Woman and Machine I (TFP & Pa...

De brookyoung1229

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Let's see where the road of both Pacific Rim and Transformers Prime leads my brain shall we? Koda Shank is a... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Second book

Chapter 23

431 17 11
De brookyoung1229

Happy reading guys! Hope you enjoy this feller.


Koda was looking around the harbinger. Well around the places that she could get at. Which was only the hallways and some corridors. She was feeling rather tired. Worn out when she shouldn't be.

As  the woman went into an empty room she looked around. And her vision seemed to change, the world around her flashed a bright blue for a second. For a single second a ghostly looking mech appeared in front of her. A curious look on his face before he faded.

"Who was that?" Koda asked aloud, nervously. The dark room seemed unwelcoming and Koda quickly left the room. She looked back nervously and bumped into a pede. Looking up she saw Wheeljack, "Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going."

The wrecker tilted his helm and knelt down on a kneeplate, "You feelin' okay?"

"Y-yes, I'm doing fine. I'll be going now...I apologize for interrupting things," Koda bowed her head slightly before moving out of the way.

Wheeljack looked over at Ratchet, the medic caught his optics and walked over, "What? We need to finish planning your mission out."

"Is your kid doing okay? The last time I saw her, her optics were bright and colorful. They look dead. And she has dark bags under her optics," The wrecker explained to the medic. The two looked over at Koda, she'd made her way over to the humans. Raf was now sitting on her lap, she had a hand around him protectively.

"She just needs some rest, all of this has been a lot for her to take in. Once this mission is done, I'll make sure she gets the rest she requires," Ratchet replied, keeping his gaze on Koda for a few moments. Wheeljack knew it was more than that, but he didn't pry.

Ultra Magnus then called the team over. The Autobots gathered in a circle around the main area of the Harbinger. Koda remained back, to cause no interruption. The others came in between Bulkhead and Bumblebee. Aries and Magnus stood side by side as they looked around at the Bots' and humans. This size of team was something Ultra Magnus was not used to. While Aries had some experience with it.

"We remain vastly outnumbered, and despite our munitions, we do not currently possess the firepower necessary to compromise the Decepticon fortress," The bluish teal and red mech stated.

Fowler stepped forward, "Uncle Sam's military has enough firepower to take down Darkmount. We just need those Ray Gun's out of the game in order to make our move."

"Then we infiltrate Darkmount, and ensure that the Fusion Cannons cannot be used," Aries announced. Ultra Magnus gave her a nod, agreeing with the suggestion. The femme then hummed, "Even still, the Cons' outnumber us. We'll need to draw them out, away from Darkmount. With enough Cons' gone we should be able to move in, though not without a fight."

Ratchet brought up a hologram of Darkmount's blue blueprints, "Even with that advantage, Darkmount is heavily shielded against unauthorized ground bridges. Even those developed from Decepticon technology."

"Back to step one then," Miko hummed quietly.

Wheeljack stepped forward and tossed a grenade in the air before catching it, "I guess we'll sneak past enemy lines. Wrecker style," He said with a smirk. 

Ultra Magnus clenched his servos, "I couldn't deal with "Wrecker Style" back on Cybertron, and I don't intend to here."

That earned an optic roll from Wheeljack. Out of the corner of his optic he saw a wrench appearing in Ratchet's servo, and he took a few steps back. The wrench slowly disappeared and the wrecker focused on the conversation again.

"-Thin the Decepticon ranks to even the odds if we wish to complete this mission, or survive it..." Ultra Magnus looked around at the bots.

Aries looked down at the humans, "Oh! What about them?"

The tall shouldered mech shook his helm, "Out of the question."

"Come on, they got those little communication devices and can be tracked by the Cons'. We send em' around the world and get those Cons' outta the way. Bing, bang, boom, Darkmount's cleared for us!" The femme stated and looked down at the humans excitedly. She noticed the reluctance on the boy's faces, "So long as you want to do it."


Smokescreen was pacing back and forth in front of his leader. He looked terrified, "I can't do this! I mean sure who wouldn't want to be a Prime? But I'm really not ready for that kind of responsibility. I mean look at me, I'm a crazy young insubordinate mech!" He then stopped pacing and knelt down beside Optimus. Whose optic's seemed to be a bit brighter, and his energy had returned a bit.

"Smokescreen, the choice is neither yours, nor mine to make. When it is time, the Matrix of Leadership...will present itself only to one whose Spark is worthy..." Optimus explained, noticing that the young mech was trying to avoid eye contact with him. Which was understandable, he was scared.

When Optimus had gone down to the Well of AllSparks all those years ago, he had been terrified. Terrified of what the future held. How could a simple archivist from Iacon become a Prime?

One could only try...


Aries clapped her servos together, "Okie Dokie Smokies(Just go with it. She remembers a little bit of the funny things humans say lol), ready to go?" She looked down at the two kids, Jack and Miko. They both nodded, Aries turned to Ratchet, "Fire up that bridge please."

After putting in a set of coordinates the ground bridge opened, Jack ran through. Another set was put in then Ratchet gestured for Miko to go through. She had a cheeky grin on her face.

When the kids bridged out the Bots' waited nervously. Bulkhead and Arcee were worried about their charges. They hadn't done something like this before. Nor had they been so far away from them before. Even if it was just for a few minutes they were worried.

"I have seven Vechicons converging on top of Jack," Raf announced from his post beside the monitor. He had his computer resting on his lap.

"Not for much longer," Ratchet pressed a few buttons on the monitor and a ground bridge opened up behind them. A moment later Jack jumped through and landed with a knee resting on the ground. He gave Ratchet a thumbs up.

The medic put two digits to his com-link, "Miko, you're up." He winces and quickly removes his digits from his com-link.

"Kid's just excited Doc," Wheeljack chuckled from beside Bulkhead.

Ratchet shook his helm to ease his audio receptors, "Remind me to never wait for Miko to reply..." The medic then glared at the wrecker, "And don't call me Doc!"

"Okay, sorry!" The wrecker held up his servos in surrender, scared to be hit with a wrench. He'd already angered the mech earlier and didn't want to push his limits of freedom.

Then the medic froze again, even before Raf alerted him the young teenage girl had comed the medic.

"ARE THEY AFTER ME?!" Miko squealed in delight.

Her response was a ground bridge opening up in front of her. Once she was on the other side of the bridge she flipped her ponytails back, "I really could have used that pie," Then she saw Ratchet holding his helm and throwing her a glare, "Oops, sorry Ratch."

"Just stop squealing," The medic grumbled and turned back to the monitor, "I've tapped into the Decepticon communications link. Are you ready Jack?"

The teenage boy took a step forward and cleared his throat, "Decepticon Command, do you read me?" He said in a bit of a lower voice.

Ratchet just blinked his optics, while Ultra Magnus shook his helm, "I remain unconvinced," He said as he raised an optic ridge.

Ratchet sighed and pinched his nose bridge(where it would be) then turned to the monitor, "I will enhance his performance with static then, to help make it more believable."

Jack nodded and then stepped onto the medics servo. Ratchet was surprised at how light the boy was. He was used to holding Koda in his servos. He then placed Jack on the monitor and pressed a button, the whole room went quiet as the boy spoke. Deepening his voice a bit, "Decepticon Command, do you read?! We are under Autobot attack! Requesting reinforcements!"

Then Ratchet cut the link and Ultra Magnus stepped forward, "Autobots, lock and load!"

All of the Autobots, except for Ratchet, turned charged up their weapons. Bee held an Energon shield, as well as a small ion blaster. Bulkhead held a rather large blaster. It was able to adjust how much plasma was fired during each shot. Wheeljack held a stasis whip, similar to stasis cuffs. He also held a double barreled ion blaster. Then Arcee raised a single barrel ion blaster as well as an ion ray gun. Aries held one of her ion blasters in both servos. This one was bigger and more powerful than her smaller blaster. All of these weapons that Ultra Magnus had in his armory were made by one of Cybertrons best weapons specialists. He hand crafted each one with care, ensuring that they would have excellent performance in the field.

The team entered the now swirling green and blue vortex. Ultra Magnus had taken his ship, with the boosters on the rig it would reach Darkmount in no time. Soon they took off and headed towards Darkmount. It wouldn't take long to reach the place. June and Fowler had returned to the military base. Awaiting the green light to bring down the Decepticon fortress.

"Has anyone seen Koda?" Jack asked and looked around the room.

Ratchet did a scan for her energy signature. Since more than half of her blood had been turned to Energon it was fairly easy to find her in the ship.

"She's in the first room on your right," Ratchet gestured to the hallway. Jack nodded and walked out of the room and made his way down the hall. When he entered the room he saw Koda. Carefully he walked up to her. Then as he was about to say something he noticed the slow rise and fall of her chest. But in the dark room the boy could see a faint blue glow emitting from her chest. As well as near her wrists. In her veins.

"Koda..." Jack gently shook her.

The woman's eyes opened and she quickly scanned the room, she then calmed down when she saw Jack beside her. "What do you need?" Koda asked slowly.

"We were wondering where you were. The Bots' took off a few minutes ago. I thought you would like to know what was going on is all," The teenager stated and gestured towards the door.

Koda nodded and followed Jack out of the room and into the main control area. Raf and Miko smiled when they saw Koda. She returned a very small smile. Then Ratchet knelt down and offered her a digit. Carefully she took it, making sure she had a tight hold on her Sire's digit. He then lifted Koda up and placed her on his right servo.

Jack rolled the wheelchair out of the way before climbing the monitor, where Miko and Raf were.

Koda gently let go of Ratchet's index digit and scooted herself back a bit. Her back resting against the medic's chest. He looked down at her and noticed the very dark circles under her eyes. And the color of them had faded into a now light gray. The medic's worry was beginning to rise, but he wouldn't show it.

While Koda wanted to rest, she would stay awake. Even if she couldn't be a part of the mission, she would standby and make sure everyone got home safely. Wherever home was...


Wheeljack threw another grenade at the base of the Decepticon fortress, "Fire in another hole!"

Aries and Bulkhead were shaking their helms, though a grin appeared on the olive mech's faceplate. The black, blue and silver femme on the other hand had a deadly serious look on her face. As the grenade blew up a big plume of Energon flew into the sky. The three then began running towards Darkmount. Aries charging up her ion blasters as she runs alongside the two wreckers. She looked up to see about 15 Vehicons beginning to shoot down at the bots. She gritted her denta and began firing at the Cons' above. Bulkhead joined in a moment later. Wheeljack activated the stasis whip and swung it around, careful to avoid the Autobots around him.

He swung it around and sliced apart three Vehicons.

"Keep moving forward!" Aries commanded and led Bulkhead and Wheeljack to Darkmount. They tried to offline as many Vehicons as they could.

A Con was a few hundred feet from the Autobots and was ready to fire, but he got hit in the back of the helm and passed out. Arcee smirked and followed Bumblebee to the base of the fortress.

As the two mechs and femme moved forward a large Cybertronian appeared at the top of Darkmount. This caught the attention of Wheeljack, Bulkhead and Aries. The mech had dark colorings, being able to see his frame in the dark clouds was hard. All they could see was what looked like tracks on his shoulders.

Then without warning the Decepticon jumped down the side of Darkmount. Skidding down it easily. Its blood red optics seemed to freeze the three Autobots in front of it.

Then a large blast hit the being off of the fortress. It then began falling, and fired a few shots. A few of them caused mere mesh wounds on the Autobots.

Suddenly a ground bridge opened underneath the Con and it disappeared through it.

"Thanks Ratch," Aries called through the com-link. She watched Ultra Magnus' ship fly by. But her attention was brought back to the fortress with a loud BANG.

As the femme looked up at Darkmount she saw the all too familiar colorings of purple. Along with that beady red optic.



A few miles from Jasper, deep underground.

Smokescreen's optic's flashed in worry as his leader took in ragged vents.

"Who stands...before me?" Optimus groaned, his vents strained as he spoke. His optics flickered dangerously.

Smokescreen looked at his leader in confusion, "What do you mean Optimus? It's me, Smokescreen."

The Primes azure optics flickered out of focus, and he seemed to sink into a trance.

Optimus looked at his servos, arms and body. No rebar, dents, scrapes, leaking fuel lines or hydraulics were broken.

"Where am I?" He asked himself.

A bright light then shone to his right. His attention was brought over there, as the room he was in was like an endless void.

Three humans stood there. One was around six feet tall, had medium brown hair, as well as blue eyes. The second had what would be considered red hair. Though leaning towards brown more than red. His eyes were also blue, like the younger male beside him. Then finally came the third male. He was about as tall as the redheaded male. But his hair was blonde, and he had the same blue eyes.

"You know for a big hunk of metal I thought he would not be as confused," The brown headed male stated.

His voice was different than Optimus thought. He was so used to hearing the kids, Koda, June and Fowler.

"Are you tryna call our Jaeger a "Big Hunk of Metal" kid?" The redhead elbowed the younger male in the stomach.

The third male rolled his eyes and turned to Optimus. The Autobot's optics widened a bit as he looked at this man closely. He walked over and knelt down in front of the three humans, disregarding the two bickering ones for the moment. His optics were figuring out who this blonde male was, he looked familiar, but the Prime had never met him before.

Then Optimus looked over at the two males and recalled what the older one said. His optic's then found their way back to the blonde in front of him, "What Jaeger did you pilot?" He asked kindly.

This made the blonde smirk, "Gipsy Danger."

The Primes optic's then widened a bit, "You are Raleigh Becket then?"

"The one and only," Raleigh chuckled.

"What about–"

"Shut it kid, let the man speak to Ral."

"Who are you then?" Optimus turned to the two other men. His curiosity getting the best of him.

"Hercules Hansen, best known as Herc. And this dufflebag of a kid is my son, Charles. But we just call him Chuck," Herc stated.

The Autobot leader nodded, "Then you must've piloted Striker Eureka...Koda spoke fondly of you three."

"Ah how is that ol gal?" Chuck asked with a smile.

Optimus frowned, "I do not know..."

Raleigh rolled his eyes, "Seriously? You know how she is doing Chuck!" The man looked up at the machine before him, "Little Bear misses you. We only came to bid you good luck. The mech who brought us over here said she wouldn't die if you did. The choice is yours, Optimus. Just make the right one, for everyone's sake."

Then Raleigh faded away in front of him. Chuck did as well, sending Optimus a "I'm always watching" glare.

That left Herc, "Boys I tell you." He chuckled.

"You are not joining them?" Optimus asked slowly as the older man came up to him.

"Oh I will be. But I just got one small thing to say," He motioned for Optimus to come closer. Which the Prime did, the man then whispered something in his audial.

"Thank you for that. I will be sure to offline him," Optimus' brows furrowed. Herc nodded then faded away.

As the Prime rose to his pedes he looked around the dark void. Waiting for something to happen. A few moments pass before a ghostly figure appears in front of him. His optics widen slightly, "Alpha Trion? Is it truly you?"

The tall bearded mech nodded, "You weren't expecting someone else were you?"

"No sir! I was just making sure it was you," Optimus rubbed the back of his helm nervously, "It is good to see you again."

"My student, I stand before you as it is your time," Alpha Trion took a step forward, his ghostly figure materializing into his magenta and purple frame appearing before Optimus. As well as the all too familiar beard that only the master archivist had. His nearly white optics were level with Optimus' azure optics.

At hearing those words Optimus vented and looked away for a moment.

"Why do you hesitate?" Alpha Trion asked slowly.

The red and blue mech looked back at his mentor, "I do not fear joining the AllSpark, but for the fate of the Matrix of Leadership."

Alpha Trion was hesitant but put a servo on Optimus' shoulder, "You know as well as I, that a worthy candidate is near. He will learn to be a Prime, as you once did..."


Bumblebee and Arcee were firing at the Vehicons in front of them when their com-link beeped, Ultra Magnus' voice came through, "Ultra Magnus to stealth team, what's your status?"

Arcee pressed two digits to her com-link, "Ran into a bit of a problem. Security is higher than anticipated Sir."

"Keep them occupied,"

"Yes, Sir."

Ultra magnus pressed a few buttons on his ship's control panel then grabbed his ion blaster and jumped onto the lift. It lowered and the tall shouldered mech jumped onto a part of Darkmount. His ship flew off.

The mech ran across the base of the fusion cannon and jumped through one of the monitors, breaking it in the process. He shot down the Vehicons near him. They tumbled to the ground.

Just as he was about to move to the power core his blaster was shot out of his servos. He clenched his denta and looked up. Watching as the Decepticon warlord landed on the ground a few meters from him.

"Allow me to guess, you intend to disarm my fusion cannons by disabling the power core?" The warlord gestured to the glowing blue tube to his left.

"Indeed Megatron. And you are standing in my way!" The mech activated his two ion blasters, similar to the ones Optimus bore. He charged at the warlord and began firing.


"Well frag," Wheeljack stated as he saw Shockwave descend Darkmount.

Vehicons began firing at the trio again. Shockwave transformed into his Cybertronian tank and charged up his cannon.

"Look out!" Bulkhead shouted as a large purple beam of plasma came at the three. It met the ground and exploded, sending Aries, Wheeljack and Bulkhead away from each other. Shockwave rolled up to them and transformed. Vehicons landed around the Autobots and pointed their blasters at them.

"Your mission was most illogical," The Decepticon scientist stated.

Behind them a group of Vehicons were pushing Arcee and Bumblebee towards the other Autobots.

"Scrap..." Bulkhead mumbled.


It was nearly neck and neck between Megatron and Ultra Magnus. Each mech had the same skill and strength. But soon enough Megatron overpowered the Autobot commander.

As the warlord hit his servo against Ultra Magnus' helm he chuckled, "Ultra Magnus, you are no Optimus Prime! And you never will be!" He let the Bot fall to the ground. His ion blasters retracting.

Two Vehicons ran into the room, "Bring him up top. We shall see if he knows where the Prime is hiding."

"Yes lord Megatron!" The Vehicons stated at the same time. They came over and hauled Ultra Magnus out of the room. Following after their leader.

(Time skip)

The Decepticon warlord noticed the Autobot lieutenant onlining and stood up from his throne. Walking over he harshly grabbed the mech's wrist and threw him a good three meters in front of him.

Starscream came up to his lord, "All invaders had been captured my lord." He looked at his digits for a moment, "There was no sign of Optimus Prime anywhere."

"So tell me Commander, where might your leader be?" Megatron looked down at Ultra Magnus. A devilish look in his optics.


"Take my hand Optimus, and join with the AllSpark," Alpha Trion held out his servo.

Optimus looked at it rather nervously. Out of the pressure of not wanting to disobey his mentor he carefully grabbed it.(just my own thoughts on that bit. Though I know he is tired, it just doesn't seem like Optimus to back down from the war that fast. He would want to complete his mission before resting)

Smokescreens optic's went wide as he saw Optimus' Spark give out. His body went limp and his optic went black. The young mech jumped back when the Primes chest plates opened. Revealing the Matrix of Leadership. Its blue glow lit up the now dark room.

The young mechs optics trailed over to the Forge of Solus Prime.

"This isn't how the story is supposed to end for you Optimus. Or for this world," He grabbed the Forge and dragged it over to the red and blue mechs servo. Smokescreen chuckled and looked up, "Primus don't kill me for doing this."

He then let the Forge fall onto Optimus' servo. As the cogs in the Forge turned and bright blue light filled the cave.


Koda felt a surge of sorts erupt through her body for a small moment. She wasn't sure what to make of it.


"I will not ask again!" Megatron kicked the Autobot commander harshly in the tanks.

Ultra Magnus coughed up some Energon, "If I knew, I wouldn't tell you."

The warlord then grinned, "Very well," He unsheathed his blade. The warlord raised it up, "Execute our prisoners Starscream. And fire each cannon at the nearest metropolis within its sights! It is time to show the known universe that this planet now belongs to Megatron!"

The Decepticon lieutenant nodded. But then he saw something in the distance, "Master I don't mean to bring down the room, but something is coming."

The Warlord growled and looked up, "Predacon?" He guessed.

Starscream shook his helm, "Mmm, not beasty enough."

Down below in front of Darkmount Bumblebee noticed the "thing" in the distance. He pointed to it, "What the hell is that?"

Back up top Megatron stepped ahead of Starscream to look at the incoming thing.


A Autobot signal appeared on the screen and Ratchet looked at it closely, "How is that possible?"

"What?" The kids asked.

"An Autobot signal..." The medic's optics widened a bit, "But it's airborne?"

Koda looked up at her Sire, "Any clue on who it could be? There aren't many Seekers with the Autobots."

"By Primus your eyes Koda."

"What about them?"

"They're back to normal," Ratchet smiled.

Koda smiled a bit as well. Her gaze then returned to the monitor. She prayed to Primus it was who she thought it was. The empty feeling in her chest was no longer there.


"I know that color scheme," Starscream stated nervously and backed away more.

Megatron saw the colors of the bot and his optics widened.

"Wait...he can't fly. Can he?" Starscream asked nervously.

(M'kay, it's not his beast hunters form. Though it holds a place in my heart I just didn't want Optimus to change alts or have a different bipedal mode. SO like Dark of The Moon his jetpack will be able to transform into his trailer. So he's still a Peterbilt, he just has his trailer. And he is a tad bit taller. And...a lil more buff BACK TO READIN"! Sorry for the interruption.)

Before Megatron could reply, Optimus landed and landed a heavy uppercut on the warlord. Which was followed by a harsh punch smack on his faceplate. That sent him tumbling into his throne, which in turn crumbled and fell on top of him.

Optimus activated his left ion blaster. He was surprised to see that it looked...larger. He shot at the three Vehicons and noticed that the blasts were in fact more powerful.

Out of the corner of his optic he saw Starscream being thrown aside. As he turned his azure optics widened as he saw Ultra Magnus, "Commander?"

The mech walked up and looked up at his leader, finding that he was about five feet taller than his usual height. As well as being a bit more...burly, "Sir you're looking...robust. It is paramount that we disable the fusion cannons below."

"Understood," Optimus jumped off of the platform and began making his way to one of the fusion cannons.

"All units, Optimus Prime has returned. I repeat, Prime is alive and quite well," Ultra Magnus said over the connected com-link.

The kids were all cheering in the Harbinger. Koda was just smiling and holding back happy tears. While Ratchet smiled, "Thank the AllSpark!"

Everyone captured by the Decepticons turned to one another and gave a single nod before they began their attack. Wheeljack and Bulkhead ran for Shockwave.

But they stopped when they saw Optimus fly down and land safely. Retracting the wings on his jetpack, he spun around and hit Shockwave right in his optic, blinding the Cons' scientist. Before he could even charge up his cannon, Shockwave felt his arm being torn off. Then he was pulled close by the Autobot leader. Through his very blurred vision he could just make out the Primes optics. For a moment he swore they turned blood red.

"You will never harm my Conjunx again," Optimus growled and threw the Decepticon aside. He broke his com-link and tossed the Decepticon aside. Then he picked up Shockwaves cannon and flew back up to the top of Darkmount. Where the power core was located. He silently thanked Herc for telling him that it was Shockwave who'd hurt Koda.

As Optimus made his way back up to the power core he glanced down at his Autobots. They were handling the situation well. There was a small pain of regret in seeing Shockwave move around helplessly. But before the Prime could utter another thought he was thrown to the side. He found his balance and looked at Megatron as he flew by.

The Decepticon warlord began firing shots at Optimus. Which then caused Optimus to fly ahead and Meagtron chasing him. As they weaved through the supports of the Decepticon fortress they sped up. Finally, Optimus became tired of this game, he spun around and hit Megatron. Throwing him into the power core. Quickly he attached a fuel line to Shockwaves cannon and fired a large blast at the power core.

"Optimus!" Megatron's many shout's of the Primes name quickly faded as he was torn to pieces by the overloaded power core. A moment later the core erupted and all that was left of it was smoke.

"I never wanted it to end this way brother," Optimus sighed and looked away. He saw the Nemesis fleeing. Not away to another state or country, but fleeing from earth.

The sounds of jets came into his hearing and he turned around to see five (dunno what they called lol) fighter jets coming towards Darkmount. The Prime disconnected Shockwaves cannon and let it fall to the ground. He waited for his Autobots to flee the area before following them from above.


(Time skipper. Sorry, it's just till they get to the military base. Ratchet bridged there with the kids after the whole shabang happened.)

Koda was rather impatient as she waited for the Autobots to return. She was looking through some photos that were in the black duffle bag. When she had opened it there were two jackets belonging to the Hasen's, some photos, a journal which had belonged to Herc and that was about it.

Miko had been interested in the photos and Koda let her look at them. The young teen was surprised to see that Koda had been so young. Many of them were of the Hansen's, Raleigh and Koda. Some of them were funny, those were when they would help repair the Jaegers. The few others were similar to the one's Koda had in her room back at the old base. Except this time Koda was older then she had been in the others.

Miko noticed with each year that Koda's hair grew. And by the looks of it, she had never cut it while in the presence of her family.

Jack had been catching up with his mother, while Raf and Ratchet were figuring a few things out. Though everything paused when they heard the rumbles of familiar engines. As they looked out to see who was coming, Koda sank back a bit. Not seeing her Conjunx among the Autobots.

Then the Autobots pulled up to Hangar E. Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Arcee, Wheeljack, Smokescreen, Aries and Ultra Magnus transformed and walked into the hangar.

When Smokescreen saw Koda he walked over and knelt down, "He'll be here shortly. Just had to figure a few things out," He stated. Then looked at Koda's legs, "So Doc's gonna make something for you huh?"

"Yes, I just feel useless," Koda sighed and looked up at the young mech. She then flashed him a smile, "I wanted to thank you, for helping him. If there's anything you ever need, just ask."

"Your thanks is enough," Smokescreen stated and rose to his pedes. Walking over to Bumblebee who was talking with his charge and Jack.

A few more minutes pass. Koda was talking with Ratchet about the pictures which she had found.

"These ones were–" Koda paused and listensed for a moment, "Do you hear that?"

Ratchet raised an eyebrow, his holoform looking to the door.

Koda chuckled and handed Ratchet the rest of the pictures, "He's here!" She quickly rolled out of the hangar. Leaving the Autobots and humans slightly confused.

Down the paved road came the all too familiar red and blue Peterbilt. Hauling his trailer behind it. The Bots' also walked out of the hangar to see the semi coming to a halt a few before Koda.

The engine turned off and there were a few moments of silence. Koda bit her bottom lip and rested her hand on the grill, "Hey there," She said softly.

Then suddenly she was lifted out of her Wheelchair. Causing a slight scream to escape her. As she looked to her right she smiled. Her bright azure eyes meeting the ones she'd come to love.

Just as she was about to say more she was met with a kiss, which became more passionate for a few seconds before they were interrupted by a small cough from June. (LET THEM HAVE THEIR MOMENT JUNE)

In front of the doors to the hangar the team was smiling and chuckling. Laughing at the confused Aries and Ultra Magnus. The look of confusion on their faceplate was priceless!

Optimus gently pressed his forehead against Koda's, "Little Bear."

Koda smiled softly, "Peterbilt."

Everything was going oh so well...


(would be a shame for the author to do something rude now would it?)Also Optimus will find out about Koda's "Situation" at the beginning of next chapter. He doesn't know what happened to her, only that she was hurt by Shockwave. But he's now dead...or is he? Who knows *Raises eyebrow suspiciously*))

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's definetly pass my usual word count of 3500-4000 lol. It's over 5400 words XD
Which is fine, I'm just surprised that I've had two pretty long chapters. I have set up a thing which I'm happy about. It will be in the second book. If you noticed it then cool! If you didn't, don't worry! Everything will be explained...It's just a small nod, so it's not really all too important if you did miss it lol.
Anyways I hope that you have enjoyed this chapter!!
I enjoyed writing it, but I did struggle to try to change a few things up here and there. But it's fine. I finished and that is what is important.
Also I was writing last night and had a bowl of rocky road ice cream, while Dad had his salted caramel. And I was looking over a bit of the tfp episode to help me write and I don't have any volume on or anything. Except captions. But when Ultra Magnus said "I remain unconvinced" I couldn't hide a stupid cheeky smile. Then Dad started laughing at me and...well I'm just tryna say it was a funny moment.


love ya!🩵

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