I'm In Naruto (Kakashi X Read...

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y/n l/n was born on the same day as naruto her parents were great friends with Minato and kushina when the ti... Altro

24-the movie


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Da 12457041n134

Trigger warning-violence, torture,mentions of death, a little 15+

Once we reached the village
Tsunade was taken away to a meeting with the council while I headed to the hospital to check up on kakashi
" hello I'm here to see kakashi" y/n told the front desk lady
" okay he's on the second floor 3 rooms to the right"
" thank you" y/n said bowing to her before she head to kakashi room
Once there she sat down on the chair in his room
" man that trip was exhausting " y/n said before stretching and starting to work on the genjustu kakashi was in since Tsunade thought her how to
(5 min later)
" hmm" kakashi said before slowly sitting up
"Y/n" he said surprised by her
"I'm glad to see you awake also I sorta borrowed some money not a lot I did manage to get it all back so yeah just thought you should now before you freak out when you get home" y/n said hugging kakashi

"Urgh it fine I guess" kakashi said before pulling y/n in to sit beside him in the hospital bed

"So how was the fight you seem pretty beaten up" y/n said trying to hide her smirk

"Stop laughing and yeah he "whooped my ass" I guess" kakashi said before resting his head on y/n shoulder

"So how was the trip" now it was kakashi turn to ask the question

"It was okay jiraya thought us how to do the rasengun and tsunade thought me how to break free from the genjustiu too but then we had to fight orochimaru but nothing big happened" y/n said while kakashi was back to sleep with his hand around y/n

"Man how clinging" y/n said before falling asleep With him

"Oh wow no wonder she wanted to learn" a voice said before chuckles were heard



"I say we draw on them" on voice whispered while another agree

" hmm they are pretty cute look at the way he holds her" another voice said gushing at how cute it was

" Sasuke do you want to try that out" another voice said


"She's to young I won't allow it" another voice said stomping

"Knock it off naruto your going to wake them up"
Y/n began stirring around before stretching and waking up to see tsunade jiraya naruto Sasuke Sakura and ino with some fleeing the scene


"Five more minutes"kakashi said pulling y/n in closer

"OH gosh kakashi wake up"
Y/n said shaking him with this he open his eyes to see the same thing as y/n

"Huh lady tsunade"kakashi said sitting up and letting go of y/n

Coughing tsunade spoke up

"I came to check up on you and stumbled upon this and I kinda felt bad to wake you two up so we will leave now that I know your fine" tsunade said before husering everybody out including herself

"Man how embarrassing" y/n said going to edge to get up but was stop by kakashi please stay here for a bit I still want to catch up on my sleep" kakashi said while y/n shooked her head but agreed
Some days has pass since Tsunade became hokage
And since the leaf had a shortage of ninjas team 7 have been sent on some missions alone and together currently they were on there way to there randebo spot for a joint mission with the sand

"Hmm by the way y/n have you heard there's a new squeal to the tale of princess gale and " Sakura said with heart in her eyes and her hand together

"Hmm I haven't really gotten free time to watch any of the movies from that series sorry?" Y/n said smiling Apologically

Sakura mouth dropped she completely stopped moving this freaked y/n out

"Is everything already" y/n asked retreating back a bit

"Y/n" Sakura had a serious look on her face

" once we get back home we are watching all of the movies we are not sleeping tonight" Sakura said nodding her head before turning to Sasuke

" Sasuke you could join us if you like" Sakura said giggling

While Sasuke just gave her his usual hmm

" ooo ooo can I come too please Sakura chan" naruto said raising his hand pointing to himself"

"Yeah I guess" Sakura said with that kakashi chuckled before resting a hand on top of y/ns head

" well then we can watch it in mines and naruto apartment just make sure you bring the movies" y/n said removing kakashi hand gently

"Man there late urgh you never know what those shinobi from the sand are thinking" naruto said complaining

Suddenly sand started to rise a few feet behind naruto

"Especially garra-"
"I'm sorry about out tardiness" garra said bowing his head
While his other teammates behind him were walking through the water to get to the otherside

Naruto quickly picked up a rock and threw it at him garra stopped it with his sand

Garra teammates quickly went to had behind a bush at garras reaction while kakashi pulled narutos ear

"Naruto you can't go throwing rocks at people" kakashi said

"Doesn't matter he was going to stop it anyways" he said pouting

Shaking her head y/n went up to garra

"Long time no see here I'm not sure if you likes candy or not so I also bought you some things like puzzles and games that are popular right now in the leaf " y/n said holding out a scroll for him while smiling

A blush appeared on garras face before being replaced with a frown he quickly bowed his head

" im sorry I didn't bring you anything I must admit I'm new to this" garra said

"WHAT" kakashi said 'no she isn't dating him right' kakashi thought before sulking know it was possible

"Y/n what Is he talking about" naruto said with his hands cross

" don't worry garra you didn't know it was supposed to be a gift for you and in gift you don't have to always give something in exchange for it" y/n said rubbing his hair around before turning around to her teammates

"He's my friend you idoit" y/n said directing it to both naruto and kakashi with this kakashi got up and went to y/n

Grabbing her he threw her over his shoulder and started walking away

"Huh let me go" y/n said hitting his back

"Come on lets start the mission and garra start 6 feet away from her" kakashi said
Once they were at a good position kakashi and garra went over the plan

"So team 7 will take the right side and anbush them while the sand go through the left and attacks them from their" kakashi said making sure everyone agreed

"Can I speak to you in private" garra asked kakashi With a nod

both garra and kakashi headed somewhere together

" man why does he have to be so secretive all the time" naruto said while standing upside down

"The team captain probably wanted to talk about the mission or something" sakura said thinking

" I don't think that's the case" Sasuke said

Sighing y/n sat down

" it probably about the anbu that has been chasing us for the past hour" y/n said looking up at the sky

" urgh and you y/n when were you going to
Tell me about being friends with garra" naruto asked pointing a finger towards her

"Well I thought you knew since I would bring up at times I even asked you if you thought he would like any of the things I got him" y/n said putting her hand on her hips

"Oh yeah you did heh" naruto looked away scratching his right cheek

Kakashi appeared and ordered us to follow him

"Garra try not to be late this time" naruto said before following Kakashi

"Stay safe out there" y/n said smiling at him with a nod garra then started to go his teammates following him
"Come out of your hiding place we know your there" kakashi said having his sharingan out

"Heh wouldn't expect anything less from kakashi of the sharingan" the anbu said more the one appeared alongside him

"What do you want with us" kakashi asked taking out a kunai

"Oh nothing with you shinobi of the leaf were just hoping you won't interfere with our mission just think of us like spectator you guys can complete the mission alone don't worry about the sand Shinobi we will take care of them" the anbu said

"What you guys want is garra isnt" y/n said moving her hand to her weapon pouch

"Huh very sharp I see don't worry we had a order to eliminate him I'm sure your village will be happy with that news after all one of your neighboring villages will be weaken its a win win for everyone" the anbu said having his hands stretched out

" so you will just kill him" naruto looked down before bring it up

"He's a shinobi like you and your just going to kill him you might be okay with that but IM NOT" naruto said throwing a kunai at him before charging towards them once he got through he continued a bunch of kunai where heading to him

Quickly y/n and Sasuke blocked him

"Dont get in my way" the anbu said
Sighing y/n looked up

"I want to kill you so badly I'm shaking trying to stop myself but I know if I do that will just give them another reason to kill garra so instead I will just knock you out" y/n punched him with all her force sending him flying far destroying the trees behind him

Quickly y/n teleported to naruto who was currently fighting some anbu

Y/n punched them away and headed to garra

"Are you okay your all wet" y/n said before healing him garra nodded before turning all the damped sand into a small rock with that he knocked them all out

"I'm sorry that due to my present
it interfere with the mission" garra said bowing his head

"Dont worry about it your our friend you take more priority then the mission" naruto said while y/n smiled and started to heal garra


After completing the mission
Garra made a sand flower and gave it y/n at first she was worried it would break but garra made sure it wouldn't


"Aww a sand flower thank you garra but isn't it going to break sand can be very fragile" y/n said looking at the rose in her hand

"Dont worry here let me see it" garra said taking the rose and adding his Chakra before dropping the rose this shocked y/n

"Wait I still wanted it" y/n said while garra chuckled

"sorry I was just testing it making sure it was strong enough" garra said giving y/n a small smile

"Your better looking when you smile you should do it more often" y/n said before saying good bye and going back to her team

'What are you doing to me y/n' garra thought while holding his beating heart ♥
Y/n was currently cooking some cookies and food for the movies later tonight
she even sent naruto out to buy some snacks with the money she won at the gambling house

"Hmm it smells nice in here" kakashi said walking into the kitchen of y/n apartment

" I know and what did I tell you about sneaking in here without permission" y/n said not turning around instead concentrating on the meat she was currently cook she was trying to recreate her mom's famous tacos from her pasted life

" hmm can I have some" kakashi said ingoring her scolding for entering and took a seat at her table while pulling out his pervy book

" just don't finish them all" y/n said before starting on a new batch of cookies while waiting for the meat to cook

Y/n took out the flour and pour it inside the bowl and added her ingredients before mixing it

Quickly y/n turned off the timer and handed the dough to kakashi

"Mix it for a bit please" y/n said grabbing the mittens and taking out the cookies Sighing kakashi starting mixing it every was well until he "accidentally" spilled it all over the kitchen table

"Whatt kakashi" y/n whine before setting down the cookies on the counter and passing kakashi the cleaning supplies

"Clean that up and next time dont get distracted with that book" y/n said before turning to cool the meat

Sighing kakashi shook his head
"it wasn't the book who distracted me it was your ass so close to my face" kakashi said

"What did you say" y/n turned around looking at him

"Huh?" ' shit did I say that out loud' kakashi thought before backing up a little
With this y/n started laughing
"I'm just messing with you" she said before turning off the stove and storing some cookies in a bag

"Here have some for the road back Home" y/n said

"What your not going to invite me to stay" kakashi said his hair tips falling downward

Y/n started to push kakashi out
"No because you weren't invited by the rest and you don't even like these type of movies" y/n said

Hesitantly kakashi Complied

"Also next time I will sure not to have my "ass" near your face" y/n said moving her thumb across her next in a threatening way

With this kakashi sweat dropped before leaving with a wave
"Were here" naruto yelled once arriving he was currently holding the door for Sasuke
And Sakura who had there bags with them

" welcome I just finished setting up the living room" y/n which was just the area near ther bed

"I got the movies and thank you for having me" Sakura said while y/n chuckled

" the DVD is set up and the bathroom is clean so of you guys want yall can change into your pj's already" y/n said while naruto showed Sakura where the bathroom is Sasuke set down his bags and went to y/n

" do you need help" he said while picking up a strawberry that was set out

" not if it means you eating everything" y/n jokingly said before asking him to take some dishes to the table in the living room

With a hmm he complied
After they settled down they started the movie naruto and Sasuke eating while y/n and Sakura would gush about how romantic and cute michy was
Currently it was late at night and Sakura naruto and Sasuke had already fallen asleep y/n was sleepy too but had way to much on her mind to even sleep



Y/n turned to look at her window and saw kakashi stand there with book in his face waving his hand

Carefully y/n separated herself from naruto and Sakura and made her way to the window opening it and sticking out her upper half

"Kakashi? What are you doing out here so late" y/n asked while kakashi put his book away and bring his face forward towards y/n and leaning against the outside wall

"I was worried you guys wouldn't be asleep since I just got informed we have a very important mission soon and I need you guys completely prepared and no tired" he said in a soft tone Chuckling y/n shook her head

" you just wanted a excuse to seem me and get some more cookies didn't you?" Y/n said smirking while kakashi looked away

" um no not at all" kakashi said

This made y/n laugh a but more before bring kakashi face forward

Y/n smiled and slowly took off his handband his hair slooped down

'How adorable' y/n thought before hand kakashi his hand band and rubbing his left cheek with her right thumb slowly reaching to the top of the mask and slowly bring it down kakashi nose was about to be uncovered but he quickly but his headband on top of y/ns eyes tighten it he brought y/n face close

" not yet darling "

blushing y/n removed the head band only to see him gone

'Urgh y/n calm down its just a stupid nickname'


Kicking her feet y/n stuffed her face in a pillow

'That shouldn't be attractive' she thought before calming down

The next day team seven woke up and each took a shower while y/n cooked breakfast with the help of Sakura

Once done they all sat down for breakfast

"Thank you for the food" they all said while eating

"Oh by the way there's going to be a festival this weekend we should all go" sakura said suggesting the idea

"Hmm I have a mission in two days but I think I will be able to make it" y/n said walking up to refrigerator and looking at the calander

"Great what about you sasuke"sakura asked impatiently

"No" he said while eating
"Huh urgh" Sakura depressingly rested her head on her seat while y/n chuckled at this

"Huh asked me Sakura chan" naruto said pointing to himself

Sigh sakura asked

" im definitely going and you should be my date too" naruto said blushing while connecting his pointing fingers

On the mission

" I need you three to go deliver this scroll to a feudal lord in the land of the water I will put y/n in charged you should head out as soon as possible that's all your dismissed" lady Tsunade said while y/n took the scroll and walked out of her office

"So what do yall think about meeting in the gates in 30?" Y/n asked

Her team was composed of neji and tenten

"Sound good to me" tenten said while neji just nodded

"Great well see yall then" y/n said before teleporting away
After restocking on some ninja weapons tools y/n headed to the gate
Neji and tenten appeared after 5 minutes

"Sorry to keep you waiting" tenten said catching her breath

"It fine you guys are on time don't worry" y/n said before leading them outside the gate

Team y/n continued like normal on the road to the land of water until they sense they were being followed

Y/n quickly got in between tenten and neji and brought them in close putting a seal on them and communicating there plan too

" make a shadow clone and dropped down into a bush and hide until I say other wise" y/n said before speeding up and making a clone while hiding the other followed her lead

Once "they" were on the ground they got surrounded by 9 ninja

"Hand over the scroll or we kill you" the leader of the ninjas said stepping forward towards "y/n"

"Tsk tenten here run out of here neji follow her" "y/n" said while handing "tenten" the scroll once in her hands "y/n" slammed the ground creating a distracting for the cloned

"Follow them leave this one to us" the leader said while commanding 5 ninjas to go after "tenten" and "neji"

Once they were far enough y/n and other came out and fought them y/n handle two while neji and tenten each got one

"58 plam trigon" neji quickly took down his opponent but fell down after due to exhausting his eyes

"Kunai coffin" tenten said summoning a bunch of kunai headed to the opponents knocking him out but not without being hurt with a weapon laced with poison

"Lighting blade" y/n quickly struck one of the guys after finally getting her seal on him and his companion, quickly not losing her speed y/n struck the other guy but also got a sword impeal into her stomach

"If I'm going down then so are" the guys but y/n quickly kept pushing his lighting blade through his chest finally killing him

Team y/n had to quickly hide in a far away bushes so y/n could heal them

"Dont move I will try to heal you both at once so we can speed the mission up" y/n said while taking off the sword in her stomach and using a clone to heal herself while healing her teammates

"I'm fine don't touch me I don't need your help" neji said swatting her hand away

"Neji" tenten managed to say before coughing up blood

Y/n quickly got to work first cutting up the wound even more and then pulling out all the poison

"Her were going to try this cure tell me is it works or not right away" y/n said while injecting the cure into her arm

"Ahh it not working" tenten said this caught the attention of neji quickly he went near her

"Okay then let's use this one" y/n said before taking out a silver looking injection
And injecting it into her arm

With a few pants tenten conformed it was helping but this worried y/n

"The cure I just used only works on super difficult poison and unless they made it , it very existence is very hard to produce" y/n looked down while neji spoked up

"So your saying these ninjas are well trained and the other 5 might be stronger" neji said looking away

"Yeah I'm afraid so" y/n said before getting up and knocking neji down quickly she use two clone to restrain him before starting to heal his eyes

" let go of me this instant" neji said trying to get the two clones off y/n stayed focused on her work after a few minutes neji started to feel relieved in his eyes from the pain he was having before not that he would tell anyone wither way
"Okay that should be enough we should get going or else they will catch up" y/n said with that they started to quickly head to the land of water once they cross the border they quickly went to the feudal lord to deliver ther scroll

"Hello were ninjas for the leaf village we were order to deliver this scroll as soon as possible to your feudal lord" y/n spoke to the gate keeper with some verification they were finally allowed in one of the people there lead them to the feudal lord

"I'm sorry but our lord is very sick and he's not allowed to have visitors so if it okay we can stand outside the door of his room quickly Crack it open a bit slip the scroll Inside so you guys can complete your mission" the maid said while leading us with a nodded they agreed while tenten asked about the feudal lord y/n walked beside neji

"I want you to use your byakugan once outside the room door but as unnoticeable as possible please" y/n whispering said while secretly making a clone scroll and switch the two while putting her seal on both of them

"Tsk fine" neji said in a low voice while looking away y/n nodded and catched up to tenten

Once at the doors y/n did exactly what the maid told them to do with that the maid bid her goodbyes an they were free to go

Once y/n and her team made it to the gate they were stopped by a bunch of the guards

"AHHHHH THE LORD HAS BEEN KILL" a worker said with this the guards surrounded team y/n

"Your underarresst for killing the feudal lord" the main guard said close in on them

"We didn't do it we just went to deliver the scroll" tenten argued while y/n scanned the area once she saw a messengers Eagle she nodded

"Let them we will comply" y/n said holding out her hands

Tenten and neji hesitated
'Is she okay ???' They thought before decided to do the same

Tenten and neji were taken to a cage separate from y/n she was taken farther into the prison they connected her hands with Chakra blocking hand cuffs and made her hang from two chains connected to the roof

Once the guards left y/n nodded for the toad she summoned before letting herself get caught to appeared

" I need you to go find neji and tenten and tell them to gather as much information they can about the feudal lord and not do anything to escape we have back up on there way so there job is to find information and after you do that I want you to investigate the whole estate especially the places that are blocked off and the room of the feudal lord" y/n said while the toad nodding and disappeared

'Man what did I get myself into' y/n thought before hearing the guards talk

"Yeah isn't it crazy though to think there's two feudal lords oh well it sad to think our kind lord was killed by these ninja how unfortunate" on guard said while the other nodded before adding on to it

"Yeah his twin brother was said to crave money and his ways to get money were very harsh that the feudal lord had no other choice but take over and remove him from the estate" another guard said shaking his head
Back in the leaf village

Team seven along with hinata were currently standing infront of lady tsunade

"Alright another mission woooo" naruto said jumping up and down

"So what will it be is it s rank or do a rank?" Naruto asked with sparking eyes

"Well it is A rank " lady tsuande said before shizune looked down

"Y/n tenten and neji are currently being held in prison at the land of water your mission is to go help them as back up and follow there team captain orders" tsunade said before naruto freaked out

"Huh what do you mean y/n in prison how come you didn't start with that old lady " naruto asked while going up to her desk before lady tsunade banged her hand against her desk

"Well I'd you were quiet it would have gone by faster" tsunade said angerly while Sakura smaked naruto to shut him up
Once down hinata went to help him up
After a long journey they finally made it to the estate of the feudal lord there a toad went up to them

"This way is faster to the prison y/n is currently being held in" the toad said leading them through the back of the prison once there they split up hinata and naruto went to free neji and Sakura and Sasuke went to free tenten while kakashi headed to y/n

"This way she's being held up by some chain and far way from the others" the toad informed him while leading him there

"Hey stop who are you" a guard asked while kakashi just put them to sleep and kept going forward

Trigger warning ahead

"Y/n" kakashi said standing outside of her cage with this y/n picked up her head

"What a nice surprise to see you" y/n said while kakashi unlocked the door spinning the keys with a finger

"hmm would you look at your caught and I had to save you,tsk tsk, what should I do with you" kakashi said walking towards y/n

Chuckling y/n rapped her leg around his torsos with this kakashi closed the gap in between them before cuffing her thighs pushing her up

"I thought you would be out by now" kakashi said while his hands gripped her thighs

"Yeah,yeah I was but I found it very useful to gather  information about the feudal lord like for instance he had a twin brother and the brother visited him a month ago" y/n said while taking out the Bobby pins she had underneath her hand bracelets

Kakashi looked up to see her concentrating on unlocking the cuffs while continuing to tell him the information she collected

"I also told a toad to investigate the estate and he found a lot of traces of poison in the feudal lords room which could mean a lot of things but it was the same poison that some guys we incounter in the way here had it a very expensive poison but very effective but it seems to be getting some attention since the toad also found a few cures around the estate and I asked neji to use his byakugan on the feudal lord room and inside it seemed normal it even had him inside sitting on a desk but he looked healthy unlike how the maid said he was which was the reason why we couldn't see him face to face which was weird but then I thought his twin must" y/n said beforefinalky unlocking the cuffs and facing kakashi

"By the twin" she said before gently removing some hair on top of his covered eye

Y/n softly smiled at kakashi face before taking her other hand and putting it against his cheek letting it rest there while rubbing circles with her thumbs

Her other hand was on kakashi hair gently moving it from his face slowly it lifted the headband from his right eye tracing the scar

Kakashi opened his eye and a smile appeared on his face

Her hand traveled to the tip of his mask slowly moving it down

"Kakashi sensei y/n hurry up" naruto yelled scaring y/n

Kakashi chuckled before shaking his head

"Let's continue this later" he said before leaning up to her ear


End of warning

After y/n and kakashi met up with the rest of there group they headed to a little forest behind the prison naruto was currently drawing hinata along with him away from neji because "what If he hurts her again I won't stand by it" was his only excuse when asked of course though our poor hinata would faint and blush making naruto have to carry her

"Come on Hurry up we have to find the other 5 ninjas there our key to solving this mystery" y/n said while leading them

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