Stolitz - Lost in Hollywood

By fynnsgoetia

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What if in S2 E2 seeing stars on the end when Stolas and Blitzø found their daughters and after the fireworks... More

Chapter 1 - book thief
Chapter 2 - hollywood hotel
Chapter 3 - A day as a family in Hollywood
Chapter 4 - Party in hollywood
Chapter 5 - Rescue daddys
Chapter 6 - grimoire back to its owner
Chapter 8 - Fizzarozzie's concert
Chapter 9 - deathly times

Chapter 7 - New chance for a date night

200 6 32
By fynnsgoetia

A/N: ladies and gents and people the wait is over and chapter 7 is here finely! And this is along one, 4746 words to be exact.

I wrote this rather late so sorry for any minor spelling mistakes. But without further a due , enjoy the chapter >:)

Stolas slowly woke up from his sound sleep, slowly becoming aware of the warmth and comfort of Blitzøs embrace. His impish little head resting on his floofed feathered chest. He seemed so at peace for once.

Even with Stolas drowsy state, he couldn't help but feel excitement in his heart, filled with a sense of joy and tenderness, but also worry that this date would go completely off trail. His eyes quickly darted around the room before settling on his eyes on Blitzøs sleeping face. He smiled at the thought that Blitzø would also be excited for the date.

Stolas just prayed that he hadn't asked to fast and startled Blitzø.

Slowly, he gently placed Blitzø's sleeping head on the pillow. Pausing for a second to see if Blitzø was still asleep. In that way the tired imp let out mumbled words.

Stolas quietly chuckled at this before getting out of bed.

The hotel room they had been living in for quite some time now was starting to feel comforting. The beams of the human worlds sunrise was bright and yellow, unlike theirs in hell. It was quite comforting, imagining a simple life in the human world. One without being a prince of the ars goetia and everything. Despite Hollywood being an absolute shit hole some places, he could still imagine quite a perfect life there.

Stolas finally shook his head out of his lousy day dreaming and turned his attention towards Blitzø yet again to make sure he was sleeping. And he still was as Stolas lips curved into a smile.

The lanky owl wandered over to his grimoire, stroking his hands over the book cover, happy to have it back with all the spells.

He flipped the book open and the pages seemed fine, nothing of importance missing. He came across one particular spell, oddly enough a clothing spell. As he wanted his outfit to be outstanding as usual.

He picked out his perfect outfit, decided to style up with some eyeliner, and least but not last they couldn't go out in full on demon form. He flipped the page onto the human form spell, pausing for a second to feel the texture of the paper. It now occurred to him how much he missed having that power, as he had grown quite sentimental to his grimoire.

And without thinking much further he did the spell and transformed himself into his human form, still as dashing as always.

Stolas closed the book and gently laid it down on a sleek table before turning his attention back to
Blitzø who was laying curled up amongst the wrinkly duvets.

The sun had just begun to peek more through the blinds. Stolas went over to Blitzø and sat at the edge of the bed, carefully watching him as he slept peacefully. The sound of honking cars and busy streets filled the air, accompanied by the gentle breeze in the room.

In that moment, Blitzø looked so peaceful and tranquil, and ironically enough he was laying in the most bizarre position. But yet his soft breathing filling Stolas with contentment. That's when the thought struck Stolas again - how could Blitzø be mine? Stolas couldn't help but smile, and slowly, he reached over and gently tapped their shoulder waking the imp slowly.

The imps long tail started to curl up as his shoulder slightly flinched but Stolas warm touch. Blitzø's expression hardened as the bright Hollywood sun hit his eyes, he quickly lifted his arm to block the sun from his view. "Couldn't care to close the fucking blinds huh.." he slightly groaned before his eyes darted over to Stolas sitting in the edge of his bed in his human disguise.

Seeing Stolas in his human form was as charming as always, as he tried his hardest not to blush by Stolas looking even more handsome with the beams of sunlight hitting his facial features and his stunning red eyes.

Blitzø shook his head out of day dreaming of Stolas and pushed himself up against the wall so he was sitting with only his waist covered by the light duvet. "Why are you up so early... and looking like, that." His eyes went up and down at Stolas, he was clearly wearing eyeliner and had dressed himself up. Not that Blitzø had forgotten it was today they were going on a date. Yet he had tried to erase the thought and worries from his mind all night. By now he had probably created at least a 100 scenarios of what could go wrong.

Stolas chuckled at the imp, finding him silly. His slim hands gently touched Blitzø's horns, pulling him closer to give him a light kiss on his head. When Stolas pulled back he had the expression of a very happy child, blushing.

Blitzø was left with the most confused look, all though he tried to stay serious he didn't even notice that his cheeks were all red.

As a result of Blitzø agreeing to give him another chance on a date, he was feeling extra loving and caring. More than that, he still had that tiny thought in the back of his head, sensing he was going to be hurt yet again.

"Nevertheless, the reason why I am all dressed is because of out date, Blitzy." Stolas softly smiled at Blitzø before moving his tall slim figure over to the middle of the room. "And I have everything planned out, hopefully it will be perfect" he chuckled nervously whilst wrapping his hands.

Blitzø stretched his little body and pulled on his clothes. As he was halfway through putting his pants on he paused by Stolas talk- "nah ah- it's a date blitz, you will wear something nice" Stolas teased stubbornly, grabbing his grimoire to search out a specific page, or rather a certain spell.

"Don't you dare turn me into one of those preppy princy assholes" Blitzø spoke louder and quicker back at him. But Stolas ha already found the spell and transformed Blitzø into his human form with a red turtle neck, leather jacket, slight punk accessories, a pair of pants and to top it all a simple tie around his neck.

Blitzø touched parts of his body to feel the clothes and the weirdly human skin, and it all wasn't too bad. Stolas had the outfit pretty much spot on.

"Thank you" he said quickly trying not to be too soft as he wanted to discuss his excitement and worry for the date. "I must admit though, I do look handsome as FUCK" Blitzø ironically went over to a mirror, posing in-front of it.

Stolas stood still, admiring Blitzø yet again.

He slowly moved over to him and tilted his round sharp head up to face his. "Yes Blitz, you do." Stolas paused to notice Blitzø's look on him. His mission to disguise his feelings and not seem soft, was completely failing as he looked at Stolas like be was in a transe of love. "Hmm" he chuckled, "anyhow, we have a date blitz. Are you ready to go?" Stolas spoke slowly, with the mix of excitement and worry in his gentle voice.

Blitzø squinted his eyes for a second and took a deep breathe trying to soothe his bargaining thoughts. Giving his best attempt on simply enjoying Stolas company and going on this date. It hadn't even been that long since Ozzie's, and Blitzø hardly knew if he had recovered from it, or If Stolas had. And yet again, he was thinking too much about the situation.

"Yea, yes, mhm, ready." He spoke rapidly out of the blue with a tiny smile on his face.

He went over to the door and opened it for Stolas whilst giving him a little bow to show his 'gentleman' side. Stolas smiled at him and went out the door followed by Blitzø locking it behind them.

Stolas couldn't help but notice via and loonas room across theirs, she was still mad or rather rejecting of him. He was left standing like a ghost infront of their door with a regretfull expression. He opened up his phone to type via a message: Hey sweetie, once again I am terribly sorry... but I am here for you and we can talk this through <3

Via had seen the text but left him on open, no response.

Blitzø pressed the elevator button before turning his gaze over to stolas who still stood there. His whole expression made it clear what he was thinking about the situation with Via. (Chapter 4/5)

He carefully went over to Stolas and pulled his shit together by grabbing his hand impulsively. "Come on Stolas we have a d-date don't we.." he stuttered whilst dragging Stolas inside the elevator, where they both left standing quiet.

They room was in the third floor, and the elevator took an awkward amount of time to get pass those floors.

Blitzø and Stolas both gazed down at their hands and quickly letting go of each other as they awkwardly hid their little blushes.

As they walked out of the hotel, the bright LA sun glinted in their eyes. It was a summers day. They took a moment to cover their eyes from the bright sun. "Too bright ugh, why would someone create the human world like this ?" Blitzø said grumpy.

As the doors closed behind them stolas offered Blitzø his hand. In the exact same gesture and elegant way he did at Ozzie's. That reminded Blitzø of Ozzie's, but he tried to shake his head out of the thought. He didn't want to ruin this date too.

So Blitzø accepted Stolas hand and stolas began to lead them towards the restaurant where they had a reservation.

The day was about mid day, Stolas hoped this dinner would be successful as he practically gambled their relationship on it. If this one went badly, there was no guarantee that they would continue the little relationship they had,

As the sun cast long shadows on the sidewalk and also reflected in the big windows of the restaurant. It all seemed to fancy for an LA restaurant, more like something they would have in London or Paris, almost like the ritz. But after all it was Stolas who had chosen the place so obviously it had to be upper class.

"Wow, you really went fancy on this one huh?" Blitzø glanced up at the multiple story restaurant. "Hehe well yes Blitzø, I wouldn't take you to some low rated restaurant" Stolas chuckled back at him and lead him up to the entrance.

As they went inside there were multiple waiters crawling all over the place with fine dishes and well dressed ladies and gentlemen. Compared to them, Blitzø and Stolas just looked like a couple of queer gothic teenagers.

"Excuse me? Do you two have a reservation?" A waiter came up to the two of them.

"Yes, we do." Stolas spoke formally, trying to make a good impression for some simple waiter.

"And your name is, sir?" The butler stood with his reservation book looking through the names. "Stolas of the are Goetia" he said with even more formality.

The butler gazed up at him with a weird expression and closed his book, "alright... a special name but I have your table right over here by the stage" he followed them through the many tables over to one reserved for them.

The butler pulled out the chairs for them and as they sat them he handed them the menus, "enjoy your stay" he said trailing off.

Stolas noticed Blitzø glaring around the restaurant, looking at all the lovely couples sharing their food and being all romantic. Blitzø found it hard to imagine himself in a relationship like that with Stolas, even though it was all he ever wanted.

"Blitzø? Are you ready to order heh?" Stolas tried getting his attention as the imps head turned back at him. "Oh yea right, food and shit and.... ALCOHOL!" Blitzø's eyes widened by the huge alcohol selection in the menu, "ohh daddy is getting loaded with this shit tonight". Stolas fake laughed back at him, but not finding the fact that Blitzø was going to drink the night away. He hoped he wouldn't. "Hehe, but maybe just one or two drinks Blitzy"

Blitzø rolled his eyes at Stolas but appreciated his concern, "One or two drinks? Only that?".

"We'll see..." Stolas paused as the butler came to visit their table. "What will you two sirs order today?"

Stolas pointed his slim pale fingers at the menu with Blitzø not having a single clue what he was ordering for them. "We'll have this... and this... and this thank you very much. And some vine to drink perhaps"

"Right away sir" the butler wrote down their order and went straight to the kitchen.

"Vine huh? You fancy ass" Blitzø chuckled starting to feel nervous. He could feel his palms getting sweaty and his pupils shaking. His mind slowly getting corrupted with the thoughts of Ozzie's.

Even though he tried to disguise this, Stolas noticed every detail. He took a little look around before taking a deep breath and placing his hand over Blitzø's shaking hand.

Blitzø's eyes instantly locked onto Stolas, but he didn't move his hand away from Stolas touch, only flinched a little.

"Blitz... we can leave if you don't feel comfortable he-" Stolas spoke gently and soft before Blitzø interrupted him halfway through, "NO no no , Stolas listen we're on this, this date and we will finish it." He insisted, almost commanding.

Stolas hesitantly nodded at him , "alight blitz, we'll stay" he finished with a soft smile.

Blitzø returned a small smile back to him, but their attention was caught away from the lovely little moment and on the lights turning off.

The people in the restaurant eagerly turned their heads towards the stage in the restaurant, as if something was about to happen there.

"What the hell..." Blitzø's words trailed off as a person appeared on stage, a familiar person.

"Hello hello everyone, are you ready to hear some banging music huh?" A pitched female voice spoke into a microphone from the stage.

Blitzø's eyes became vivid as he recognized her, verosika. "No no no not her!" He whispered yelled whilst hiding behind his hands.

Stolas eyes darted from Blitzø to the women on stage until he realized it it was Blitzø's ex, and also the one who played a song at Ozzie's.

His eyes started to tremble with worry for Blitzø, and what if the date was going to be ruined because of her.

"Blitzø it is alright, she won't recognize us in our human disguises I am sure..." Stolas tried to comfort Blitzø who didn't answer.

"I am really excited to be spending this evening with you all" verosika said grinning and giving Stolas a little wink. Seeming romantically.

Blitzø noticed this and instantly knew she was going to ruin something.

Verosika went on with her song which everyone enjoyed so much, except Blitzø and Stolas.

She eventually went off stage and started to slowly approach their table. Whilst Blitzø nacen more alerted than ever and was bracing himself for whatever games that bitch was going to pull.

Verosika went past Blitzø and over to Stolas, and unexpectedly completely leaned over him and started play with his hair. And to top it all she kept her eyes locked at Blitzø. Wanting him to see.

Blitzø clenched his fists trying his hardest not to let his jealousy out. Watching her play with Stolas was excruciatingly painful.

Stolas was beginning to chuckle nervously and tried to push her away, "hehe I am sorry b-" he quickly stopped as verosika hardly pushed his chair to the side so he was facing her.

Stolas clenched to his chair pushing himself as close to it as possible, while verosika just moved closer and closer.

Blitzø was barely holding back and was ready to shoot from his chair and full on attack her.

But it was when she started to live closer to Stolas face Blitzø really went off the grid. "Okey HELL NO"

He impulsively stood up and pushed her away whilst standing infront of Stolas. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM BITCH!" he yelled out.

The whole restaurant was left with a big gasp and verosika stopped singing. "Oh Blitzo, you are really getting jealous over him hm?" She said teasingly.

Blitzø reminded silent and kept his harsh face expression, attempting to not let any insults affect him.

Verosika noticed Blitzø struggle and kept on talking, "it's pathetic. You know you're unlovable right? And you're only going to end up breaking his heart like you broke MINE" she yelled out at him leaving the crowded restaurant even more shocked.

Blitzø simply couldn't keep it in anymore and yelled out with teary eyes at her, "oh my fucking- JUST LET IT GO ALREADY YOU WHORE. AND STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE!" He instantly ran out of the restaurant before verosika could say alight word.

Stolas hurriedly followed him pushing through waiters and people on the way. Once he pushed through the restaurant doors he caught eye on Blitzø running through crowds of people. His eyes widened with worry as he leapt after him.

"Blitz! Please stop running!" He yelled after him, but he didn't stop. He kept on running til he had reached a park.

The park was less crowded And Blitzø was starting to run out of stamina as Stolas could finely catch up to him.

Blitzø stood leaning over while trying to hide his tears and catching up his breathe.

"Blitz.. what.. why did you... are you alright?" Stolas breathed out trying to wrap his arms around Blitzø who instantly pushed him away.

"Blitz......." Stolas voice toned down, "I am sorry, this turned out as bad as Ozzie's.." he hated to admit it but it did.

He glanced over at Blitzø who reminded silent, only quiet mumbles was heard.

Stolas exhaled and accept the truth, "we can go back to the hotel, take the girls and..." he took another deep breathe, "and we can go back to hell. If that's what you-"

"NO, I- I I didn't mean for this to happen OKEY!" Blitzø broke out to him leaving Stolas speechless whilst Blitzø kept on circling.

"I if we go back to hell there will be NOTHING, NOTHING between us. AND AND it might be for the best... because you know what Stolas! I AM unlovable and I am only going to break your heart!" He shouted up to Stolas face with reared up red eyes. "You are wasting your life on a stupid little imp like me! SO SO just stop it already! I am only going to, going to.." Blitzø trailed off and mumbled, "going die, die alone,"

And suddenly Blitzø went quiet and only small weeping could be heard, as the weeping turned into small crying and then into hyperventilating and panic.

Stolas didn't care if he broke Blitzø's physical contact boundaries as he practically threw himself into a hug with him.

Blitzø's heart skipped a beat as he felt Stolas warmth surround him, he wanted to push him away. And he tried, but with all his feelings crippling his body it was impossible. Every little flinch and attempted push didn't get him loose.

He could feel Stolas warmth calming his aggression. The noises from the park and the people was turned out by the beeping in his head and his talking thoughts, I can't have this.

I can't handle this, fuck fuck get me out

I can't I can't I can't i can't I can't.... The voices in his head trailed off into nothingness.

Pure nothing, and it felt weird for him and comforting some how. Now it was only him and Stolas in one hug.

Blitzø's heart still was pounding and his breathing quickened as he desperately tried to calm down. But Stolas embrace tighten around around him in an attempt of comfort, sending waves of anxiety coursing through Blitzø's tiny body.

Blitzø was desperately trying to breathe deep breaths and remain calm.

As the seconds passed, Stolas hug slowly loosened And Blitzø found himself inhaling deeper, exhaling slowly and counting to ten. It was something his mom had told him when they were younger. A sort of breathing technique.

He slowly and finely began to relax, his breathing calming ever so slightly until he was able to pull away and take a few steps back from Stolas. With Blitzø's anxiety still lingered, but he was no longer paralyzed by it. He gazed up at Stolas who stood soullessly starring at him. It looked like he had been crying too, and his eyes. His eyes were all filled with worry. It almost creeped him out.

"I am sorry.." Blitzø's raspy voice muttered to him, feeling insanely apologetic.

It took a moment before Stolas began to speak up with his voice slightly shaken up, "I-it's alright Blitzø.. I am glad you got to spill some of that over me. I don't want you to be in any pain"

This was also one of the very few moments where Blitzø realized Stolas had a heart for him or genuinely maybe, just maybe cared for him.

Blitzø found himself calmer now but avoided immediate eye contact with Stolas.

"We should perhaps, go back to the hotel now. The sun is setting after all and you've had a long day.." Stolas went on caressingly.

Blitzø didn't want to be difficult, but also didn't want to end their date like this. "Yea, fine.." he hesitated.

Stolas carefully wrapped his slim arm around Blitzø to comfort him and perhaps make him feel a tad bit safer.

Blitzø didn't mind Stolas having his arm around him at this moment, he tried to not think too much about it and simply enjoy that he was being caring over him.

By the time they had reached the hotel the sky was dark blue and slight glimpses of the moonlight reflected onto the hotel.

An distressed Stolas glanced down at Blitzø who kept tapping his feet and adjusting his clothes. Clear signs of him being in edge since the walk from the park.

Stolas arm was still tightly wrapped around Blitzø, it sort of made him feel trapped and chained up. He despised the whole love package. Or perhaps that was just something his brain was telling him. Because his body felt, safe.

The two of them entered the hotel and as Blitzø instantly batted his eyes on a bottle of vodka that was displayed in an ice bucket. He quickly took hold onto the bottle and went up the stairs instead of the elevator.

Stolas hurried after him as Blitzø was staring to sip of the vodka. Blitzø had unlocked the bottle and was in his was to their room before his movement paused.

"Blitz, I do not want to end the night like this... with you drinking yourself away and for us to ignore all of this. And, I know, you don't want it either." Stolas appealed to him with worry in his eyes for Blitzø.

Blitzø's eyes gazed between Stolas resting hand on his shoulder and the door to their room. He paused for a second and exhaled shakily. "Alright.. what do you suggest?" His expression went blank but with curious eyes.

"There is a rooftop on the top floor of this hotel.
We could, sit out there and just watch the stars... maybe talk a little.." Stolas lips curved into a nervous smile with his hand leaning on the back of his neck, waiting for Blitzø's response.

Blitzø half smiled up at him at the suggestion, "sure." He said simply, taking Stolas hand letting him guide him up to the rooftop.

The doors pushed open and they were on top of the whole hotel, the view was crystal clear with the mid night moon displayed into the sky.

They both gazed up with wide eyes before taking seats by a table on the roof top. From there they could see the entirety of LA, even the Hollywood sign and the observatory. It was beautiful and so peaceful.

Stolas glanced over at Blitzø and realized he had grown slightly tired of looking at his human form all day, and decided to switch them back to their demon and imp form.

Blitzø suddenly felt a lot more comfortable feeling the presence of his horns, tail and spikes.

Stolas eyes became widely closed at Blitzø, the way the moonlight reflected in his eyes. The way his whole appearance made his face turn red and his jaw completely dropped.

"Blitz" Stolas said softly and unexpected, catching Blitzø's attention. He remained silent as Stolas was teasing to having more to say.

"You might think you are unlovable, and only bad for me... but blitz. Except my daughter you are practically the only thing in my life that makes sense." Stolas eyes sparkled with love as he took a deep breathe before continuing, "blitz I lov-"

"Stolas, d-dont." Blitzø had to Interrupt him. And noticed Stolas eyes filling with shock as he was taken aback with his interruption.

Blitzø took deep breathes and tried to come up with the words, and what to do. How to not screw this up.

After the few seconds of silence, blitzø let his hand Slide Over Stolas as he put aside his un comfort and looked Stolas deeply in his eyes. "Listen... I guess I, like being around you. But I'm not ready. I- I don't know if I can. But I just..." his words shakily trailed off as he covered his face up.

"Fucking hell" he mumbled to himself before looking back at Stolas, "i do..." he exhaled, " want this, but can we just... you know, take it slow?" Blitzø half smiled with his brows furrowed.

Stolas wanted the passionate love relationship with Blitzø. But if he wasn't ready he had to wait, and he respected that. An abuse free and as health as possible relationship was all he wanted for him And Blitzø.

Stolas lips curved into a smile from Blitzø's confession after all and nodded at him. "That's alright Blitz. Whatever you want, we'll take
It slow"

Blitzø felt rather dumb blushing at Stolas and being all soft and lovely, but dumb in a nice way. Finely good to loosen that hard grip a little.

Stolas went over to a bench closer to the better view, Blitzø followed right after and sat down next to him.

The Two sat right next to each other and for every second that passed they slight scooped an inch closer to each other until they were both leaning on each others warm bodies.

It was peaceful, sitting there watching the moon and stars glimmer. They didn't have to say anything and the awkwardness was barely visible.

Just a nice moment they were sharing together, for once. And this date after all, or rather the end of it went a lot better than Ozzie's.

Blitzø glanced over at Stolas who was dozed off into a sleep. He chuckled at the sleep hooting owl and picked him up due to Stolas light weight.

Taking one last look at the view before making his way down to their room with Stolas in his arms.

He unlocked the door and closed it behind them, leaving a slight echo in the messy room.

Blitzø locked eyes on their bed and carefully laid Stolas down, taking his clothes off and wrapped him into the duvets before getting in himself.

His eyes tiredly stared at the ceiling before falling down at stolas, who was still asleep. The corners of Blitzø's mouth turned up into a smile and his hand letter Stolas fuzzy owl head.

"You bird ass, you really are making my heart fucking flutter.." he said quietly almost whispering to him before letting his eyelids glide together.

A/N: SUCH A LONG AND COMPLICATED CHAPTER WOWE, it took a little while writing this but finely.

And I can say that the next upstate will be in stolitz IS book 2 ^^

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