortifications are set up to prevent anyone from getting anywhere, and if one dares. A hail of lead would only await them.

In some of the areas, Dragon's Teeth were being lined up. Connected with chains, the heavy concrete points were layered in four to five with minefields placed in front and behind. Players and skeleton soldiers alike were all busy with their professions. Fixing traps and organizing supplies.

"Alana, what's the situation with the rations?"

"It should be taken care of, M'Lord. I've had our troops borrow fridges from the homes and restaurants."

"Good, be sure to stock up on meat. We have two Dragon Gods to feed now. And Ammo?"

"If we continue the pace, we should have more than enough for two months of fighting."


"I did some calculations and I thought it would be best to litter fuel tankers and have the fuel bladders to be placed inside the outposts. But M'Lord, the more the enemy destroys, the less time our vehicles can fight in a day."

"As expected. What about gas stations? Can we convert those?"

"We could, but I do not recommend it. They are placed near big roads and could easily be captured, M'Lord."

"So fuel is going to be a problem huh. Alright, and the supply routes?"

"Following the map you drew, M'Lord. I can say that as long as the main bridges to the outskirts stay in our control, trucks should be able to arrive by the hour."

"Nice, then all that's missing is Downtown huh?"

"Yes, M'Lord. I recommend we'd spend the rest of our time there as you thought of ahead of time."

"Yeah, getting the approval of the city council was a tiresome effort and the landlords wouldn't budge. But now with this, we should be able to do what we need without anyone stopping us."

"Master, can we go back already?"

"Just wait a bit Bahamut. I wanna look at the city right now."

"M'Lord, I do feel that we need to go and pre place explosives at some of the areas."

"I don't know... I would also have to talk to Yamaoka about that and he wouldn't be happy with a suggestion that destroys civilian property. He is after all a straight laced commander."

"But our objective now is to delay them right? M'Lord, if we want to buy ourselves more time, we need to do this."

"My Lord, can we not summon some other powerful Chosen Ones like you here?"

"We can't, the UN sent everyone and their mothers to Schon. If they didn't, this city would've been long surrounded by ten armies at least and we wouldn't even be scared of this impending invasion."

"Hmmmm.... Then My Lord. I also would like to suggest another tactic."


She then walks ahead of them and points to the park, her hand valiantly on her hip.

"Can we not get coordinates for the killing zones?"

"Yamaoka though, he might oppose that."

"No, My Lord. Something just to remind our troops with."

"Well... hmmm... that is not mentioned in our agreement... Hmmmm... Alana?"

"We should do it, M'Lord. It's not like we'll actually be doing it. But it's better to be safe than sorry.


He then turns around back to face the long lines and crowds of people. Mars planted on the side of a building. Growling lowly as her forward facing horns reflected the shine of the foreign star above them, gently hinting at the coming return of summer through the scattered clouds. The Red Dragon's eyes were closed completely but its stance didn't change and was still firmly planted on the side of the building.

"What's she doing anyways?"

"She's meditating Master. Red Dragons meditate more than anyone else. That is why out of all the species of Dragons, they're the ones who can stay the longest without someone to talk to or bond with."

Bahamut was still wearing her dark sailor uniform. With stockings to hide her long pale legs, and only her face and neck and collarbone exposed alongside her lanky build. She didn't look any different from a human blessed with Godly genes in cosplay.

"So the theory is true then. No one really bothered to check so I guess that's that. But what about her outfit? She wears a pretty modern one. Did Mars ever had a gown like yours?"

"She wore a Robe, Master. But it's usually there to hide her true outfit."


"You have to see it with your own eyes, Master."

"Eh? You aren't going to tell me?"

"I believe it'd be better if you were to see it with your own eyes. I know what Master likes. Ehehehe."

"Okay... sure. Whatever, keep it to yourself then. So far, how are your powers?"

"Pretty good, Master. The bones of the lady in black are excellent. I sense that it was created in the age of primordial reign."

"I'm surprised it's even compatible with a Dragon God's power. Have you detected anything in space?"

"No Master. But you should be able to sense it too since you have good control over Mana. It would be a sudden feeling as if your ears were to ting and your hair to raise without warning."

"That's basically the same as over Mana exposure. That'd also be great for mages. Lots of Mana in the air for them to use."

"Yup but this would be sudden Master. Like very suddenly. In a millisecond and its gone. All that Mana has gone up and is used by someone for something. Like opening a large portal that crosses realms."

"Alright then. Alana, about the Downtown area..."

"Yes, M'Lord?"

"Do you think we can maybe spread more sandbags till we reach the tip of the city?"

"I suggest we don't M'Lord. We do not have enough troops to guard such a vast area."

"We can't even spare maybe a thousand or two?"

"But that would make the alleyways and some avenues unguarded, M'Lord. We just have to trust that when the Demons start coming, they'd be too focused on us to think of going that far."

"I don't know... at least mine it then. We'll deal with the aftermath when we win."

"As you wish, M'Lord."

"Haaaah... to think this isn't even the great scary invasion but a localized one... this is bad."

"Do not worry My Lord. We're here for you."

"Her Majesty's correct, M'Lord. Every step of the way, we will do everything under our power to aid you and protect this city."

"Hm. Thank you. After this, I'll buy everyone good Wine and the best meat in the entire region."

"Ohhh, My Lord. As someone like me, I am very specific with what Wine truly makes me want to crave."

"M'Lord, just give Her Majesty some of my family wine."

"Master! I want Steak!"

Returning back to the crowd, the sounds of rotors and the diesel engines of trucks and buses ringing around the last lively part of the city, surrounded by players all busily waiting for their transport to arrive, a kids toy falls in front of him and he picks it up. "Hm?" looking to the right, a little kid wearing thick winter clothes. The mother holding him is busy chatting with her husband as the man with a big map on hand spins it around in confusion.

"Hello... hello..."

He hands the toy truck back to the kid and the baby's hand cups his finger. The hard faced General instantly gets defeated and he smiles. Shaking the kids hand as he pats its head.

"Good boy. I am General Jackson. Who are you then?"

The parents get their attention taken and they are both spooked by the well dressed High Ranking Military officer with a pose of beautiful women in clothes older than some countries on Earth. The mother smiles and lets him cradle the little kid wrapped around in a blanket.

Paul couldn't look any more excited as he happily took the child. Letting the mother focus on talking to her husband who was confused on the map he was given. Showing multiple evacuation sites, all with zoning for eating and sleeping, and recreation. The General then starts giving it little kisses and even rubbing his nose on the child's forehead. "Someday, you'll be a great man. You might be small right now. But I am sure that you have great things to give for this world. Grow up and be a good man." he then takes his super small hand and shakes it.

"Yes. You'll be a good man. Learn to shake a hand with a good grip and you'll make it big in the world. Smile and take on the world with a gallant stride. Death is not so terrible if you have someone to spend your life with, so find a woman and live a happy life. Don't waste it on useless things like I did." he then hugs the baby tightly. With only its head exposed as its entire body is like a shawarma of cloth. He stares at its bright yellow eyes and nods.

He then faces the three women and his eyes widen at the view of them all smacking their lips with an intense lustful gaze at him as he holds the kid in his arms. "U-Uhm... is there something wrong?" Alana was the first to snap out of it and lets her lips lose as she wiped a bit of drool off her mouth.

"H-how come you are single back on Earth M'Lord? Could it be that your standards are too high?"

"You wanna know my standards back on Earth?"

"Yes, M'Lord."

"Ahem." The General then started to rock his arms. "Female... Alive, Preferably... and Biologically a woman."

"Why do you need to emphasize that she must be biologically woman, M'Lord?"

"I don't want to give a long winded answer but I must also include no augmentations. I know it's the late twenty-thirties and all, and bodily modifications are the buzz but I prefer my meat... traditional." somewhere on his left, someone let out a chuckle. He slowly turns his face in the direction and then back to the Countess. "In terms of looking good... if she looks female enough, like she looks four but can look five on a good day then I am a happy man."

"PFFFFTTTT... I get you my man. I get you."

"Yeahhhh, you too?"

"Hell yeah! Come over here and get me some of that!"

The husband of the woman then comes to the General and the two shake each other's hand with an intense manly intent with their eye contact completely solid as if they were transmitting on a whole other level. "Your Majesty, is this common amongst males?"

"Let them be Countess. Let them be. That is the language of the males of all types. Something only they can understand."

"Master is truly something. I am sure he will be very happy when he sees Mars' combat outfit."

The wife then notices the two and gave them a quick snake eye. Sending shivers to the men.

"You're sleeping on the couch when we reach the Evacuation Center."

"WHAT? HONEYYY! It's a joke!"

The wife then scoffs at the man and the General placed his hand on his shoulder "I pray for your survival my friend."

"Thank you. If I survive, I'll name my son to you General."

"Hm. Have a blessed day brother."

"You too. Good luck."

He then lifts the little kid and hands it to the father and the two nodded at one another with an intent of agreeing upon something that they only understood. Looking back at Alana, Elizabeth, and Bahamut. Their lustful gazes were changed with just big smiles and Elizabeth's usual face of royalty breaking down and her crossed arms disengaging as she laughed and wheezed a bit from the interaction.

"C'mon then, let's get out of here. Alana, you know what we're going to do."

"Yes, M'Lord."

Walking between the long lines on the cold day, as engines of the buses on the other block echo through the maze of buildings, the General would get stares from the people as he walked amongst the crowd. "Excuse me, I have a question!" he just stared at the player and then uttered one sentence. "Talk to Yamaoka." and continued walking on like nothing happened.

Many just blankly looked at him as he weaved through the long lines on the four lane city street with his entourage of attractive women in his back. Tailing him as he soon reached a tiny outpost where players in uniform are doing their part answering questions and queries.

Arriving at the question tables, the soldiers sitting down with papers and radios next to them immediately stood up and saluted the man. "Sir!" He then saluted them back and they went back to answering questions from players who were visibly angered about all sorts of things from missing packs to not knowing where to go. In the middle of the tiny outpost were three player soldiers on radios. One of them puts down the handset and looks up to the General.

"Sir! There's a problem at Voux Street! Lieutenant Rose is requesting for back up at the Tenebris Hotel! Report from General Yamaoka, he had left his post here and had started to fortify the Downtown Police Station even more."

"What? Ugh. Should I really go there? I have so many things to do."

"Uhm... well sir, the building is greatly defended. They tried to go in but none of the charges worked."

"Eh? What type of building is it?"

"It has sealed windows sir, made with trialloy. Our weapons won't work on it."

"Hmmmm... yeah that sounds like something I need to be with. Get me a vehicle then. Looks like our plans have to wait. Elizabeth, Bahamut. Stick with me for now."

"Master, I think it is better that I help Mars in observing the Spatial Waves. If something were to happen..."

"Don't think too much of it right now. I always say to myself, it's good to work. But work must only be done after a good bit of procrastination!"

"If you say so, Master. Mars seems like she's about to fall asleep aways. That Dragon might have meditated to the point she just dozes off."

"My Lord, are the tenants of this hotel problematic?"

"Maybe. It sounds very gothic. I get the feeling the people in it are going to be a headache to deal with later seeing that they're crazy enough to use tank armor to seal their windows. If they have the balls to stay and box themselves in, they must be crazy strong to a degree."

"Even then, shouldn't we just have some of the grunts to do the lifting, My Lord? Or just use a tank to blow the front door down."

"Not here Elizabeth. They have a right to stay if they wish to do so. Not many caught on with that fact as per the rules and regulations on one's free human right, but some are and we have to abide by those laws. We aren't above it, remember.

"My Lord, your system of Governance is something that will always be foreign to me."

"And you know, I also gotta show myself around. Signify to the soldiers that I am going around myself and they better not be doing anything stupid while I'm not looking."

"Haaaaa... this very forward commanding style of yours is very telling, My Lord. I am surprised it never bit you in the rear."

"It had... just that they didn't expect my response to be swift, chaotic, and deadly."

Soon, a JLTV arrives with a convoy of armored vehicles and picks them up. The MRAP rolls through the bleak gray city as the radio loudly transmits anything happening on the current frequency it was on. "We got a situation on the underpass at Calcucatta."

"Put the volume up."

The skeleton driver does as he is told and turns up the dial for the volume. "Just some low level thugs trying to get the attention of a moron who hasn't paid their debt. Is Local Police still on station? I don't think we can do much, over."

"Copy Regal One, we'll see if we can get PD there but it might take a while."

"Command, we don't have cuffs of any sort here. We might be able to use magic and calm them down but we're also not that high leveled."

The General then takes the Mic. "This is General Jackson from Joint Command. I'll personally pass by that area. Do not do anything rash. Command, I'll take over the scene. Focus on something else."

"Yes sir. Command out."

"Regal One copies."

"M'Lord, are you sure about this?"

"Yeah. We're passing the area anyway. Might as well try to get this over fast."

"M'Lord, those thugs are not gonna just roll over because you're in uniform. Thugs are Thugs because they have nothing to lose, some won't even bow to money if it's pain they want to cause."

"I know, but if a convoy of armored vehicles won't force them to stop. Then they have more balls than I expected. But it'll end the same, with them dead."

"Wasn't it in an underpass, M'Lord? Can these heavy vehicles even fit?"

"I'm sure we can find an alternative route."

A kilometer away from a person wearing a floral shirt with his hands up, a BTR-82A swerves down the street and chaotically barrels into an alleyway where it rams through dumpsters and crates left over for the restaurants next to an elevated highway. The APC's width was a perfect fit for the path, leaving no space for error on the driver. Behind it were MRAPs and trucks as the eight wheeled vehicle with a 30mm autocannon on top of it bulldozes its way into a brick wall and into the other side.

Soldiers that were on a stand off with a bunch of criminals in leather jackets, robes with cowls and three white striped iron armor look in shock. The APC's doors then swing open and a bunch of skeleton soldiers exit out in full sprint, easily tripling the numbers of soldiers on the scene as MRAPs roll over the debris of the concrete wall and stop. The skeletons then open the door and the General exits out. "Stay inside the MRAP. This will be fast." he then grabs the skeletons M4 and walks into the scene assault rifle in hand as he dusts his shoulders.

"So, what the fuck is going here?"


Jackson then closes the door as he dodged a fireball.



He once again had to dodge the oncoming balls of fire. The players just waiting for the order.



With a staff that has a crimson marble on its top, the robed player kept using magic at the high level player.



One of the players in striped iron plate armor immediately turns into a nine foot tall Werewolf and puts his claws on the mage, making the thug stop from using his magic. Fully equipped with protective equipment, making the soldiers back up a few feet but the General stays cold and silent in his place. The Elf in a leather jacket then brings out his wand and points it at the high ranking officer alongside his pistol on the right hand. Duel wielding both lead and magic.

"Let's try this again..." he turns around to see the side of the JLTV was blacked out with the burns it took from the barrage of fireballs. "Jesus. But seeing how you can spam low level magic like that, you're around the mid thirties? Early forties? I'm surprised you hadn't learned to chant it in your head. You can triple the rate of fire with that method, you know?"

He then swings the M4 on his back as he puts his hands up. One of the players with the leather jacket steps forward, his pistols aimed at the General.

"Who the fuck are you and where did you come from?!"

"I'm just an Officer. I know nothing else but that you people are holding that man in a shirt for a debt?"

A player with his hands up and with a beaten up face looks at the General. His shirt was bloodied and his arms bruised heavily from the punches he had taken. His face looked more like mounds of purple swollen hills than that of a person.

"Yeah and my friend here will turn you and your soldier boys into mincemeat if you dare get into this problem. We'll collect our money, and begone."

"Hmmmm... may I ask how much he owes you?"

"Twenty thousand."

The Elven man then properly returns his wand in his jacket and with his free hand. Combs his hair neatly. Letting its shiny reflection for everyone to see.

"Is this in... Fiat currency or actual Gold?"

"Hard Gold. Not the weak ass Gold here in Threa. No, I we want the good shit Gold from Tur."

"How can you expect a man to go and pay you in Twenty thousand Gold coins? Are you some kind of geniuses? Does he even have teleportation magic and learned its subsets to even teleport that much Gold in?"

"Funny aren't ya wise boy?"

"I believe in the Court of Law of Zavalda. Extortion and-"

"Do you wanna fuck with the Mob?"

"I believe I have the arms and men to not only delete the Mob from existence but whatever syndicate you crooks came from."

He didn't break his contact with the men and stared down the Elven player with a slick hair on his head.

"So... you expect us to just...?"

"Well, tell your Mob boss that this city is under a literal evacuation and you should try not doing any last minute jobs when shit is about to hit the fan in a few hours or so."

"Pfftt... AHAHAHAHAHA! Are you fucking with the West Coast Mob? Do you have any idea how many contacts we have in the Guilds? We have people inside everywhere."

The General starts walking. The dirt being kicked up by his slow and methodical steps as the Elf puts his wand out once again and points it at him. The Werewolf clings its claws to warm the man but he didn't care as he got close enough and the tip of the magical ornate wooden stick that was well at his well ironed tie.

"Do you have... any idea how much shit I can give to your shitty roleplay criminal organizations? I can crap from you so high above that you'd think it was God itself."

Paul could visibly hear some of them swallow their saliva as he removed his cap.

"Right now, there's three larger armies heading here. They'll be attacking from three different axis and at that point. We'll enact total and absolute martial law. No one can get in... or out. This is all upon my command and call. Do you think your debt means anything the moment that happens?"

Sweat then falls from the Elven man's face and down to his cheeks.

"So I suggest you fuck off and stop wasting my precious time."

"H-Hey man, what type of practice evacuation is this?!"

"Shut your furry ass up. I'll burn you so hard not even your claws can be harvested. So, do we have an agreement? Fuck off and never return?"

One of the thugs in striped iron armor pulls his gun on the General but with a swift action, he takes it from his fingers and pulls the slide back and ejects the mag. "I am also not like the soldier boys here. Low level like you. I am a General for a reason." he then flips the pistol on its top and whips the thug on his face. With trained hands, he disassembles the Glock without even looking at it and throws it at the ground. "I believe I've made my point?" The Werewolf immediately turns back into a human and they all slowly start retreating from the scene.

They didn't break eye contact as they walked out of the area and the General took the beaten up player and dusted off his bloodied shirt and looked for any more external damages. Aside from a bleeding nose, the man was able to stand up and even bowed to thank the officer.

"Be sure to pay your debts."

"Th-thank you sir."

"Who were those? I don't remember Zavalda being that crime infested. It's corrupt, but not full of degenerates like those."

"There with the Van Hussen Syndicate!"

"Van Hussen? I've dealt with those dimwits before. They were roadside bandits though. What?"

"N-No! That was just part of their training for newbies! They have a larger organization!"

"Well hot damn. I suggest you start running then. Good luck to you. Run as far away as you can from this place. Those criminals will be the last of your problems."

"B-But question..."


"What Garter said... is this really a practice evacuation? I was hiding here when-"

"Oh it is. But we have to take it as seriously as possible. We wouldn't want to mess up in the event everyone finally gets to go back home right? After all, it's only one portal. We need to line up and exit out properly."

"I-I see."

"Now, get away from this city and don't look back. Shoo."

The beaten man scurries off as the General boards the MRAP and the convoy rolls on through the city once again. Reaching a two lane road that's completely closed off even though there were no longer any civilians in the area and the only other traffic on the wide road was the occasional military vehicle and the sidewalks now only populated by either mindless skeleton soldiers or players in gear.

Soon, they reached the hotel which was in all gray and all its windows shuttered off. Not a hint of light was touching the floors inside, nor was any view of it being shown to the open world. The players outside, confusingly scratching their heads at the situation that they've gotten themselves into.

"My Lord... could this be?"

"It is. Don't worry, I'll do all the talking. Just watch my back. I don't like these people at all."

He then walks to the front door and sees that it's completely shut off but could hear something odd in the air.


The Queen's pointy ears twitch a tiny bit and she looks up.

"There seems to be a party of sorts on the top floor, My Lord. The whole floor... hmmm... There also seems to be dancing in one area. As if... they are having a grand time. Oddfellow aren't they?"

"It's a Five Storey building. How the heck did they fit a disco club in it large enough for a dance floor? Alana."

"The first and second floors are empty, there's two people in a room on the third floor, and the fourth floor is empty and as Her Majesty said. There's a lot of people on the fifth floor."


"I smell nothing strange Master. The back door is also closed shut as the front door and there's no exit. It's closed shut with no light going in. The underground garage door is also closed."

"So... there's no way for us to contact them?"

"I suggest we forcibly make our way in, My Lord."

"Your violent leadership is my style, Elizabeth. BTR!"

The 8X8 APC rolls into the front door and uses the edge of its front. The vehicle lightly nudges the front door and to their surprise. It didn't move. The skeleton driving inside puts the pedal closer to the floor and the front door didn't even hint a singular dent to its metal furnish. It soon reverses and the General puts his hands up his chin.

"I know this isn't economical... but Bahamut."

She then walks to the front door and punches it. It made a huge dent but it didn't crack the sealed door at all. "Everyone, back off a bit." Giving her 10 to 20 meters of space, the woman then puts more effort into her punch and completely blows it inward and the sound of music could be audibly heard. "Alright, soldiers go in." The skeletons with their player squad leaders head first into the building. As the skeletons kick one door open, their legs burn and it makes them stop and retreat a bit.

Sighing, the General checks the doors and sees that it has a light sparkle to it and as he touches it he feels at ease. He twists the knob and shrugs. "Yeah uhhhh... Elizabeth, Alana. Don't touch the door knobs."

"Hm? Why is that M'Lord?"

"They sanctified it. I am pretty sure it also works on Vampires from Threa."

"Hmmmm... it's definitely effective, My Lord."

Sniffing the air, the General could smell a burning cloth. Turning around, Elizabeth has her hands on a door knob and it's completely on fire. Her white gloves though not damaged. Remained on fire and the smell of burning flesh was starting to become apparent on the dusty hallway. "ELIZABETH!"

"My Lord. Be not stressed. We're used to pain."


He then takes her hand out and checks it as his fingers burn red. "Haaaaaa... My Lord..." she then places her left hand on his damaged right hand and heals it. "Pain might be something scary for you. But for us, if you do not get used to it. You won't ever become a great Vampire and would only end up with a broken soul, unable to move on from your mortal shell."

"Look, just don't test anything without explicitly telling me. I don't want anyone getting hurt. Things haven't even started yet and already, problems are spurring up left and right. Squad Leaders, don't open the doors. Just go to the top floor and secure the hallways."

Alana and Bahamut then check his hand as the skeletons go on their orders. Walking to the second floor with trained practice. Checking corners and as they find their place, would crouch and stay as the rest of the Squads went up to the top floor. To their surprise, unlike the other places. The 5th one was completely closed off with only a single door for them to open.

With his hand gesture, a skeleton places a C2 Door Charge into it as the extremely noisy music could be fully heard in full blast even outside the thick wooden door.

"Do it."

Blasting it. The door knob wasn't damaged and the General soon arrives and looks at the clean door. Even though explosives were used on it, not a mere scratch was present.


As ordered, she went on top and twisted the door knob till it completely broke. Before they could collect themselves, a hand comes through the wall and grabs the Dragon Lady by the neck. Even caught off guard, the hand intensely burns and screams could be heard inside as the music completely stops. The Squad Leader then takes point and points his finger at the floor. "FLASH!" a bright golden color was created from thin air with an extreme ear blistering sound and the soldiers went in. A few seconds after the flash, melee combat could be heard and Elizabeth and Alana lift their dresses a bit and run to the dance floor where they dropped their skirts and lifted their hands up to the height of their chin, ready for combat.

General Jackson soon follows, peering over to the special floor just to see the two Vampires in hand to hand fighting against their own kin. The partying players were able to keep up but the moment they started to get serious, the entire dynamic changed and the two got the upper hand immediately and started twisting arms and legs. Elizabeth with her devilish grin faces another female Vampire wearing a more expensive opal gown. At first, she was on par with the Queen but soon. Her moves were completely dodged and the blonde woman smacked her to the chin with her fist and was completely disabled as the skull of the charming player got pulverized from within.

Alana on the other hand faced a man wearing striped Pajamas who had his insanely long golden sword out. She dodged his attacks with no effort till one came from behind and severed her head which rolled on the floor. "Oh my, it seems that you all plan to die today." Her body then started to fight more rigorously, even without a head attached to its neck. It was able to fight the two Vampires. Dodging the sword and the fists as fast as light.

"My Lord, what's with the length of the swords?"

As she uttered those words, the two Vampires were completely crippled, with their spines sticking out from their backs and blood pouring out of every orifice on their body. Sulling the color changing flooring below them. Dancing to a tune that no longer plays.

"Woah, you're done?"


"That's... surprisingly bloody, Alana."

"I hate the grin of that one."

He looks at her work and could see multiple disabled Vampires that are too afraid to get up and face her again as their bodies re-healed slowly from the immense damage they took in such a short amount of time, less than a mere second. But then, one of the players who punched her head off stands up once again, with shiny gauntlets meant for Knight armor on, the man puts his hands up his face, ready for another brawl.

Alana on the other hand spreads her legs a bit and lifts her hands. Ready for combat. She then taunts the man to fight her. The player then looks around and borrows the sword of his pajama friend and properly postures himself.

"Well Alana... in Tur. It said that long swords could cut through even the souls and ghosts of beasts."

With the gauntlets shining, the man starts first and swings his sword which the Countess dodges and he then teleports behind her which she immediately repositions herself with, shocking the player and kicks him using her pointy shoes.

"Oh, My Lord! Then that explains why the sword you gave me was that long... or the sword of the Detective from Neo Tokyo."

"Yeah. In the end, Sword length does have an effect on ghosts and purification. But only a bit. Just bless your sword and be done with it. It's way more economical than lodging around something huge and long when you can't even wield that properly."


"What? I know that sounded wrong but I am serious."

"M'Lord, I wanted to have some more fun. But he dropped faster than I expected. Huge and long doesn't mean much when the person wielding it is untrained."

"Alright, that's enough of that.. Clean them up and have them on a line after they all heal up."

"Sir yes sir."

Surrounding everyone, they all soon got up and lined up perfectly as the General inspected each and every one of them. The red eyes of the Vampire players were all dim as they followed the stride of the human, looking at each one of them in formation. Elizabeth's face is visibly disgusted at the sight, as some of the Vampires were wearing only cargo shorts and shirts while others in Pajamas and flip flops while Alana went around checking the floor with Bahamut. Who was eating the cakes and meat that was on the tables on the sides she had finished checking.

"Alright. Where is your Hotel Manager?"

Someone from the back then pushes a man wearing a green polo and wearing denim pants while in the back, in tow of Alana was Bahamut who was eating up every food she could get her hands on. The Dragon was ruthless on the left overs, a vacuum that sucks up every known thing that could possibly taste good.

"H-Hello sir!"

The teenage man in sharp brown hair and red eyes stood straight up as he faced the General.

"Are you aware of the city mandate?"

"I am aware."

"And your..." he peers over to the people living in the building and takes a few seconds of staring at them, with one of the players being a Lizard with Vampire fangs, he then returns to facing the Manager. "Unique tenants?"

"They're also aware."

"Haaaaaaa..." the General deeply sighs. "And are you aware that you're planning to stay. You'll have to submit a signed paper to the City Hall?"

"Uhmm... no. But I do have a paper of everyone signing a contract that we'll stay here."

"Where is it? It's uhm... at my office."

"Get it now... and do you know what's coming?"

"No. But if it's just practice, moving is such a pain. We'd need to procure potions sir that nullifies the debuff of the Sun and it's just a hassle."

"You don't know what's coming and yet you want to stay because things are a bit of a hassle?"

"We're powerful! We know criminals would usually come around here but it shouldn't be a problem."

"We might've been very vague as to not cause a panic but are you truly sure about this choice?"

"Ahhhhhh... Am not holding anyone hostage. If they want to go, they can go."

"To where though? Do they know where the evacuation is? Or even what route to take? I know that I cannot force anyone to move as you have the right to stay here but I am telling you now, participate in this practice and you might've dodged the biggest bullet to ever hit you in life."


Facepalming. The General nudges the man to go and leaves the floor as they go down the stairs.

"I... actually think it's in my car."

"Just hurry. Bahamut needs to return to Mars and Alana and I to get logistics going."

"Mars? That dead Dragon God in the lore books?"

"Just get the papers already. Elizabeth also needs to return to the center of the city."

Completely clearing the 5th floor, the players just looked at each other as the General was taken to the underground parking lot. There were vans and vintage cars there to retro ones that're more for the 80s. The Manager takes his keys from his pants and takes them to the corner of the lot. "Hooooweeee... that's one nice car. What year is it?"

"Seventy Two."

"Hot damn..."

Taking his time, the General looks at the beautiful dark green convertible Mustang.

"Is this made by the Pedros Car Guild?"

"Yeah, I just got it made last year actually."

"Nice, nice, nice. I might have enough Gold saved up to buy one myself. Dang, look at that metal work."

Elizabeth and Alana just tilt their head at the two men, completely enjoying the build of the machine. With Paul inspecting every nook and cranny of the car. From the fenders, to the chrome trim and the windows, and the interior which had a chrome detailing on it. He then crouched and checked the tires and rims.

"They really did an amazing job... wow. How much did you pay?"

"Two hundred thousand gold coins."

"Dang. That's still a bit expensive though."

"But it's way better than using real money. The Pedros have been very nice with me too."

"Can you pop the hood?"


"Just wait a bit Alana."

He didn't even stare at the Countess as he was too busy looking at the vehicle and the Manager opened the driver side door and popped the hood open and he also reached for the glovebox and took the paper. He gave it to the General who then handed it to Elizabeth. "Check it for me will you?" She then takes a peek at the paper and could see that everyone has signed it and all of the tenants accounted for. She then crosses her arms with one heel forward as Alana yawns.

"Wow... I never knew I'd see a Three-O-Two Vee-Eight built from Tur." he takes a closer look at the engine and closely inspects the carefully crafted 8 cylinder engine from top to bottom.

"Master! Can I drive it?"


"Ehhhhhh... can I ride it then!"

"Uhm..." he then slowly looks at the Manager. "Can... we?"

"Do you know stick shift?"

"I'm from Asia. Everyone except the ones from the Capital knows how to drive stick shifts." the Manager dangles the keys to him and he takes it. "NICE!" The General then removes his cap and jacket. Throwing it into the hood of the Lincoln Town Car next to them as he makes his tie loose. "We'll be back. This should be a fast one."

"But you owe me one."

"You?... hmmmm... sure. Sure."

At the Downtown Police Station, Thomas is looking through the window. Overlooking the road in front of the building, hundreds of army trucks were parked and were unloading crates upon crates of ammo while others were filling sandbags and putting them on the intersection. Mixing in concrete and putting up barriers in front of it.


Appearing behind him, the Red Dragon shows herself.

"I am still not used to seeing you with Golden eyes."

"It's a common thing between every Dragon that has gotten divinity Tommy. I can return to my usual red if you want."

"Well, I want you to go have a look at this."

Yamaoka then places a chart on the table of the Police Commander of the Downtown PD. In it, shows the sewer system of Zavalda and marked on it were Exes and circles with question marks.

"Could this be the cause of the water problems that's been plaguing the city for weeks?"

"It is. Jackson is only one man so he overlooked some things. Including that, the sewer problem wasn't something normal or due to the gravity change. It's supernatural, the mana concentration there has been spiking steadily and it's reached a point where it can be detected openly."

"That much power in a tight space is bound to change the normality of things. Then, what do you propose, Tom-tom?"

"We go in there later and see if anything has started."

"Oh I am sure. With so much Mana, you can expect Water Sprites and even maybe Sea Orcs to have started to appear. But I am not sure yet."

"Have you gotten a read on Threa yet?"

"I was meditating, I need more time."

"I apologize then. I mustn't have called you so early."

"Hah, it's fine. I was about to fall asleep while hanging on the side of the building anyway."

A knock then comes. Opening the door, a player salutes the General.

"Sir, we have a situation on the Seaside. A Native is making a ruckus. She is a Noble so we cannot remove her through normal means."

"Hm? Natives are barred from entering player cities. How did this happen?"

"No idea sir. But she threatened to use magic against us if we were to remove her forcefully."

"And Jackson?"

"He's currently passed out, sir."


"Uhm... report was. He and the Void Dragon were having a sort of a joke going on and he used magic without any Mana enhancing clothing and knocked himself out by performing a high level spell without preparations."

"Haaaaaa... when I meet him. He looks like a dependable Shogun who you know will carry you through Heaven and Hell and yet he does this when no one is looking... I'll take care of it then."

"Yes sir."

"Mars, let's go."

"Tommy, what about the sewers?"

"We'll keep it for now. I am sure a problem will rise up soon and that should get Jackson moving."

"Alright Tom."

Riding a civilian car. They reach the Seaside park, with stylish lamps and benches accross its well cleaned red brick flooring, the place was perfect for you usual couple and a sweet date. With abandoned kiosks that once served visitors now left without anyone but the ghosts of the former denizens of the hotels that overlooked the open ocean that crosses to Schon, the forbidden continent.

Visibly having an altercation was a tall seven foot tall Elven woman wearing fine robes, her neck covered with golden necklaces and her wrists of ruby and diamond bands, with all of her ten long slender fingers covered by luxurious rings. Her entourage was blocking the other soldiers from sneaking up from her back.

"My English is not perfect but I already made my choice, Colonel. I am staying. I want and need to see the show."

"Ma'am. We have a city ordinance and specifically says that no foreigner must enter this land."

"Foreigner? Huh? Me? You dare use that word in the continent once ruled by the Curate Empire? The mightiest Empire that ever lived in this world and spanned before the Dragons and Humans even founded what concrete was?"

"Curate? Look ma'am, this is technically the land owned by the Guild of Ervtes, owner of Zavalda City."

"Your proof? My great ancestors still have the deeds of the land we once owned here. You have no say Outworlder. We are the true owners of this land, I am merely giving you attention for your rank. But jest me more and I'll have you carved out and thrown to the Lions."

"Colonel, I'll take care of this."

A player wearing a Multicam AOR combat uniform then replaces the officer. With four stars on his shoulders and a beret proudly brandishing the seal of the Shine Guards, the man put his hands on his sides, his feet together and slowly bowed.

"I am Knight General Thomas Yamaoka of the Shine Guards First Corps. Bearer of the title, Defender of the Paths of Darkness. I am pleased to be in your presence."

"Ah, finally. Someone with a modicum of Court discipline. I am Baroness Napaleze. I came from the Sinking City of the East to this place for the purpose of striking a deal with your kin."

"Lady Napaleze, I am ordered to remove you from the premises due to the city ordinance pertaining on the Native's entrance to our land."

"Again with this? Shall we get into an argument or should I just use magic on you?"

Yamaoka slowly raised his chest and smiled. "I would not recommend that. My partner here is rather fickle when it comes to my safety." Behind him, a woman with fiery red long hair, with a crown braid stood with crossed arms. Her golden eyes staring directly at her Elven gaze. Causing an unseen opposing tension in the air between the two, the human General in between them.

Even though the native was way taller than the red haired woman, Mars didn't flinch at the high and mighty aura of the Elf.

"How about I propose that you leave me and my entourage be?"

"Lady Napaleze, I cannot do that. What if something were to happen to you? We'd be the ones who'd have to pay for that. It'd be better if you were to leave now before things get hairy."

"Why would things be hairy? And wasn't this just a practice evacuation... or were my hunch correct and something bigger is afoot?"

Mars then steps in, taking the attention to her alone as she crosses her arms and put on an annoyed expression on her face.

"Can you just leave already? You are wasting precious time. Tommie needs to attend to more pressing things than this."

"Such insolence. You know if this were to happen back in-"

"We're not back anywhere. Leave now. If you annoy TomTom anymore, I'll have to forcefully do things."


"Hmph!" Yamaoka then gently shoves her behind him and he smiles at the Elf whose face has gone from slightly annoyed and perturbed to completely blank.

"Lady Napaleze, can't you atleast just follow our directions for now?"

"Silence. Let me face that woman. Mars is your name?"

"Yes! And?"

"Look me in the eyes and utter those words once again. Are you truly willing to use force? I am not one to stand down from an invitation of that level. Disagreements rarely lead to violence in the Empire. I'd gladly take your offer. Dare to remove me now."

"Thom. Can I please just do it?"


"Please... Please please please..."

"Haaaah... just make sure it's not a few hundred meters above ground."

"Ahahahahah! Finally! Now let's see if I truly have my strength back!"

Mars then stepped forward once again and this time, she put her arms behind her back and smiled gently at the Elf and her entourage of guards in composite plate armor, styled with the seas and the fishes, the men looked in confusion of the red hair woman as she flicked her finger once and they disappeared.

"Hah! TomTim! Look!"

Yamaoka then grabbed her and pulled the Dragon away as a shortsword barely hit her long red hair. Guns were immediately lifted as the Elven woman was back, but in heavy breath. "Hah... hah... What was that?! Are you some Arch Mage of the Human Magic Ministries?!" Mars just looked dejected. "Seems that I underestimated you. You talk big, but it looks like you have the power to back that up. But I am not like the Black and White Dragons that'd gladly fight you head on. We Red Dragons are not only powerful, but also smart." Catching her breath and controlling the airflow to her body, the Elven woman stood straight up once again. Now without her back up around her.

The muzzles of the various assault rifles used by the UN Guilds were now pointed at her face in all angles. Completely surrounding her.

"A Dragon you say...? Interesting. I never learned the reason why you all partnered with the humans. But at the same time, seeing that I am using Human words. I have an opinion on the matter."

"Oh? How about you shut up instead?"

"Hmph. I never managed to talk to a normal Dragon. Talking to you now reminds me of many humans that dare cross lines in decorum and respect for their ignorance of civilized manners. They merely replicate it. We embody it."

"Pfft. Don't make me start. If you have ever visited the Court of the Dragon Elders, your puny customs would seem that of monkeys thumping their chest with gold and platinum. Ours is one of war, dominance, and victory."

"And yet you act like the Mon'krels and their decorum. Could it be that human nature has overtaken your Dragon self?"

Mars then thumped her shoes on the ground and a massive fire engulfed her. It was so hot the soldiers surrounding Napaleze had to duck and disengage. Taking cover behind the MRAPs parked on the road.

The fire then died down and what appeared was Mars in another outfit. Wearing a robe that covered her body, she now stood the same height as the High Elf. Her hair loose, and touching the ground. "Bahamut must be in a joyous attitude, she gets to feel the presence of another Dragon God in full power." She then unclips her robe. Revealing the thick body suit she had underneath, with red veins flowing from the bottom heels to the neck, it wasn't only lascivious and lustful, but also terrifying and condescending. The large crimson cape she wore had the ornate design of a crown and on her loose belt, a singular sword of strange metal.

The blade even sheathed on its scabbard shone a color never before identified and in between the hilt, a strange core that had the colors of the galaxy within it.

"Behold! It is I! King Crimson of the Dragons, the Volcanic Dragon that rose to Godhood! Mars Infernus holder of the title Primeval Dragon God of Legends! Castrate yourself before the sight of a true Divine being! The Lord of Fire and Brimstone! Bahahahahaha! I have returned!"

"What in Forrus name are you?!"

"Such a wonderful new world..." Mars then breathes in with a long smile on her face. Her red bangs reached her eyelashes as her lipsticked lips curled into a devilish expression. "A brave new world and one with such a smell and taste. Just what had happened here I wonder?"

Seeing Mars in such a state made the Elf take a few steps back as the Red Dragon had a dominating smile on her face. Her eyes didn't only have the strange circular perimeters on it, but it glowed a color of crimson and gold. Her bottom half was erotic, her beautiful figure in full display of the bodysuit she wore but yet one couldn't help but feel scared as she stood with such a display.

"You best leave now. I am no longer jesting nor larking. This power I display to you now will be barely enough for that task of me. I am merely leaving it to the man with the Five Stars on his shoulders to lead me and Thomas to victory. Do not get in our way, or you best will know what happens to those Dragon Priests who disturbed me in my meditation."

The two were suddenly transported into a strange place. It was hot, hotter than the Sun as Mars stood on a hill of skulls and flames were everywhere as the vast blood clotted skies were full of tracers from all sorts of calibers and high explosive shells going off in every second. Painting the sky with a horrific firework display of death and doom as cries of help from men in languages unknown to both of them could be heard and gunshots and fighting everywhere around them. There she stood alone on top of the hill made from the empty heads of thousands of warriors.

Around them, tanks from the World Wars to the eighties and medieval horseback were brutally fighting amongst each other on the burning fields around them. Skeletons wearing uniforms of armies no longer found nor remembered, or those who fought long ago and are but a memory to modern men were there, shooting, sword fighting, and screaming against one another as figures of history from Alexander the Great to Genghis Khan in the flesh in the thick of the bloodshed.

"Wha-Wha-What is this?! What world is this?!"

Mars then squats on the hill of skulls she was standing upon. Her heels not even bothering her nor throwing her off balance as P-51 Mustangs and Fw-190 Butcher Birds were flying low dog fighting one another as the sonic booms of F-4 Phantoms drop napalm behind them, and together with the explosion of smoldering air was the screams of children and women.

"Take me back! Take me back now!"

"Oh, wrong world."

The flames then engulfed their surroundings, blocking the Elf's sight of the fighting. It then rescinds and this time it showed Vampires going against the Elves, Humans, Beastmen and the alike. The powerful creatures of the night wearing gleaming armor even in the depths of the abyss of eternal fighting were still as elegant and stylish as ever while the remains of the great Human Knights that stood against them fought with such valiance you'd never expect them to be a person to begin it. Standing toe to toe against the beasts of night that never tire nor age.

"T-This is history... our world's history..."

And in the thick of it, a beautiful angelic blonde woman wearing a purple gothic gown. With a magnificent crown to pair with her incandescent beauty, she tore through men and beast alike with bare hands, ripping them violently apart as Elves even with their better crafted armor stood no chance against her. The singular strands of her long loose hair seems like it was made out of the finest gold through the blood splatter and gore.

"H-Her... Q-Queen Elizabeth... That monster... THAT MONSTER! KEEP IT AWAY!"

She then turns to the Elven woman. Her sparkly golden blonde hair tainted with the blood of the hundreds she killed effortlessly. It didn't even seem to bother the woman as she leaped to her just to be intercepted mid flight by a man. He wore thick Knight armor and stood upon his hands the sword of Deus Vrax, the gleaming silvery weapon whose glory could speak to you for eons. With a destroyed helmet, he removes it. Revealing his brown hair and golden eyes.

He didn't even seem to be anyone special, just an above average human male who wielded a sword of absolution for the mankind of Threa. There he charged forward, running towards the Queen with a posse. A Rogue, Archer, Healer, and Mage all wearing outfits of similar levels of luxury and rarity, running towards the Blood Queen whose beauty could tear you apart. Each of them baring from one of the many sentient species in Threa, all together against one common enemy that has struck their lands with her eternal soldiers and brutal nobles that never wither as long as blood is drunk.

"Pl-please... get me back... PLEASE!"

It then shifts once again, the flames engulfing all of them and this time, Mars sat upon a throne of bones. Stylishly crossing her arms, behind her. A familiar polished wall to the Elf.

"My... My Goddess Forrus, it's Elvennur at the height of his power..."

With such a fortress behind her, where every nook and cranny was given immense care and detail, etched and carved into the pillars that held each section together were the historic Elves that made the Empire what it was and the mighty cannons of that defended the city, gigantic barrels that spanned the length of skyscrapers, were aiming down as thousands of balls of magic from fire, water, soil, air, electricity, and shots of lightning from there spears from Elven soldiers wearing a thicker and bulkier composite plate armor, with glass visors on their helmet as they opened fire constantly on something that wasn't dying.

"T-This is the Curate Empire... this is our glory days... wait... then this must mean..."

She turned to her left and the Elves' eyes sank in complete freight. More than that of the Vampire Queen as the mere sight of a strange Knight wearing layered plate armor wielding two epic swords stood tanking all of the shots from the walls of Elvennur. The single lone warrior sheathed its swords as it bought out a tower shield. An ear blistering sound then followed forth, the super cannons of the Elven city firing in unison against it. The doors of the city then opened, as the scream of a hundred thousand Elven warriors rushed out of the gates and towards this single thing.

The ground then rumbled. "Oh, interesting." Mars rested her head on her knuckles as she watched with Napaleze the fight that was about to happen. "P-Please... stop... I-i cannot watch this slaughter." The Elves charged forward alongside their Air Corps. Armored Balloons dragged by Griffins with platforms of cannons underneath them. The piles of skulls under them then started to shake violently and the plume of smoke from the super cannons disappeared. Revealing the strange Knight alive and well, with not a scratch on its armor.


Like a storm of razor sharp blades, it tore through the hundred thousand strong Elven army without a hint of tire. Limbs, pieces of armor and weapons being thrown everywhere as it made a path to the walls where its sword glowed a killing light. Burning and exploding the army.


The High Elf stood frozen, unable to grasp what's happening as the flames once again engulfed them. Outside the flames, she could see Elven tribals fighting Demons and as if Mars had pressed the fast forward button on a remote, the fighting changed rapidly. From mere natives with wooden spears to Dragons in armor breathing fire into a giant red skinned demon with four arms all wielding swords, one of the Dragons got cut down without effort as its allies, continued to fight it as below, Humans, Elves, Beast folk alike are fighting against the hordes of Hell. Wielding skeletons and a Knightly army with its own air corps, the visitors from the realm below were fighting fiercely and with organization.

The fire then oozes up once again and now all she could hear was the sounds of machines and it irritated her long pointy ears. Mars then slowly lowered her chest to let her arms reach into the piles of skulls below her and she pulled out an M249 SAW infantry machine gun and pointed it at the highborn native. "I hope this is enough to warm you. You do not want to meet the Lady in Black like so many warriors of this planet before you." She pulls the trigger and this sends the two of them back to the seaside park. Napaleze completely collapsed before them.

"Woah... Nani? Nani datte?! What was that?!"

"Something you have must get used to now, My Partner."

Mars then walks to Thomas, his body frozen stiff as she looks down on the man whose face was staring at her eyes with such innocence and trust. She bends down a bit and squishes his cheeks in her gloved hands.

"This is who I truly am. Mars Infernus in her full. This is the responsibility Jackson wields with Bahamut, and now, it is also your turn to hold this responsibility. I am willing to do what you want, follow you through the very Void itself that parts Heaven and Hell. Will you use me to destroy or create?"

Thomas then grabbed her hands and lowered it as he smiled.

"Gokuro sama desu. It is no problem, nothing will change between us. For now, just rest. I know handling people is not your forte."

"Hmph." She then returns to her white blouse and red skirt. Back in her crowd braid hair, she just tilts her head. "I actually want to eat something right now."

"This is common amongst all Dragons?"

"A bit. The bigger we get the more we need nourishment. I cannot get rid of this hobby even in this human form."

"Alright, but we have to check first if we have enough rations. Lady Minuit has been very apprehensive about it."

He then peeks behind her and sees the soldiers picking up the knocked out body of the High Elf. Putting her in the back of the Humvee and driving off. The Colonel that was first on the scene salutes and gets back into his MRAP and drives away.

"Haaaaaah... I might need to sleep."

"Again? And what about meditating?"

"Eh. I meditate because it's in my nature as a Volcanic Dragon. We meditate in caves around Volcanoes or even in the Magma Chamber to regain needed Mana and to soothe the loneliness. I haven't used my Crimson flames for so long now that I forgot how demanding it is."

"What did you even show her? She looked like she was having the worst dreams of her life."

"Just a bit of something. I have regained my power, I merely did a trip to this world's many fighting and conquests. It interests me that one of them is with us right now."


"The sparkly haired golden woman with Jackson. You know of her true nature TomTom?"

"You mean Carmilla? From what I was given, she was a Vampire Noble who got resurrected. That already means she's incredibly powerful."

"Hah. The people whom you entrust to return us to our normalcy are lying to you. I always knew there was something up with that woman. Now I know."

"Why? Who is she really?"

"Someone that once conquered in one of the best conquests any creature could do. Something we Dragons have tried many times. World Domination."

"Th-thats... not uncommon."

"Oh, but Thomie, have you ever realized what could've happened if one was to succeed?"

"I... I don't know."

"Magnificent fighting and victories, as resistance flares from the crevices of society. It is wonderful, this world. Threa. Its history is just as rich if not richer than anything else. I must meditate further and find out more. This person, Deus Vrax. I wonder..."

"Didn't you just say you might need to sleep?"

"Ahh but how can I when I have you here. Entertaining me and giving me much excitement as you fill me with ideas and dreams."

"Well, that's good to know. I might need your help with the sewer problems. While the two of you were off on an adventure, we got multiple calls that the Mana concentration there had started to make Water Sprites pop up."

"As expected. Then. Shall we?"

"Sure." They then started walking to the road. With Yamaoka's hands in his pocket "Does Bahamut have her own special flames?"

"She does. It's called Void Fire. Though my flames are hotter, hers are more devastating as it affects your very soul and essence. She only used that once and it was against me, that's how she got the jump on me after we dragged our fight to the very Heavens."

"Hmmmm and what interesting thing have you found out about this world?"

"Ah... that it has wars better than your world, My Partner."

Mars then stretched her arms as they approached the MRAP whose doors were already opened and was only waiting for them.

"If you want to rest, I'll just carry you home."

"Just don't go answering and helping everyone. Jackson is correct, you don't need to be helping anyone all the time. You have bigger things to attend to. Just like right now. We wasted precious time for something your minions could've done."

"Jackson is correct on many things, that's why he is respected by everyone, even the Higher Ups. But in the end, he is also just human. He makes mistakes, and me. I need to make sure those mistakes aren't amplified any further. This includes handling people. His real experience in war has made him somewhat less caring to people."

"I don't think so."


"He has that same stupid smell that comes off of you and the Heroes. It inherits the human spirit of just helping for the sake of nothing."

"Really? Jackson seems to be stiff at times."

"I am sure it is only due to the burdens that rest on him. But I am certain he is a different man when not in uniform. He is not like you who wears his soul on his sleeves. He keeps it tucked in and only reveals it to those he trusts."

"I wonder. Is that a bad thing?"

"It depends. But I prefer your ways Thom. Being more carefree and open is better for us Dragons. We are after all a very sociable species. We need someone to always talk to and be with."

"I sometimes wish I could change, but being a countryside boy coming to the city just made me realize how much a ganbatte could make your day. Jackson seems to be the same type who had lived in a city his entire life and gave his life to working and gaining money."

Yamaoka turns to face the hurdling towers of concrete and glass before him. The structures looking down on him now empty and what remained were ghosts of the former tenants. Quiet, the buildings still spoke to him in a tone of power and height.

"Living in these places, as much as it is safe and everything is provided, cannot truly give you what you need and want. The closer people got, the more we were apart. I am doing this because I know so many need help. They can't see it because their eyes are clouded by their dreams, dreams of something bigger and better. But why can't they dream of something smaller and nicer?"

"Don't go sentimental on me now."

"Hahahaha, I won't. But just a tidbit on what it's like to live in my world. Whatever you see in my world's history, I hope you know that it's human nature to dream for something bigger. That's why everyone does it but in the end, all they needed was a word of encouragement and support for all the hard work they've done."

"I am not one to meager with menial human works. Human dreams are miniscule compared to the dreams of a Dragon. But I also do not waste it nor discard it. You also have a dream Thomas. One that I absolutely adore... and it's not as different from the dreams of others."

"Hm. Thank you. I do wonder... What's the grand scheme of things? Only Jackson knows what's really happening. The Shine Guards have always been put into duties pertaining to Military Policing. To think we're here and on a frontline duty. Just what had gone wrong I wonder?"

"I think you better ask him yourself."

"Haaaaa... if I could even find him. He seems to get around faster than anyone else. Does he use flight magic regularly?"

"I didn't detect that on him. His kit is more suited to sword fighting and a bit of archery and magic. But nothing as far as flight."

"I am sure we'll be surprised when we go back to the station. He'll be somewhere doing something none of us expected."

Returning back to the PD, Mars immediately hit the newly installed couch on the Police Commissioners office. Yamaoka on the other hand started visiting one room after the other. Going downstairs, he had to dodge an Altar being brought to the second floor by skeletons. The large box full of etchings of a great war between Gods and one God painted on the sides and even underneath was crafted with careful detail. The entire thing barely fit the stairs as players carrying a water cooler and a bunch of recreational items were behind.

They all replied with a quick "Sir." as Yamaoka lightly passed them. The man returns with a tip of his beret and to the front reception desk he comes to. The computer and all the cabinets were removed and in place were all sorts of antennas and radios and rechargers.


"Where is Jackson now?"

"General Jackson sir? He was last spotted going to the Vampire Hotel."

"Eh? Wasn't he supposed to be going around with Alana helping out with the logistics? Well, what's the situation with the evacuation?"

"It's already at ninety percent sir."

"And Jackson?"

"Last report was that he was going to take a vehicle out for a joyride with Lady Carmilla, Minuit and Bahamut."


"Yes sir, we were alerted that he will be driving around the empty concrete river."

"Haaaaah... Just what is up with that man's head? So Mars."

Already, the Dragon was fast asleep. Yamaoka just smiles and sits down on the armchair. Swinging it around to face the window as he watches the players and skeletons prepare sandbags on the main road. "He is truly full of surprises."


Thanks for reading! Now, back to playing Doom and Farthest Frontier. :)

-KFCLover from ArchiveOfStories

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